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沙区几种野生观赏花卉的引种栽培沙冬青沙冬青为豆科沙冬青属常绿灌木。主要分布于我国西北荒漠、半荒漠地带。在干旱高温的盛夏季节,地表温度达60~70℃时,生长茂盛;在寒冷的冬季,仍然挺拔翠绿,是我国沙漠唯一稀有常绿灌木。沙冬青树形美观、四季常青、花黄色,...  相似文献   

<正>沙冬青,豆科沙冬青属,常绿灌木或小灌木,高1.5~2米,分布于内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏、新疆,生长于沙丘、河滩边台地。沙冬青不仅耐旱、耐寒、耐土壤瘠薄、抗逆性强,是良好的沙区造林树种,而且阔叶常绿、树形美观、花色鲜艳,可作为优良的绿化树种。1新疆矮沙冬青新疆矮沙冬青,第三纪残遗种,稀有种,濒危种,国家2级重点保护植物。新疆矮沙冬青是我区荒漠地区十分珍贵的第三纪孑遗种,是中国西北荒漠地区唯一的超旱生常绿阔叶灌木树种。主要分布在乌恰县,  相似文献   

沙冬青、矮沙冬青在榆林引种成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙冬青、矮沙冬青为豆科,属常绿阔叶灌木。沙冬青仅产于内蒙古及甘肃的沙漠中,是国家级保护植物。矮沙冬青仅分布于新疆喀什地区,为国家二级保护植物。 沙冬青、矮沙冬青号称沙漠中的常青树。其枝叶密被柔毛,可免受太阳强光灼伤,减少叶面蒸腾。其主根发达,能吸收沙土层深处水  相似文献   

八种珍稀濒危植物引种试验   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1992-1994年三年来,从内蒙、新疆和甘肃等省(区)的沙区地带引种来的8种珍稀濒危植物,现保存有性和无性繁殖苗近千株,大多已开花结实,经过对沙区8种珍稀濒危植物播种育苗研究认为:准噶尔无叶豆、矮沙冬青、银沙槐3种植物种皮坚硬吸水困难,播前须用浓硫酸处理后再经温水浸泡,才能吸水膨胀发芽;沙生柽柳、半日花、裸果木、绵刺、四合木等植物,种子质地松软,无需特殊处理均可干播发芽,播深适中均能取得较好出苗率。  相似文献   

[目的 ]水分是限制干旱区植物生长与生存的重要因素,为探明降水变化对荒漠植物化学计量特征的影响,以及C、N、P和K元素在植物各器官中的分配规律。[方法 ]以国家二级重点保护的珍稀濒危植物且是荒漠区唯一常绿阔叶灌木沙冬青为研究对象,分析沿自然降雨梯度下,沙冬青根-茎-叶的元素含量及其化学计量比的变化特征,了解其生长的适应机制和生存策略。[结果 ]沙冬青各器官C含量表现为叶>茎>根,而N、P、K营养元素含量均表现为叶>根>茎,N、P、K三大营养元素在叶片中的富集,可以提高沙冬青光合速率,为植物的生长与繁殖提供充分的物质保障,反映了资源分配模式和植物生长策略。沿自然降雨梯度,沙冬青的根、茎、叶之间主要表现为协同关系且存在着同时投资的生态策略,N和P含量在各器官中均随着降雨量的增加呈上升趋势,而K均呈下降趋势,沙冬青通过提高各器官K含量和降低N、P含量来应对干旱胁迫的环境。器官间的养分协同性远高于器官内部,各器官中的N:P在不同降雨梯度间相对比较稳定,说明沙冬青以保守的养分利用方式抵消元素含量随环境的变化,且N:P比值均大于16则生长主要受P限制。[结论 ]各器官N、P...  相似文献   

濒危植物沙冬青人工种群建立技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立人工种群是保护荒漠珍惜濒危植物沙冬青、扩大沙冬青种质资源、建立种质基因库的根本途径。播种苗移植造林和直播造林是建立沙冬青人工种群的2种途径。在干旱沙区,如何提高移栽成活率是沙冬青移植造林中最大的技术难题,而直播造林往往受到土壤水分条件的限制。试验从两条途径入手,通过田间对比试验,探试了不同浓度的ABT生根粉(3号)、苗木截体处理和苗龄对沙冬青苗木移植成活率及其生长状况的影响,试验总结了在年降水量小于150mm的干旱沙区进行沙冬青大田育苗的各个技术环节,同时对沙冬青直播造林中种子处理、馅播技术和人工种群的抚育管理也进行了一定的试验和探讨。  相似文献   

毛冬青(Ilex pubescens) 是我国南方常用中药,药材来源主要为野生资源。文章通过引种野生 毛冬青,开展繁育方面的初步研究。结果表明,毛冬青种子具休眠性,导致出苗不齐;采种时间为 10— 12 月,可用随采随播方式播种,播种后约 67 d 开始出土,春季发芽率约 20%,采用低温沙藏略可提高种 子发芽率。毛冬青当年苗平均苗高 33.24 cm,平均地径 4.08 mm,速生期为 5—10 月,苗高 Logistic 拟合 曲线为 y=34.710/(1+66.416exp-0.638× 月份)。毛冬青苗期采用搭棚遮荫(50% 光照)对苗木的生长有利,平均 苗高、地径、苗木存活率、合格苗率比全光照增加 5.81 cm、0.7 mm、16 及 26 个百分点。  相似文献   

4种针叶树种引种试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樟子松、云杉、侧柏、刺柏4种针叶树种在民勤沙生植物园10多年的引种试验结果表明:樟子松、云杉、刺柏在该地区生长良好,无病虫害发生。云杉、刺柏树形优美,可作庭园、城市绿化树种。樟子松栽植保存率高,生长速度快,适应性强,可作为防护林营造树种。侧柏生长不良,并有锈病发生。  相似文献   

沙冬青的生物学特性及开发利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙冬青(Ammopiptanthusmongolicus),豆科沙冬青属,是古地中海的于遗植物种,也是阿拉善戈壁荒漠的特有种,荒漠地区唯一的强旱生常绿灌木。内蒙古自治区一级重点保护植物,国家三级濒危种。我们对该种的特性进行了初步研究。1沙冬青的生物学特性1·1根与茎生长量的关系实验方法:将沙冬青的种子移入2000mL量简中培养。量筒中放入34109干沙,注入293mL水,这时沙土含水量达8%.从8月1日移入,直到实验结束不再浇水。观察发现,根约长到6~8Cm时,地上部分开始较快地生长。从8月3日~6日,地上部分平均每天生长近Icm。6日以后茎生长变…  相似文献   

国家重点保护野生植物:406种,保护级别分为一级和二级。其中一级67种,二级339种。爱国家保护的新疆野生植物44种,属国家一级保护植物1种;裸果木;国家二级保护植物矮沙冬青、盐桦等43种。国家重点保护野生植物名录(新疆地区分布)  相似文献   

不同育苗容器对黑荆树幼苗生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

Reduction in size and tissue nutrient concentration is widely considered to increase seedling drought resistance in dry and oligotrophic plantation sites. However, much evidence indicates that increase in size and tissue nutrient concentration improves seedling survival in Mediterranean forest plantations. This suggests that the ecophysiological processes and functional attributes relevant for early seedling survival in Mediterranean climate must be reconsidered. We propose a ecophysiological conceptual model for seedling survival in Mediterranean-climate plantations to provide a physiological explanation of the frequent positive relationship between outplanting performance and seedling size and nutrient concentration. The model considers the physiological processes outlined in the plantation establishment model of Burdett (Can J For Res 20:415–427, 1990), but incorporates other physiological processes that drive seedling survival, such as N remobilization, carbohydrate storage and plant hydraulics. The model considers that seedling survival in Mediterranean climates is linked to high growth capacity during the wet season. The model is for container plants and is based on three main principles, (1) Mediterranean climates are not dry the entire year but usually have two seasons of contrasting water availability; (2) summer drought is the main cause of seedling mortality; in this context, deep and large roots is a key trait for avoiding lethal water stress; (3) attainment of large root systems in the dry season is promoted when seedlings have high growth during the wet season. High growth is achieved when seedlings can divert large amount of resources to support new root and shoot growth. Functional traits that confer high photosynthesis, nutrient remobilization capacity, and non-structural carbohydrate storage promote high growth. Increases in seedling size and nutrient concentration strongly affect these physiological processes. Traits that confer high drought resistance are of low value during the wet season because hinder growth capacity. We provide specific evidence to support the model and finally we discuss its implications and the factors that may alter the frequent increase in performance with increase in seedling size and tissue nutrient concentration.  相似文献   

刘江林 《甘肃林业科技》2006,31(2):35-38,53
对华北落叶松切根、换床苗与留床苗的根系与生长研究表明,切根苗的根系发达,吸收土壤中水分、养分能力强,造林效果好,在林区值得推广。每年可进行1次切根,早春土壤化冻达15 cm左右时即可作业,以切根深度10 cm、苗木密度230株/m2为宜。  相似文献   

利用12个优树自由授粉子代进行容器育苗试验,采用方差、相关、回归等分析方法,对子代容器苗的成苗率、苗高、子叶、上胚轴长度等性状进行分析,探讨了这些性状之间的相关性及育苗方式对生长性状的影响。结果表明:影响成苗率的主要因素是种子的活力,而种子的千粒重大小、播种方式、育苗基质对成苗率无显著影响,但对苗高生长有显著影响;出籽率与球果平均重量无明显相关;子叶片数具有很高的广义遗传力,h2为0 92,且与苗高呈极显著遗传相关。  相似文献   

选用黄心土、椰糠、泥炭土和珍珠岩四种基质,采用混料试验的单形重心设计组配14个配方处理,进行广宁红花油茶(Camellia semiserrata)苗期轻基质盆栽试验,比较不同配方基质对其幼苗生长的影响,从而筛选出适合广宁红花油茶苗期生长的盆栽育苗轻基质配方。结果表明,不同基质处理对广宁红花油茶地上部分与地下部分的影响十分显著,各项生长指标的差异达到显著或极显著水平。在14个配方中,处理M1(60%黄心土+20%椰糠+20%泥炭土)、M2(20%黄心土+60%椰糠+20%泥炭土)、M9(20%黄心土+40%椰糠+20%泥炭土+20%珍珠岩)和M5(40%黄心土+460%椰糠+20%泥炭土)是广宁红花油茶轻基质盆栽育苗的适宜配方。对不同处理基质的理化性状分析结果表明,椰糠在减少基质容重、提高基质持水量与总孔隙度方面的作用明显大于泥炭土,是良好的轻基质材料。不同处理广宁红花油茶生长指标与基质材料含量指标的相关分析表明:对广宁红花油茶地上部分与地下部分的生长,椰糠有较明显的促进;泥炭土只对株高增长有显著促进作用;珍珠岩对各项指标的作用轻微;黄心土对各项指标有较明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Cuttings were made from six‐year‐old seedlings of Picea abies L. (Karst.) that had been studied in the Stockholm phytotron. The seedlings belonged to four full‐sib families, one being of French origin, one of North‐Swedish origin and two being hybrids between parents of North‐Swedish and French origin. Nine clones from each family were included. After the rooting phase, the cuttings were exposed to the same cultivation regimes as the seedling ortets. Characteristics of growth rhythm, percentage free growth and leader length were recorded during the 2nd to the 5th growth period (GP). Plagiotropic growth habit was recorded in the 3rd to the 5th growth period, and, characteristics of the rooting phase were studied. A juvenile behaviour very similar to that characterizing growth periods 2–3 of the seedlings was observed for growth rhythm characteristics and for free growth capacity during GP2 of the cuttings. The absolute value of the differences between each observation of the seedling ortets in GP6 and the means of the cuttings in GP2 produced a new variable that quantified the degree of rejuvenation. This new variable was meaningfully calculated only for growth rhythm and growth pattern variables. A gradual reversion of the growth rhythm occurred for the cuttings, which corresponded to the change with increasing age for the seedlings. The capacity for free growth, on the contrary, disappeared already in GP3 for the cuttings, except for the French family. A large variation in the rejuvenation ability between families was observed. Furthermore, the rejuvenation ability was negatively correlated with the ability to grow plagiotropically.  相似文献   

以贵州主要阔叶造林树种楸树为研究对象,采用人工控制土壤含水量的盆栽试验方法,研究楸树苗木速生期不同水分管理对幼苗苗高、地径、根系生长、生物量分配以及生理质量指标的影响。结果表明:速生期楸树幼苗最适宜的土壤含水量为100%田间持水量,一般应保持在80%~100%田间持水量之间,低于80%田间持水量,会使楸树幼苗的苗高与地径生长、根系发育、生物量积累都受到严重的限制,苗木生理质量指标叶绿素含量、根系活跃吸收面积和叶片相对含水量明显降低,而叶片质膜透性增加,细胞膜受到严重伤害;在40%田间持水量时,幼苗因干旱而死亡。  相似文献   

The carbohydrate reserve of bareroot Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was evaluated as means of describing seedling quality and capacity to withstand stress during nursery lifting, outplanting and acclimatization at the planting site. Carbohydrate concentrations in needles were followed through four spring storage treatments and the postplanting success and growth of seedlings monitored at two sites. The reduction in total glucose concentration in needles was affected by storage time and temperature. Depletion of carbohydrate reserves decreased needle growth, reduced the number of terminal buds, disturbed leader shoot formation, and consequently reduced shoot length. The depletion of reserves below a threshold concentration of ~2 % total glucose during storage resulted in significant seedling mortality. A simple model for estimating the depletion of carbohydrate reserves based on dark respiration was evaluated as a measure of the accumulated strain during the storage. The application of carbohydrate analyses as a routine test of seedling quality in a nursery is not currently feasible because of the insensitivity and laboriousness of the method.  相似文献   

As indoor frozen storage is increasing in forest tree nurseries it is important to have accurate methods for assessing seedling storability in autumn and methods to determine post-storage vitality. Storability of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings can be based on determination of dry matter content (DMC) of seedling shoots or by freezing shoots at –25°C and thereafter measure electrolyte leakage (SELdiff–25). To compare these two methods we stored 1-year-old spruce and pine seedlings at different occasions during the autumn. To test if leakage of electrolytes from shoots (SEL) could indicate deteriorated vitality, we measured SEL at the end of storage. After storage seedling viability was determined in a three-week growth test, measuring shoot and root growth capacity (RGC). Determination of freezing tolerance (SELdiff–25) before storage had a better ability to predict the outcome of storage compared to the DMC test. Measuring SEL at the end of the frozen storage period accurately indicated seedling vitality. Seedlings with SEL of 0–5% had a high survival rate whereas SEL over 10% indicated low survival and growth capacity after storage. The SEL method has a potential to become a screening test for identifying batches of seedlings that have been damaged during storage in the nursery.  相似文献   

Planting stock selection is an integral part of plantation management, as forest nursery practices influence the physiological status of the seedlings and their capacity to cope with resource availability on different planting sites. We thus compared the 11th-year dimensions and survival of large white spruce (Picea glauca) and black spruce (P. mariana) seedlings produced as 2 + 2 bareroot or 2 + 0 container stock (cell volume of 350 cm3), used to reduce the need for competition control. Using complete split-block designs, we evaluated the seedling competitive potential and response to mechanical release on two sites of contrasting ecological fertility and vegetation dominance in Quebec, Canada. We found that large spruce seedlings can be successfully established on high-competition sites in a context where chemical herbicides cannot be used. These stock types had a limited impact on survival and growth, and both stock responded similarly to mechanical vegetation control. In this context, the choice of stock type should prioritize the highest quality large seedling based on operational considerations such as availability and ease of transportation. Mechanical site preparation was not necessary to promote seedling growth and survival on these sub-boreal sites.  相似文献   

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