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针对人兽冲突现状、补偿情况、野生动物保护态度等问题,通过入户访谈、调查问卷的方式对东北虎豹国家公园东宁片区两个乡镇5个村屯的居民进行了调查。结果显示,发生冲突率47.28%,人兽冲突形式有粮食减产、捕食家畜和人身伤害,造成损害的野生动物物种主要包括野猪、黑熊、东北虎、东北豹、马鹿和狍。造成的平均经济损失为8796.9元/年,其中农牧业损失最大,为10373.3元/年。但大部分野生动物损害未能得到补偿,仅1户得到了1000元的补偿款。人兽冲突的预防和缓解措施包括:规范当地居民的生产生活行为,禁止非法狩猎、在禁牧区放牧等活动;对东北虎及其他重点保护野生动物造成的损害采取经济补偿办法,建立东北虎损害保险制度;加强宣传,提高居民对东北虎等野生动物的保护意愿。  相似文献   

分析了2007~2013年吉林省野生动物损害补偿案件,结果表明野生动物损害案件数量逐年上升,野猪造成的损害占94.07%,其中99.94%为损害农作物,东北虎损害案件占1.38%,其中捕食家畜占99.72%。白山、延边地区是损害发生主要地区,其中长白、靖字、安图、汪清、珲春案件数量占全省数量62.33%。通过问卷调查和专家评估,研究表明吉林省野生动物损害补偿运行良好,补偿工作在政策支撑、案件处理方面专家评分较高,而损害案件补偿过程中在运行经费、监督检查、信息处理、科学研究等方面存在不足,应在今后工作中进行调整。  相似文献   

越境野生动物致人损害已经成为人们日益关注的问题。越境野生动物不仅毁坏庄稼,捕食家畜,危及人身安全,甚至还涉及到国际政治稳定。目前,我国越境野生动物致人损害救济制度并不健全。主要原因有立法缺位、地方政府补偿不积极、补偿范围可能不完全涵盖邻国越境野生动物、补偿主体不清、缺少自卫权的规定、经费补偿效率低下和国际沟通机制缺失。所以要在国家层面上规定救济制度、增补补偿范围、设立安全保障义务、建立分级负担补偿责任、创设自卫权、预防动物间谍、加强分析预测和交流合作机制。  相似文献   

孟沙  黄海魁  李志 《野生动物》2007,28(1):27-32
从1988年到现在,在野生动物及养熊场方面,已有1个法律、2个条例和至少5个以上的管理规章颁布实施,特别是1992年禁止对熊产品的进出口、1993年《猎枪和弹药工具的管理规定》以及《熊养殖管理技术暂行规定》的出台对养熊业和其资源保护产生了较大的影响;在法律法规执行方面、养熊场和野生动物及其产品贸易控制方面,政府管理部门采取了多项行动。从调查数据和野生动物肇事问题的增多方面可以看出黑熊野生种群数量在上升:通过关闭不符合国家相关规定如卫生条件、健康、技术和活动场所的养熊场等管理措施,使黑熊养殖场由原来的480家降到了现在的68家;活熊取胆技术也得到了较大改进,原来的导管式、铁背心引流技术已被现在的无管引流技术所取代,过去较小的笼养方式现在也得到了较大改善成为较大活动空间的养殖等。经过十多年的努力,熊养殖及其资源保护的进步趋势已经明显表现出来。尽管如此,野生黑熊在较多地区损害庄稼、伤人甚至导致人死亡的事件经常发生。政府管理部门面临着越来越多的动物肇事补偿问题,特别是,作为123种药品的生产原料并涉及到183家制药企业的熊胆粉供给问题。  相似文献   

浅谈呼伦贝尔草原生态效益补偿机制   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
草原生态补偿机制是国家为了保障生态安全和实现可持续发展,建立以公共财政为主,多渠道的草原生态保护投入机制。我国草原生态补偿机制正在建立和完善当中。呼伦贝尔草原生态环境恶化,实施草原生态补偿意义重大。提出要坚持谁使用、谁受益、谁付费,公平、公正等原则。草原生态补偿的范围应包括对地方财政和农牧民生活、生产费用两方面的补偿。补偿的具体形式是多种多样的,可以是现金补偿,也可以是实物补偿,或者以其他方式补偿。主要从国家财政无偿扶持、补偿基金、受益者生态建设费用、发行国债、捐助、全民义务绿化费、生态税等7个方面多渠道筹集资金。目的是在支持和鼓励草原牧区更多地承担保护呼伦贝尔草原生态环境责任的同时,维持和发展社会经济,富裕牧民,和谐社会。  相似文献   

完善有效的法规体系,是美、欧、澳根除牛结核病等动物疫病的基础保障。其要点主要包括:健全法律制度,强化财政支持,减少利益方抵触行为;规范检测方法,对屠宰牛进行全部检疫;对阳性牛实施严格追溯制度,并分类实施标识制度;建立病牛扑杀的基本标准,选择性采取扑杀措施;推行区域化管理制度,建立差异性市场准入标准;实施野生动物隔离及监测制度,防止野生动物向家养动物传播疫情;强化利益方的宣传教育,营建群防群控氛围。这些策略和措施,对我国健全结核病防治策略具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

协调人与野生动物矛盾的法律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄锡生  关慧 《野生动物》2006,27(1):35-37
野生动物保护意识的增强,生物多样性保护工作的推进,为野生动物的栖息繁衍提供了有利的条件。与此同时,野生动物肇事屡有发生,人与野生动物矛盾日益突出。确立有效协调人与野生动物的矛盾的新机制,在保护国家珍稀野生动物的同时保护群众合法利益,才是野生动物保护事业和可持续发展的长久之计。  相似文献   

由林业部野生动物和森林植物保护司、中国野生动物保护协会秘书处主办的“全国野生动物管理及协会工作人员”培训班于7月28日在哈尔滨结束。这届培训班自7月9日开始,历时21天。全国25个省、自治区、直辖市共73名同志参加了培训班的学习和有关活动。  相似文献   

窦钢 《野生动物》2008,29(2):98-100,103
目前中国的经济野生动物产业尚未走上提高经济效益的轨道.制约因素主要有:养殖业基本上处于低水平状态:野生动物产品附加值低;缺乏野生动物产品市场准入制度.长期以来,中国野生动物产业主要实施初级产品出口的发展战略,结果使得我国经济野生动物产业很难摆脱对国际市场的依赖性,难以提高自身优势.因此,从产业发展的全局出发,分析构成产业发展全局的局部及各要素之间的关系,找出影响并决定经济野生动物产业全局发展的因素,对促进经济野生动物产业发展具有战略意义.为取得产业的比较优势、促进产业的健康发展,我国的经济野生动物产业应实施进口替代与出口替代相结合的发展战略.  相似文献   

白素英  王峰  金煜 《野生动物》2009,30(5):265-268,282
随着分子生物学的快速发展,DNA技术不断渗透到野生动物保护和研究的各个领域.DNA监管为野生动物的保护执法、国内外贸易管理等方面提供了一个先进的管理技术平台.本文阐述了野生动物DNA监管的主要内容,以及国内外野生动物DNA监管的现状,并对我国野生动物DNA监管的发展提出了4点建议:构建国家统一的野生动物DNA物证鉴定平台、特殊物种实施DNA注册制度、构建野生动物病原微生物DNA鉴定平台以及建立科学技术保障体系.  相似文献   

辽宁东部地区野猪危害调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2007~2008年,对辽宁省东部山区野猪危害农作物进行问卷调查和实地调查,对野猪危害农作物实况及其危害的特点进行了初步分析,如危害农作物的种类、危害时间、危害农田周围的生境、危害程度和造成的经济损失等,分析探讨了造成野猪危害农作物的原因,并提出了防治措施的建议。  相似文献   

Many wildlife species cause extensive damage to a variety of agricultural commodities in California, with estimates of damage in the hundreds of millions annually. Given the limited availability of resources to solve all human–wildlife conflicts, we should focus management efforts on issues that provide the greatest benefit to agricultural commodities in California. This survey provides quantitative data on research needs to better guide future efforts in developing more effective, practical and appropriate methods for managing these species. We found that ground squirrels, pocket gophers, birds, wild pigs, coyotes and voles were the most common agricultural wildlife pest species in California. The damage caused by these species could be quite high, but varied by agricultural commodity. For most species, common forms of damage included loss of crop production and direct death of the plant, although livestock depredation was the greatest concern for coyotes. Control methods used most frequently and those deemed most effective varied by pest species, although greater advancements in control methods were listed as a top research priority for all species. Collectively, the use of toxicants, biocontrol and trapping were the most preferred methods for control, but this varied by species. In general, integrated pest management practices were used to control wildlife pests, with a special preference for those approaches that were efficacious and quick and inexpensive to apply. This information and survey design should be useful in establishing research and management priorities for wildlife pest species in California and other similar regions.  相似文献   

在测定狗尿液主要成分的基础上,对草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis)、高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)和多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)的幼坪和成熟草坪,喷施含有狗尿液成分中不同物质的溶液,通过测定草坪草的坪观质量和草坪损伤程度,以探究狗尿对草坪产生损伤的主要物质。结果表明:狗尿主要由含氮有机物(尿素等)、有机酸(乳酸、肌酸等)及无机盐(K、P、Na、Ca、Mg等)3类物质组成。其中含乳酸(0.035g/L)和尿素(698.8mmol/L)处理对3种草坪草的幼坪和成熟草坪均能产生损伤,而含肌酸(浓度36.25mmol/L)的处理不会对草坪产生损伤。乳酸对3种草坪草的损伤要显著高于尿素。狗尿中的尿素不是对草坪产生损伤的唯一物质,乳酸也会对草坪产生损伤。  相似文献   

王小伦 《野生动物》2009,30(4):222-226
近代是中国环境恶化的一个转折点。几千年的农耕文化虽然对环境带来了危害,但尊重自然的传统源远流长,开发行为受到一定遏制,人与动物在很大程度上仍能和谐相处。19世纪末,长江流域及沿海野鸟成群、野兽出没、河水清澈、鱼虾满塘,江南实为鸟儿天堂,耕者乐园。随着西洋工业文明的到来,传统经济解体,环境恶化加速。近代英国人在中国的狩猎活动是近代环境史不可缺少的一部分,其影响不可低估。  相似文献   

为阐明Myostatin在肌原纤维损伤中的作用,并探讨提高畜禽肉产(质)量或控制人类肌肉萎缩的方法,本试验以小鼠为模式动物,采用高剂量地塞米松构建了严重应激模型,研究生理剂量胰岛素对地塞米松致肌原纤维损伤的影响及其与Myostatin基因表达的关系,以及Myostatin基因免疫对地塞米松致肌原纤维损伤的干预作用.结果表明:地塞米松诱导Myostatin基因表达上调及严重的肌原纤维损伤和线粒体肿胀,而胰岛素注射明显减弱了这些效应;Myostatin基因免疫明显抑制了地塞米松对肌原纤维和线粒体的损伤作用.试验结果提示,Myostatin是参与肌原纤维降解的一个关键因子,该作用可能与其刺激了线粒体的功能有关.  相似文献   

Veterinary cordon fences are used in Southern Africa to separate wildlife from domestic animals in order to prevent transmission of infectious diseases. Such fences are a control method recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) for establishing disease-free zones in beef exporting countries. However, few studies have evaluated the ecological impact of these physical barriers or their effectiveness at a multispecies level. We examined the permeability of one such barrier, along 357 km of the western and southern boundary of the Kruger National Park (KNP) during 2007. Information was gathered using a semi-structured questionnaire implemented among 32 teams of fence maintenance workers. Data were analyzed to identify (a) the main causes of fence damage, (b) the seasonality, location and duration of fence repairs, (c) high permeability areas for elephant (Loxodonta africana), kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), impala (Aepyceros melampus), buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), and (d) the influence of fence electrification, rivers and elephant damage on the frequency of observation of wildlife species outside the KNP estimated during the year. Human and elephant damage were the most common reasons for fence repairs. Elephant and buffalo were the most and least common large mammal species reported observed outside the KNP (1076 and 162 reports/year), respectively. Cattle incursions into the KNP were also reported in 44% of the fence sections. Electrification of the fence was an important factor explaining differences in estimated wildlife species observations outside the KNP during the year. Correlations between estimations of observed species suggested that fence gaps created by elephants might be used by the other wildlife species. Estimated annual counts of kudu, impala and buffalo, but not warthog, were found to correlate with elephant observations. Negative binomial regression models were developed to explore the relationships between observed estimations of different wildlife species outside the KNP the fence, electrification of fence sections and the presence of watercourses, suggesting that kudu, impala and buffalo could use elephant induced fence damage to leave the KNP. The questionnaire was able to evaluate fence integrity and identify sections where integrity was sub-optimal for separating wildlife from domestic livestock species. If combined with more quantitative methods and applied on a routine basis, it could provide an efficient and cost-effective method for monitoring the effectiveness of physical barriers to contain wildlife within protected areas such as is the case with veterinary cordon fences in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Two surveys of opinions about wildlife conservation were carried out in Hunan Province, China, before and after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. Hunan is the northern neighbor of Guangdong Province, where the first SARS case was reported. The custom of consuming wild meat was not common in Hunan 30 years ago. However, in recent years, consumption of wildlife such as snakes has spread to northern China. We handed out 1300 questionnaires between 22 February and 10 May 2002, before the SARS epidemic. Survey sites included the provincial capital, major cities, towns, and villages in Hunan. Another 1300 questionnaires were distributed between 10 March and 10 May 2004, after the SARS epidemic. The 2004 survey covered the same sites as the 2002 survey. Questionnaire recovery rates for the 2002 and 2004 surveys were 81.2% and 84.6%, respectively. The valid return rate was 73.0%. Frog, snake, hare, and pheasant were the wild meats most frequently eaten by local people. At the time of the first survey, more than 80% of interviewees claimed to have eaten frogs. That number had reduced to 60% by the time of the second survey. Monkey, Chinese pangolin, and bear paw were the wild meats least frequently eaten. Although palm civet was suspected to be the carrier of SARS, it was interesting to note that, after the SARS epidemic, the proportion of people surveyed who ate palm civets had declined only slightly. The results of the surveys indicate a low level of conservation consciousness; however, after the SARS and bird flu epidemics, there were obvious changes in the conservation consciousness of people in Hunan Province. We recommend some measures that could be taken to change the habits of people who consume wildlife.  相似文献   

梦梦  尹峰  黄乘明 《野生动物》2012,33(3):170-171,175
通过对云南省迪庆藏族自治州的维西和德钦县少数民族宗教文化与野生动物保护关系的调查研究,结果表明:虽然受调查的各个少数民族人中宗教信仰的比例存在差异,但是70%以上的受访者都明确表示有崇拜和敬畏的动物;78%以上受访的少数民族能够列举出5种以上国家保护的野生动物,68%以上的受访者表示知道非法捕杀野生动物是被国家法令严厉禁止的;90%以上受访的少数民族对野生动物保护的态度十分积极,表示当他们发现有捕杀野生动物的时候,都会阻止和报告相关管理部门。建议鼓励并支持少数民族传统文化的继承与传播,加强对野生动物保护的宣传教育,从而促进野生动物保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

应激是圈养野生动物所不能避免的,对动物的负面影响是多方面的。针对动物园动物应激的特点,对动物园存在的应激进行分析归类,阐述应激的危害和解释实践中的问题,采取有效措施对应激进行监测与管理,减弱应激的负面影响。  相似文献   

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