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为了摸清上海动物园圈养岩羊的饲养情况,笔者统计了2011年11月1日—2019年6月30日所记录的岩羊总头数、雌雄头数、出生及死亡情况,主要分析了岩羊的繁殖和死亡情况,并在饲养管理上提出了建议。结果显示,岩羊的总头数和雌雄头数处于动态变化过程;近年来岩羊繁殖和死亡情况可能与饲养环境、遗传、营养及季节等因素有关。通过对我园岩羊种群的初步调查,了解目前种群存在的问题,从而提出科学合理的管理建议,以正确引导与调控饲养管理。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)系青藏高原特有品种,为国家二级保护动物,原产于我国西北。大连森林动物园共有岩羊14只,与大羊驼共同饲养在2 500m2的场地内。由于园区围网条件和岩羊善于跳跃的特性,其可以自由出入园区周边山林进行采食和产仔,实际处于半散放条件下饲养。本文记录2009—2016年间岩羊种群数量、年繁殖数量、死亡数量,并分析岩羊种群扩大原因及主要致死原因。得出以下结论 :岩羊可以适应大连地区的气候条件;岩羊种群迅速扩大原因之一可能是由于岩羊个体可以采食树叶、青草,野生的食物为岩羊提供了饲料中缺少或不足的营养;岩羊活动范围增大,使得因意外致死的数量增多。  相似文献   

<正>2001年2月,沈阳森林野生动物园12只岩羊双眼相继出现流泪,角膜和结膜混浊,个别出现角膜翳。根据临床症状和病原检查,诊断为岩羊传染性角膜结膜炎。经过近1个月的临床治疗,1只岩羊因采食困难死亡,其余的11只岩羊中有2只双目失明,其余  相似文献   

据贺兰山自然保护区管理局调查的情况表明,1999年哈拉乌沟一带在10公里的调查线内发现了83只岩羊,多数是4至5只一群,而2001年在同一地点范围内调查时竟发现了120只岩羊,一般都是10只以上的群体,最大的一群达到31只。据有关部门的初步统计,目前贺兰山西坡地区岩羊数量大约有2万只左右,而两年前这里的岩羊不足1.9万只。而且岩羊活动的范围向浅山地区扩展了大约2公里以上,显示出退牧还林以后,生态环境的改善,使野生动物的生存环境有了很大变化。〔贺兰山珍稀野生动物岩羊数量增加$新华社!记者@石圭平  相似文献   

昆仑山脉岩羊布氏杆菌病调查野生动物岩羊常年生活在青藏高原昆仑山脉,地势高亢,平均海拔高度在4000~6000m林线以上。为了调查岩羊是否存在布病,我们对从昆仑山脉猎取的16只岩羊按农业部《动物检疫操作规程》中的平板凝集反应法采用0.08、0.04ml...  相似文献   

岩羊血液生化遗传多态性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和火焰光度法对青海省19只岩羊13个血液生化遗传基因座的多态性特征进行了研究。结果发现:①ES2、ES3、ES4、S-LDH、S-ALP和TF6个基因座存在多态性,而KE、HB、AMY1、AMY2、AMY3、ES1、RBC-LDH和RBC-ALP7个基因座呈单态;②被检岩羊的多态性基因座比例为46.2%,表明岩羊的血液生化遗传基因座有颇大的遗传变异性。  相似文献   

姚启远 《野生动物》2013,(4):190-191
岩羊具有较强的耐寒性和适应恶劣环境的本领,不怕寒冷,不畏风雪,耐干旱,多在海拔4 000~6 000 m雪线以上的不毛之地生活,喜群居。学者对岩羊的野外行为研究较多,但对岩羊圈养的研究文章不多。2009~2012年,在长春动植物公园岩羊馆内对6只成年岩羊进行观察,在非原产地的平原地区通过圈养的方式对岩羊的饲养、食物组成、防疫、繁殖进行分析总结,为以后岩羊在非原产地的饲养提供了理论基础和实践经验。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois naynu)别名叫石羊,是我国的重要野生动物资源之一。岩羊常年生存在平均海拔3000~4000m的林线以上,可在碎石峭壁上灵活跳跃、攀登。喜群居.少则十几只,多者几十只.其至有几百只的大群。在干旱年份与牛羊有争食混群现象,据此推测,岩羊也有可能感染皮下蝇。因此,我们于2001年和2002年3~5月份对岩羊皮蝇感染情况作了调查.现报告如下。  相似文献   

岩羊血清生化指标的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对青海省13只岩羊的12项血清生化指标进行了测定。结果:①岩羊的血清钠特别高,为217.33mmol/L,其它指标与家养的山羊和绵羊大致相同;②野生岩羊的GOT非常显著地高于动物园岩羊(P〈0.01),血清氯显著低于动物园岩羊(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

岩羊皮蝇感染情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩羊别名石羊PesudoisnaynaHodgsonr-偶蹄目,牛科。是我国的重要野生动物资源之一。岩羊常年生存在平均海拔3000m~4000m的林线以上,可在碎石峭壁上灵活跳跃,攀登,喜群居,少则数十只,多则几百只。在干旱少雨季节岩羊常与牛羊争食混群,据此推测,岩羊亦有可能感染皮下蝇,为证实这一推测,我们于2000年3-5月对岩羊皮蝇的感染情况进行了调查,现报告如下:1材料与方法 调查材料来自天峻县尕河地区国家计划猎杀的31只岩羊。被猎杀的岩羊经剥皮后检查,发现幼虫即为阳性感染者,并统计幼虫数。2 结果2.1 本…  相似文献   

The Himalaya region of Nepal provides a habitat for the endangered snow leopard (Panthera uncia) and its principal prey species, the blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur). The aim of this study was to describe the habitat, the distribution and the population structure of blue sheep, and to estimate their contribution to the carrying capacity of snow leopard in the upper Mustang region of Nepal. Blue sheep were recorded at altitudes from 3209–5498 m on slopes with gradients of 16–60° and aspects of 40°NE to 140°SE. A total of 939 blue sheep were counted in the upper Mustang region, and 98 were counted in the Yak Kharka region of Manang district; however, upper Mustang had the lowest population density of blue sheep recorded within their distribution range in Nepal (0.86 blue sheep/km2). The results of the study show that a higher density of blue sheep is associated with greater plant species diversity. The most important species present in the blue sheep habitat were Kobresia pygmaea, Artemesia spp., Lonicera spp., Lancea tibetica, Poa spp., Astragalus spp. and Ephedra gerardiana. It is estimated that the existing blue sheep population biomass of approximately 38 925 kg in the upper Mustang region could support approximately 19 snow leopards (1.6 snow leopards/100 km2).  相似文献   

近年来,人类活动范围不断扩大,对雪豹(Panthera uncia)所处高海拔生态系统侵入不断增加,对雪豹生存已造成威胁。准确掌握雪豹生境选择偏好与食源结构特征,可以完善雪豹基础研究,提高雪豹保护管理效率。因此于2019年7月对卧龙自然保护区内雪豹集中分布区域进行野外调查,研究雪豹对各生境因子的选择偏好情况;分析粪便组成,明确雪豹食源结构。结果显示:雪豹偏好于海拔3500—4500 m、坡度31°—45°且地形较为崎岖的无家畜活动区域,在坡位的选择上,雪豹偏好于山脊与上坡位,避开中、下坡位与山谷。在植被类型选择上,雪豹偏好草甸与高山流石滩,同时也会选择稀疏且基径较小的灌丛。雪豹倾向于选择草本植物稀疏,低矮的区域。雪豹动物性食源以岩羊(59.26%)为主,家畜(25.93%)与啮齿目(22.22%)次之,鸟类(7.41%)占比最少。植物性食源以禾本科(59.26%)、苔藓植物(44.44%)与莎草科(33.33%)为主,灌木及其他植物占比较少。本文丰富了雪豹的基础研究内容,为卧龙及其他保护区雪豹保护管理工作中相关政策的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

有蹄类动物为新疆塔什库尔干地区分布的雪豹、狼和猞猁等捕食动物提供了重要的食物资源。为了掌握该地区主要野生有蹄类动物的种群密度,于2009年2~3月通过车行样线和步行样线2种调查方式,采用距离取样方法,对岩羊和北山羊种群数量进行了调查分析。车行样线调查获得的岩羊密度为1.791~6.751只/km~2,北山羊密度为0~0.140只/km~2。步行样线调查获得的密度较低,岩羊和北山羊分别为0.008~0.698只/km~2和0.023~0.252只/km~2。调查结果显示该地区岩羊和北山羊种群密度较上世纪80年代中期有所下降。  相似文献   

人为干扰会对野生动物种间关系、个体适合度、群落结构和繁殖成功率等产生中长期的影响。因此,研究野生动物反干扰行为对于我们认识该物种对其生境的行为适应和进化机制具有重要意义。2017年11—12月在内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内通过建立多元逻辑斯蒂回归模型研究了岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)的反干扰策略,本研究共设置33条样线,记录了10种在人为干扰下可能会影响岩羊、马鹿反应行为的变量,经模型分析发现影响岩羊反应行为的变量有5种,影响马鹿反应行为的变量有4种,共同影响因子分别是干扰源、性别、头的朝向和地形特征,而植被类型则只对岩羊产生影响。最后根据逻辑模型得出的数据计算发生比,从而了解各个分类变量与反应行为的关系。  相似文献   

Histochemical analysis of inclusions in the alveolar type II cells was done with the alcian blue-PAS technique. PAS-positive inclusions, which were absent in the sheep and buffalo, were detected in the alveolar type II cells of the goat lung. Mixed diamine-sodium chloride did not stain these inclusions which also showed orthochromatic blue reaction with toluidine blue. The high percentage of alveolar type II cells showing these inclusions suggested that this difference could be explained by the environmental habitat of the goat.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的毛有保暖、保护身体、散热和感觉震动等功能。换毛是哺乳动物过冬的方式之一,岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)也具有换毛的现象。实验通过对冬、夏季节祁连山地区岩羊粗毛显微形态指标的测量,来对比祁连山地区岩羊不同部位粗毛在冬、夏季节的差异和共性。结果表明,岩羊粗毛髓质发达,除蹄部和腿部外,髓质指数保持在90%以上。此外,推测岩羊粗毛保温性能保持由躯干部向四肢端部递减的趋势,臀部保温性能最佳。腿部和蹄部皮质指数最大,利于提高耐磨性,强化保护功能。为应对寒冷环境,岩羊粗毛横向和纵向同时扩大,髓腔所占比例提高,体现了岩羊不同部位的粗毛对季节变化的适应性。  相似文献   

Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) has greatly expanded in the past 150 + years and now dominates over 3.6 million ha of rangeland in the Intermountain Western United States. The impacts of juniper encroachment on critical ecohydrological relationships among snow distribution, water budgets, plant community transitions, and habitat requirements for wildlife, such as the greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), remain poorly understood. The goal of this study is to better understand how juniper encroachment affects water availability for ecohydrologic processes and associated wildlife habitat in snow-dominated sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe ecosystems. A 6-yr combined measurement and modeling study is conducted to explore differences in snow distribution, water availability, and annual water balances between juniper-dominated and sagebrush-dominated catchments. Although there is large interannual variability in both measured weather data and modeled hydrologic fluxes during the study, results indicate that juniper-dominated catchments have greater peak accumulations of snow water equivalent, earlier snow melt, and less streamflow relative to sagebrush-dominated catchments. Water delivery is delayed by an average of 9 days in the sagebrush-dominated scenario compared with the juniper-dominated scenario as a result of increased water storage in snow drifts. The delayed water input to sagebrush-dominated ecosystems in typical water years has wide-ranging implications for available surface water, soil water, and vegetation dynamics associated with wildlife habitat for sagebrush obligates such as sage grouse. Results from this study imply that the retention of high-elevation, sagebrush-dominated landscapes may become crucial for sage grouse habitat management if mid- and low-elevation precipitation continues to transition from snow to rain dominated.  相似文献   

Mature chaparral vegetation in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, resulting from long fire-return intervals (50–70 yr), has resulted in reduced visibility and availability and quality of forage, all of which are important attributes of mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) habitat. Concomitantly, vegetation changes have decreased availability and quality of forage. We developed a resource-selection model to determine the effect of fire history on habitat use by mountain sheep, examined the hypotheses that habitat selection was associated with fire occurrence, and determined whether fire occurrence influenced the amount of potential habitat available to mountain sheep. The best model indicated that mountain sheep selected vegetation that had burned within 15 yr and avoided areas that had not burned within that time frame. We then used our model to quantify potential changes in mountain sheep habitat that have occurred over time based on fire conditions. We identified 390 km2 of mountain sheep habitat that existed in 2002 (when only 63 mountain sheep were tallied), 486 km2 in 1980 (when the mountain sheep population was at its highest), and 422 km2 in 2004 (just after a series of large wildfires). We also estimated that 615 km2 of suitable habitat would be available in a hypothetical situation in which the entire study area burned. Our results suggest that restoration of mountain sheep to their historical distribution in chaparral ecosystems will depend upon more frequent fires in areas formerly occupied by those specialized herbivores.  相似文献   

李芙凝  秦昌胜  周雪  唐增 《草业学报》2021,30(6):199-204
气象指数保险作为一种创新型保险产品,当前被广泛接受且主要应用于自然灾害的风险防范领域。以甘南牧区为例,基于该区域不同雪灾指数下牲畜死亡率的历史数据估值,提出了高寒草原牧区雪灾指数保险的理赔方案,并根据不同程度雪灾的发生频率和牲畜死亡率,确定了雪灾指数保险的纯保费费率分别为牛1.95%,羊3.00%。研究结论试图为甘南牧区的灾害风险转移提供新的思路和途径,以及为当地政府优化草原牧区保险提供理论性的参考建议。  相似文献   

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