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In response to financial pressures resulting from escalating serials prices and severe budget constraints, LSU Libraries have launched a complete and comprehensive evaluation and redesign of its serials collection. The Serials Redesign Project is an innovative approach to the serials review process using electronic document delivery to facilitate the integration of access and ownership. Library liaisons help promote faculty acceptance and support, which will be crucial to the success of the project. Background information, the project methodology, faculty responses, and preliminary results for two pilot studies and for the Agriculture departments are presented.  相似文献   


In 2016, the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Library was invited to participate in an Ithaka S+R research project with 19 other academic libraries from institutions with strong agricultural programs. This project documents agriculture research practices and needs and reflects a summary of findings from 10 interviews with OSU faculty researchers. This local report is to inform the Library's support for research of the OSU's agricultural faculty. The report was completed on December 1, 2016.  相似文献   


With the increasing expectation of information searchers for all information to be available online, digital projects are growing in number and importance. These projects allow libraries to become producers, if not of content, then of new accessibility options for their patrons. One librarian's experience in the development and coordination of a digital project in an academic setting is presented, in order to demonstrate potential best practices for similar projects. Selection, coordination, standards, outsourcing, and funding of projects are all discussed. It is possible to produce, relatively quickly and inexpensively, a useful, quality digital project.  相似文献   


Seventeen historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) had the unique distinction of being designated land-grant institutions in 1890. There is surprisingly little information in the library literature describing the state of automation in academic libraries and even less about the state of automation in the seventeen historically black land-grant universities. The authors designed a questionnaire that would serve as the instrument for a base survey of the state of automation in these libraries. The results of this survey are presented in the following article.  相似文献   


Selecting a service involves evaluating many criteria, including price, ease of use, user interface, value-added information, and title coverage. This study examines four current awareness services, Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Science, CARL UnCover, ContentsFirst, and CAB ACCESS, for their coverage of serials in agriculture and related fields. The serial lists from the services were examined for overlapping and unique titles, subject coverage, and publication type. UnCover was found to include not only the greatest number of titles but also the highest percentage of unique titles. However, because a relatively low percentage of the unique titles in UnCover are academic/scholarly and foreign/multilingual, it is recommended that a second service be considered to complement UnCover.  相似文献   


The Internet has profoundly altered the way library users access information. Academic libraries have responded by creating library instruction tools and subject guides as Web pages. Much effort has been invested in the development of Web-based library guides. It has thus become increasingly important to study the level of subject guide access. Library Web site usage, including subject guide access, forms a valuable output measure in contemporary library service evaluation. Accordingly, this study uses server statistics to analyze subject guide access in an academic science library. The potential use of this study is discussed.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the need for land-grant libraries to develop services and projects in support of the mission of their universities. Projects developed at the Mississippi State University Libraries are discussed from the perspective of “engaged” library services. These services include outreach activities to academic departments, core instructional initiatives, support services to extension personnel (ELL), collaborative collection development projects (DigiTop Plus) and projects designed to preserve the state's agricultural history (CHARM).  相似文献   

[目的]量化评价"丹治"工程(丹江口库区及上游水土保持工程)在"十二五"期间实现的总体生态效益,为中国水土保持工程决策和生态效益评价提供新的思路。[方法]基于灰色关联理论,结合熵值法和层次分析法(AHP)确定评价指标的权重。构建了灰色关联度的TOPSIS评价模型,并采用项目区"水土流失面积"对结果进行了验证。[结果]"丹治"工程初期,水保措施尚未完善,发挥的作用相对较小,生态效益较低;随着各项功能措施的逐步发挥,水土保持生态效益大幅度提升,与初期相比"十二五"末期的生态效益总体增长3.48倍。[结论]"丹治"工程项目区总体生态环境逐步向良性发展,与项目区实际情况相吻合,表明基于灰色关联度的TOPSIS模型对水土保持工程效益评价有较强适用性和可靠性。  相似文献   


For a core journal to be developed, fruitful research articles, diversity, and continuity of research topics are essential. The main goal of this study was to trace the thematic evolution (historical development) of agricultural and natural resource academic journals (ANAJs) published by public academic institutions in Iran. To this end, the study analyzed 2,961 articles published from 1905–2003 in all publicly-funded ANAJs in all contributing agricultural and natural resource academic majors (subfields), examining the scientific domain, research subject, research method, citations, impacts, and the aggregation level of journals on academic majors and academic majors on journals. Less than 5% of the articles were qualitative and cited theoretical frameworks. Over 95% were quantitative articles as their publications progressed. Thematically, agronomy and plant breeding, with 31.68%, had the highest aggregation level among academic majors; whereas, agricultural extension and education, with 2.08%, had the lowest.  相似文献   


Libraries have often played a major role in preserving our agricultural heritage. Many special libraries have helped to assemble the agricultural literature, much of which is in formats traditionally difficult to collect and maintain, particularly those of agricultural significance. This paper presents a brief overview of the changing nature of agricultural communications and how units within special libraries, such as the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC), play an important role in the creation, dissemination, and archiving of this vital information. Other specialized collections and services, such as the materials of The National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) and the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) will also be discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to develop a core list of journals for the field of agricultural economics. For this study, the holdings of members of the Agricultural Economics Reference Organization who represent agricultural economics libraries in the U.S. and Canada were surveyed. The resulting list of titles is compared to four similar lists, three in agricultural economics and the fourth in economics. Using any one list of journals is inadequate for collection development in agricultural economics. This survey list, along with other similar lists, can be used for decision making in selection and management of journal titles in the field.  相似文献   


In 1992 the Journal of Extension's Board of Directors authorized a pilot project to test the feasibility of producing and distributing the Journal electronically as a means of reducing the direct and indirect costs of publication. The University of Wisconsin-Extension headed the pilot test and the University of Missouri-Extension was asked to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the electronic Journal of Extension. This article describes the purposes, methods, content, and preliminary findings of the evaluation of this pilot project.  相似文献   

[目的]针对在水利、水保及民用建筑工程领域的基础工程施工中所用到的钢筋笼加工制作平台存在的造价高,使用不便,制作材料浪费大,标准不统一和加工质量差等问题,基于"系统化、模块化"的设计思想,设计一种钢筋笼加工制作平台。[方法]该设计主要包括固定支架模块和固定轴模块。固定架模块由一对固定支架组成;固定轴模块由高笼模块、中笼模块和低笼模块组成。内固定轴模块通过内滚动轴承连接外固定轴模块,外固定轴模块表面沿外圆周安装有数个主筋镶片,主筋镶片上有横向的主筋卡槽和纵向的加强箍或支撑箍卡槽。[结果]该设计解决了不同桩基设计要求的钢筋笼尺寸制作不通用问题,也解决了钢筋笼加工不统一、不标准,且一个工程一台机械,用完即丢弃的问题。不仅能使成品钢筋笼加工质量容易符合规范要求,而且能防止在制作过程由于就地制作造成的泥土和油污对笼身的污染,大大提高了制作和施工效率,节约成本,保护了环境。[结论]桩基钢筋笼加工平台的改进设计对不同类型基础工程中设备器材的可持续利用有重要意义,它可以促进建筑材料的循环应用。  相似文献   

[目的]从水土保持角度提出山区景观生态建设中应遵守的治理原则和适用的水土保持技术措施,为今后山区园林景观建设过程中水土流失治理提供参考。[方法]以云南省保山市东山生态建设工程为例,系统地剖析了山区景观建设及生态建设中的水土流失及其影响因素。[结果]针对山区项目建设水土流失产生特点,制定出一套从坡面(如拦水埂、梯田整地、水平阶整地和鱼鳞坑整地等)到沟道适用于山区景观项目建设的水土流失治理常见技术,并初步计算工程实施水土保持技术措施后可减少的年土壤侵蚀量为5 200 t以上。[结论]在山区景观生态项目建设过程中,要坚持保护优先,安全先行,统筹兼顾为原则,在考虑施工材料经济性和生态性的同时,还要考虑景观美学因素,以制定完整的山区建设项目水土保持措施体系。  相似文献   


During the spring and summer of 2016, the University of Minnesota Libraries joined 18 other institutions to participate in Ithaka S+R's Research Support Services Program to explore agricultural scholars' research focus, research methods, and publishing practices. This report summarizes our local findings, resulting from 16 interviews with University of Minnesota faculty from the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences on the Twin Cities campus. It also offers suggestions for agriculture libraries and librarians based on the data we have gathered.  相似文献   

数字时代高校图书馆业务活动的内容、方式、特点等都发生了重大变化,其职业道德的内涵、标准相应也有了新的特点。对高校图书馆职业道德的时代特征、职业道德建设存在的问题以及数字时代高校图书馆职业道德的内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   


The goal of this study was to determine the international impact of publications from a variety of institutes of parasitology and to evaluate sources for research in order to improve collection development decisions. Two methods were developed: a method of providing academic librarians with information on the relative impact of their institution when compared with other similar institutions and a method for comparing research sources on an international level. Using articles indexed in ISI Web of Science, twelve parasitology research centers from five countries were compared over a five-year period for number of publications produced and times each of the journal articles was cited.  相似文献   

泛在知识环境下高校图书馆学科服务的理念、内容和模式都出现了一系列新变化。在对全新的服务理念和服务内容进行分析的基础上,提出图书馆应该建立与此相适应的团队协作、互动协同新模式。  相似文献   

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