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间作及农林复合系统中植物组分间养分竞争机理分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
农林复合系统、间作及套作中植物组分之间养分竞争普遍存在。植物的养分竞争主要包括种内竞争和种间竞争。光照、温度、水分、土壤、微生物。低等动物等外界因素对植物的竞争作用具有明显的影响。农林复合系统中,林种和林间作物品种的选用、林的修剪和管理方式等技术的应用可调控组分间的竞争作用。  相似文献   

徐永福  李均强  邹厚生 《土壤》1982,14(2):65-67
植物通过根系从土壤中吸收养分和水分,并将其输送到地上部分,成为植物正常生长发育的主要物质来源。但是,植物根系的吸收功能既受到它本身生理状况的影响,也受到周围环境条件的制约。  相似文献   

已有的研究表明,植物之间除了地上部之间的相互作用不可忽视外,地下部分的根系对养分和水分的竞争更为激烈。在判断竞争平衡、竞争强度和资源利用方面,地下部分的竞争作用明显重要于地上部分,从根系生态学的角度来研究,才能了解种间关系的本质。因此根系之间的相互作用,成为种间关系研究的主要内容。Snaydon和Harris认为,间作作物根的生长动态在不同的单作作物间有差异,导致了根相互作用和竞争的程度不同,从而对营养物质和水分的利用产生影响。  相似文献   

植物根系固土作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物根系是植物吸收水分和养分的重要器官。强大的植物根系不仅可从土壤中吸收植物生长所必须的水分和养分,而且对于改良土壤的结构和成分,增强土壤的抗侵蚀能力和抗剪切能力有着重要的作用。从植物根系方面来研究土壤抗侵蚀能力是一个多学科交叉的新领域。通过多学科、多领域的联合研究,系统地揭示植物根系固土作用和固土机理,植物根系通过增强土壤的抗蚀性、抗冲性、抗剪强度以及根系的锚固力作用,提高了土壤的抗侵蚀能力。对于更有效地控制水土流失、保护和改善生态环境具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

土壤冻融作用是季节性冻土区和多年冻土区常见的自然现象,主要是指由于土壤温度变化而出现的反复冻结解冻过程。冻融作用不仅影响土壤的理化和生物学性质,而且还会改变植物的生理生态过程,从而可能对冻土广泛分布的高纬度和高海拔地区植被生态系统生产力产生重要影响。本文重点论述了土壤冻融对植物地上和地下部分生理生态过程的影响效应以及全球变化背景下高寒植被生态系统对不同冻融格局的响应特征,总结了不同气候环境条件及生境胁迫下植物光合作用、生物量和生产力、根系生长及其对水分和温度胁迫响应等的生理生态表现,同时对当前土壤冻融与植物生理生态领域研究存在的不足进行了阐释,提出全球变化背景下频繁的土壤冻融作用将强烈改变植被生态格局和功能,并指出这种改变在高寒生态系统中表现将更为显著。  相似文献   

试验研究结果表明农林复合系统南酸枣与花生利用土壤水分既协同又竞争,二者根系分布空间有差异,南酸枣根系可从深层湿润土壤中吸收水分,再通过根系提水作用,使水分运移至上层释放,被邻近花生残根所吸收利用。复合区比单作区入渗水多,植物蒸腾减缓,树木遮荫降温,均有利于复合系统自身土壤水分协调平衡。二者水分竞争主要表现在7~10月份干旱季节,但上层土壤水吸力差值较小,表明种间吸水竞争不甚明显,复合系统造成的种间水竞争负面影响不是抑制花生生育的主要障碍因子。  相似文献   

根土系统中的根系水力提升研究综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根土系统可看作是土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)系统的子系统, 根土间存在着内在优化协调的动态机制以更大限度地为SPAC 过程提供水分和养分。植物根系的水力提升现象是根土系统对水分分异的根土环境中土壤水资源优化利用的过程, 是植物根系所具有的一种普遍现象。植物根系的水力提升作用利于植物对土壤水分利用最大化, 同时也促进了对土壤养分的吸收利用及对土壤环境的改善。可以从系统优化的观点对这一现象的存在进行理论解释, 其发生受一定的条件制约, 是必然中的偶然。根系水力提升量不容忽视, 在一些环境的植物中, 水力提升提供了很大比例的蒸腾水分, 不仅对植物蒸腾耗水有利, 更存在广泛的生理生态意义。研究根系提水的应用对干旱区农业发展和生态修复有着潜在的价值, 具有广泛的研究前景。  相似文献   

植物化感作用类型及其在农业中的应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文总结前人研究成果的基础上,对不同植物化感作用类型及其作用机制和在农业中的应用进行了探讨。植物化感作用包括化感偏害作用、自毒作用、自促作用和互惠作用。植物化感偏害作用是由植物根系分泌物介导下的植物与特异微生物共同作用的结果。利用植物化感偏害作用控制田间杂草是一项环境友好型的可持续农业技术,并已在水稻化感抑草研究方面取得了较突出的成果。植物化感自毒作用(作物连作障碍)是造成作物产量降低、生长状况变差、品质变差、病虫害频发的现象。药用植物,特别是以根部入药的药用植物中,连作障碍表现更为突出。近年来研究结果认为根系分泌物生态效应的间接作用及土壤微生物区系功能紊乱是导致植物连作障碍的主要因素。因此,改善土壤生长环境,恢复和修复根际土壤微生物结构平衡,增强生态系统机能是克服作物连作障碍的关键。植物化感自促作用(连作促进作用)是在植物根系分泌物促进下,根际土壤微生物之间此消彼长,有益微生物之间互利协作,土壤肥力和营养补给能力明显改善,从而增强植物根系抗性,促进植物生长发育,提高产量和品质的结果。牛膝的连作促进作用明显,有学者试图通过牛膝与其他不耐连作药用植物间作套种或轮作,实现药用植物生产的可持续发展。植物间的正相互作用(互惠作用)是作物间套种系统超产和养分等资源高效利用的重要机制,根系分泌物在介导根际微生物与植物的有利互作中起到重要作用。最后作者强调指出,存在于根际土壤的微生物群落的宏基因组组成是决定植物能否健康生长的关键。深入研究存在于土壤生态系统中的植物体外基因组的组成与演化机制,将成为借用现代合成生物学原理与技术,定向控制植物根际生物学过程,促进作物生产可持续发展的优先研究领域。  相似文献   

酚类物质对土壤和植物的作用机制研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
酚类物质是重要的植物次生代谢物质之一,它对植物的生长、养分吸收、生理特性、酶活性以及生长环境中的土壤、微生物等都存在影响。本研究对酚类物质对土壤和植物的作用机制、植物生态系统中酚类物质的含量分布、酚类物质对植物生理生化特性的影响以及对土壤理化特性的影响进行探讨,展望农林生产实践中酚类物质的研究趋势,为解决农业和林业生产中因酚类物质的影响引起生产力下降问题提供依据。  相似文献   

集约化互作体系植物根系高效获取土壤养分的策略与机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
【目的】植物根系的形态与生理变化是植物从土壤中高效获取养分资源的重要机制,由相同物种或不同物种组成的互作体系中植物根系对养分的吸收利用受相邻植物竞争的强烈影响,阐明互作体系不同竞争条件下植物根系获取养分的策略并揭示其作用机制,这是基于根系觅食行为探讨养分高效利用的根际调控途径与技术措施的重要理论基础。主要进展根系属性的互补性有利于降低根系间对养分的竞争。根系构型的互补性,例如深根系与浅根系植物互作,促进个体植株对土壤剖面不同深度养分的吸收利用;由根系可塑性介导的水平方向上根系空间分布的互补性,提高了植物根系对同一土层不同空间位点土壤养分的挖掘;个体植株根系形态属性与相邻植物根际生理过程的互补性促进根系对不同形态养分的利用。互作体系根系获取养分的策略具有高度互补性,这有助于提高整个作物系统的养分利用效率,进而提高生产力。根系空间生态位的分离 (包括垂直与水平方向) 以及根际生物化学特征生态位的分离,是驱动互作体系根系高效获取养分资源的主要机制。合理的根层调控可以提高植物根系挖掘土壤养分的能力;优化互作体系物种的搭配能充分发挥根的互作效能,提高养分利用的生物潜力。问题与展望今后应进一步针对集约化高投入作物体系,通过管理根层养分供应和物种间的互作效应,强化根际养分信号的调控作用,调节根系形态与生理特性,降低种间竞争,增强种间互利,以最大化根系和根际的生物学潜力,提高养分利用效率和作物产量,为实现以节肥增效为核心的可持续集约化作物生产提供重要的调控策略与途径。  相似文献   

Agricultural systems face several challenges that threaten their capacity to feed the world while maintaining a healthy and functional environment. Climate change, together with soil degradation, biodiversity loss, resource scarcity and invasive species, is a major threat to agricultural systems worldwide. In this context, new practices have been proposed to circumvent or minimize these threats. Yet, these mostly focus on the farm or plant level (e.g., breeding for stress-tolerant species), while frequently overlooking belowground components (e.g., soil organic carbon accrual). By interlinking above- and below-ground components, the likelihood of limiting the negative effects of current threats to agricultural systems can be maximized. This review explores current knowledge regarding agroforestry and its effects on belowground components as a key property in the reducing effects of climate change. We first review tree effects on key soil properties of agricultural systems. We synthesize evidence regarding agroforestry systems response to current environmental threats that are related to climate change. We continue by discussing how soil processes play a fundamental role in the capacity of agroforestry systems to cope with climate change. We conclude by proposing options on how resilience of agroforestry systems could be further enhanced.  相似文献   

黄土塬面农林复合系统的生态位特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 以黄土塬区农林复合系统为对象,通过调查研究林带(杨树为主)与农作物界面附近土壤中树木和小麦根系的空间分布,利用树木吸收根和小麦根系生物量计算生态位宽度、生态重叠指数和生态位相似性比例,并据此分析林木和农作物种群在水分和养分资源轴的生态位特征。小麦在40cm以上具有较大的生态位宽度,而林木在距林带1H处20cm以上土层到0.5H处60cm以上土层至林下100cm以上土层内具有较大的生态宽度,但林木在1H以内100cm土层其他空间土壤中也具有一定的生态位宽度。树木具有较大的生态位宽度,虽可利用深层土壤中的水分和养分资源,在一定程度上有助于缓解农林间作对水分和养分资源的利用性竞争,但树木居于竞争的优势者地位,形成对农作物的胁地负效应,距林带1H内林木对农作物生态位重叠,且在0.5H以内重叠较大,竞争剧烈,在此集流补水增肥有利于缓解林木胁地。  相似文献   

Different rubber‐based agroforestry systems are adopted to control and mitigate land degradation. However, the soil physical conditions and soil hydrological processes of different agroforestry systems are still unclear. Thus, in this study, rubber (Hevea brasiliensis ) monoculture, rubber and Clerodendranthus spicatus agroforestry system (RCS) and rubber and Amomum villosum agroforestry system (RAV) were developed from a degraded land that had similar backgrounds of terrain and management measures for 50 years. Conventional methods were applied, and dye tracer experiments were conducted to measure the soil physical conditions and determine the water movement in soil. After 5 years' growth, both RCS and RAV could effectively promote the soil physical conditions and optimize soil structure by improving the proportion of the three soil phases. Favourable soil properties, multiple‐layered canopies and ground cover in agroforestry systems could promote the formation of three‐dimensional hydraulic redistribution in soil profile. The infiltration of rainfall into the soil was enhanced; meanwhile, surface runoff and soil erosion were mitigated, and then more water was transported, redistributed and stored into the different soil layers by the more dominant preferential flow, water exchange and lateral flow in soil profiles. These water supply mechanisms could allow planting intercrops with rubber trees to uptake water from different water sources and coexist in an agroforestry system. Our results highlighted that rubber‐based agroforestry systems are a useful management practice to maximize the utilization of land and water resources. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil fertility depletion is a major constraint to agricultural production for smallholder farming households in many sub‐Saharan countries, and it is worsened by climate variability. In order to sustain food security for a growing population, measures have to be taken against C and nutrient losses from soils. This study examines whether banana–coffee agroforestry systems can improve soil fertility and C pools in smallholder farms in E Africa amidst observed climate variability. We selected 20 farms in Central Uganda, where soil samples were obtained from the top and subsoil layers. Samples were analyzed for several soil fertility parameters including soil organic matter (SOM), total soil organic C, pH, total N, plant‐available P, exchangeable K, texture, and bulk density. Soil C stocks were calculated based on soil organic C concentrations and bulky density. We measured tree diameter and height and calculated aboveground plant biomass using allometric equations. Belowground biomass was estimated using equations based on the respective aboveground plant biomass. Our results show that banana–coffee agroforestry farming systems had significantly higher total SOM and total N compared to the banana monoculture. Similar trends were observed for soil C stocks and total C pools. The former contained 1.5 times higher soil C stocks than the latter. Likewise, the mean total C pools for the banana–coffee agroforestry farm plots were 26% larger than that under banana monoculture. However, exchangeable K was higher in the soil of banana monocultures. Plant‐available P levels were limiting under both farming systems. The study demonstrates that beyond socio‐economic benefits banana–coffee agroforestry farming systems have beneficial effects on soil fertility and C sequestration compared to banana monocultures in the study area. However, precautions to avoid P depletion have to be taken under current climate conditions.  相似文献   

Edaphic fauna contributes to important ecosystem functions in grassland soils such as decomposition and nutrient mineralization. Since this functional role is likely to be altered by global change and associated shifts in plant communities, a thorough understanding of large scale drivers on below-ground processes independent of regional differences in soil type or climate is essential. We investigated the relationship between abiotic (soil properties, management practices) and biotic (plant functional group composition, vegetation characteristics, soil fauna abundance) predictors and feeding activity of soil fauna after accounting for sample year and study region. Our study was carried out over a period of two consecutive years in 92 agricultural grasslands in three regions of Germany, spanning a latitudinal gradient of more than 500 km. A structural equation model suggests that feeding activity of soil fauna as measured by the bait-lamina test was positively related to legume and grass species richness in both years. Most probably, a diverse vegetation promotes feeding activity of soil fauna via alterations of both microclimate and resource availability. Feeding activity of soil fauna also increased with earthworm biomass via a pathway over Collembola abundance. The effect of earthworms on the feeding activity in soil may be attributed to their important role as ecosystem engineers. As no additional effects of agricultural management such as fertilization, livestock density or number of cuts on bait consumption were observed, our results suggest that the positive effect of legume and grass species richness on the feeding activity in soil fauna is a general one that will not be overruled by regional differences in management or environmental conditions. We thus suggest that agri-environment schemes aiming at the protection of belowground activity and associated ecosystem functions in temperate grasslands may generally focus on maintaining plant diversity, especially with regard to the potential effects of climate change on future vegetation structure.  相似文献   

The relationship between decomposer diversity and ecosystem functioning is little understood although soils accommodate a significant proportion of worldwide biodiversity. Collembola are among the most abundant and diverse decomposers and are known to modify plant growth. We examined the effects of Collembola species diversity (one, two and three species belonging to different life history groups) and composition on litter decomposition and the performance of plant communities (above- and belowground productivity) of different functional groups (grasses, forbs and legumes). Collembola densities did not increase with diversity indicating niche overlap. Generally, Collembola species composition was a better predictor for ecosystem functioning than Collembola species number with the impacts of Collembola diversity and composition on ecosystem functioning strongly depending on plant functional group identity. Non-linear effects of Collembola diversity on litter decomposition and plant productivity suggest pronounced and context dependent species interactions and feeding habits. Net surface litter decomposition was decreased by Collembola, whereas root litter decomposition was at maximum in the highest Collembola diversity treatment. Forbs benefitted most from the presence of three Collembola species. Similarly, Collembola diversity influenced root depth distribution in a plant functional group specific way: while grass root biomass decreased with increasing Collembola diversity in the upper and lower soil layer, legume root biomass increased particularly in the lower soil layer. Idiosyncratic and context dependent effects of Collembola diversity and composition even in rather simple assemblages of one to three species suggest that changes in Collembola diversity may have unpredictable consequences for ecosystem functioning. The finding that changes in Collembola performance did not directly translate to alterations in ecosystem functioning indicates that response traits do not necessarily conform to effect traits. Distinct plant functional group specific impacts of Collembola diversity on root depth distribution are likely to modify plant competition in complex plant communities and add a novel mechanism how decomposers may affect plant community assembly.  相似文献   

为探讨加拿大一枝黄花在入侵过程中的化感作用与资源竞争之间的关系,采用化感-竞争分离法,分析了加拿大一枝黄花在入侵过程中其化感作用与资源竞争及在不同氮水平下的反应特性。结果表明,外来入侵杂草加拿大一枝黄花具有较强的生物干扰能力,在不同氮素水平下,其资源竞争能力较强且表现稳定,但化感作用潜力则随供氮水平的下降而明显增强,土著植物一枝黄花不具化感作用潜力,在供氮水平充足下,其资源竞争能力减弱,但氮胁迫下却明显增强,这被认为是在环境资源匮乏时生态位之间竞争加剧的结果。  相似文献   

用15N研究了花生与南酸枣复合系统中两者N素利用率及其对产量与生物量的影响,并分析了N素养分在水肥光竞争诸因子中的作用。  相似文献   

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