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鱼塘溶解氧无线监测与控制系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶解氧检测在水产养殖中起着至关重要的作用。研制了一套通过无线以太网(WIFI)连接,LabVIEW程序控制,并通过GSM网络使用户远程监控池塘溶解氧的溶解氧无线监测与控制系统。该系统能够在线检测溶解氧、温度等主要环境参数,并根据环境情况实施对增氧机的控制,业主可远程电脑监控或者通过手机远程监测鱼塘水质状况,并发送增氧命令,进行远程手动启停增氧机。在溶解氧超标时,系统可以自动启停增氧机,并向用户发送报告。试验结果表明,该方案提高了水质监控系统的控制性能,且具有应用前景。  相似文献   

针对水产养殖中增氧机远程控制困难、水质送检烦琐等问题,基于无线传感器网络(WSN)及物联网技术,开发了一种带有水质监测功能的增氧机远程控制系统。该系统由监测设备和远程控制小程序组成,布设在现场的溶氧、pH传感器、环境监测变送器等设备由4G-DTU内置的微处理器负责数据采集,采用无线网络通信方式,摆脱传统监测系统通信距离短的困扰;小程序具备实时监测水质、查询历史数据、远程启停增氧机等功能。为验证系统实用性,在实际水域布置节点测试。结果显示:各项指标均达到要求,设备远程启停响应延迟低于100 ms, pH测量精度达到±0.02,溶氧控制精度在±0.4 mg/L以内,温度测量精度达到0.5℃,气压测量精度达到0.1 kPa,能够满足水产养殖需求。证明了所研究的系统具有实际应用意义。  相似文献   

针对现有水产设备机械化和自动化程度较低,增氧机作用范围有限和投饲机无法自适应投饲的问题,研究设计了一种新型的基于实时水质参数的智能养殖装备。该装备硬件上利用传感器对水质参数进行实时监测,采用太阳能与交流电源混合供电。其中,移动式太阳能增氧机使用超声波测距进行避障,可随机行走、增大增氧机的工作范围;太阳能智能投饲机使用称重传感器进行饲料称重,以实现精确定量投饲。该装备软件上支持个人计算机和手机等多个平台客户端,实现实时水质参数查询、远程增氧、远程投饲、远程智能控制等功能。池塘应用试验结果表明,该装备的监测水质数据可信度高,实时通讯丢包率低于0.2%,在保证增氧能力的情况下,增氧机作用范围比传统水车式增氧机提高10%;能够在良好的水质环境中完成精确定量投饲。研究表明,该装备的应用有助于推进水产设备智能化、自动化的发展,实现节能降耗、绿色环保的目标。  相似文献   

基于ARM9及Android的水产养殖监控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进水产养殖的技术更新,提高生产过程的自动化水平,设计了一种基于ARM9处理器和Android操作系统的水产养殖自动监测控制系统。采用STM32微处理器实时采集养殖场水温、p H、溶氧、水位4项参数,用ZigBee节点技术进行综合,并以无线方式传输数据至Android终端,实现水质参数的自动调节与控制。当溶氧浓度和水位超出预定阈值时,系统根据检测结果自动控制增氧机与补排水泵的开启与关闭;当p H与水温超出阈值时,系统会通过终端及现场报警提醒人工干预,减少环境对水产养殖产量的影响。测试结果显示,可控制溶氧、水位在合理误差范围内(分别为±0.4 mg/L、±2 cm),可以满足水产养殖远程监控的要求。  相似文献   

<正>当前叶轮式增氧机已经普遍应用于高密度鱼塘养殖,多依靠养殖户的实践经验来人工控制增氧机的开启以及增氧时间的长短。如果养殖户不能准确判断增氧的时机,鱼塘管理者没有及时开启增氧机,夜间增氧机故障时没有及时发现,及时开启增氧机,就可能会出现水体溶氧不足,造成鱼类死亡等状况。本文所述的鱼塘增氧机物联网自动监控系统利用计算  相似文献   

田诚  马汇文  姚玉霞 《中国水产》2012,440(7):33-34
渔业安全救助信息系统(以下简称"系统")是以公众移动通信技术(CDMA)、自动防碰撞技术(AIS)、船舶射频识别技术、短波(SSB)、超短波、卫星定位通信、渔港视频监控、计算机网络通信等多种通信技术有机组合,实现对渔船信息管理、船位监控显示、报警响应、船迹保存回放、应急通信调度指挥、海况天气信息发布等多功能的现代化应急救援信息系统。系统终端,是指渔业安全救助信息系统中几个子系统网络的船载设备部分,主要包括船舶自动识别系统中的船舶避碰仪(AIS)、CDMA监控网络中的船舶定位手机、卫星定位通信监控系统中的北斗卫星定位船载终端、渔港射频识别管理系统  相似文献   

<正>"物联网"成为水产养殖户的"贴心管家"在珠海金湾区,养殖户刘小龙拿着手机正在查看鱼塘的水质状况,发现水中的溶解氧低了,他立即点击屏幕上的增氧机工作按钮,手机指令发出去后,鱼塘内增氧设备立即启动,水面翻腾起成片气泡。刘小龙说手机养鱼后,能随时随地监控鱼塘水质情况,非常方便,可以说是养殖户的贴心管家。  相似文献   

根据现代化水产养殖的低耗高效的发展要求,设计了基于nRF905的水产养殖环境参数自动监控系统.该系统把监控中心PC机作为上位机,通过VB 6.0构建上位机监控软件,同时以单片机MSP430作为下位机,并通过nRFg05构建无线传感网络,从而实现自动监控系统的各项功能.经过试验,该自动监控系统能够对DO、pH进行实时的数据采集、显示和存储,并与增氧机结合对DO进行自动控制以及超限报警.养殖现场试验结果表明,该系统工作稳定、实时性好、能耗低,控制电路设计简单、成本低,有一定的应用推广价值和实际意义.  相似文献   

为实现水产养殖水体环境的远程实时监控,保证水质传感器数据采集的准确性,设计了一种水质传感器监控及自清洗装置。该装置设计为监测传输层、综合控制层和远程管理层的3层物联网结构,采用STM32作为控制核心,通过ZigBee技术,对各种水质参数进行实时监控,并利用LabVIEW设计上位机监控界面,实现远程智能监控。自清洗装置的传感器支架设计为可变形可移动结构,根据水质参数监测要求自动调节支架变形状态,完成水质参数采集和传感器探头的自动或手动清洗。通过养殖环境下使用自清洗装置,将水质参数监测结果与标准仪器对比分析,结果显示,定期自动清洗的传感器能准确监测水产养殖各种水质参数,提高了监测精度。研究表明,该装置运行稳定可靠,数据准确,探头清洗干净,具有良好的推广和应用价值。  相似文献   

针对近江牡蛎养殖中自动化程度低、成本高等问题,提出一种基于云空间设计近江牡蛎养殖监控系统。以STM32F103为底层控制核心,通过YS8166B、SIN-D0530和超声波模块实时采集海水的p H、溶氧(DO)、温度和深度,并通过nRF24L01以无线方式发送到上位机。上位机采用C#多线程通信程序与云空间进行交互。系统采用ASP动态技术云空间,通过轻量级数据交换格式JSON与上位机、用户进行快速通信,利用AJAX实现无刷新显示。用户通过智能手机可以随时随地访问云空间,掌握养殖现场的实时信息,并结合云空间嵌入的本地天气信息,对浮排电机、增氧机、投饲机进行远程控制。结果表明:系统具有成本低廉、稳定可靠、响应快速等优点。基于云空间的监控系统为近江牡蛎养殖智能化提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

Estimates of aeration energy use in shrimp farming varied from 11.4 to 41.6 GJ/t shrimp (average = 19.8 GJ/t). Several opportunities for reducing energy use in aeration are available. Many farms adopt an excessive yield to installed aeration capacity ratio. Moreover, the proportion of installed aerator capacity in use and duration of aerator operation per day are often more than necessary during the initial two‐thirds of grow‐out, because adjustment is not made for the quantity of shrimp biomass. Farm‐made, long‐arm aerators used in Asia have several features leading to energy inefficiency and could be replaced by more efficient factory‐made, long‐arm aerators. Asian aquaculture aerator manufacturers should redesign aerators to include design features shown in research to improve efficiency. Dissolved oxygen concentration monitoring essential for verification of aeration performance is seldom performed by shrimp farmers. With good aeration technique, energy use for aeration should not exceed 10–15 GJ/t shrimp.  相似文献   

In order to promote the development of aquaculture informatization and monitor aquaculture ponds more accurately and conveniently, this article has developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on the narrow band internet of things (NB-IoT) technology. This system realizes remote collection and data storage of multi-sensor processor information (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and other environmental parameters), as well as intelligent control and centralized management of breeding ponds. The system uses STM32L151C8 microcontroller and sensor terminal real-time acquisition, such as temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen. It realizes data aggregation and transmission over a long distance to the Internet of things (IoT) telecom cloud platform through the technology of NB-IoT. The software called Keil implement the data format design of wireless communication module and data transmission. Java is used to develop background monitoring applications for accessing cloud platform, controlling underlying devices and local data processing. It can not only send hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests to monitor cloud platform data, but also issue commands to the underlying control module to control the startup and shutdown of equipment such as aerator. The system was implemented and tested in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province, China. The experimental results showed that the system can obtain water quality parameters in time. The temperature control accuracy is maintained at ±0.12℃, the average relative error is 0.15 %, the dissolved oxygen control accuracy is maintained within ±0.55mg/L, the average relative error is 2.48 %, the pH control accuracy is maintained at ±0.09, and the average relative error is 0.21 %. The system has stable overall operation, real-time and accurate data transmission, which can meet the actual production needs and provide strong data and technical support for further water quality regulation and aquaculture production management.  相似文献   

A 120-acre shrimp farm located in southeast Texas has failed for three years to produce expected yields of shrimp despite intensive management. Data obtained from these ponds are combined with observations from other culture facilities to support the hypothesis that the degree of mixing of pond water is the primary limitation to oxygenation of the benthic biomass in a shrimp culture pond. The implication of this conclusion is that shrimp ponds are advection limited; therefore, rational design of such facilities will require detailed data concerning the impact of interactions of pond size, depth and geometry with wind speed, and aerator placement, upon pond mixing.  相似文献   

针对无线化的水产养殖水质监测系统耗能大、电池寿命短的问题,设计了基于Zigbee和GPRS的节能型水质监测系统。通过采用低功耗器件,在电源与传感器、信号调理电路之间添加选通芯片ADG1414控制各模块分时分区工作,减少各模块的供电时间来降低硬件能耗;通过设置阈值对采集的数据进行判断,对阈值范围内的数据不发送,减少数据发送量,从而减少系统数据发送能耗。以CC2530为核心构建无线传感网络,将传感器采集到的温度、p H、溶氧等水质参数传输至监测中心,构建实时监测平台,并在此基础上建立数据管理系统,实现对水产养殖水质环境的实时监测。系统测试与实验结果表明,该系统节能效果显著,能有效延长无线水质监测系统电池的工作时间。  相似文献   

A water streamer was designed for the purpose of enhancing cost-efficient circulation between the water surface and bottom of shrimp aquaculture ponds. We took direct measurements of the water current field induced by the designed aerator in a large rectangular reservoir of dimensions (L)50 × (W)19 × (D)1.3 m3 and compared the results with those of a standard Taiwanese paddle-wheel aerator. Vertical circulation between the surface and the bottom induced by the paddle wheel aerator was less than that by the designed aerator. Furthermore, the paddle-wheel aerator consumed more electric power than the designed aerator. The structures of water current induced by the two aerators are elucidated, and the advantages and disadvantages of the aerators are discussed.Auxiliary employment of the designed aerators may contribute to delivery of high DO water throughout the pond, which is more efficient than a paddle wheel aerator.  相似文献   

Roy  Subha M.  P  Jayraj  Machavaram  Rajendra  Pareek  C. M.  Mal  B. C. 《Aquaculture International》2021,29(3):1181-1217

The growing intensive aquaculture system around the world maintains a high stocking density, wherein it is essential to increase and sustain the optimum dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) through the provision of artificial aeration systems. The selection of an aerator is a crucial aspect of aquaculture operations. The selected aerator must be economically efficient and should be able to fulfill the requirement of oxygen supply in the pond water. The present study provides an extensive literature review on the importance of artificial aeration in aquaculture, the standard method of test for performance evaluation of an aerator, various aeration systems and their mechanisms, method to determine the numbers of aerator requirement, comparative studies of different type of aerators, and economic consideration in selection of aerators. In addition, a thorough analysis has been done to suggest the type of aerator that is economically viable and efficient for different pond volumes based on the performance data reported in the reviews. Therefore, this study may help the end-users (fish farmers) to select the best aerator based on their requirements.


Novel Decapod Iridescent virus (DIV1) infections emerged in mainland China around 2014 and have devastated shrimp aquaculture operations in Chinese coastal provinces. In 2020, DIV1 has spread to Taiwan with devastating results to shrimp and crayfish farms, in addition to being found in wild caught Penaeus monodon from the Indian Ocean. This trend is a major cause for concern and an urgent reminder to expand the tools needed to monitor the spread of DIV1 globally. Here, we describe a set of four different real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays positioned across the genome of DIV1 to detect the virus in shrimp tissues. All four assays show a wide dynamic range and high analytical sensitivity and specificity. In addition, the newly developed assays show excellent diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in clinical Litopenaeus vannamei samples of North Asian origin. The new molecular toolset will enhance global capabilities to monitor the spread of DIV1 and ultimately be used as an early warning system for farmers and authorities to engage in appropriate risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

针对养殖水质检测与调控的实际需求,提出了一种基于NB-IoT(Narrow Band-Internet of things,窄带物联网)和无人船巡检技术的水质检测与调节物联网系统.通过将无人船作为移动水质感知节点采集养殖水质信息,然后通过NB-IoT无线通信技术将数据上传至OneNET云平台,最终将水质信息可视化呈现在...  相似文献   

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