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北方农业雨水利用实践与发展前景展望   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
分析了北方雨水利用的现状,对国内雨水利用技术理论和实践以及国外较成功的经验作了详细的介绍。对雨水的自然利用和集雨农业中的降雨集流技术、雨水贮存净化技术、高效利用技术进行了概述。在北方地区进行集雨灌溉,合理发展集雨农业,既可以缓解灌溉水源紧张的局面,提高农业生产力,又可以减少雨水对土壤的侵蚀和水土流失,有助于北方农业可持续发展,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

在总结研究甘肃省内外雨水利用非工程技术措施的基础上,对田间雨水利用技术进行组装、配套、集成和创新研究,提出了半干旱山区田间雨水高效利用的三种新型非工程技术措施。  相似文献   

设施农业雨水资源自压利用系统研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
设施农业阻断了雨水资源的直接利用。本文针对设施农业自身的特点及现状雨水资源利用存在的问题 ,提出了设施农业雨水资源利用的新思路。通过对设施农业雨水资源化潜力的分析计算 ,探讨了设施农业雨水资源高效利用的自压灌溉系统设计方法。该系统集开源、节能与节水于一身 ,具有较强的实用性和众多的优点  相似文献   

结合宁夏回族自治区彭阳县水土保持、退耕还林(草)、生态建设、雨水资源利用的特点,研究和筛选雨水集蓄利用技术、旱地农业配套栽培技术,形成集雨节灌工程技术应用模式、旱地农业高效栽培技术模式.提出适合彭阳县乃至宁南山区集雨补灌的高效节水农业综合技术体系,并在彭阳县王洼镇集雨利用技术集成示范区进行示范.  相似文献   

针对贵州喀斯特山区降水时空分布不均,蓄水设施缺乏,工程性缺水等问题,研发雨水集蓄利用系统的共性技术,探讨利用集雨装置集蓄雨水解决居民生活及灌溉用水的可行性。通过集雨装置把天然雨水收集、过滤消毒、储存以及利用,实现对水质进一步净化,收集的雨水水质满足生活用水的相关标准,达到喀斯特区在干旱缺水期有水可以用,同时解决了农作物生长发育期缺水的补灌,提高作物产量,形成了低成本、高效益、干净卫生的人畜饮水安全的雨水利用技术系统。雨水集蓄利用是解决喀斯特缺水山区饮水困难和农业补充灌溉,实现喀斯特山区水资源可持续发展不可替代的选择,是解决水资源短缺的有效方法和重要途径,对喀斯特山区水资源的循环利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

半干旱地区集雨旱作节水农业技术集成总体模式研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在分析准格尔旗示范区生态、经济、社会等条件的基础上,针对以往集雨农业研究缺乏技术综合集成,导致工程布局和各个技术环节相互脱节的问题,抓住半干旱地区缺水制约经济发展与生态环境建设这个最大的障碍因素,以提高雨水集蓄率、水分利用率和利用转化效率为主线,综合运用3S技术、系统科学思想与实用农艺、水利工程技术,初步构筑起适合黄土高原北部地区集雨补灌条件下的综合技术集成模式,并结合示范区实际分析了雨水收集潜力,构建了三类农户生产应用子模式,取得了显著的经济与生态效益.  相似文献   

现代高效农业是追求经济、社会和生态综合效益最佳的现代农业产业,其发展面临着资源和环境双重压力。从产品设计与制造、机械除草、变量施肥和精准施药等角度深入分析国内外田间管理主要环节作业装备的研发现状,指出肥药资源的精准供给和农机资源的高效利用是山东省高效农业模式下田间管理装备发展面临的两大关键问题。对此,提出在田间管理全环节的关键基础理论和核心技术突破基础上,通过“以机代药”和智能化技术有机融合,实现减药降污及作业过程的精确感知与精准管控,在保证农艺要求的同时减少资源浪费,缓解生态安全问题;提出通过模块化设计使农机装备得以“按需组装”,实现高效利用;并结合现代传感、物联网等先进技术手段将田间管理装备作业过程纳入到智能农业互联网平台,构建全新高可靠农机大数据,从而实现全农艺环节的高质高效,促进山东省现代高效农业的发展。  相似文献   

丘陵地区雨水集蓄利用技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对雨水集蓄、雨水利用技术综合分析的基础上,针对丘陵地区的自然、地形和经济条件,确定了合理的雨水集蓄策略以及与雨水利用相适合的灌溉方式和灌溉制度,提出了一典型的雨水集蓄利用灌溉系统。该系统能够提高丘陵地区雨水利用效率,从而促进农业增产增收。  相似文献   

在全面分析雨水集蓄利用农业补充灌溉工程系统构成、作用与基本特征的基础上,全方位进行了风险要素识别、风险源辨析,确定了农业补充灌溉工程风险种类及其导致风险发生的主要原因和形成过程;构建了多层次雨水集蓄利用农业补充灌溉工程风险评价指标体系和风险综合评价模型,提出了综合风险等级评定标准;以典型工程为例,计算了工程实施过程的风险度,对有效实施雨水集蓄利用农业补充灌溉工程过程风险管控,提高灌溉保证率,支撑雨养农业可持续发展具有重要实践意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

张改红 《农业工程》2018,8(6):97-99
我国是农业大国,提高水资源利用率和可持续开发水平,对促进农民增收和农业发展有重要意义。雨水蓄积节水灌溉是一种重要的水资源利用方式,对雨水蓄积节水灌溉的意义、技术内涵和效果进行了归纳和分析,提出了发展雨水蓄积节水灌溉的措施和展望,可为相关研究和实践提供理论参考。   相似文献   

收获机器人中的机器手定位技术直接影响了收获机器人的作业效果,也是开发实用设备的关键。为此,从定位技术中图像处理技术的改进、基于三维信息的定位技术改进以及基于机器手移动路线的定位技术改进等3方面总结了近年来收获机器手定位技术的研究进展,并提出了在今后相关技术的进一步研究中需要注意定位精度的要求、定位误差与机器手控制误差的关系以及机器人自身位姿对定位技术的影响三方面的问题。  相似文献   

在对集雨水质特点进行简要分析的基础上,结合现有集雨水质净化处理的各种传统方法,重点介绍了初期雨水弃流技术、雨水粗滤处理技术、窖水慢滤净化技术、窖水终端过滤净化技术等几种集雨水质处理的新型实用技术,同时对其应用效果和特点给予分析。本文可为集雨利用地区选择集雨水质净化方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic feasibility of agriculture with rainwater harvesting and supplemental irrigation in a semiarid region. The results show the importance of making full use of every open-air hardened surface to collect rainwater and to establish rainwater catchment areas by utilizing unoccupied land. The results also show that the usefulness of the harvested rainwater is enhanced when water saving and prevent seepage techniques are employed. The results indicate that in order to maximize investment it is essential to select crops with a water requirement process that coincides with local rainfall events. Potato was found to be the most suitable crop in the studied region. The economic indices for potato were superior to spring wheat, corn and wheat/corn intercropping. Therefore, potato production using rainwater harvesting and supplemental irrigation is the best alternative for cropping systems in the semiarid region of Gansu, China.  相似文献   

Rainwater harvesting agriculture (RHA) can be a valuable practice in increasing crop productivity in the semi-arid region of Loess Plateau in China. Due to lack of the detailed data of precipitation resources in the region, there have been some difficulties in the development of rainwater harvesting agriculture. In this research, based on the precipitation data in the last 40 years and topographical maps at 25 observation stations in and around Dingxi County, Gansu Province, China, the raster digital elevation models (DEM) and the average annual precipitation (AAP) databases in the study areas were established using ARC/INFO geographical information system (GIS) technology. By means of interpolation approaches, statistical model and comprehensive approach including nine methods (inverse distance weighted (IDW), trend (TRE), spline (SPL), ordinary Kriging (OKR), universal Kriging 1 (UK1), universal Kriging 2 (UK2), Thissen polygon (THP), multivariate regression (MVR) and comprehensive approach (COM)), the spatial and temporal changes of AAP were calculated and comparatively analyzed. Results indicate that simulating precision of the comprehensive method is the best in the nine approaches, and its maximum relative error is 6.40% and the range of error is 11.66%. The next is ordinary Kriging method with exponential model to simulate semivariogram, and its maximum relative error reaches 6.76%. As far as the seven kinds of interpolation approaches are concerned, the precision of ordinary Kriging method is the best, and the error of statistical model is relatively high, of which the maximum relative error reaches 9.04%. The AAP in Dingxi County calculated by comprehensive approach is 420 mm, and the water deficit of spring wheat is about 226 mm, so rainwater harvesting agriculture is feasible in the study area if reasonable harvesting technologies are taken. The AAP information system, established by raster precipitation spatial databases using optimized methods, can quickly and timely calculate the total quantities and the spatial changes of precipitation resources on any scales in the study areas, which has an important role in runoff simulating, engineering planning, strategy developing, and decision making as well as water management in rainwater harvesting agriculture.  相似文献   

A key question in relation to rainwater harvesting (RWH) is whether the technique increases the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. A conceptual water balance model, based on field data from the Arvari River catchment, was developed to study and understand catchment-scale trade-offs of rainwater harvesting (RWH). The model incorporates an effective representation of RWH function and impact, and works on a daily time step. Catchment spatial variability is captured through sub-basins. Within each sub-basin hydrological response units (HRUs) describe the different land use/soil combinations associated with the case study catchment, including irrigated agriculture. Sustainability indices, based on irrigated agriculture water demand, were used to compare conceptual management scenarios. The results show that as RWH area increases, it reaches a limiting capacity from where additional RWH structures do not increase the benefit to groundwater stores, but reduces stream flow. If the irrigation area is increased at the optimal level of RWH, where the sustainability indices were greatest, the resilience of the system actually decreased. Nevertheless RWH in a system increased the overall sustainability of the water resource for irrigated agriculture, compared to a system without RWH. Also RWH provided a slight buffer in the groundwater store when drought occurred. The conceptual analysis highlights the important link between irrigation area and RWH area, and the impact of RWH on the catchment water balance.  相似文献   

近年来,由于水资源短缺的形势日益严峻,在世界范围内,尤其是处于干旱半干旱地气候以雨水灌溉农业为主的国家和地区掀起了农村雨水调蓄利用的热潮。为了更好的总结和借鉴国外农村雨水调蓄利用的先进技术和管理经验,详细介绍了国内外农村雨水调蓄利用不同方式、用途、管理及其社会经济效益,并对国内目前农村调蓄利用技术应用和研究现状进行了简要概述。提出开展雨水调蓄利用的相关建议,为深入推进我国农村雨水调蓄利用事业提供参考。  相似文献   

Water management is an essential feature of any project related with overall development of agriculture. The Soan river catchment in the northwest Himalayas, is fed only by rainwater. Hence, a strategy of rainfed agriculture needs to be developed through water conservation and storage techniques. The Soan is an important river from a soil erosion and water management point of view and detailed economic analysis is needed for any proposal to be implemented in the field. The present study was undertaken to propose an economic analysis of water harvesting structures for the Soan catchment. The purpose of the investigation is to control erosion and conserve water to meet the requirements of supplemental and pre-sowing irrigation for major cereal crops in the area and to maximise agricultural productivity. Benefit/cost ratios ranging from 0.41 to 1.33 are obtained for water harvesting structures of different sizes with estimated life of 25 and 40 years respectively, by taking into account different crop return from maize and wheat.  相似文献   

为充分利用雨水资源应对黄土高原水土流失和干旱缺水的问题,引入分布式水文模拟技术,构建具有物理成因机制的分布式雨水资源化潜力评估模型,解决雨水资源利用的核心问题--评价当地的雨水资源化潜力。通过研究黄土高原典型区域黄河河口镇至龙门段(河龙区间)的雨水资源情况,定量评估该区域雨水资源化潜力,结果表明:在气候变化和人类活动的双重背景下,20世纪80年代后,黄河流域河龙区间的地表径流量、土壤有效水增量和雨水资源化潜力呈现上升趋势;河龙区间大部分地区雨水资源呈增长趋势,雨水资源可基本满足现有条件下区域植被恢复的用水需求。气候变化对雨水资源化潜力起正影响作用,贡献率为63.4%,土地利用/覆盖变化则为负影响,贡献率为-36.6%。人类活动对区域雨水资源利用的影响不容忽视,应大力发展干旱半干旱区降雨-径流调控技术,提高雨水资源化利用率,以保障区域生态-经济协同可持续发展。  相似文献   

Water-related investment projects affect downstream water availability, and therefore should account for these externalities. Few projects do, however, owing to lack of awareness, lack of data and difficulty in linking upstream investments to downstream effects. This article assesses the downstream impacts of rainwater harvesting in a semi-arid basin in Southern India, focusing on the trade-offs that arise when crop water use is re-allocated from a downstream surface water irrigation system to groundwater irrigated agriculture upstream. The results indicate that the downstream impacts are considerable and that net benefits are insufficient to pay back investment costs. Further research is required to reduce the uncertainties in the water balance of irrigation systems at basin level, to account for the inter-annual variability of crop water availability and to elaborate the wider welfare effects.  相似文献   

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