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适宜的孵化条件直接影响丹顶鹤卵的出雏率及鹤的成活率。与雏鹤采食有关的器官发育时间早,即雏鸟的跗跖、嘴峰、嘴裂的发育从7日龄开始达到高峰,而翅和尾的发育从14日龄开始增长,因此,可根据雏鸟的生长特点在不同生长阶段给予相应的饲料配比饲喂。  相似文献   

环境因子对喙尾琵甲卵孵化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了温度、光照和基质含水量对喙尾琵甲(Blaps rhynchopetera Fairmaire)卵孵化的影响。结果表明:12 - 28 ℃ 6个恒温条件下卵均可孵化,随着温度的升高卵的发育历期缩短(32.92 - 5.83 d),发育速率加快(0.03 - 0.172/d)。12 - 25 ℃下孵化率较高,平均孵化率70%,8 ℃和31 ℃未见卵孵化。喙尾琵甲卵的发育起点温度为(10.08±0.93) ℃,有效积温为(99.91±8.11)日·度。在0 - 8 000 lx光照条件下,随着光照度的增加,孵化率呈下降趋势,光照度≥8 000 lx,卵不孵化。基质含水量和温度共同影响试验中,基质含水量、温度以及二者的交互作用均对卵的孵化有显著影响,多重比较分析后筛选出了适宜卵孵化的温度含水量组合;并对云南地区限制喙尾琵甲卵孵化的气候因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

电脑孵化鸽蛋技术是利用肉鸽专用孵化机代替种鸽自然抱孵,使种鸽免去孵化过程,缩短产蛋间隔周期,增加产蛋量,避免亲鸽孵化时因温度、湿度、猫(鼠)惊吓、人员操作等原因造成破蛋、凉蛋,从而提高孵化率和出雏率。孵化应根据鸽蛋特点及胚胎发育规律进行,并要先少量试验,稳定几批后方可大批进行。具体操作技术如下:  相似文献   

本文研究了舞毒蛾在黑龙江省的越冬习性,包括产卵习性、未越冬卵及越冬中卵在适宜条件下孵化的可能性、初孵幼虫在无寄主植物条件下的存活时间以及卵的死活鉴别方法.结果表明:舞毒蛾对产卵环境的选择:木质物>纱网>石块>金属、草地;垂直面>水平面;未经过越冬的舞毒蛾胚胎发育完成卵,既使给予适宜的温湿度条件也均不能孵化,越冬中的舞毒蛾卵经打破滞育后,在适宜的温湿度条件能正常孵化;初孵幼虫在无寄主条件下,可存活24 ~250 h.研究对舞毒蛾随远洋船舶扩散蔓延可能性的研究提供了基础依据.  相似文献   

白蜡虫孵化行为的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白蜡虫卵孵化主要受温度的影响,湿度和光照对其孵化行为影响不大。白蜡虫卵在温度12℃左右开始孵化,12~35℃温度范围内卵都能孵化,以20~25℃条件下孵化率较高,达95%左右。白蜡虫卵在相对湿度40%~80%条件下,孵化率差异不大,在自然界中,95%左右的相对湿度下,白蜡虫卵的孵化率仍可达95%左右。光对白蜡虫孵化影响很小,卵在黑暗中仍能孵化。在温度、湿度和光照三个因素中、温度是影响白蜡虫卵孵化的关键因素。  相似文献   

对武义县板栗林中为害较为严重的淡娇异蝽30多年的观察和防治试验表明,淡娇异蝽1年1代,以卵越冬,越冬卵一般在2月下旬至3月上旬孵化,4月上中旬若虫开始为害嫩梢,5月中旬至6月上旬陆续进入成虫期,10月底或11月初开始产卵越冬;若虫发育历期34~61 d,3龄若虫对板栗危害最严重;成虫历期145~213 d;卵期102~135 d;无公害防治采取刮除卵块,石硫合剂喷雾,2.5%的溴氰菊酯、10%吡虫啉防治淡娇异蝽药效最好。  相似文献   

龟鳖与禽鸟类一样,靠产卵繁衍后代,其卵壳富含钙质,如钙缺乏,会形成软壳卵,而软壳卵极易弄破,不能孵出幼仔。 钙在龟鳖机体内,以集中在骨骼和牙板中,参与骨骼与血液组成。如钙不足,会使牙板和骨骼发生钙转化障碍,肌肉神经失去正常兴奋性,所产之卵变成软壳卵,失去孵化利用价值。 亲龟亲鳖不缺钙时,所产卵的外表为  相似文献   

1、培育好亲鳖。优良的亲鳖是养好甲鱼的基础,亲鳖个体大,体质好,饱满强壮。其产卵多,个体大,每只可达5克~6克重。产卵前要多投喂蛋白质含量高,营养全面的饵料。产卵后也要抓紧投喂,补充亲鳖体内营养,使亲鳖早日康复,迅速再交配,提高怀卵粒和受精率,力争产卵季节一月产一次卵。 2、把好孵化关。缩短孵化期,使稚鳖早出壳,早开食,早生长。做好孵化工作重点是: ①采取恒温设施,使孵化控制在最佳温度内; ②把握好湿度,使沙中含水量在5%~12%; ③防病害、敌害,促使鳖卵在40至50天内出壳。 3、培育好稚鳖。稚…  相似文献   

松褐天牛产卵繁殖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对松褐天牛在健康木和伐倒木刻槽、产卵及卵成活率的研究发现:松褐天牛虽然在健康木上能刻槽,但刻槽数较少,且几乎不产卵,偶有产卵也不能正常孵化成活;在伐倒木上则刻槽较多,产卵量大,且成活率高。接种在伐倒木上的松褐天牛卵孵化率高,幼虫生长发育正常,而接种在健康木上的松褐天牛卵孵化率低,幼虫生长发育情况较差。  相似文献   

暗绿绣眼鸟繁殖生态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖生态,得知每年4月20日左右迁来青岛,10月底全部南迁,居留期约195天;该鸟一般活动在阔叶林中,筑巢于榉树、刺槐、雪松、龙柏等树上;一般产卵4枚;亲鸟孵卵10天出雏;育雏11天出飞;并对雏乌的生长发育变化做了详细记述。初迁来时,主食树木花粉、蚜虫和其他昆虫卵。育雏期主要捕鳞翅目幼虫,为尺蠖、蛾类和双翅目的蝇类等,后期多食树木浆果。这对消灭农林害虫和传授花粉及种子传播非常有益。  相似文献   

1998、1999年2~10月,在辽宁省朝阳县苏家营子对苍鹭的繁殖生态习性进行了观察研究。该鸟在辽宁省为夏候鸟,每年最早2月26日迁来,最晚9月28日迁离,居留期210d左右,产卵始期为3月21日,隔日1枚,窝卵数5—7枚,产出第1枚卵后开始孵化,孵化期24~26d,孵化率为92.3%。幼鸟为晚成鸟,育雏期40d左右。  相似文献   

笔者根据当前蚕种的质量问题,指出解决种质不纯、不受精卵多、死卵多和孵化不齐,是进一步提高蚕种质量的关键,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

Effect of temperature and relative humidity on embryonic development and egg hatch ofHyalomma marginatum Koch (Acari, Ixodidae) Effect of different temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40°C) and relative humidity (RH) levels (50, 75, 90%) on embryonic development and hatching ofHyalomma marginatum was investigated. The percentage of dead eggs and embryos, percentage of morphologically normal larvae, percentage of abnormally hatched larvae and percentage of larvae with morphological malformations were determined for each condition. Embryonic development and egg hatch proceeded at 25–35°C in all relative humidity levels tested. However 50% RH was unfavourable for these processes. The optimal conditions for larval development were found to be: temperature of 25–30°C and relative humidity of 75%. Under these conditions 72.7–87.8% of examined egg hatched into normal larvae.  相似文献   

Studies on the susceptibility of eggs of gallinaceous birds to 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. First report Studies were performed on a total of 3,693 eggs from Japanese quails, 1,080 eggs from pheasants and 500 hen's eggs to investigate the possible effect of 2,4-D or a mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T on the hatching rate, body weight and malformations of offsprings.Non-incubated and preincubated (3 days) eggs were sprayed with up to 10 times the amount of herbicides normaley used. The eggs serving as controls were treated with tap water.As compared with the controls, the herbicides did not affect hatching rate, body weight or the number of malformations.  相似文献   

A trial of artificial incubation to great bustard (Otis tarda) egg was conducted from 1995 to 1997. Among the 45 collected eggs, 28 eggs were fertilized and 26 hatched, with fertilizing rate 62.2% and incubation rate 92.85%. The mean incubation-days for great bustard egg was confirmed as 24.4 (21–28 days) with the formula for caculating fresh egg weight (W=KwLB 2) and that for counting the incubated days by parents birds in field (Id=24(w−y)/0.144y). The proper incubation temperature and relative humidity were 36–37.8°C and 50–65%, respectively. The egg weights and egg size average 130.45 g and 77.4±1.42×55.5±0.65 mm respectively. The total weight loss of egg was 18.38±0.646 g, daily weight loss 0.748±0.071 g in the incubation time, with a weight loss rate of 13.6±1.02%. A linear regression equation to discribe the relationship between the egg weight and incubation days, was built,y=130.73−0.619x (x-incubation day,y-egg weight) r=−0.978. Twenty-eight hours were nassassary for great bustard embryo to complete the fledging when the were put in gas room. The mean weight of fledglings was 86.3±3.29 g(n=26). (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, eggs in different stages of development to gamma irradiation was studied and the acceptability of irradiated eggs by Trichogramma cacoeciae females was examined. Eggs ranging in age from 1–24 to 49–72 h were exposed, at 24 h intervals, to gamma radiation dosages ranging from 25 to 400 Gy and effects of gamma radiation on egg hatch and adult emergence was investigated. In addition, the developmental rate of immature stages (larvae and pupae), resulting from irradiated eggs, to the adult stage was examined and the acceptance of irradiated eggs to T. cacoeciae females was evaluated. Results showed that the radio-sensitivity of E. kuehniella eggs decreased with increasing age. Egg hatch in 1–24-h-old eggs was significantly affected at 25 Gy dose and at 75 Gy dose, no egg hatch was observed. When irradiating 25–48-h-old eggs, however, egg hatch was less than 5% at 100 Gy dose, and eggs 49–72-h-old were more resistant; 50 Gy had no significant effect on egg hatch and 300 Gy did not completely prevent it. Irradiation also negatively affected survival to the adult stage. When 25–48-h-old eggs were irradiated, survival to the adult stage was completely prevented at 75 Gy dose and no survival was observed beyond 100 Gy dose in 49–72-h-old eggs. In addition, the rate of development of immature stages resulting from irradiated eggs was negatively affected. While more than 97% of control moths emerged within 30 days, this ratio decreased to 53 and 69% in 1–24 and 25–48-h-old eggs exposed to 25 Gy dose. Furthermore, irradiation positively affected the degree of acceptance of eggs to parasitization; irradiated eggs (≤49-h-old) were more acceptable to T. cacoeciae than cold-treated ones.  相似文献   

日粮中添加酶制剂对环颈雉繁殖机能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹兴淮  胡锐 《林业科学》2003,39(6):110-114
主要探讨了酶制剂对环颈雉繁殖机能的影响。分别在种雉日粮中添加 0 5 %纤维素酶 +0 5 %淀粉酶、0 5 %纤维素酶 +0 5 %中性蛋白酶、0 3 %纤维素酶 +0 3 %淀粉酶 +0 4%中性蛋白酶。试验结果表明 ,种雉总产蛋数、产蛋总重及产蛋率均有明显提高 ,种蛋受精率、孵化率也有所提高 ;同时 ,料蛋比及啄蛋数、碎蛋数均有明显降低。平均蛋重及种蛋品质无显著变化 (P >0 0 5 ) ,种蛋中粗蛋白、无氮浸出物含量有所提高。综合比较 ,以添加 0 5 %纤维素酶 +0 5 %中性蛋白酶 ,作用效果最好。  相似文献   

Studies on the susceptibility of eggs of gallinaceous birds to 2,4,5,-T and 2,4-D. Second report By spraying eggs with a herbicide containing 2,4-D prior to incubation, the effect of this substance on sex differentiation and reproductive performance of Japanese quails was studied. As compared with appropriate controls, birds originating from eggs exposed to 2,4-D showed no significant differences either in their laying capacity or in the fertility and the hatching rate of their eggs.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of a new record pest insect Acanthocinus carinulatus Gebler has been reported in China. During the last few years, outbreaks of this insect in larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) plantations of Aershan, Inner Mongolia have occurred. Each year one generation is born. The insects only damage the phloem in L. gmelinii, overwinter in galleries as larvae and pupate in May of the following year. The pupation culminates in late May. The pupal phase lasts about 45 d. Adults emerge in early June and require nutrition after emergence. Mating and oviposition occur from late June to early August and the adult males and females and may copulate many times in their lifetime. The female adults lay eggs in bark crevices. Oviposition sites with one egg occupy 70.5% of all sites, sites with three eggs occupy 6.8% and 22.7% of all crevices are without eggs. Eggs stay in this stage for a period of 7 to 11 d. Larvae hatch in early July and hibernate in early September. The rate of successful hatching is only 37.8%.  相似文献   

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