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营养导向型农业的概念、发展与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为解决全球面临的诸多营养与农业问题,探求营养、健康与农业发展之间的关系,自2013年以来,营养导向型农业的概念体系逐步发展完善,其政策措施也为全球推进营养导向型农业战略起到了重要的示范和引领作用。2013年前后为概念产生阶段,2014—2018年为概念发展阶段。营养导向型农业主要包括以食物供给为导向和以食物系统为导向两条主线。2017年FAO提出,营养导向型农业是一种以可持续的方式来满足居民膳食需求的新型农业范式或方案,旨在确保生产量足质优且价格合理、营养丰富、文化适宜、安全的各种食物,营养和健康是营养导向型农业的最终目标和衡量标准。为了实现这个目标,必须关注整个食物系统。同时在中国发展营养导向型农业需要考虑中国农业发展面临的诸多问题,包括农业发展的主要矛盾已由过去的总量不足转变为结构性矛盾;农产品品质家底不清,缺少农产品营养品质基准数据,缺乏完善的农产品质量法规体系等。营养导向型农业给新时代中国农业发展带来的启示:一是应以食物营养为导向,提高农产品营养质量,满足消费者对食物营养和健康的新需要;二是应以营养品质作为标尺,建立国家农产品营养成分基准数据库,完善相关法律及新时代食物与营养发展纲要的修改和制定。  相似文献   

为解决人们营养健康问题,营养导向型农业逐渐成为探究农业、营养与健康之间关系的重要学科,中国作为农业大国,发展适合本国国情的营养导向型农业,对推动农业高质量发展具有重要意义。采用文献计量学方法,通过可视化知识图谱对营养导向型农业的研究现状及前沿进行分析,为相关政策制定及研究实践提供具体建议和参考。结果显示,营养导向型农业在2013年前后开始成为研究热点,并呈现阶梯式的增长。欧美发达国家发文量较多,影响力较高,尤其美国在营养导向型农业相关研究领域中处于领先地位。从学科和关键词分布来看,研究领域涵盖了农业食物营养健康领域多个学科,并呈现动态变化。领域高被引文献和近3~4 a的被引剧增文献主要围绕农业生产多样性、妇女赋权等干预措施对小农农户膳食多样性及妇幼营养的影响评估,提示相关主题未来可能持续具有较高热度。我国营养导向型农业发展应着眼全球,借鉴已有经验,加强国际合作提升影响力,重视多部门统筹协作和多学科交叉融合,聚焦重点热点问题,发展本国特色并重视结果评估。  相似文献   

基于文献计量的国际营养导向型农业研究进展可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决人们营养健康问题,营养导向型农业逐渐成为探究农业、营养与健康之间关系的重要学科,中国作为农业大国,发展适合本国国情的营养导向型农业,对推动农业高质量发展具有重要意义。采用文献计量学方法,通过可视化知识图谱对营养导向型农业的研究现状及前沿进行分析,为相关政策制定及研究实践提供具体建议和参考。结果显示,营养导向型农业在2013年前后开始成为研究热点,并呈现阶梯式的增长。欧美发达国家发文量较多,影响力较高,尤其美国在营养导向型农业相关研究领域中处于领先地位。从学科和关键词分布来看,研究领域涵盖了农业食物营养健康领域多个学科,并呈现动态变化。领域高被引文献和近3~4 a的被引剧增文献主要围绕农业生产多样性、妇女赋权等干预措施对小农农户膳食多样性及妇幼营养的影响评估,提示相关主题未来可能持续具有较高热度。我国营养导向型农业发展应着眼全球,借鉴已有经验,加强国际合作提升影响力,重视多部门统筹协作和多学科交叉融合,聚焦重点热点问题,发展本国特色并重视结果评估。  相似文献   

营养导向型的中国食物安全新愿景及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经过40年显著的经济增长和发展,中国当前的目标是保持经济中高速增长,在提高可持续性和公平的基础上,更好地连接经济与市场,让市场决定最优的生产水平,农业在这一过程中将发挥重要作用。在健康中国2030、国民营养计划(2017—2030)以及乡村振兴战略等中长期战略推动下,政府及学术界对营养问题的关注持续提升,农业与营养的联系逐步增强,但“农业-食物安全-营养”的有机融合与衔接还尚未形成。在中国经济转型过程中,农业和食品行业将发挥至关重要的作用,由中国食物安全战略决定的国民食物营养与健康状况不仅影响中国的国民身体素质,还将在一定程度上影响中国能否顺利转变发展方式、能否成功跨越“中等收入陷阱”。因此,新的发展阶段,中国需要新的食物安全战略提升国民营养水平,并采取系列政策措施加强农业与食物安全和营养的联系。论文基于国际经验的食物安全战略发展思路,梳理中国食物安全面临的新旧挑战,提出食物安全新愿景以及相应政策建议,为营养导向型农业发展的顶层设计提供决策支持。中国食物安全面临的挑战诸多,与食物安全与营养高度相关的挑战主要表现为:耕地资源不足与退化、水资源紧缺与污染、气候变化与极端天气影响等自然资源和环境压力,农业生产补贴提高带来的财政支出压力,膳食能量摄入不足、微量元素缺乏以及膳食能量和营养摄入过剩的营养不良“三重负担”,食品安全问题以及食物损失与浪费问题。因此中国在经济从注重数量增长转向侧重质量增长的深化过程中,将更加重视结构调整和制度及技术创新,这意味着农业需要生产高价值、营养和安全的食物,更高效地使用水、土地和能源,保护环境和促进平等,因而需要中国食物安全战略顶层设计上的系列转变。据此,本文提出了营养导向型的中国食物安全的新愿景,即将营养指标作为中国食物安全战略的发展目标,到2025年消除饥饿和营养不足,并有效降低食品安全风险和超重率以及肥胖率。为此需要以关键领域的重大改革为基础,改进营养治理、通过市场信号传递营养导向、推动营养目标的农业生产、建立更安全的食品价值链、以政策创新促进可持续的营养饮食、加强营养教育并开展循证发展支持营养导向的食物安全新战略的实施。  相似文献   

果蔬产业是辽中地区农业的支柱产业之一,随着国务院颁布的《国民营养计划(2017-2030年)》和《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》逐步实施,果蔬产业也将迎来新的发展机遇,辽中地区的果蔬产业的也得到了持续、快速、健康发展,生产规模逐年扩大,产品质量不断提高,品种结构和茬口安排不断趋于合理,经济社会效益十分显著。  相似文献   

<正>发展生态农业是一场世界范围内的社会实践,其目标是应对常规现代农业带来的各种问题,实现农业可持续发展。生态农业发展主体多样,形式多样,推动因素也各不相同。以中国的实践而言,各级政府一直是主要的推动力,多数生态农业发展项目都有政府身影,这与多数其他国家和地区形成鲜明对比。最新的例证便是《全国农业可持续发展规划(2015—2030年)》的出台。该规划首次在国家层面确立农业可持续性与农业产业发展的同等地位,  相似文献   

我国农产品营养标准体系现状与发展建议   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着我国经济社会持续稳定发展和居民生活水平的不断提高,消费者日益关注农产品营养品质和膳食健康,发展营养导向型农业已是势在必行。农产品营养标准是营养导向型农业的技术支撑,是指导育种、种养殖管理等农业生产工作的总纲。如何运用标准化手段规范营养导向型农业的各个环节,研究和构建具有我国特色的农产品营养标准体系,对于我国农业向高质量发展阶段迈进有积极推动作用。梳理和分析我国农产品营养标准现状的目的是构建我国农产品营养标准体系的基本框架。本文重点分析了我国农产品质量标准中与营养品质相关的标准发展现状,包括农产品等级规格标准、绿色食品标准、中国好粮油标准、富硒农产品标准、农产品地理标志标准和有机食品标准。其次梳理了食品营养标准中涉及农产品的部分内容,重点分析了保健食品、预包装食品营养标签和食药物质相关标准。最后跟踪了国际上农产品营养标准制定的最新进展,包括生物强化定义草案、生鲜农产品营养标签与功能声称。通过梳理发现,我国农产品营养标准仍处在起步阶段,仅有部分农产品标准包含营养成分指标,未形成层次清晰、标准化对象明确的农产品营养标准体系。因此,文中提出了构建我国农产品营养标准体系的思路和发展建议。农产品营养标准分为基础标准、营养成分检测方法标准、营养品质评价标准、营养标签标识标准、产品标准、生产技术规程等6个方面。从营养角度将农产品划分为3类,即大宗农产品、特色农产品、营养强化农产品,并对此开展分类评价。构建农产品营养标准体系时应整合专业力量,完善组织保障;遵循科学合理、配套融合、动态开放原则;以科学研究为基础,合理制定标准。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、生活水平的提高,居民食物消费结构已发生改变,新时代居民食物消费结构已由以植物性消费为主的单一模式向动植物性消费并重的多元模式转变;营养需求模式也由传统的以粮食和蔬菜为主的碳水化合物与高纤维摄入模式向新时代以谷物和肉类并重的高脂肪、高糖、高蛋白、低纤维摄入的新模式转变。居民膳食结构的变化与未来的发展趋势对农业自然资源、市场供求结构、农业种植结构、农业补贴政策与居民营养问题造成了不同程度的影响,中国食物安全将面临新的挑战。为此需要发展营养品质型与生态补偿型农业;建立全产业农业补贴政策;积极引导居民合理膳食结构;构建“四链”协同的食物安全保障体系。  相似文献   

对于中国与拉美和加勒比地区,农业合作是双方关系中发展潜力大、战略价值高、互补性强的领域,同时涉及中国的粮食安全。中国与该地区的农业交流历史长、农业贸易体量大、农业投资潜力大、农业援助合作多,双边农业合作存在政策支持和平台支持等机遇,也存在资源分布不均和粮食与饥饿问题等挑战。通过SWOT分析发现,双边农业合作的优势包括中国市场需求等,劣势包括双方距离遥远等,机会包括"一带一路"倡议等,挑战包括可持续性等。最后,提出了推动双边农业合作可持续发展的政策建议,即加强2030议程等国际发展议程对话,加强全球粮农治理议题沟通,加强对该地区农业发展研究,全方位、多角度加强双边农业合作。  相似文献   

全球重要农业文化遗产国外成功经验及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2002年FAO联合有关国际组织和有关国家联合发起全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护项目以来,已经有13个国家的31个传统农业系统被列为GIAHS保护试点。各个国家的不同全球重要农业文化遗产地通过不懈努力,在农业文化遗产动态保护与适应性管理途径探索方面取得了显著成果。本文在分析国外各个全球重要农业文化遗产保护与发展的基础上,系统归纳了这些成功经验对中国农业文化遗产保护与发展的启示,并从农业文化遗产管理、保护与发展规划、农产品的开发利用、可持续旅游发展、国际国内交流、科普宣传等方面对中国农业文化遗产保护与发展提出了一系列切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

Taking the Outline of the Healthy China 2030 Plan, the National Nutrition Plan (2017- 2030) and other important domestic policy plans as the background, the importance of carrying out Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) research and practice in China was analyzed. From the two dimensions of international organizations and relevant countries, the content and characteristics of NSA policy planning and programs were sorted out and analyzed, combining with the existing NSA policies and practices in China, the policy suggestions for the development of NSA in China were proposed. The analysis showed that the international organizations represented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have fully reflected the globality and systematicness in NSA policy and planning. Relevant countries represented by the European Union (EU) have also taken regional and global coordination as the main direction of NSA development. The development of NSA in China started late, and in the context of globalization, the formulation of China's NSA policies and plans should comply with international standards and fully consider the exertion of regional and even global influence. A highly unified understanding from different levels, from country to society and theory to practice, needs to be formed, and a holistic approach to design, implementation and evaluation is required to develop NSA in China.  相似文献   

对比了美国、加拿大、欧盟和日本等发达国家的农业支持政策,并采取定性分析的方法,对中国与主要发达国家农业支持政策的实施目的以及采取的主要措施进行比较研究。在总结世界发达国家农业支持政策的特点与经验的基础上,提出中国作为一个人口众多的发展中大国,更需要建立与国情相适应的农业支持政策体系,明确中国农业支持政策的目的,并根据国内外环境的变化,不断优化农业支持政策措施。  相似文献   

随着转基因作物在不同国家/地区获批数量的逐步上升,转基因作物种植面积持续增加,转基因产品在国际农产品贸易中所占的比例大大提高。在国际农产品贸易中,因转基因产品低水平混杂(low level presence,LLP)问题而导致贸易中断的风险不断增加,我国农业产业的多个方面都将受到影响。2020年1月,中美签订《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协议》,对转基因产品LLP情况做出了相应要求。从全球转基因作物应用情况出发,根据转基因大豆及其产品贸易情况对世界主要经济体进行分类,分析了主要国际组织及各进出口国/地区的LLP定义和相关政策,并为我国制定LLP相关政策提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The emerging concept of food sovereignty refers to the right of communities, peoples, and states to independently determine their own food and agricultural policies. It raises the question of which type of food production, agriculture and rural development should be pursued to guarantee food security for the world population. Social movements and non-governmental organizations have readily integrated the concept into their terminology. The concept is also beginning to find its way into the debates and policies of UN organizations and national governments in both developing and industrialized countries. Beyond its relation to civil society movements little academic attention has been paid to the concept of food sovereignty and its appropriateness for international development policies aimed at reducing hunger and poverty, especially in comparison to the human right to adequate food (RtAF). We analyze, on the basis of an extensive literature review, the concept of food sovereignty with regard to its ability to contribute to hunger and poverty reduction worldwide as well as the challenges attached to this concept. Then, we compare the concept of food sovereignty with the RtAF and discuss the appropriateness of both concepts for national public sector policy makers and international development policies. We conclude that the impact on global food security is likely to be much greater if the RtAF approach predominated public policies. While the concept of food sovereignty may be appropriate for civil society movements, we recommend that the RtAF should obtain highest priority in national and international agricultural, trade and development policies.  相似文献   

This paper has three aims. First, to examine how the negative environmental consequences of intensive agriculture have driven China and the UK to shift away from narrowly focused farm output policies and adopt more holistic green development pathways. Second, to explore the policy objectives they have in common. Third, to assess the numerous opportunities for joint research and knowledge sharing through the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and other existing institutional mechanisms. The intensification of agricultural production in the UK started several decades earlier than in China as did the negative environmental consequences of the farm practices. However, their strategies and policies for sustainable intensification and green development have much in common. These are set out in two main documents: the Chinese State Council guidelines for green agriculture and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 25 Year Environment Plan. There are substantial mutual advantages from greater collaboration on problem identification and monitoring; the development of appropriate technological and management responses and the formulation of sound policies. To achieve this potential, it is recommended that further thought be given to how best to bring together all of the key stakeholders along the whole food chain.  相似文献   

In order to solve the many nutritional problems facing the world and explore the relationship between nutrition, health and agricultural development, since 2013, the concept system of NSA has gradually developed and improved, and its policy measures have played an important role in promoting the NSA strategy globally. The concept generation stage was around 2013, and the concept development stage was from 2014 to 2018.The definition and target of NSA were mainly food supply oriented and food system oriented. In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) put forward that NSA was an approach that sought to ensure the production of a variety of affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate and safe foods in adequate quantity and quality to meet the dietary requirements of populations in a sustainable manner. NSA used nutrition and health issues as its ultimate goal orientation and measurement. In order to achieve this goal, attention had to be paid to the entire food system. At the same time, the development of NSA in China had to consider many problems facing China's agricultural development. First, the main contradiction of China's agricultural development has changed from the quantity insufficient in the past to structural deficiency. Second, the benchmark data of nutritional quality of agricultural products was not clear, and the laws and regulations in agricultural product quality were of lack. Reconstructing the agricultural industry chain and food nutrition value chain with nutrition orientation could bring out enlightenments to solve many problems facing agricultural development in China: First, we should take food nutrition as the orientation and increase the supply of medium and high-end agricultural products to meet the new needs of consumers. Second, the nutritional quality should be taken as test standard of high quality, the national benchmark database of nutritional composition of agricultural products should be established, and relevant laws and the revision and formulation of the new food and nutrition development program should be improved.  相似文献   

After four-decade significant economic growth and development, China sets a series of goals aiming at sustainable medium to high speed economic growth,reasonable equity, and better market oriented economy. In this pursue, agriculture will take a crucial role. Under the Health China 2030, National Nutrition Plan (2017-2030) and Rural Vitalization Strategy, more attention has been paid on nutrition both in policy and research field, meanwhile the linkage between agriculture and nutrition is enhancing, but the integration of Agriculture-Food Security-Nutrition system is not yet completed. During the economic transformation, agriculture and food industry will play a key role, especially when considering the nutrition and health status will impact the national physical fitness and therefore influence the economic transformation approach. It may also impact whether China can move out of the Middle Income Trap to some extent. In the new development era, China needs a new food security development strategy to improve the national nutrition status and sets of policies to strengthen the integration of agriculture and nutrition. This paper reviewed the major challenges about China’s food security and put forward a new vision based on international experiences, which aimed at providing recommendations for designing China’s food security strategy. The key food security challenges include natural and environmental pressure, such as insufficiency and degradation of land resources, shortage and pollution of water resources, climate change and extreme disaster, fiscal pressure caused by increasing agriculture subsidy, Triple Burden of malnutrition, food safety issues and food loss and waste. It requires institutional and technical innovations for the transformation of agriculture development which means that more value added, nutritious and healthy food should be produced, the productivity and efficiency of water, land and energy should be improved, and environmentally friendly social inclusive development should be considered. All of those call for a transformation of China’s food security strategy. This paper put forwards a new vision for China’s food security: China should set nutrition-oriented food security strategy with nutrition indicators as key targeted goals, aim to eliminate hunger and undernutrition by 2025 while effectively reducing overweight/ obesity and food safety risks. Therefore policy innovations are recommended including: Improve nutrition governance, Market motivated and nutrition oriented agriculture support system, Promote Nutrition-based Food Production, Establish efficient, safe, and inclusive food value chains, Policy innovation for sustainable nutritious diet and nutrition education, and Evidence based research to support policy making.  相似文献   

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