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为筛选合适狂犬病抗体检测的试剂盒,该研究以荧光抗体病毒中和试验(fluorescent antibody virus neutralization FAVN)方法为参照,与3个ELISA试剂盒方法进行比对,进行一致性分析,并计算了三种试剂盒的敏感性和特异性。结果显示:三种不同的试剂盒中,试剂盒A与FAVN一致性最好,Kappa值为0.605,有较高的一致性,符合率为86%;试剂盒B次之,Kappa值为0.485,为中度一致,符合率为80%;试剂盒C与FAVN的一致性最差,Kappa值为0.310,符合率也最低,为74%。在敏感性和特异性方面,试剂盒A的敏感性最高,为92.1%,试剂盒B的特异性最高,为72.7%。本研究为临床上科学的筛选试剂盒提供了依据。  相似文献   

高脚鸡的饲养管理要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高脚鸡为地方品种,主要分布于贵州省普定县坪上苗族彝族布依族乡。具有跖高体大,公鸡全身羽毛红黄色,腹、翅羽呈黑色,尾羽墨绿色而有光泽,多为单冠,间有玫瑰冠,外观亮丽。母鸡羽毛多为麻黄色和黑褐色,多为单冠平头,少数为玫瑰冠,部分有胡须,喙、胫、爪多为黑色。育成母鸡的体重为1.9千克,公鸡为2.4千克。其风味独特、无腥味、味道鲜、品质优、价格高,深受消费者欢迎,市场开发前景良好。  相似文献   

坚持以市场为导向,以科技为依托,以质量为核心,以效益为目的,以抓基地建设,典型引路为主,以点带面,适度规模,利用好现有桑树资源,以蚕业专业合作社为依托,培育小蚕专业户,推广省力化技术,搞好蚕桑综合利用,提高蚕桑综合效益。  相似文献   

我国奶业现状与发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国加入WTO后,发展奶业是我国畜牧业结构调整的必然选择,必须坚持以市场为导向,以效益为中心,增加科技含量,提高产品质量。不仅为加速发展奶业生产参与国际市场竞争力有着重要作用,而且为产业增效,农民增收开辟了新的致富途径。目前,奶业呈现良好的发展态势。  相似文献   

蔬菜园艺是家庭园艺的重要组成部分,而发展蔬菜园艺重点依靠阳台。 阳台园艺至少有五大功能,一为观赏功能,二为实用功能,三为节流功能,四为保健功能,五为教育功能。  相似文献   

湖北省来风县是农业部定点扶贫县。它地处鄂西,南接湘西,西邻川东,为三省边区交通冲要和物资的重要集散地。境内酉水纵贯,武陵横亘,山地资源丰富,为发展畜牧业奠定了良好的基础。在历史上,来凤农民就有养殖习惯,特别是生猪养殖,在农民的生活中占有重要比重,是农民肉食和经济的主要来源。近年来,来凤县致力于将山地优势转化为经济优势,坚持以科学发展观为指导,以科技为支撑,大力发展现代畜牧业。  相似文献   

从上海光明乳业股份有限公司车间发酵罐中分离出4株酸奶噬菌体。1号噬菌体头部呈六角形,平均直径为95.1nm,头部剖面平均面积为8184.8nm^2,尾部的平均直径为18.3nm,平均长度为403.4nm;2号噬菌体头部呈六角形,平均直径为85.4nm,头部剖面平均面积为8046.2nm^2,尾部的平均直径为23.3nm,平均长度为549.4nm;3号噬菌体头部呈六角形,平均直径为95.5nm,头部剖面平均面积为9792.3nm^2,尾部的平均直径为19.8nm,平均长度为450.5nm;4号噬菌体头部呈六角形,平均直径为119.3nm.头部剖面平均面积为12586.1nm^2,尾部的平均直径为23.6nm,平均长度为520.5nm。  相似文献   

1影响母猪排卵数的因素 1.1品种 据资料报道,中国猪种的排卵数初产猪平均为17.21枚,经产猪为21.58枚,如中国嘉兴黑猪为25.68枚,二花脸为28.00枚,内江猪为15.00枚。国外猪种初产猪为13.50枚,经产猪为21.40枚,如大白猪平均为16.70枚,杜洛克为11.50枚,长白猪为15.22枚,品种不同,排卵数不同。  相似文献   

1病因分析 饲养密度过大,如猪、禽之间相互接触而频繁冲突,为争夺饮水和饲料位置,互相咬斗、攻击,常易诱发恶癖。高温高湿,通风不良,再加上空气中氨、硫化氢等有害气体的刺激易使畜禽烦躁不安。光色不适,光照过强,易导致禽的啄癖。采用黄光啄癖发生率为52%,青光为21.5%,白炽灯光为15%,而采用红光或绿光啄癖发生率为0。  相似文献   

珍珠鸡又名珍珠鸟,属珍禽,原产于非洲。胸肌发达,瘦肉多,肉质鲜嫩,具有野鸡风味,故有“肉禽之王”之美名。据测定,其肉中含蛋白质为23.3%,含脂肪为7.5%,且氨基酸种类齐全,总含量比家鸡高约为5%,富含维生素,具有特殊的滋补功能。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the continuous changes in blood volume in response to fluid administration using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Research laboratory. Animals: Four healthy dogs. Interventions: Each dog received intravenous boluses of 80 mL/kg of 0.9% saline (S), 4 mL/kg of 7.5% saline (HS), 20 mL/kg of dextran 70 (D), 20 mL/kg of hetastarch (HES), or no fluids (control, C) on separate occasions. Fluids were administered at 150 mL/min in the S, D, and HES groups, and at 1 mL/kg/min in the HS group. Measurements and main results: Blood volume changes were measured every 20 seconds for 240 minutes using an in‐line hematocrit monitor. There was a rapid rise in blood volume during all infusions. Immediately after the administration of crystalloid fluids, the rapid rise in blood volume ceased. Subsequently, there was a steep decline in blood volume for 10 minutes, and a slower decline thereafter. In contrast, the rise in blood volume continued for at least 10 minutes after the infusion of the colloids was complete, and a plateau was observed for the remainder of the experiment. The blood volume effect, as measured by area under the curve, was significantly greater in the saline group than the other groups during the infusion time and for the 0–240 minutes time period. The areas under the curve for the two colloid solutions were not significantly different from each other during any time periods. The percent increase in blood volume immediately following the infusions was 76.4±10.0 in the S group, 17.1±3.2 in the HS group, 23.0±10.5 in the D group, and 27.2±6.4 in the HES group. At 30 minutes from the start of the infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volumes were 35.2±9.3 in the S group, 12.3±0.9 in the HS group, 35.9±7.3 in the D group, and 36.8±6.5 in the HES group. At 240 h post‐infusion, the mean percent increases in blood volume were 18.0±9.7 in the S group, 2.9±6.1 in the HS group, 25.6±16.1 in the D group, and 26.6±8.6 in the HES group. The C group had a mean percent change in blood volume of ?3.7±3.4 at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: This study indicates that the rapid administration of saline at clinically relevant doses leads to the largest immediate increase in blood volume, although this change is transient because of rapid redistribution of the fluid. Despite a brief increase in blood volume that was almost 3 times the volume administered, hypertonic saline led to the smallest increase in blood volume post‐infusion. The synthetic colloid solutions increased the blood volume by an amount greater than that infused and the effect was sustained for a longer period of time than seen following crystalloid administration, but the maximum increase in blood volume was significantly less than saline. The measurement of continuous changes in blood volume, using an in‐line hematocrit monitor, was a useful means of assessing the dynamic effects of fluid administration in dogs in a research setting.  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a member of the β-galactoside-binding protein family, has been implicated in mammalian sperm maturation. We examined galectin-3 expression in the testis and epididymis of sexually mature and immature bulls. Western blot analysis showed varying levels of galectin-3 in the bull testis and epididymis, and galectin-3 immunoreactivity was higher in the mature testis and epididymis than in immature organs. Galectin-3 was primarily localized in interstitial cells of the immature bull testis and in the peritubular myoid and interstitial cells of the mature testis. In the immature epididymis head, galectin-3 was primarily in the principal and basal cells of the epithelium. In the mature epididymis head, moderate levels of galectin-3 were detected in the sperm, while low levels were found in the stereocilia, epithelium and connective tissue. In the immature epididymis body, moderate protein levels were detected in the principal cells, while lower levels were found in the basal cells. The mature epididymis body showed moderate levels of galectin-3 immunostaining in the stereocilia and epithelium, but low levels in the connective tissue. In the immature epididymis tail, only low levels of galectin-3 staining were found in the epithelium, whereas the mature epididymis tail showed high levels of galectin-3 in the principal cells, moderate levels in the basal cells and low levels in connective tissue. These findings suggest that galectin-3 expression plays a role in the maturation and activation of sperm in bulls.  相似文献   

杨洁  单立山  苏铭  魏晓芸  马静  解婷婷  李毅 《草地学报》2021,29(10):2221-2232
为揭示典型荒漠植物不同器官养分利用和调控策略对降水变化和生长方式的响应规律,本研究以红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)与珍珠(Salsola passerina)为材料,测定了不同降水梯度(年降水量50~300 mm,Δ=50)下单生和混生红砂和珍珠不同器官中的有机碳(C)、全氮(N)含量。结果表明:随降水量的减少(干旱胁迫增加),单生红砂叶C,C/N和茎N含量逐渐减小;单生珍珠茎和根C含量整体呈增大趋势,表明干旱胁迫加剧时,单生红砂茎受N限制作用增强,但红砂会通过降低叶片有机C含量和C/N以提高生长速率;单生珍珠会选择适当地增加地下部分根系的C分配比例,并将多余的C储藏在茎中。各降水量条件下,混生红砂叶C,C/N和根C,N含量均大于单生,茎C含量小于单生;混生珍珠茎C,C/N和根C,N含量均小于单生,叶C,C/N含量大于单生,表明混生后红砂倾向于向根系分配更多C,N,而珍珠主要通过降低茎的C/N来提高地上部分生长速率。  相似文献   

The progression of coccidiosis and the resultant mortality were followed in chicks fed a OTA-contaminated diet. More complex and rapid progress of coccidiosis occurred in OTA-treated chicks than in chicks fed a OTA-free diet. The concentration of total protein in the serum was significantly decreased in the chicks in the OTA-treated group, whereas this was significantly increased in chicks infected with Eimeria tenella, irrespective of additional treatment with OTA. The serum glucose concentration was significantly increased in all the chicks exposed to OTA and/or suffering from coccidiosis, as was serum retention of uric acid in all groups, most notably in those consuming OTA. OTA induced degenerative changes in, and an increase in the weight of the kidneys, liver, heart and ventriculum; there was depletion of lymphoid tissue and a decrease in the lymphoid organs' weight and body weight. Coccidiosis induced only a slight growth depression and a slight increase in the relative weight of the kidneys and liver. The intensity of the clinical signs, the impairment of kidney function, macroscopic and histopathological changes, deviations in the weight of some organs and general depression in growth were greater when chicks infected with E. tenella were also given OTA.  相似文献   

本试验旨在测定我国四川、山东、河北省(包括京津冀地区)蛋鸡养殖场产蛋高峰期配合饲料中镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)含量,评估蛋鸡养殖大省3种重金属污染程度。采集四川、山东、河北省67个养殖场268份蛋鸡配合饲料,采用高分辨率连续光源火焰原子吸收光谱法(HRCS FAAS)测定其Cd、Cr、Pb含量。结果表明:1)四川省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为成都、乐山、乐山,最大检出值分别为0.48、15.94、14.12 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为乐山、崇州,超标率分别为30%、50%。2)山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为青岛和日照、菏泽、日照,最大检出值分别为0.45、5.88、4.11 mg/kg。3)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量最大检出值所在城市分别为张家口、张家口、保定,最大检出值分别为0.45、15.38、8.38 mg/kg;Cr、Pb含量最高超标率所在城市分别为张家口和保定,超标率均为20%。4)3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量分别为,四川:0.24、5.01、3.67 mg/kg;山东:0.26、4.19、2.61 mg/kg;河北:0.25、5.66、3.25 mg/kg。参照我国《饲料卫生标准》,3省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量及山东省Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标;四川、河北省Cr、Pb含量超标率分别为9.38%、17.19%和6.73%、14.42%。5)河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cr、Pb平均含量显著高于山东省(P0.05);大规模养殖场配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb平均含量显著低于小规模养殖场(P0.05)。综上所述,山东省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd、Cr、Pb含量均未超标。四川、河北省蛋鸡配合饲料中Cd含量未超标,但有超标风险,Cr、Pb含量均有不同程度超标,Pb含量超标最为严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   

研究不同周龄SPF级SD大鼠胰腺自发性病变的种类及其病变发生率,为药物安全性评价提供背景资料。收集3年安评试验中11、19、31周龄试验对照组大鼠胰腺制作病理切片,光学显微镜下观察SD大鼠胰腺病变的种类及组织形态学特点,并统计其病变发生率。结果显示,大鼠胰腺主要出现了以下病变:①单核细胞浸润:11周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为0.6%,其中雌性为0,雄性为1.25%;19周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为1.0%,其中雌性为1.0%,雄性为1.0%;31周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为1.0%,其中雌性为0,雄性为1.96%。②腺泡细胞空泡变性:11周龄大鼠未观察到该病变的发生;19周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为1.0%,其中雌性为0,雄性为2.0%;31周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为3%,其中雌性为2.1%,雄性为3.9%。③腺泡细胞萎缩、腺管增生:11周龄大鼠未观察到该病变的发生;19周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为0.5%,其中雌性为0,雄性为1.0%;31周龄大鼠该病变的总体发生率为3.0%,其中雌性为1.0%,雄性为4.9%。结果表明,SPF级大鼠胰腺可发生单核细胞浸润、腺泡细胞空泡变性、腺泡细胞萎缩及腺管增生等自发性病变,且病变发生率可随着年龄的增加而增加。  相似文献   

河北省不同建筑类型羊舍环境参数的检测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选择3种建筑类型羊舍(有窗封闭舍、半开放舍和棚舍),对羊舍温度、二氧化碳(CO2)、氨气(NH3)、风速和光照进行定点定时检测,分析冬夏季节河北省不同建筑类型的羊舍环境,为标准化羊舍的建设提供依据。结果表明,冬季不同类型羊舍的温度表现为显著性差异(P<0.05),有窗舍最高,棚舍最低(早-4.13℃),有窗舍均温分别比棚舍和半开放舍高4.26和2.95℃,夏季不同舍温度未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05),早、午和晚分别达25.12、32.48和29.71℃,热应激明显;从有害气体结果可以看出,羊舍CO2含量分别为411.0~995.2 mg/m^3(夏)和402.9~2336.8 mg/m^3(冬),两季CO2日均含量有窗舍均最高,棚舍最低,不同舍CO2日均含量差异显著(P<0.01),有窗舍冬季早上含量高达2336.8 mg/m^3,已超国标。另外,所有羊舍未检测出NH 3。从风速结果可以看出,两季风速分别为0.06~0.36 m/s(夏)和0.03~0.26 m/s(冬),两季有窗舍的风速均显著低于其他两类舍(P<0.01)。从光照强度来看,棚舍光照强度显著高于其他两类舍(P<0.01),均符合国标。可见,冬季有窗羊舍虽然温度较高,但空气质量差,CO2含量超标,应加强通风换气,兼顾保温;夏季不管哪种类型舍,均应隔热降温以缓解热应激。  相似文献   

Age-dependent variations in the immunolocalization of fibronectin (FN) in the thymus were investigated in 1-, 6-, 12- and 20-month-old male and female Swiss albino rats (Rattus rattus) at the light-microscopic level and the changes with ageing in the histological structure of the thymus were also studied. There were no significant differences in the age-dependent variations in the immunolocalization of fibronectin or in the histological structure of the thymus between male and female rats of the same age but there were increases with ageing in the fibronectin content of the thymic capsule, the connective tissue between the lobules, around blood vessels, and in the medulla and cortex of thymus. The connective-tissue content between lobules, fat cells, Hassall's corpuscles, the thickness of capsule and the ratio of the medulla to the cortex of the lobules showed age-dependent increases in the thymus of rats of both sexes. Decreases in the organ weight/body weight ratio were also observed with ageing.  相似文献   

为更有效地防治内蒙古自治区四子王旗地区家畜微量元素代谢病,合理使用微量元素添加剂,采用实地采样和实验室分析相结合的方法,对该地区短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草地土壤-牧草-家畜生态系统中微量元素的水平进行检测。结果显示,土壤中铜和硒处于缺乏状态。牧草中铁和锰元素处于过量状态,硒为缺乏状态。与健康绵羊的各项指标相比较,血浆中铁和锰分别于夏秋季节和全年高于正常水平,硒和铜元素分别于秋季和冬季低于正常水平;肝脏中铁和锰全年高于正常水平,铜冬季低于临界值,硒元素秋冬季节低于正常水平;被毛中铁全年高于正常水平,而铜和硒全年低于正常水平。结合放牧绵羊对各种矿物质的进食量和消化率进行综合分析表明,该地区为高铁、高锰、低硒的生态环境,同时铜和锌处于季节性缺乏状态。  相似文献   

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