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土壤污染物临界负荷研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡宁静  骆永明 《土壤》2006,38(5):552-558
随着城市化进程与工农业的快速发展,土壤污染形势也越来越严峻。土壤污染物临界负荷的研究,可获取土壤可持续发展质量指标,是一条实现土壤可持续管理的有效途径。我国土壤污染临界负荷研究不足,为了推动其发展,本文讨论了其研究进展、指导原则、应用、存在问题与发展趋势。动态的和基于风险的土壤污染物临界负荷估算已是国际发展趋势。当前,缺乏完善的动态临界负荷估算模型,估算过程具有较大不确定性。为了准确地估算土壤污染物的临界负荷,在未来研究中需要加强对临界浓度制定和动态模型构建的研究,主要包括土壤中污染物的迁移传输规律、污染物的剂量-效应关系等。  相似文献   

农业生态效率研究进展分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
农业生态效率是评价农业可持续发展能力的一个非常重要的指标,通过农业生态效率的评价,可以准确评估了解农业生态系统的真实价值,以实现农业资源的高效率利用,并减轻农业废弃物所造成的内源性污染,进而从根本上解决农业生态系统退化和环境污染问题,为农业的可持续发展奠定基础。对已有文献进行系统梳理后发现,农业生态效率研究方面存在如下几个方面的问题:1)概念界定不统一、评价方法趋同;2)宏观层面对农业生态效率的影响因素研究不足、县域层面的收敛性分析亟待丰富;3)生态资产再生产、生态农业生产方式、生态农业政策等方面的应用还亟待加强等问题。为此,剖析了未来为推动我国农业的可持续发展,农业生态效率研究将会更加关注的如下几个方面:1)提升农业生态效率的评价方法;2)加强农业生态效率驱动因素的研究;3)推进农业生态效率在生态资产再生产、转变农业生产方式、制定农业政策等方面的应用。  相似文献   

我国黑土的退化问题及可持续农业   总被引:45,自引:11,他引:45  
陆继龙 《水土保持学报》2001,15(2):53-55,67
在分析我国东北黑土的土壤侵蚀、养分减少、物理性状恶化和土壤污染等退化特征的基础上 ,指出了黑土退化的自然因素和人为因素 ,并探讨了黑土退化的防治和可持续农业 ,这对于提高黑土地区土壤的生产力 ,促进可持续农业发展具有重要的意义  相似文献   

我国设施农业土壤质量退化特征与调控研究进展   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
设施土壤质量退化已成为制约现代设施农业可持续发展的瓶颈。了解设施土壤退化成因与特征,并采取适宜的调控措施,对于促进设施农业持续健康发展具有重要意义。本文综述了国内目前设施农业土壤次生盐渍化、酸化、微生物区系破坏、养分失调、有害物质积累等5个方面的退化特征与成因。简述了生物、农业、工程3类调控措施在改良设施土壤方面的应用研究进展。并且针对我国设施土壤质量研究中存在的关于探索形成原因和控制机理方面的研究少,原创性设施土壤改良与调控技术仍然十分缺乏,大尺度、长时间设施土壤质量演变的长期定位研究和动态监测工作十分滞后,有关设施土壤退化因素叠加效应与交互作用机理研究尚未涉及等问题,提出应将构建设施土壤质量标准体系,开展设施土壤质量退化演变机理以及拓展调控与改良技术,系统研究不同退化形式之间的相互作用,以及拓展新技术在设施农业土壤研究中的应用等4方面作为今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

阐述与分析了土壤资源优化利用与农业可持续发展概念、土壤资源优化利用的基本目标和当前土壤资源利用存在的问题,并提出了土壤资源优化利用的高产化、高效化、优质化、立体化、复合化及设施化6条基本途径,为农业可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

论述了持续农业的概念及其特性,明确了持续农业的研究对象是农业新技术和在环境上安全与健康的农业生产开发管理战略的研究与开发,提出了我国持续农业研究应着重解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

Soil degradation due to tillage has been reported Africa-wide. Other main causes of soil degradation are overgrazing, extensive cultivation of marginal lands, widespread clearing of vegetation for agriculture, deforestation, exploitation of unsuitable agricultural technologies, mis-management of arable lands, and frequent drought. Hence, declining soil fertility and increasing population pressure on lands are fragile bases on which to build expectations for improved crop production. This paper recognizes conservation tillage systems as one means for preventing food shortages and natural resources degradation throughout the continent. Conservation tillage has the potential for increasing soil organic matter content and enhancing soil aggregation. Conservation tillage systems can create an aggregated, fertile surface layer that is important from a soil erosion reduction perspective and thus for a sustainable agriculture in Africa. Some indigenous tillage systems in Africa can be adapted to meet objectives of conservation tillage systems. Further, recent technological developments in tillage and seeding machinery will certainly enhance the rate of farmer’s acceptance and adoption of conservation tillage.  相似文献   

Agronomic and public aspects of soil nitrogen research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Public perceptions of agriculture as a contributor to environmental stress are resulting in changes within agricultural production systems. Increasingly, these systems will need to be economically viable, environmentally sound, socially and politically acceptable, and conserving of natural resources-the characteristics that describe a sustainable agriculture. Improving and maintaining agricultural production systems with these characteristics must continue to be the objectives of agricultural research. Nitrogen research has contributed markedly to meeting the production and economic goals of agriculture, but it has not yet focused enough on answering socially and politically sensitive questions. Questions are posed about the environmental effects of various nitrogen management practices and the research needed to answer them is outlined. Emphasis is put on immobilization-mineralization as affected by use of nitrification inhibitors and split-application, release of nitrogen from animal manures, legumes, and other crop residues, and establishing acceptable yield goals.  相似文献   

随着全球有机农业的快速发展,一种有机设施园艺在国外已经被证明可持续性生产和盈利,但中国有机设施园艺相关技术标准还是空白。该文介绍了国外有机设施园艺产生的背景、定义、起源、目标、认证面积、产量和盈利状况、有机设施园艺基本形式及认证规则要点,探讨了中国发展有机设施园艺的可行性及存在的问题,提出中国应该积极发展有机设施园艺,但有机设施园艺不能简单等同于"温室+有机种植",它应该是一个以可持续发展为目标的,包含温室环境控制、种植材料选择,土壤肥力保护,水资源管理,病虫害控制,节能和可持续盈利的有机统一的整体。同时应立足国情,借鉴国外有机设施园艺规则要求,加强中国设施生物农业的基础研究和农机装备开发,制定出中国有机设施园艺的认证标准,中国设施农业产业必将迎来巨大的新市场机遇。  相似文献   

中国山区现代农业可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从区域农业可持续发展的观点和农业生态系统的原理出发,认为促进山区现代农业可持续发展具有巨大的经济、生态和政治意义,提出了“以生态为基础,以科技为主导”的“生态+现代生产+现代经营管理+现代科技+现代市场体系”的可持续发展模式。具体体现为:(1)现代适用生态农业生产模式:种植业——农区饲养型生态农业生产模式、丘陵区稻、果、牧、渔综合型生态农业生产模式、“千烟洲”立体开发型生态农业生产模式、城郊型生态农业生产模式;(2)现代适宜的农业产业化经营模式:龙头企业带农户组织、一体化企业组织、专业合作经济组织等3大类11种;(3)现代农业技术体系;(4)现代农业市场体系。  相似文献   

我国生态高值农业的内涵、模式及其研发建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵其国  黄季焜  段增强 《土壤》2012,44(5):705-711
"生态高值农业"是集约化经营与生态化生产有机结合的现代农业。它以健康消费需求为导向,以提高农业市场竞争力和可持续发展能力为核心,兼有高投入、高产出、高效益与可持续发展的双重特性,是转变农业增长方式、提高农业综合生产能力的集中体现。本文主要对其内涵、模式及其研发问题进行论述。  相似文献   

生态农业与食品安全   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
赵其国  黄国勤  钱海燕 《土壤学报》2007,44(6):1127-1134
食品安全已引起国内外的广泛关注。我国食品安全与提高人民生活质量、保证人民健康,维护社会稳定、建设和谐社会等密切相关。维护食品安全,就是维护生态安全、维护经济安全、维护国家安全。目前,我国食品安全面临的主要问题,一是食品数量不足,合格率不高;二是食品中有毒有害物质残留量高,食物中毒事件增多;三是资源、生态、环境问题突出,食品可持续生产能力面临潜在威胁;四是食品安全的法律、法规尚不健全,执法与管理力度不够。生态农业是当今社会农业发展的重要方向,具有显著的增产、增收、增效和环境保护功能,对改善和优化农业生态环境、生产健康优质的安全食品具有重大意义。生态农业在解决当前及今后我国面临的食品数量、质量安全及食品可持续生产能力等方面,将发挥着重要与不可替代的作用。为保障新世纪我国的食品安全,必须大力发展生态农业。主要措施包括:提高对生态农业的认识;大力普及生态农业知识;全面应用与推广生态农业技术;加强生态农业的科学研究;重视实行生态农业的产业化。  相似文献   

浙江省经过十多年的生态农业建设实践,从规划、研究、建设、管理、推广等角度,总结出十大特点。实践表明,在生态学和经济学原理指导下的生态农业,只要因地制宜,因势利导,群众积极参与,认真实施总体规划,不断优化农业生产结构、功能和配套技术,合理利用资源,保护生态环境,就能建立起一个整体协调,持续良性循环的农业生产体系。为进一步开展和推广生态农业建设提供良好经验。  相似文献   

我国循环农业发展理论与实践   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
发展循环农业是实现农业清洁生产、农业资源可持续利用的有效手段,也是解决现代农业发展困境的必然选择。文章系统地阐述了循环农业的内涵、特征、理论基础与遵循原则,指出其本质特征是资源节约和产业链条延伸,是遵循循环经济理念的生产方式、资源节约和高效利用的农业经济增长方式、产业链延伸的农业空间拓展路径和环境友好的新农村理念。分析了循环农业的发展动力与物质流程框架,指出循环农业的产业链循环包括农业生产过程中农产品的顺时针外循环路径和可再生资源的逆时针内循环路径,其发展动力主要是产业链内固有的价格机制和竞争机制产生的拉动作用和产业链外资金、技术、政策等对产业发展产生的推动作用。文章总结了国内发展循环农业的实践和相关的模式,提出了循环农业今后的研究重点包括循环农业的机理研究,循环农业发展的制度创新和补偿机制研究以及循环经济闭合循环链条体系的构建。  相似文献   

Current widespread and intensive soil degradation in India has been driven by unprecedented levels of population growth, large-scale industrialization, high-yield agriculture, urban sprawl and the spread of human infrastructure. The damage caused to managed and natural systems by soil degradation threatens livelihoods and local services and leads to national socio-economic disruption. Human-induced soil degradation results from land clearing and deforestation, inappropriate agricultural practices, improper management of industrial effluents and wastes, careless management of forests, surface mining, urban sprawl, and ill-planned commercial and industrial development. Of these, inappropriate agricultural practices, including excessive tillage and use of heavy machinery, over-grazing, excessive and unbalanced use of inorganic fertilizers, poor irrigation and water management techniques, pesticide overuse, inadequate crop residue and/or organic carbon inputs, and poor crop cycle planning, account for nearly 40% (121 Mha) of land degradation across India. Globally, human activities related to agriculture contribute to the transgression of four of the nine Planetary Boundaries proposed by Rockström et al. (2009): Climate Change, Biodiversity Integrity, Land-system Change, and altered Phosphorus and Nitrogen Biogeochemical Flows. This review focuses on how knowledge of soil processes in agriculture has developed in India over the past 10 years, and the potential of soil science to meet the objectives of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger (End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture), using the context of the four most relevant Planetary Boundaries as a framework. Solutions to mitigate soil degradation and improve soil health in different regions using conservation agricultural approaches have been proposed. Thus, in this review we (1) summarize the outputs of recent innovative research in India that has explored the impacts of soil degradation on four Planetary Boundaries (Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, Land-system Change, and altered Biogeochemical Flows of Phosphorus and Nitrogen) and vice-versa; and (2) identify the knowledge gaps that require urgent attention to inform developing soil science research agendas in India, to advise policy makers, and to support those whose livelihoods rely on the land.  相似文献   

澳大利亚农业系统中非点源污染的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C. GOURLEY  A. RIDLEY 《土壤圈》2005,15(6):768-777
The Australian farming sector is continuing to intensify, particularly within 300 km of the east and southern coastlines. In the future there will be fewer and larger farms, which will use more fertilizer, support more stock, grow more monoculture crops, and utilise more marginal soils. This is likely to increase the major environmental impacts of soil degradation, salt, nutrient and sediment contamination of waterways, and greenhouse gas emissions. Australian national water policy continues to focus on land, stream and groundwater salinity issues, although there is now a greater recognition of the importance of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from agriculture. The general philosophy of policy for dealing with nonpoint source pollution has been towards a voluntary rather than regulatory approach, with state and national governments supporting a range of programs to encourage sustainable agricultural practices. A catchment (watershed) based approach, through the use of integrated catchment management plans, is the primary way that non-point source pollution is addressed at the farm and local level. At an industry level, cotton, grains, meat, sugarcane and dairy amongst others, as well as the Australian fertilizer industry, have responded to non-point source issues by investing in research and development, and developing codes of practice aimed at abating these environmental impacts. Understanding the economic, social, political and cultural contexts of farming as well as the environmental impacts of agriculture are very important in determining the appropriateness of policy responses for Australian farming systems.  相似文献   

为促进农户绿色生产,实现农业绿色转型和增强农业可持续发展,理清并掌握资本禀赋与农户绿色生产行为之间的影响关系,增强研究成果对行为决策的辅助作用,在农业生产污染的现实背景下,系统整理了绿色生产行为的内涵以及影响因素、资本禀赋的内涵及分类、资本禀赋中各要素指标对绿色生产行为的影响,并对未来的研究提出展望,进一步促进我国农民参与绿色生产和提升农业绿色发展。  相似文献   

The world's agricultural production is increasing by 1 to 2 per cent annually and has been enough to satisfy the growing world population's need for food. Breeding, fertilisation and crop protection have decidedly contributed to that progress in productivity. But since the 1960s, agriculture has been more and more conceived by the public as an environment-contaminating industry. The public is concerned about water contamination with nitrate as a result of the use of fertilisers, and about harmful effects of chemical plant protection products on soil, water, air, animals and wild plants. The public discussion has not remained without consequences. Sustainability of development has become a central political objective in all spheres of social life, and in all world regions. Sustainable development concerns economic, ecological as well as social objectives, and is also the guideline for a renovation of agriculture. Any concepts and strategies integrating environmental aspects into agricultural production are linked with the objective of sustainable development. Discussion on sustainable agriculture has become more concrete on the basis of the Brundtland Report and Agenda 21 , as well as the various follow-up meetings of the 1992 Conference of Rio. Although efforts towards sustainable development in agriculture encounter widespread scepticism, clear progress is to be noted since that discussion has intensified. Farmers have paid more attention to new farming practices. Environmental aspects now play an important role when extension services advise farmers on fertilisation and crop protection. Research has contributed essentially to the change in agriculture towards sustainable production. Sustainability in agriculture has also been expressed in new legal regulations. Principles of good professional practice in applying fertilisers, as it is required by the Fertilisers Act from the year 1989, have been spelled out more clearly in a legal regulation issued on 26 January 1996 (Federal Law Gazette part I of 06 February 1996, p. 118). Principles of good professional practice in crop protection were published in Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) No. 220 a of 21 November 1998. Principles of integrated crop protection were first discussed by representatives of agriculture, environment protection offices and researchers at a workshop at Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft (BBA, Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry) in Kleinmachnow on 23° March 2000. The debate on sustainability centres around the aspects of economic and social efficiency of measures taken, and their effects on the environment. The following article deals with some basic aspects of efficiency on the one hand, and effects/emission on the environment on the other, of fertilisers and crop protection products as important input factors in agriculture. Crop husbandry always is an interference with nature. The Lüneburger Heide cropping region is a memorial of ecologically out-dated land management. Today, sustainable and at the same time efficient agriculture can only be realised with modern methods based on sound knowledge. This includes mineral fertilisation and chemical crop protection. Cropping permanently draws nutrients from the soil-plant system. They have to be refilled by fertilisation. If no fertilising measures are taken at all, the humus layer of the soil declines and soil degrades. The decline in fertility will result in yield losses of between 70 and 90%. In contrast, combination of organic and mineral fertilisers has continually added to soil fertility. This is reflected in the humus content of the soil, which is by about a quarter higher than it was a hundred years ago. Farmers resorting solely to mineral fertilisation produce yields lower by 5-10% than those combining mineral and organic fertilisers. If only organic fertilisers are used, this may reduce yields by between 10 and 40%, depending on the site. Unwanted side-effects of fertilisation (such as leaching of nitrates) may be reduced to a tolerable level by precise input of nutrients, improved methods such as precise fertiliser input depending on the condition of certain field patches, and by integrated crop protection, which relies on synergetic effects of various measures. Germany has for these reasons witnessed a relaxation of environmental pressure from excessive nutrient input. If crop protection measures were abandoned, pests and diseases would reduce yields by between 40 and 80 per cent. Our own trials about energy input-output proportions have shown a ratio of 1:4.6 with use of fertilisers (100kg N/ha), and a ratio of 1:8.6 with use of fertiliser and chemical plant protection products. The risk potential of modern chemical plant protection products has permanently decreased over the past few decades and is generally about one tenth of the values of 15 years ago. Integrated crop protection, which combines various methods of crop protection and reduces the use of chemical crop protection products to a necessary minimum, is the "optimal solution for the future" and "contributes to the sustainability of agriculture", as it is said in the Agenda 21 programme adopted by the 1992 environmental conference in Rio.  相似文献   

对我国土壤侵蚀的严重性,阐明了持续农业的内在涵义,从农业土地和农业经济的损失两个方面,着重叙述了土壤侵蚀对我国持续农业的危害;系统分析了水土保持与发展我国持续农业的内在联系。最后,从水土保持角度提出了发展我国持续农业的主要策略和措施。  相似文献   

中国北方平原地区种养循环农业现状调研与发展分析   总被引:19,自引:11,他引:8  
中国各地根据自然条件、产业类型及资源禀赋等形成了不同的种养循环农业模式,然而,针对北方平原地区(包括东北地区、西北地区和黄淮海地区)的种养循环农业模式尚缺乏系统研究,可复制可推广可持续的典型模式亟待总结.该文以实地调研和文献资料总结分析形式,对北方平原地区121个种养大县的农业废弃物资源化利用系统调研分析,梳理总结出中国北方平原地区基于农业废弃物(畜禽粪污、秸秆、尾菜等)资源化利用,形成以沼气工程、好氧堆肥和秸秆资源化为纽带的种养循环农业模式.同时,深入分析现有种养模式存在问题,仍需优化种养业格局实现种养平衡,构建评价体系,因地制宜选择种养模式,加快关键技术研发,以指导北方平原地区乃至全国种养循环农业发展.  相似文献   

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