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生态环境的恶化可导致病原体变异加快,致病力增强。近年来埃博拉出血热、尼帕病等野生动物源性新发传染病不断出现,严重威胁着人类健康和国家公共卫生及生态安全。开展野生动物疫源疫病监测就是要将人兽共患病防控的关口前移至野生动物,建立起一道前哨屏障,阻断和控制疫情向人类传播蔓延。同时,野生动物疫源疫病监测工作也是《野生动物保护法》、《重大动物疫情应急条例》、《陆生野生动物疫源疫病监测防控管理办法》等法律法规赋予自然  相似文献   

近年来,宠物越来越受到人们的关注,同时带来的人兽共患病问题也接踵而至。本文分析了宠物源人兽共患病的病原情况和防控现状,阐明了我国宠物源人兽共患病防控仍然面临巨大挑战,提出了加速提高宠物医疗技术水平、加快宠物药品的研制与注册等建议,对于防控宠物源人兽共患病有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

动物源性人兽共患病是指脊椎动物与人类之间自然传播的疾病和感染疾病。本文通过分析近年来动物来源人兽共患病日益严重的原因及对人类的威胁,阐述了预防和控制人兽共患病的对策。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情再次引起人们对野生动物尤其是野生动物贸易的广泛关注。野生动物国际贸易可将野生动物携带的病原体带到新的环境并传播,对人类健康和社会稳定造成严重威胁。为进一步加强进境野生动物检疫监管,强化人兽共患病源头控制,本文对野生动物源性疫病防控形势和当前进境野生动物检疫监管中面临的挑战进行分析,并就做好进境野生动物检疫监管工作,提出制度优化、关口前移、加强监管、联防联控等方面的建议,以期提升进境野生动物检疫监管效能。  相似文献   

概述了血液传播的人猪共患病包括一些虫媒病毒病、细菌病、寄生虫病和其他传染病的传播途径研究进展,这些人兽共患病中有些是外来人兽共患病,有些是自然疫源性疾病,有些是常见的旅行相关的细菌性疾病.这些病原微生物可通过伤口或昆虫叮咬等方式经血液传播疾病,通过对已研究的经血液传播的人猪共患病传播特点进行总结,为器官移植、动物疫病模...  相似文献   

人兽共患病不仅严重威胁着人类健康,也严重危害畜牧业发展,影响畜产品的质量安全.本文主要从人兽共患病的流行形势、危害、传播途径、流行原因、存在问题和防控策略等几个方面进行简要阐述,揭示了人兽共患病的严重危害,分析了人兽共患病流行的原因,针对存在的问题,提出了今后人兽共患病防控策略.  相似文献   

实验动物源人兽共患病防控战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过实地调研、会议研讨、问卷调查和资料查阅等方法,阐明了实验动物源人兽共患病的防控现状,分析了其中存在的问题,总结了相关疫病的防控经验。在此基础上,形成了我国实验动物源人兽共患病防控的战略目标和措施,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

人兽共患病的现状、危害及防控措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人兽共患病是指那些由人和脊椎动物共同的病原体引起的、在流行病学上有关联的、可在非人类脊椎动物和人类之间传播的感染性疾病。近年发生的SARS、人感染高致病性禽流感和人感染猪链球菌病都属于动物源性的人兽共患病,对我国的经济发展、公共卫生、应急处理的体系、机制、能力、水平都是一个严峻的挑战。目前,在世界范围内,对人兽共患病暴发流行的处理工作尚无统一的操作规范,论文试图对人兽共患病的现状、危害及对其防控做一些探索与归纳。  相似文献   

我国牛羊源人畜共患病的防控现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国牛羊业迅速发展同时增加了包括布鲁氏菌病、结核病、血吸虫病和包虫病等牛羊源人兽共患病的流行风险。本文具体介绍了我国人兽共患病的流行现状,从健全法规、完善补偿制度、加强检验和流动控制、加快相关技术的研发进程等政策层面上对影响防控效果的主要问题进行了分析,以期为提高我国牛羊源人兽共患病防控水平提供帮助。  相似文献   

人兽共患病不仅影响我国畜牧业的发展,也威胁人民的生命安全。虽然我国对人兽共患病防控工作的重视性不断提高,但是整个过程依旧存在一些问题,比如公众认识不足、科研水平较低、监控体系不够健全、防控经费不足等,这些都直接影响到人兽共患病防控工作的有效进行。本文针对我国人兽共患病防控存在的问题进行分析,探究加强人兽共患病防控工作的具体对策,希望能为相关从业者提供有效参考依据。  相似文献   

Approximately 63% of US households have at least one pet, a large percentage of which are considered family members. Pet owners can derive substantial physical and psychological benefits from interaction with companion animals. However, pet ownership is not without risks; zoonotic diseases are increasingly drawing the attention of healthcare professionals, policy makers and the general public. While zoonoses of 'traditional' pets are widely recognized and their prevention and treatment factors are generally known, the growing popularity of 'non-traditional' pets has the potential to facilitate human exposure to novel zoonoses. However, the greatest risk of zoonoses probably arises from animals taken directly from the wild to serve as pets. Non-governmental organizations, state veterinary associations and others have been calling for increased regulation of animal imports, some proposing that all 'exotics' be banned from the pet trade. Because zoonotic diseases of companion animals are influenced by interacting factors of ecological, technical, socio-economic, and political origin, efforts to minimize their impact need be multi-dimensional, simultaneously addressing both the ecological and socio-political drivers of disease emergence and transmission. This study is intended to serve as a primer for animal care professionals seeking to engage with policy makers and the pet industry on the prevention of companion animal zoonoses. We provide background on the human-animal bond, risks of zoonoses associated with groups of companion animals, and the public policy context, as well as identify the factors needed to build a comprehensive approach to companion animal zoonoses risk management. Also included are examples of innovative, non-regulatory initiatives designed to limit the spread and impact of companion animal zoonoses, including a reptile salmonella poster, the National Reptile Improvement Plan, Habitattitude campaign, Pet Zoonoses Committee, and a wildlife disease surveillance initiative known as Project TripWire.  相似文献   

收容救护野生动物的救护结果,可概括为“放归野外”“康复饲养”“调配”“救护失败死亡”4种。对云南省2014—2017年期间收容救护野生动物4种救护结果的动物种类、数量和数量占比调查,结果发现:(1)全省共87科超过274种22110只收容救护野生动物归属不同的救护结果。其中:救护成功的动物放归野外超过167种,14552只,占66%;康复饲养超过145种2610只,占12%;调配超过30种339只,占1%;救护失败死亡的动物超过211种,4609只,占21%。(2)放归的动物类群集中,部分动物放归错误或不合理,某类群动物康复饲养数量多,被救护动物死亡率高。(3)放归技术不完善,没有操作规范,调配的合理性未得到重视,落后的救护机构现状与动物救护需求巨大矛盾等因素是形成此现象主要原因。相关部门应建设完整的野生动物收容救护组织架构,增加野生动物收容救护编制,加大财政资金投入。建设在救护某一类群动物方面有突出能力的“专科医院”式收容救护机构。根据动物生活习性选择地点,建设适合不同类群动物的场地笼舍,提供设备设施。制定收容救护工作关键节点规范。加强救护技术交流、培训,提高技术能力。  相似文献   

Brucellosis and tularemia are classical zoonotic diseases transmitted from an animal reservoir to humans. Both, wildlife and domestic animals, contribute to the spreading of these zoonoses. The surveillance of the animal health status is strictly regulated for domestic animals, whereas systematic disease monitoring in wildlife does not exist. The aim of the present study was to provide data on the prevalence of anti-Brucella, anti-Francisella and anti-Yersinia antibodies in wild boars from North-Eastern Germany to assess public health risks. A total of 763 sera of wild boars from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania hunted in 1995/1996 were tested using a commercially available Brucella suis ELISA, an in-house lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-based Francisella ELISA, and commercially available Western blot kits for the detection of anti-Francisella and anti-Yersinia antibodies. The Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 LPS is able to induce serological cross-reactions indistinguishable from brucellosis due to a similar immunodominant epitope in the Brucella O-polysaccharide. The Yersinia Western blot assay was, therefore, based on five recombinant Yersinia outer proteins which have been proved to be specific for the serodiagnosis of yersiniosis. Anti-Brucella, anti-Francisella and anti-Yersinia antibodies were detected in 22.0%, 3.1%, and 62.6% of the wild boars, respectively. The high seroprevalence of tularemia and brucellosis in wild boars indicates that natural foci of these zoonoses are present in wildlife in Germany. However, the impact of transmission of zoonotic pathogens from wildlife to livestock is unknown. Only careful and systematic monitoring will help to prevent the (re)emergence of these zoonotic diseases in domestic animals and consequently human infection.  相似文献   

Tourism companies that offer wildlife watching experiences share a unique property—they build their business on a promise they have no guarantee of fulfilling (showing wild animals). The factor of luck becomes important, as evident in the advertisement texts of wildlife watching tours. Understanding commercialization of uncontrollable natural phenomena (wild animals) in a similarly uncertain natural setting (wilderness) is the aim of our article. In this illustrative case study, we examine wildlife watching companies in Sweden, focusing on free ranging bear, moose, wolf, roe-deer, beaver, and seal. Through interviews and participant observations with eight wildlife watching entrepreneurs, we elaborate on the following major themes that help understand specific challenges associated with these businesses: lack of control as an inherent property of wildlife watching tourism, agency and continuous negotiation of uncertainties within the operational setting, importance of guide performances and “secondary” experiences, and using uncertainty as a way of enhancing authenticity.  相似文献   

Paraguay has registered no human cases of rabies since 2004, and the last case in dogs, reported in 2009, was due to a variant maintained in the common vampire bat “Desmodus rotundus”. In 2014, a dog was diagnosed as positive for rabies with aggression towards a boy and all required measures of control were successfully adopted. Epidemiological investigation revealed that the dog was not vaccinated and had been attacked by a crab‐eating fox, “zorro” (Cerdocyon thous). The sample was diagnosed by the Official Veterinary Service of the Country and sent to the Center on Rabies Research from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, for antigenic and genetic characterization. A second sample from a dog positive for rabies in the same region in 2015 and 11 samples from a rabies outbreak from Asuncion in 1996 were also characterized. The antigenic profile of the samples, AgV2, was compatible with one of the variants maintained by dogs in Latin America. In genetic characterization, the samples segregated in the canine (domestic and wild species)‐related group in an independent subgroup that also included samples from Argentina. These results and the epidemiology of the case indicate that even with the control of rabies in domestic animals, the virus can still circulate in wildlife and may be transmitted to domestic animals and humans, demonstrating the importance of continuous and improved surveillance and control of rabies, including in wild species, to prevent outbreaks in controlled areas.  相似文献   

Brucellosis and tularemia are classical zoonotic diseases transmitted from an animal reservoir to humans. Both, wildlife and domestic animals, contribute to the spreading of these zoonoses. The surveillance of the animal health status is strictly regulated for domestic animals, whereas systematic disease monitoring in wildlife does not exist. The aim of the present study was to provide data on the prevalence of anti‐Brucella, anti‐Francisella and anti‐Yersinia antibodies in wild boars from North‐Eastern Germany to assess public health risks. A total of 763 sera of wild boars from Mecklenburg‐Western Pomerania hunted in 1995/1996 were tested using a commercially available Brucella suis ELISA, an in‐house lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐based Francisella ELISA, and commercially available Western blot kits for the detection of anti‐Francisella and anti‐Yersinia antibodies. The Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 LPS is able to induce serological cross‐reactions indistinguishable from brucellosis due to a similar immunodominant epitope in the Brucella O‐polysaccharide. The Yersinia Western blot assay was, therefore, based on five recombinant Yersinia outer proteins which have been proved to be specific for the serodiagnosis of yersiniosis. Anti‐Brucella, anti‐Francisella and anti‐Yersinia antibodies were detected in 22.0%, 3.1%, and 62.6% of the wild boars, respectively. The high seroprevalence of tularemia and brucellosis in wild boars indicates that natural foci of these zoonoses are present in wildlife in Germany. However, the impact of transmission of zoonotic pathogens from wildlife to livestock is unknown. Only careful and systematic monitoring will help to prevent the (re)emergence of these zoonotic diseases in domestic animals and consequently human infection.  相似文献   

Zoonoses occur at the interface of human and animal disease and partly because their impact and management fall across two sectors they are often neglected. The Global Burden of Disease captures the impact of zoonoses on human health in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Based on this, we estimate that in low income countries, zoonoses and diseases which recently emerged from animals make up 26?% of the DALYs lost to infectious disease and 10?% of the total DALYs lost. In contrast, in high income countries, zoonoses and diseases recently which emerged from animals represent less than 1?% of DALYs lost to infectious disease and only 0.02?% of the total disease burden. We present a framework that captures the costs of zoonoses and emerging disease to human, animal and ecosystem health in terms of cost of treatment, cost of prevention, health burden and intangible and opportunity costs. We also discuss how ecohealth concepts of transdisciplinarity, participation and equity can help in assessing the importance of zoonoses in developing countries and illustrate these with an example of assessing milk-borne disease.  相似文献   

Trauma is a common complaint by owners of small exotic mammalian herbivores (e.g., rabbits, rodents) presented to veterinary hospitals. The term “trauma” is a broad disease category applied to patients with physical debilitation associated with injury often classified as “blunt,” “penetrating,” or “burn” in origin. Because many small exotic mammalian herbivores are prey animals, clinical signs of trauma may be masked until the effects of the injury outweigh the innate nature to survive. Small exotic mammalian herbivores are disproportionately sensitive to stress; thus, pain management and supportive care are extremely important during the initial stages of trauma management. Small exotic mammals differ slightly from other companion animals (e.g., dogs, cats) in regard to common trauma presentations. However, with a few therapeutic modifications (e.g., antibiotic selection, avoidance of corticosteroids, preventing self-trauma), treatment of small exotic mammalian herbivore trauma cases follows the same conventional guidelines used for other companion animals.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国动物园圈养野生动物管理理念、饲养技术、设施设备和人才队伍的不断发展,基于生殖内分泌学基础进行的对人工圈养下野生动物繁殖生理的科学探讨得到越来越多从业者的重视,涉及的野生动物种类也逐渐增加,获得了非常宝贵的初始数据,为动物园行业更加科学规范管理打下了坚实基础。同时,在生殖激素检测的实际操作过程中也凸现出一些现实问题。结合现阶段中国动物园行业具体情况,着重综合近年来部分相关文献资料,回顾国内动物园相关工作进展,对生殖激素分析检测在动物繁殖监测实践中的细节工作进行分析,探讨在日常饲养管理中应用的可行性,提出解决对策,为实践工作提供参考。  相似文献   

周玉华  席颖 《野生动物》2011,32(3):161-163
野生动物的保护在近些年来备受关注,由于环境的逐渐恶劣,致使很多野生动物不得不离开原来的生长之地,从新寻找能够生存的栖息地。野生动物从曾经的远离人类,到现今的与人类争夺领地,这种现象不仅破坏了野生动物的生活轨迹,也扰乱了人类的正常生活,更直接致使野生动物的侵权案件频频发生。我国野生动物保护法于1989年开始实施。纵观这几十年来的实施状况,不难发现我国的野生动物保护法已经无法适应社会经济、生活环境的变化。如何协调保护人类的合法利益与保护野生动物之间的冲突问题日益严峻,但这一问题却是我国野生动物保护法中的一项缺失。因此,本文将着重阐述如何完善野生动物侵权的救济制度并给予合理的建议。  相似文献   

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