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中草药添加剂是以传统中兽医“医食同源”理论和动物生理需要为主导,借助现代化饲料生产加工理论技术制成的绿色环保型添加剂。合理使用中草药添加剂能够促进动物生长发育﹑调节免疫系统和新陈代谢﹑保障动物健康。本文拟在综述中草药添加剂的生理功能及在肉仔鸡生产中的作用,分析其在生产应用中的缺陷,为其在肉仔鸡生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步、人民生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,消费者在选择畜禽产品时,不仅要求营养丰富而且更注重产品的安全和保健功能。随着无公害畜产品、绿色畜产品的需求量不断增长,中草药添加剂在畜牧业上的广泛应用得到了大多数专家和消费者的认可。本试验以商品肉仔鸡为试验对象,验证五味子提取物对肉仔鸡的生产性能以及对肉仔鸡生长过程中的死亡和腹泻的影响,为其在肉仔鸡生产中应用提供一定实验依据。  相似文献   

香型中草药饲料添加剂使用香型中草药作饲料添加剂,进行艾维菌商品代肉仔鸡的饲喂试验,结果表明:试验组鸡的日增重、饲料转化率、成活率明显高于对照组。且试验组的鸡舍臭味降低,环境改善。中草药添加剂的成分:藿香、佩兰、厚朴、草豆蔻、白术、苍术、甘草、小茴香等...  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂在商品蛋鸡生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中草药饲料添加剂具有天然性、多能性、毒副作用小、不易产生耐药性等特性,应用于商品蛋鸡生产中可提高生产性能,改善蛋品质量,增强免疫机能,抗机体应激,预防治疗鸡病,效果明显,前景广阔,并将向研究深入化、剂型微量化、质量标准化、产品系列化的开发和生产方向发展。  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂是一种天然、绿色饲料添加剂,具有不易产生耐药性、无残留、毒副作用小、价格低廉等多方面的优点,且具有提高反刍动物的生长及生产性能,改善肉和乳的品质,提高机体免疫力和抗病力等多种功能,本文对中草药饲料添加剂在反刍动物养殖生产中的应用做一简要综述,为中草药的进一步开发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>目前,我国越来越重视食品的安全性,但肉产品中抗生素的残留已经对人类健康构成了威胁。中草药凭借它成本低、纯天然、毒副作用小、无残留,无耐药性等优点,成为近年来动物营养研究的热点。实验表明,中草药饲料添加剂可以明显改善猪肉的胴体品质,提高免疫机能,还可提高母猪的受胎率等,本文对中草药饲料添加剂作用机理,自身特点及其在养猪生产中的应用作一综述。1中草药饲料添加剂作用机理1.1抗病作用  相似文献   

随着社会的进步、人民生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,消费者在选择畜禽产品时,不仅要求营养丰富而且更注重产品的安全和保健功能。随着无公害畜产品、绿色畜产品的需求量不断增长,中草药添加剂在畜牧业上的广泛应用得到了大多数专家和消费者的认可[1]。本试验以商品肉仔鸡为试验对象,验证五味子提取物对肉仔鸡的生产性能以及对肉仔鸡生长过程中的死亡和腹泻的影响,为其在肉仔鸡生产中应用提供一定实验依据。1材料与方法1.1中草药添加剂来源五味子提取物,棕黄色粉末,味微酸、甘苦,由西安天一生物技术有限公司提供。1.2试验动物与分组情况选…  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂应用于鸡生产中,能促进肉仔鸡生长、提高肉品质、增强免疫力、预防和治疗腹水征:能提高蛋鸡生产性能和蛋品质、解决蛋鸡生产中的热应激问题.  相似文献   

香型中草药饲料添加剂饲喂肉仔鸡的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选出无毒无副作用而安全可靠的饲料添加剂,本试验使用香型中草药组成香味饲料添加剂,按一定比例添加到饲料中饲喂艾维茵商品带肉仔鸡,改善了饲料的适口性,在促进食欲,提高增重率和抗病力,增加养殖收益方面取得了比较明显的效果.  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂作为一种纯天然的绿色添加剂,是一种既无抗药性和耐药性,也无药害残留和无污染的一类天然产品,具有抗病保健、抗毒素、提高机体免疫力和生产性能及调整胃肠机能等特点。对中草药饲料添加剂在畜禽中的研究进展进行综述,为中草药添加剂在饲料中的合理应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the biological and genetic characterization of persistent Salmonella isolates in an integrated broiler chicken operation, in an attempt to elucidate the source of contamination. From the breeder farm, the hatchery, the broiler farm and the chicken slaughter house of an integrated broiler chicken operation, a total of 6 serotypes were observed. Although S. Heidelberg was not detected in the broiler farm, it was consistently found in the breeder farm, the hatchery and the chicken slaughter house. Also, S. Enteritidis and S. Senftenberg were found in the hatchery and the chicken slaughter house, and the hatchery and the broiler farm, respectively. S. Gallinarum and S. Blockley were found only in the broiler farm, and S. Virchow was only recovered in the chicken slaughter house. Isolated S. Heidelberg, S. Enteritidis and S. Senftenberg strains were divided into 3, 5 and 7 types, respectively, on the basis of all properties. Especially, S. Senftenberg isolates, divided into four types by their antimicrobial resistance patterns, were all obviously the XbaI PFGE pattern. Also, four S. Enteritidis isolates resistant to nalidixic acid showed a difference in phage type and PFGE pattern. Such a different pattern was shown despite Salmonella isolates originating from an integrated broiler operation, suggesting that further epidemiological studies on many integrated chicken companies in Korea are needed.  相似文献   

沙门氏菌可引起鸡白痢、禽伤寒和禽副伤寒等沙门氏菌病,对我国养鸡业产生了巨大威胁.动物养殖中抗生素的广泛使用导致了沙门氏菌耐药性的出现,这给沙门氏菌病的防治增加了难度.本研究从一家肉种鸡养殖场的孵化场采集孵化早期死胚、出壳前2天活胚以及腹泻肉种鸡泄殖腔拭子样本进行沙门氏菌株的分离鉴定,通过药敏试验了解细菌耐药状况.结果表...  相似文献   

The resistance patterns of Campylobacter spp. isolated from retail broiler chicken meat originating either from Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia collected in Estonia were determined. Additionally, in collaboration with the laboratories of several Estonian hospitals, antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were determined for Campylobacter isolates from patients with severe Campylobacter enteric infections. The isolates were identified at the species level by the PCR method. Respectively, 88.8% of the isolates were C. jejuni, and 11.2% were C. coli. In total, 126 Campylobacter isolates of broiler chicken meat and human origin were tested for minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) with the broth microdilution VetMICTH method (National Veterinary Institute; Uppsala, Sweden) for a total of six antimicrobials. Resistance to one or more antimicrobials was detected in 62 (63.3%) of Campylobacter broiler chicken meat isolates and in 20 (71.4%) of human‐origin isolates. Large proportions of the broiler chicken meat isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin (60.2%). Multidrug resistance (i.e. to three or more unrelated antimicrobials) was detected in five (5.1%) C. jejuni isolates. Among the human isolates, 20 (71.4%) were resistant to fluoroquinolones, and two (7.1%) C. jejuni isolates exhibited multidrug resistance. The chicken meat isolates of Estonian origin were the most susceptible. However, a high proportion of fluoroquinolone‐resistant C. jejuni isolates were found in Latvian and Lithuanian products. The results of this study indicate that the problems caused by the inappropriate use of antimicrobials extend beyond the country in which a food originates; therefore, both domestic and international interventions and agreements are required to implement common policies on antimicrobial usage and to minimize the emergence of Campylobacter drug resistance.  相似文献   

复方氟苯尼考口服液对人工诱发鸡大肠杆菌病的疗效试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用 5%复方氟苯尼考口服液对人工诱发的鸡大肠杆菌病进行治疗试验。结果表明 ,5%复方氟苯尼考口服液在剂量为 0 .6 ,0 .3 ,0 .1 5m L/ L给药时 ,能有效的控制鸡大肠杆菌感染 ,缓解症状 ,降低大肠杆菌感染鸡只的发病率和死亡率 ,并在一定程度上减少成活鸡的体重下降 ,效果优于单方的氟苯尼考口服液 ,在临床上有一定的实用价值 ,值得推广使用。临床应用治疗鸡大肠杆菌病推荐剂量为每升水 0 .3 m L。  相似文献   

肉鸡出栏体重与1周末体重呈正相关,出栏体重又与养殖效益有直接关系,而决定一周末体重的主要因素是入舍后的早期管理,尤其前3 d的管理对于肉鸡一生都至关重要。在肉鸡早期管理中需要重点关注环境条件的温度、湿度和空气质量,然后加强水线和采食管理,促使雏鸡尽快采食和饮水,为1周末达到理想的体重奠定基础。同时做好预防疾病工作,提高雏鸡体质和抗病能力,降低雏鸡死亡率,进而达到提高肉鸡养殖效益的目的。  相似文献   

微生物饲料添加剂在饲料中的应用及生产工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代规模化畜禽养殖生产中,腹泻已成为影响动物发育和生长的重要疾病之一,严重阻碍了养殖业的发展。尤其是幼小畜禽,如仔猪和雏鸡,腹泻已成为它们生长受阻和高死亡率的主要原因。目前的主要应对办法是在畜禽饲料中添加抗生素、激素、化学合成药物来防治畜禽的腹泻。但这样的结果导致病原微生物产生抗药性以及畜产品药物残留等问题的出现,因此通过微生物发酵生产的各种饲料添加剂,如益生素、抗菌素、维生素、氨基酸、酶制剂等,得到迅速发展。对微生物饲料添加剂在饲料中的应用及生产工艺进行了阐述。  相似文献   

肉仔鸡对若干国产原料的氨基酸消化率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验研究了肉仔鸡性别与日龄对菜籽粕、棉籽粕、肉骨粉和羽毛粉的氨基酸消化率的影响。试验中测定了4周龄和6周龄的肉仔鸡公鸡和母鸡对菜籽粕、棉籽粕、肉骨粉和羽毛粉的氨基酸消化率。研究表明 ,除羽毛粉以外 ,4周龄肉仔鸡对其他3种原料的氨基酸真消化率显著高于6周龄肉仔鸡(P<0.01) ,肉仔鸡日龄对羽毛粉的氨基酸真消化率无影响。肉仔鸡性别对棉籽粕的氨基酸真消化率具有极显著影响(P<0.01) ,公鸡对棉籽粕的氨基酸真消化率极显著低于母鸡 ;性别对其它3种原料的氨基酸真消化率无显著影响。肉仔鸡性别与日龄对菜籽粕氨基酸真消化率存在极显著互作(P<0.01) ,对棉籽粕的氨基酸真消化率存在显著互作(P<0.05) ,且各种氨基酸消化率均表现出相同的变化趋势  相似文献   

This trial was performed to study the use of the mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis as an alternative additive to antimicrobial growth promoters in broiler chicken diets and to assess the quality of the broiler chicken breast meat of birds that are fed diets containing this fungus. Thus, 595 1-day-old chicks were reared in reused poultry litter without anticoccidial and antimicrobial additives. The results showed that a concentration of 1.6 g mushrooms/kg diet was ideal for these birds because it provided better bird performance. When the birds’ immune system organs were analyzed, it was found that the addition of both mushrooms influenced the immune system organs of these broiler chickens. Adding A. brasiliensis to broiler chicken diets did not compromise breast meat quality.  相似文献   

本研究试图通过病原分离对安徽省某大型白羽肉鸡养殖公司持续出现疑似鸡传染性鼻炎的鸡群进行确诊,从不同批次发生鸡传染性鼻炎疑似症状的鸡体内分离细菌,经细菌分离、纯化、回鸡试验,共分离到8株细菌,经形态及培养特性、生化试验、血清学特性、16S rRNA基因序列分析等方法对分离的细菌进行鉴定。结果表明所分离的细菌有1株为A型副鸡禽杆菌,7株为B型副鸡禽杆菌,说明在安徽省某地持续引起幼龄肉鸡发生鸡传染性鼻炎的流行中B型致病株是优势毒株,显示新的流行特点。  相似文献   

本文对散养湘黄鸡在饲料营养方面进行了生产现状的调查与总结,指出了散养湘黄鸡进行饲料配合时必须考虑的因素;提供了商品肉鸡散养的几个日粮配方参考;并对散养湘黄鸡的营养要求与饲料配合技术提出了建议。  相似文献   

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