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旨在研究日粮不同脂肪水平对早期断奶双胞胎湖羊公羔生长发育、体尺指标、断奶前腹泻率及血清指标的影响。选择7日龄体重相近、健康的湖羊双胞胎公羔30对,采用配对试验设计,分为正常脂肪组(NF)和高脂肪组(HF),一对双胞胎随机分到两个组中。7日龄断母乳,NF组开始饲喂脂肪含量为15%的代乳品和2.8%的开食料,HF组开始饲喂脂肪含量27%的代乳品及5.0%的开食料,饲喂至60日龄断液体饲料(代乳品)。60~120日龄统一饲喂开食料(US)。所有羔羊定期晨饲前称重,记录每日采食量及腹泻情况;在60、90及120日龄晨饲前颈静脉采血,用于测定血清学常规指标。结果表明:1)在30、50、90及120日龄时,HF组羔羊体重显著高于NF组(P0.05),而断代乳品时,HF组羔羊体重有显著高于NF组的趋势(0.05P0.10)。在7~60日龄阶段,HF组代乳品平均采食量显著高于NF组(P0.05),但开食料采食量、平均日增重及饲料转化率在两组间差异不显著(P0.05);在60~90日龄阶段,HF组平均日增重及开食料采食量显著高于NF组(P0.05),而饲料转化率HF组显著低于NF组(P0.05);在90~120日龄期间,HF组羔羊采食量显著高于NF组(P0.05),而饲料转化率有显著高于NF组的趋势(0.05P0.10)。在整个试验期,HF组总平均采食量显著高于NF组(P0.05),平均日增重及饲料转化率在两组间差异不显著(P0.05)。2)试验期内HF组羔羊断奶前腹泻率有显著低于NF组的趋势(0.05P0.10)。试验期间两组羔羊体尺指标基本上无显著差异(P0.05)。断奶前饲喂高脂肪日粮可以在一定程度上提高湖羊双胞胎公羔断奶前后的生长性能;高脂肪日粮可以降低断代乳品前腹泻率;且本试验条件下高脂肪日粮对羔羊血液指标的影响在其自身调节的范围内。  相似文献   

代乳粉用于早期断奶犊牛的效果研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
犊牛使用代乳品可以节省鲜奶,降低饲养成本,控制疾病的发生,促进消化系统的发育。试验用24头犊牛做试验,60日龄断奶。结果表明,代乳品组犊牛增重47.55千克;对照组增重41.72千克;吃代乳品的犊牛在30-60日龄的日增重达到1026克,高于对照组103克。吃代乳品的犊牛每增重1千克的直接饲料成本为15.13元,比鲜奶组犊牛低2.14元/千克。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同饲喂方式对断奶前犊牛生长性能的影响。试验选择46头体重和出生日期相近的犊牛,随机分成两组,每组23头。其中,Ⅰ组采用传统饲喂模式(粉状开食料+干草+牛奶),从4日龄开始补充粉状开食料,10日龄开始补充苜蓿干草和精饲料,干草自由采食;Ⅱ组采用现代饲喂模式(颗粒型开食料+牛奶),从4日龄开始补充颗料型开食料。两组均60日龄断奶。结果表明,Ⅰ组犊牛日均干物质采食量显著高于Ⅱ组(P<0.05),但两组的平均日增重、体高、体斜长、胸围、前管围均无显著差异(P>0.05);血清中葡萄糖(GLU)、甘油三酯(TG)水平组间无差异(P>0.05),45d、60dⅡ组总蛋白(TP)浓度显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05),45dⅠ组尿素氮(BUN)显著高于Ⅱ组(P<0.05);Ⅱ组CP、EE和P的表观消化率显著高于Ⅰ组(P<0.05);Ⅱ组犊牛腹泻率(2.39%)低于Ⅰ组(3.12%)。试验表明,断奶前饲喂颗粒开食料有利于降低犊牛腹泻的发生率,提高犊牛对固体饲料的适应性。  相似文献   

本试验通过以椰子油和棕榈油替代代乳品中的乳脂,研究对哺乳期犊牛生长性能和营养物质消化代谢的影响。试验选取60头初生荷斯坦公犊牛,随机分成5组,分别饲喂等氮等能但脂肪源不同的5种代乳品:1)代乳品中脂肪全部来自于乳脂;2)代乳品中脂肪中50%来自于椰子油,50%来自于乳脂;3)代乳品中脂肪中100%来自于椰子油;4)代乳品中脂肪中50%来自于棕榈油,50%来自于乳脂;5)代乳品中脂肪中100%来自于棕榈油。试验期56 d。结果显示:1)椰子油或棕榈油50%和100%替代乳脂对14~56日龄犊牛平均日增重、干物质采食量、饲料转化率和腹泻率的没有显著影响(P0.05);2)椰子油或棕榈油50%和100%替代乳脂对哺乳期犊牛血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和游离脂肪酸含量的影响不显著(P0.05);3)椰子油或棕榈油50%和100%替代乳脂对哺乳期犊牛干物质、有机物、粗脂肪、钙、磷表观消化率和能量利用率的影响不显著(P0.05)。结果提示,椰子油和棕榈油替代乳脂改变了代乳品中的脂肪酸组成,但不同脂肪酸组成的代乳品对哺乳期犊牛生长性能和营养物质消化代谢无显著影响。  相似文献   

为了比较不同结构性开食料对娟姗犊牛生长发育的影响,试验选择10日龄的娟姗犊牛27头,随机分成3组,分别饲喂不同来源和结构的开食料。A组饲喂犊牛颗粒料;B组饲喂90%自配精饲料+10%糖蜜豆皮颗粒;C组饲喂80%自配精饲料+20%苜蓿草粉。结果表明:A组、B组、C组犊牛哺乳期发病率相同(11.11%);60日龄、90日龄体重各组间无显著差异(P0.05),犊牛0~60日龄、0~90日龄平均日增重无显著差异(P0.05),但以C组增重效果最佳;断奶采食量B组最高,各组间无显著差异(P0.05)。说明采用开食料饲养犊牛效果良好,对犊牛的生长发育无显著影响,其中80%自配精饲料+20%苜蓿草粉最适合饲喂娟姗哺乳期犊牛。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究群饲犊牛自由采食酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料对哺乳犊牛和断奶应激期犊牛生长性能的影响。选择3~5日龄、体重相近犊牛300头,随机分为6栏,每栏50头,随机选择3栏饲喂常规颗粒犊牛开食料(颗粒料组),其余3栏饲喂结构性犊牛开食料(结构料组)。两种日粮的配方完全一致。颗粒犊牛料中所有物料均经粉碎、混合、制粒,制成颗粒料。将饲粮配方中玉米和大麦取出,换为蒸汽压片玉米和带壳大麦,其余物料粉碎、混合、制粒,为颗粒浓缩料,再将颗粒浓缩料与蒸汽压片玉米、带壳大麦混合,制成结构性饲料。整个试验分为哺乳期和断奶应激期共计90 d,哺乳期试验第1 d饲喂酸化奶,第15 d供应开食料。颗粒料组犊牛在哺乳期饲喂开食料,断奶后补饲苜蓿干草。结构料组犊牛断奶后饲喂结构性生长料。将结构性开食料与20%苜蓿干草混合,制成结构性生长料。结果表明:哺乳期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高40%(P<0.05),日增重高19%(P<0.01);断奶应激期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高29%(P<0.01),日增重高25%(P<0.01),饲料利用效率高11%(P<0.05);试验结束时,结构料组犊牛体重更高(P<0.05)。综上所述,在哺乳期自由饮用酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料在哺乳期和断奶应激期的效果均优于传统颗粒开食料,可促进犊牛生长,缓解断奶应激。  相似文献   

为探讨犊牛强化饲喂液态奶的可行性,本研究观测了鲜奶饲喂量对中国荷斯坦犊牛哺乳期生长性能、体型发育,断奶阶段血液生化指标以及断奶后养分消化的影响。选择4日龄中国荷斯坦犊牛20头,随机分为2个处理组,每组10头,分别饲喂两个水平的鲜奶,即高奶量组和对照组。结果,高奶量组的鲜奶采食量较对照组多174.4g,开食料较对照组少95.5g;高奶量组哺乳期干物质、代谢能和可消化粗蛋白摄入量较对照组分别高5.2%、11.6%、9.0%,其中高奶量组4~54日龄代谢能和可消化粗蛋白摄入量较对照组高,在55~60日龄代谢能和可消化粗蛋白较对照组低;高奶量组日增重较对照组提高9.3%,但差异不显著(P0.05);提高鲜奶饲喂量可极显著促进犊牛腰角发育(P0.01),具有促进体斜长增加的趋势(P0.10);对照组断奶阶段血糖浓度有提高的趋势(P0.10),两组犊牛断奶阶段血浆甘油三酯、尿素氮、β-羟丁酸和胰岛素浓度差异不显著(P0.05),但血浆甘油三酯含量均高于常值;高奶量对犊牛断奶后干物质、有机物、粗蛋白和粗灰分的全肠道养分表观消化率影响不显著(P0.05)。综上,提高鲜奶饲喂量有益于犊牛生长发育,不影响犊牛养分消化。试验犊牛摄入代谢能较高,具有增加血脂的潜在风险,液态奶强化饲喂策略需进一步研究。  相似文献   

文章旨在研究犊牛开食料中添加不同含量的苜蓿干草对犊牛生长发育、营养物质消化率和瘤胃发酵参数的影响。试验选择45头刚出生的中国荷斯坦母犊牛,按照体重划分区组,采用完全随机区组试验设计,将新生犊牛分配到3个处理组中,每组15头犊牛。对照组犊牛开食料中不添加苜蓿干草;在试验组Ⅰ犊牛开食料中添加10%的苜蓿干草(干物质基础);试验组Ⅱ犊牛开食料中添加20%的苜蓿干草(干物质基础)。犊牛在60日龄断奶,断奶结束后试验继续进行20 d。试验期间,1~50 d为哺乳期,犊牛饲喂常乳(正常饲喂量)+开食料;51~60 d为断奶过渡期,犊牛饲喂常乳(减量)+开食料;61~80 d为断奶后期,犊牛饲喂开食料。犊牛7日龄时开始饲喂开食料,犊牛14日龄时,在开食料中开始添加苜蓿干草。每天记录开食料采食量,分别于试验第1天、第50天、第80天在早晨饲喂前称重犊牛体重,分别于第50天和第80天在犊牛采食开食料3 h后采集瘤胃液,测定挥发性脂肪酸浓度和NH3-N浓度。于试验最后3 d,采集粪便进行消化试验,测定营养物质消化率。试验结果表明,犊牛开食料中添加苜蓿干草显著提高了犊牛体重、平均日增重和干物质采食量,而且与添加剂量呈线性相关,以20%的添加量组犊牛具有最佳的生长性能,而对犊牛的饲喂效率没有显著影响。犊牛开食料中添加苜蓿干草显著改善了瘤胃发酵功能,增加了瘤胃液pH,提高了瘤胃液乙酸与丙酸的比值。苜蓿干草对犊牛的营养物质表观消化率没有显著影响。因此,本试验结果表明,犊牛开食料中添加20%的苜蓿干草显著提高了犊牛生长性能,改善了犊牛瘤胃发育和发酵功能。  相似文献   

为了研究饲喂不同淀粉来源开食料对犊牛的影响,试验分4组,每组16头,分别采用大麦淀粉、玉米淀粉、燕麦淀粉和小麦淀粉。开食料采用颗粒料,其中包含25%的淀粉,试验期为12周。分别在断奶前(1~49日龄)和断奶后(50~84日龄)测定饲料消耗、营养摄入量、体增重、骨骼生长和一些血液指标。整个试验周期内开食料平均采食量由低到高依次为:玉米淀粉组、小麦淀粉组、大麦淀粉组和燕麦淀粉组。断奶前,饲喂玉米淀粉组和小麦淀粉组犊牛消耗的粗饲料比其它两组多。断奶后,饲喂玉米淀粉组犊牛粗饲料的采食量最高,小麦淀粉组、大麦淀粉组和燕麦淀粉组次之。干物质、粗蛋白质、淀粉和中性洗涤纤维的摄入量根据固体饲料采食量计算。出生、断奶和断奶后(84日龄)分别测量体重、前脊高、后脊高、胸围、腹围和体长,出生时和断奶时各组犊牛间这些数据差异均不显著,但饲喂玉米淀粉组犊牛体重和体尺均高于其它组。整个试验期的平均日增重、总干物质采食量、饲料利用率从大到小依次为:玉米淀粉组、小麦淀粉组、大麦淀粉组和燕麦淀粉组。血糖,血中尿素氮、甘油三酯、胆固醇和肌酸酐都随着日龄的增大而减小。与饲喂小麦淀粉组、大麦淀粉组和燕麦淀粉组的犊牛相比,玉米淀粉组犊牛在第8、10、12周血糖低而尿素氮浓度高。燕麦淀粉组的腹泻率比其它组的高。添加淀粉的开食料对犊牛的呼吸、体温和日常表现没有影响。综上所述,饲喂添加玉米淀粉犊牛开食料的采食量高于其它3组。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究纳豆枯草芽孢杆菌对断奶前犊牛生长状况、生产性能、断奶日龄等指标的影响。选取14头7日龄中国荷斯坦奶牛公犊,随机分为2个处理组,每组7头犊牛。向所饲喂的牛奶中添加纳豆枯草芽孢杆菌菌液,连续饲喂直到开食料采食量达到规定要求时断奶。结果表明:断奶前犊牛日增重较对照组提高26.5%(P<0.01);开食料的日采食量下降11.9%;与对照组(57 d)相比,饲喂纳豆枯草芽孢杆菌处理组(49.7 d)显著提前了犊牛的断奶日龄。  相似文献   

选择体重和出生日期相近、健康状况良好的荷斯坦公犊牛30头,随机分为3组(试验I组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组),每组10头,研究了饲喂不同脂肪和蛋白质水平代乳粉对犊牛生长性能的影响。不同处理代乳粉的营养水平分别为:试验I组,EE13%、CP22%;Ⅱ组,EE16%、CP24%;Ⅲ组,EE19%、CP26%。研究结果表明.犊牛的日增重随着代乳粉营养水平的升高逐渐提高,试验Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组的日增重分别比试验I组提高了35.45%和37.63%(P〈(1.05).试验Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组的平均日增重差异不显著;饲喂高营养水平代乳粉具有降低犊牛腹泻的趋势;不同试验处理对犊牛开食料采食量无显著差异。综合分析饲喂不同营养水平代乳粉对犊牛生长和经济效益的影响,代乳粉的适宜营养水平为EE16%、CP24%。  相似文献   

In two factorial feeding experiments with 90 and 102 rearing calves the effect of addition of extra lysine to the milk replacer in combination with a low and high lysine content of the calf starter on dry matter intake and weight gain was studied. Once or twice daily milk feeding was also compared. The calves received milk replacer up to the age of 8 weeks and calf starter and hay ad libitum from the 3rd week on. The experiments lasted to the age of 12 respectively 10 weeks. In the first experiment increasing the lysine content of the milk replacer from 14.5 g/kg to 18.5 g/kg had no effect on dry matter intake and weight gain. In the second experiment increasing the content of lysine to 17 g/kg resulted in higher intake of dry matter and higher weight gain, but only in combination with a calf starter with a low lysine content (6 g/kg). In the first experiment twice daily milk feeding resulted in higher intake of concentrate and higher weight gain as compared to once daily. In the second experiment this was only so if the starter had the lower lysine content. Increasing the lysine content of calf starter from 7 to 8.5 g/kg had no effect on dry matter intake and weight gain in the preweaning period in the first experiment. In the second experiment increasing the lysine content from 6 to 8.5 g/kg led to higher intake of concentrate and higher weight gain. This effect was only seen if the milk replacer had no extra lysine added. In the postweaning period there was no effect of increasing the lysine content from 7 to 8.5 g/kg (Exp. I). Increasing the lysine content from 6 to 8.5 g/kg led to higher dry matter intake and higher weight gain (Exp. II). These results are discussed in the light of the partial degradability of the concentrate protein in the rumen and the effect of duodenally available lysine on feed intake and weight gain.  相似文献   

选用出生后吃完初乳的荷斯坦母犊24头分为试验组和对照组,对照组饲喂鲜牛奶6kg/d/头,试验组饲喂代乳粉800g/d/头。结果表明:经过60d的饲喂试验,试验组比对照组多增重5.31kg(P<0.01),试验组犊牛日增重比对照组提高了88.5g(P<0.01),试验组犊牛的体高和胸围的增长速度均高于对照组。从经济效益来看,进食代乳粉组犊牛比对照组节省成本263.42元/头(鲜奶价格按2元/kg计算)。  相似文献   

【目的】 本研究通过比较不同断奶模式对犊牦牛生长发育、血清生化指标及抗氧化能力的影响,以期探索科学的犊牦牛早期培育模式。【方法】 选取体重相近、健康的新生犊牦牛24头,随机分为3个处理组,每组8头,公母各半。对照组(GF)犊牦牛出生后在天然牧场内随母放牧哺乳;早期断奶组(EW)犊牦牛随母放牧哺乳至15日龄时隔离母犊,逐渐过渡为饲喂代乳粉,提供开食料及天然牧草自由采食,至犊牦牛固体饲料采食量达到0.5 kg/d时停喂代乳粉,90日龄后停喂开食料转入天然牧场放牧饲养;早期断奶+益生菌组(EWP)断奶过程同EW组,并在代乳粉、开食料中添加复合益生菌(乳酸杆菌、芽孢杆菌、酵母菌,≥9.98×1011 CFU/g)。分别于犊牦牛30、60、90、150日龄时测定体重及体尺指标,于30、60、90日龄晨饲前采集犊牦牛颈静脉血,测定血清中生化指标、激素、免疫球蛋白水平及抗氧化能力指标。【结果】 30日龄时,EW、EWP组犊牦牛体重、体尺,血清葡萄糖(GLU)、甘油三酯(TG)、胆固醇(CHO),生长激素(GH)、胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1),以及免疫球蛋白A (IgA)、免疫球蛋白G (IgG)水平均显著低于GF组(P<0.05),EW组皮质醇水平显著高于GF组(P<0.05);60~150日龄各组犊牦牛体重、体尺均无显著差异(P>0.05);60日龄时,EW、EWP组犊牦牛血清IGF-1以及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH)含量均显著高于GF组(P<0.05);90日龄时EW、EWP组犊牦牛血清GLU、尿素氮(BUN)、IGF-1、甲状腺素(T4)及IgA水平均显著高于GF组(P<0.05),且EWP组血清TG、GH含量及过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均显著高于GF组(P<0.05)。【结论】 与随母放牧哺乳模式相比,两种早期断奶方式在断奶初期(30日龄)对犊牦牛均产生了一定负面影响,但在断奶后补饲代乳粉与开食料有利于改善犊牦牛后期的生长发育、营养代谢、机体免疫与抗氧化能力,且补充益生菌能够缓解犊牦牛的早期断奶应激,并对犊牦牛生长发育及抗氧化能力的提升有进一步促进作用。  相似文献   

SUMMARY Thirty-six, 2- to 4-day-old Friesian bull calves were divided into 4 groups and fed milk replacer and calf starter pellets ad libitum in separate pens. Four treatments were applied; lasalocid in milk (1 mg/kg body weight/day) (M), lasalocid in starter (F), lasalocid in both milk and starter (M+F) and untreated (C). When the calves were about 2 weeks old they were each dosed orally with 550 000 sporulated Eimeria sp oocysts, mainly E zurneii and E bovis. The infection, detected by faecal excretion of oocysts, was suppressed in the M+F and M groups. There was significant excretion of oocysts in the F group but these calves did not show any clinical signs of coccidiosis. Untreated calves were affected with diarrhoea containing blood on the 24th day after inoculation. Body weight gain and intake of starter pellets was also depressed in the untreated calves during the time they were clinically affected. It is concluded that mixing lasalocid in milk replacer (or fresh milk) is an effective method of protecting young calves against early infection with coccidia.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the growth potential of Sahiwal calves given milk or milk replacer with or without concentrates. For this purpose, forty-eight Sahiwal calves were divided into four groups of 12 animals each with equal sex ratio. In each group, the calves were offered either milk or a milk replacer (MR) at a rate of 10% of their body weight adjusted weekly. In addition to this, calves were fed either a starter ration plus Egyptian clover hay (SR + H) or hay only (H) until the end of trial. The milk or MR was withdrawn gradually from day 56 until animals were weaned completely by day 84. Calves offered milk grew faster than those offered MR (357 ± 9 vs. 162 ± 9 g/day; p < 0.05) and displayed higher weaning weights (51.6 ± 0.8 vs. 35.2 ± 0.8 kg; p < 0.05). The calves offered SR + H grew faster (311 ± 9 vs. 208 ± 9 g/day; p < 0.05) and displayed higher weaning weights (48.7 ± 0.8 vs. 38.1 ± 0.8 kg; p < 0.05) than those fed H alone. Calves offered milk plus SR + H showed the highest growth rate and weaning weights (401 ± 13 g/day and 56.3 ± 1 kg, respectively). The lowest growth rate and weaning weights were observed in calves offered MR and H only (115 ± 13 g/day and 30.3 ± 1 kg, respectively). Calves offered the MR had higher number of scour days than those offered milk (13.5 vs. 3.3). The feeding of whole milk in combination with the starter ration and hay resulted in superior growth rates, higher weaning weights, and healthier calves than the other feeding regimens.  相似文献   

Twelve artificially reared, male Holstein calves, ruminally cannulated at 53 d of age, were used in a split-plot design to study the effects of no milk replacer reduction (CON), or reduction by 30% (30R) or 60% (60R) of this value on alfalfa hay intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation and digestive kinetics. Milk replacer reduction began at 53 d of age and continued until 135 d of age, after which no milk replacer was fed. All calves had ad libitum access to long-stemmed alfalfa hay from birth. Five collection periods were conducted at average calf ages of 72, 87, 108, 129 and 151 d. Reducing the amount of milk replacer fed resulted in a linear increase (P less than .05) in forage OM intake; however, total OM intake (forage + milk) was not different (P greater than .10) among milk reduction groups. Size of particles in feces exhibited quadratic effects in response to milk replacer reduction (P less than .05) but only in the small (less than 150 microns) size groupings. Ruminal pH and ammonia and individual VFA concentrations (except isobutyrate) were not altered by milk reduction (P greater than .10) but increased (P less than .01) with calf age. Milk replacer reduction had a quadratic effect (P less than .05) on fluid outflow rate from the rumen, increasing as milk replacer was reduced. Other fluid and particulate kinetic data, as well as NDF digestion rate and DM digestion showed no effects (P greater than .10) from milk replacer reduction but changed with calf age. Milk replacer reduction increased forage intake but had minimal effects on digestive variables evaluated, suggesting that intake of milk replacer by calves can be reduced by up to 60% without disturbing forage fermentation and passage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine growth, morbidity, and mortality rates in dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer and compare economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer in dairy calves. DESIGN: Clinical trial. ANIMALS: 438 dairy calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were assigned at 1 to 2 days of age to be fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk or a commercial milk replacer until weaned. Body weight was measured at the time of study enrollment and at the time of weaning, and any medical treatments administered and deaths that occurred prior to weaning were recorded. A partial budget model was developed to examine the economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer. RESULTS: Calves fed conventional milk replacer had significantly lower rates of gain (-0.12 kg/d [-0.26 lb/d]), lower weaning weights (-5.6 kg [-12.3 lb]), higher risk for treatment during the summer and winter months (odds ratio [OR], 3.99), and higher risk of death during the winter months (OR, 29.81) than did calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk. The estimated savings of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk, compared with milk replacer, was dollars 0.69/calf per day. The estimated number of calves needed to economically justify the nonsaleable milk pasteurization system was 23 calves/d. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk have a higher growth rate and lower morbidity and mortality rates than do calves fed conventional milk replacer. Feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk could be an economically viable strategy for dairy calf producers.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effects of feeding an increased volume of high‐fat milk during the early post‐natal life on metabolite concentrations in the blood, the expression of key genes regulating intermediary metabolism in the skeletal muscles, and the rate of growth of Japanese Black cattle. All calves were fed a high‐fat milk replacer (crude protein, 26%; crude fat, 25.5%; total dissolved nitrogen, 116%). Control calves (n = 4) were nursed with 500 g milk replacer until 3 months of age, whereas calves in the experimental group (n = 4) were nursed with 1800 g milk replacer until 3 months, and then the volume was gradually reduced until 5 months. Body weight was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group at 7 months. Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly lower in the experimental group. Expression of glucose‐transporter‐4 messenger RNA (mRNA) was lower, whereas that of glucose transporter 1, cluster of differentiation 36, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase‐1b mRNA was significantly higher in the Longissimus thoracis of the experimental group. Nutritional status during early post‐natal life appears to strongly influence the growth rate and glucose and lipid metabolism in Japanese Black cattle.  相似文献   

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