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为合理利用荒漠草原区饲草资源,开展了分别以华北驼绒藜、紫花苜蓿为主要饲草配合谷草、冰草饲喂苏尼特羔羊的试验.根据组合效应原理科学组合,试验共设100%华北驼绒藜、50%华北驼绒藜+50%谷草、50%华北驼绒藜+50%冰草、100%苜蓿、50%苜蓿+50%谷草、50%苜蓿+50%冰草6个处理.结果表明,100%苜蓿处理的羔羊增重、屠宰率、净肉率都明显高于其他饲草处理,其饲喂效果最好.不同饲草组合饲喂效果为:50%华北驼绒藜+50%谷草>100%华北驼绒藜、50%华北驼绒藜+50%冰草;100%苜蓿>50%苜蓿+50%谷草、50%苜蓿+50%冰草.  相似文献   

为合理利用荒漠草原区饲草资源,开展了分别以华北驼绒藜、紫花苜蓿为主要饲草配合谷草、冰草饲喂苏尼特羔羊的试验。根据组合效应原理科学组合.试验共设100%华北驼绒藜、50%华北驼绒藜+50%谷草、50%华北驼绒藜+50%冰草、100%苜蓿、50%苜蓿+50%谷草、50%苜蓿+50%冰草6个处理。结果表明,100%苜蓿处理的羔羊增重、屠宰率、净肉率都明显高于其他饲草处理,其饲喂效果最好。不同饲草组合饲喂效果为:50%华北驼绒藜+50%谷草〉100%华北驼绒藜、50%华北驼绒藜+50%冰草;100%苜蓿〉50%苜蓿+50%谷草、50%苜蓿+50%冰草。  相似文献   

试验将驼绒藜按不同精粗比配合成颗粒日粮饲喂苏尼特羊,对比分析驼绒藜日粮与苜蓿日粮、谷草日粮对羊增重的效果。结果表明,华北驼绒藜、苜蓿、谷草铡短粉碎与50%、30%精料混合制成颗粒日粮对绵羊体增重效果最好,日增重可达127 g/d;在荒漠草原区,苜蓿的高价格是限制其推广的主要原因;华北驼绒藜和谷草在30%精料水平下,与同精料水平条件下用苜蓿饲喂绵羊具有相同的增重效果,并可增加纯收入80元/只。  相似文献   

华北驼绒藜是一种数量可观、广泛分布于我国荒漠草原区的饲草资源,但目前人们对其饲用价值的认识还停留在传统水平。为了充分了解和更好地利用华北驼绒藜这一自然资源,缓解冬春季及“白黑灾害”造成的饲草不足问题。更好地为荒漠草原区探索出高效养羊的新路子,开展了华北驼绒藜饲用评价试验。将华北驼绒藜、谷草、苜蓿铡短、粉碎后,再与50%、30%、20%的精料混合制成颗粒日粮,饲喂绵羊,通过比较不同处理组绵羊的增重情况,结合经济效益分析,评价不同精粗比水平下华北驼绒藜的养羊效益。试验表明,华北驼绒藜和谷草在30%精料水平下。具有与相同精料水平下用苜蓿饲喂绵羊同等的增重效果,并可增加纯收入高于80元/只;华北驼绒藜在精粗比为3:7的条件下有较好的养羊经济效益。  相似文献   

华北驼绒藜是一种数量可观、广泛分布于我国荒漠草原区的饲草资源,但目前人们对其饲用价值的认识还停留在传统水平,为了充分了解和更好地利用华北驼绒藜这一自然资源,缓解冬春季及“白黑灾害”造成的饲草不足问题,更好地为荒漠草原区探索出高效养羊的新路子,开展了华北驼绒藜饲用评价试验.将华北驼绒藜、谷草、苜蓿铡短、粉碎后,再与50%、30%、20%的精料混合制成颗粒日粮,饲喂绵羊,通过比较不同处理组绵羊的增重情况,结合经济效益分析,评价不同精粗比水平下华北驼绒藜的养羊效益.试验表明,华北驼绒藜和谷草在30%精料水平下,具有与相同精料水平下用苜蓿饲喂绵羊同等的增重效果,并可增加纯收入高于80元/只;华北驼绒藜在精粗比为3:7的条件下有较好的养羊经济效益.  相似文献   

试验旨在通过二代测序技术分析饲喂驼绒藜和苜蓿对苏尼特羊增重以及瘤胃细菌区系的影响。分别以驼绒藜和苜蓿作为饲料主要成分,选择 4 对 3 月龄断奶雌性双胞胎苏尼特羊进行分组饲喂试验,试验结束后提取瘤胃内容物微生物的总 DNA,PCR 扩增细菌 16S rDNA 并通过二代测序技术获得序列信息,分析比较驼绒藜和苜蓿 2 种颗粒饲料对瘤胃细菌结构的影响。结果表明:2 个组样品测序共鉴定出 12 个门、28 个属的细菌;相对丰度最高且具有显著差异的细菌为拟杆菌门普雷沃菌属,饲喂苜蓿比驼绒藜增重效果显著并且可显著提高瘤胃拟杆菌门的相对丰度(P<0.05);多样性分析结果表明,饲喂驼绒藜会显著增加瘤胃中细菌多样性(P<0.05)。综上,饲喂苜蓿一类高蛋白饲草能够促进苏尼特羊增肥,但降低了羊瘤胃细菌多样性,瘤胃细菌优势细菌为拟杆菌门,优势菌种为普雷沃菌。而饲喂驼绒藜一类高纤维饲料对羊的增肥效果不明显,但提高了瘤胃细菌多样性和微生态环境,可能更有利于羊的健康。  相似文献   

设置青贮燕麦与青贮苜蓿的质量比分别为1∶0(A组)、7∶3(B组)、1∶1(C组)、3∶7(D组)、0∶1(E组)的5组混合饲草,研究不同比例的混合饲草对羔羊育肥效果的影响,筛选适宜的饲草搭配比例。结果:青贮燕麦与青贮苜蓿混合饲喂育肥羔羊,均有较好的育肥效果,羔羊的采食量显著增加,但综合采食量、增重和经济效益等指标,认为D组是青贮燕麦与青贮苜蓿混合饲草组合中的最佳组合,只均日增重0.184 kg,经济效益159.08元,较饲喂裹包青贮燕麦A组的0.123 kg、53.68元分别增加49.59%、105.4元,较饲喂裹包青贮苜蓿E组的0.161kg、120.81元分别增加14.29%、38.27元。  相似文献   

通过测定玉米秸秆、苜蓿干草、燕麦干草等三种饲草的营养指标(DM、CP、NDF、ADF、EE、WSC、IVDMD、GE、DE、ME、DMI)评价其品质,并以三种饲草组合的GI及成本综合评定最佳饲草组合配方。结果表明:(1)苜蓿干草属于一级豆科饲草,玉米秸秆属低质饲草,燕麦干草属一级优质禾本科饲草。(2)玉米秸秆+燕麦干草组合的GI值均较低,组合效果不佳;玉米秸秆+苜蓿干草组合中的D组合(玉米秸秆60%+苜蓿干草40%)和E组合(玉米秸秆50%+苜蓿干草50%)为最优组合;玉米秸秆+苜蓿干草+燕麦干草组合中的R组合(玉米秸秆50%+苜蓿干草30%+燕麦干草20%)和Q组合(玉米秸秆50%+苜蓿干草40%+燕麦干草10%)为最优组合。(3)在玉米秸秆+苜蓿干草组合、玉米秸秆+苜蓿干草+燕麦干草组合中,苜蓿干草的添加比例在30%以上时,能明显提高玉米秸秆的利用率,添加比例在30%~50%时GI值较高,成本适中,在生产实际中较为适用。  相似文献   

饲料的营养成分可直接影响家畜的屠宰性能与肉品质,试验旨在研究高纤维牧草和高蛋白牧草对羔羊肉品质的影响。试验分别选取高纤维牧草驼绒藜和高蛋白牧草苜蓿作为饲料主要成分。选取4对(共8只)3月龄、体重(24±2.3)kg、健康的双胞胎羔羊为试验对象,分析了两种饲料对羔羊屠宰性能与羊肉品质指标的影响。结果表明,饲喂苜蓿颗粒饲料对羔羊增重效果极显著,达到0.187 kg/d,显著高于驼绒藜为主的颗粒饲料(0.097 kg/d,P0.01)。同时,苜蓿饲料也显著增加了肌肉中脂肪的含量,而驼绒藜饲料显著增加了羊肉的水分含量(P0.05),提高羊肉的嫩度。虽然两种饲料对屠宰率、骨重、净肉率、肉骨比、净肉重、系水力、眼肌面积等指标的影响均差异不显著(P0.05),但是对宰前活重、胴体重、GR值的影响显著(P0.05)。与苜蓿组相比,驼绒藜可增加羔羊肌肉中对人体有益的必需脂肪酸亚油酸和花生四烯酸的含量。该研究结果为畜牧业生产功能性肉品提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

利用体外产气法探究苜蓿与燕麦草、全贮玉米、全贮藜麦间的组合效应( AE)。在以苜蓿与燕麦草为最优组合的基础上,再将其分别与全贮玉米、全贮藜麦进行组合试验,测定不同粗饲料组合物的体外产气量(GP)、干物质消失率(DMD)、pH、氨态氮浓度(NH3-N)、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA),分析单项组合效应指数(SFAEI)和综合组合效应指数(MFAEI)。研究结果表明:(1)苜蓿∶燕麦草为80∶20时,GP24 h(34.84%)、DMD(24.44%)、TVFA (25.43%)的SFAEI最高,均极显著高于(P < 0.01)其他各比例组,MFAEI(92.08%)最大,为最优组合。按照此比例进一步与全贮玉米、全贮藜麦进行组合效益评价。(2)(苜蓿-燕麦草):全贮玉米为50∶50时,GP24 h (37.81%)的SFAEI最高,并显著高于其他各比例组(P < 0.05),MFAEI(75.55%)最大,为最优组合。(苜蓿-燕麦草)∶全贮藜麦20∶80时。TVFA (8.63%)的SFAEI显著高于其他各比例组(P < 0.01),MFAEI(69.27%)最大,为最优组合。由此得出,苜蓿∶燕麦草为80∶20的基础上,(苜蓿-燕麦草):全贮玉米50∶50时、(苜蓿-燕麦草)∶全贮藜麦20∶80时饲粮具有较优的组合效应。 [关键词] 苜蓿|燕麦草|全贮玉米|全贮藜麦|饲料组合效应  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was carried out to determine the effects of different proportions of alfalfa hay and maize stover on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of fattening lambs. Forty‐two healthy 3.5‐month‐old male Small‐tail Han lambs of 23.89 ± 0.38 kg body mass were assigned to seven groups, which were fed mixed diets composed of maize stover and alfalfa hay containing 0%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% or 100% maize stover on a dry matter (DM) basis. Each lamb received 1.5 kg DM of forage mixture three times daily and supplementary concentrate (0.5 kg corn per lamb per day) for 60 days. Compared with the control forage diet of maize stover only, forage intake rate and forage conversion rate on the 40% maize stover/60% alfalfa hay mixture were 30% and 5% higher, respectively. Body weight, dressing percentage and net income were 6.7 kg, 8% and 94.37 Yuan higher per lamb, respectively. Thus, feeding lambs with a forage mixture of maize stover and alfalfa hay in a ratio of 40:60 optimized the production performance, slaughter performance, and the income derived from lambs.  相似文献   

旨在探究香蕉叶单宁对奶牛瘤胃降解特性的影响和评价香蕉叶的饲喂价值。样品分别为苜蓿干草组(100%的苜蓿干草)、苜蓿干草和香蕉叶混合组(50%苜蓿干草+50%香蕉叶)、香蕉叶组(100%香蕉叶)、苜蓿干草组(100%的苜蓿干草)+6%聚乙二醇(6% PEG)、苜蓿干草和香蕉叶混合组(50%苜蓿干草+50%香蕉叶)+6%聚乙二醇(6% PEG)、香蕉叶组(100%香蕉叶)+6%聚乙二醇(6% PEG)。测定样品中的营养成分含量,使用3头安装了瘤胃瘘管的荷斯坦奶牛进行半体内试验,用尼龙袋法测定上述样品在瘤胃内0、2、4、8、12、24、48、72 h的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的降解率,得到各营养物质的动态降解参数。结果表明,相较于苜蓿干草,香蕉叶干物质和粗蛋白的快速降解部分、慢速降解部分、慢速降解部分的降解速率、有效降解率是显著低于苜蓿干草的(P<0.001),香蕉叶和苜蓿的NDF的有效降解率没有显著差异。添加了PEG后,香蕉叶和香蕉叶苜蓿混合组的快速降解部分和有效降解率显著高于未添加PEG的两组(P<0.001)。结果表明香蕉叶中的单宁会抑制香蕉叶的瘤胃降解率,因此在使用香蕉叶调制反刍动物的饲料时需要控制单宁的含量。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate digestion kinetics of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) substitution for grass hay in beef cattle. In Exp. 1, forage combinations evaluated in situ consisted of 0% alfalfa-100% big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi Vitman), 25% alfalfa-75% big bluestem, 50% alfalfa-50% big bluestem, and 100% alfalfa-0% big bluestem. Nonlinear regression was used to determine the immediately soluble fraction A, the potentially degradable fraction B, the undegraded fraction C, and the disappearance rate of DM and NDF. Dry matter fraction A increased linearly (P = 0.03), and DM and NDF fraction B decreased linearly (P = 0.01) with increasing alfalfa substitution. Rate of DM and NDF disappearance increased linearly (P /= 0.23) on total tract apparent digestibility of all nutrients except CP. Steers fed orchardgrass plus alfalfa had 33% greater (P = 0.01) total tract apparent digestibility for CP than those fed orchardgrass alone. Lag time of DM and NDF disappearance was not affected (P >/= 0.20) by alfalfa supplementation or intake level. Rate of DM and NDF disappearance of orchardgrass was faster (P 相似文献   

为探讨不同配方饲粮饲喂羔羊时对其肉质的影响,选用巴彦淖尔市较为丰富的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、小麦(Triticum aestivum)秸秆、玉米(Zea mays)秸秆和番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)渣等饲草资源,结合饲草GI分级指数和饲草组合效应理论,配制出羔羊育肥专用饲草...  相似文献   

为探讨饲喂苜蓿(Medicago sativa)干草、羊草(Leymus chinensis)和玉米(Zea mays)青贮与单纯饲喂玉米秸秆相比,对育成母羊增重、饲料转化效率和经济效益的影响。选取体重、年龄相近,健康的育成母羊20只,随机分成4组,每组5只,分别饲喂不同种类粗饲料日粮,精粗比为40:60。结果表明:与粗饲料单纯为玉米秸秆(100%)相比,苜蓿干草(50%)+羊草(50%)组日增重提高11.11%,饲料转化效率不明显,增收也不明显;苜蓿干草(33.3%)+玉米青贮(33.3%)+羊草(33.3%)组日增重可提高30.72%,饲料转化效率提高 18.16%,每天每只增收0.54 元;苜蓿干草(50%)+玉米青贮(50%)组日增重可提高83.01%,饲料转化效率提高 40.74%,每天每只增收可达1.91 元。表明,饲喂苜蓿干草(50%)+玉米青贮(50%)时,育成母羊增重、饲料转化效率、以及经济效益都能达到最好的状态。  相似文献   

The effect of two forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF) levels (6 vs. 9%) and two forage sources (sorghum stover vs. alfalfa hay) on growth performance was evaluated in 20 feedlot lambs (17.45?±?2.75?kg) for a 60-d feeding-period. Final longissimus area and subcutaneous fat were measured by ultrasound. There were no treatment interactions. Lambs receiving sorghum stover had greater gain efficiency (p?=?.04), estimated dietary net energy (NE; p?=?.04), longissimus area (p?=?.02) and tended to greater average daily gain (ADG; p?=?.06) than lambs fed alfalfa hay. Lambs receiving 6% forage NDF had greater ADG (p?=?.03), gain efficiency (p?=?.03) and tendency toward for dietary NE (p?=?.06) than those fed 9% forage NDF. Treatments did not influence subcutaneous fat. In conclusion, at equivalent forage NDF level, sorghum stover may be superior to alfalfa hay for feedlot lambs which may depress growth performance at 9% forage NDF in isocaloric diets including a 50:50 blend of whole and ground sorghum grain.  相似文献   

苜蓿+玉米间作系统饲料生产潜力的评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本试验目的在于探讨不同苜蓿+玉米间作模式下营养物质生产能力及其瘤胃可降解养分产量的差异,从而对玉米+苜蓿间作系统饲料生产能力作出合理的评定。试验设苜蓿、玉米行数比分别为2∶2,3∶2,4∶2,5∶2四个间作处理,每处理3个重复,其所占间作面积比分别为33%∶67%,43%∶57%,50%∶50%,55%∶45%,玉米、苜蓿单作为对照组。通过测定各处理干物质产量、营养物质产量、养分瘤胃降解率,从而可以对不同间作模式下可降解营养物质产量及总可降解养分产量等指标进行比较,对不同间作系统饲料生产能力进行综合评定。结果表明,苜蓿+玉米间作系统与玉米和苜蓿单作系统相比,提高了单位间作面积总干物质产量、营养物质的产量,营养物质瘤胃降解率和瘤胃可降解养分产量,具有更高的饲料生产潜力,是一种可行的饲料生产模式,本试验条件下5∶2间作模式表现出最佳的生产优势。  相似文献   

为了验证苜蓿饲喂杂交肉羊的效果。选择临床健康的断奶公羔20只、按年龄、体重、相同或相近的原则,配对分为对照组和试验组,每组10头。试验组饲喂养殖场周边地区的苜蓿粉碎切成2~3cm,对照组饲喂秸秆草,经80d饲喂。结果表明:实验组日均增重253g/只,对照组日均增重234/只,试验组比对照组提高8.12%(P0.05);每增加1kg净肉成本试验组24.80元、对照组为27.24元。试验组比对照组成本费减少9.67%。结果表明:苜蓿草饲喂肉羊增重效果显著。  相似文献   

Matua bromegrass hay (Bromus willdenowii Kunth) is a high quality forage, but its value for mares during gestation and lactation is not well known. Intake, rate of passage, performance, and reproduction by gestating and lactating Quarter Horse mares fed the hay was investigated. In this experiment, 12, 2- to 12-yr-old gravid mares (mean BW = 553 kg, SD = 36) were fed Matua hay (CP = 11.5%) or alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa L.) (CP = 15.4%) for variable days prepartum (mean 59.9 d; SD = 23.5) and for 70 d postpartum. Matua and alfalfa hay were fed as the roughage portion of the diet with a grain supplement. Mares, blocked by age, expected date of foaling, and BW, were assigned randomly within blocks to treatments (six mares per treatment). Forage type did not affect intake, gestation length, birth weight, number of foals, foal weight gain, day of first postpartum ovulation, cycles per conception, or pregnancy rate at 70 d. On d 1, milk from mares fed alfalfa hay contained less (P < 0.03) CP than milk from mares fed Matua hay. Milk CP decreased (P < 0.01) in all mares over time. In a separate experiment, voluntary intake and rate of passage of Matua (CP = 15.5%), alfalfa (CP = 24.9%), and Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) (CP = 4.1%) hays were determined in nine 2-yr-old pregnant mares (mean BW = 447 kg; SD = 21). Diets were 100% forage. Timothy hay did not meet CP requirements for mares. Voluntary intake of alfalfa hay was higher (P < 0.01) than Matua hay. Intake of Timothy hay was lower (P < 0.01) than the mean of alfalfa and Matua hay. Rate of passage offorage was measured by passage of Cr-mordanted fiber. Passage rate and retention time did not differ between Matua and alfalfa hay; however, the retention times of Matua and alfalfa hays were shorter (P < 0.01) than for Timothy hay. Our results indicate that Matua hay is a forage that can be used safely for mares during gestation and early lactation and for their young foals.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 4 ruminally and duodenally cannulated beef steers (444.0 +/- 9.8 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square with a 2 x 2 factorial treatment arrangement to evaluate the effects of forage type (alfalfa or corn stover) and concentrated separator byproduct (CSB) supplementation (0 or 10% of dietary DM) on intake, site of digestion, and microbial efficiency. In Exp. 2, 5 wethers (44 +/- 1.5 kg) were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square to evaluate the effects of CSB on intake, digestion, and N balance. Treatments were 0, 10, and 20% CSB (DM basis) mixed with forage; 10% CSB offered separately from the forage; and a urea control, in which urea was added to the forage at equal N compared with the 10% CSB treatment. In Exp. 1, intakes of OM and N (g/kg of BW) were greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed alfalfa compared with corn stover. Steers fed 10% CSB had greater (P < 0.08) OM and N intakes (g/kg of BW) compared with 0% CSB-fed steers. Total duodenal, microbial, and nonmicrobial flows of OM and N were greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed alfalfa compared with corn stover. Steers fed 10% CSB had increased (P = 0.02) duodenal microbial flow (N and OM) compared with 0% CSB-fed steers. Forage x CSB interactions (P < 0.01) existed for total tract N digestibility; alfalfa with or without CSB was similar (67.4 vs. 69.5), whereas corn stover with CSB was greater than corn stover without CSB (31.9 vs. -23.9%). True ruminal OM digestion was greater (P < 0.09) in steers fed alfalfa vs. corn stover (73.0 vs. 63.1%) and in steers fed 10 vs. 0% CSB (70.3 vs. 65.8%). Microbial efficiency was unaffected (P > 0.25) by forage type or CSB supplementation. In Exp. 2, forage and total intake increased (linear; P < 0.01) as CSB increased and were greater (P < 0.04) in 10% CSB mixed with forage compared with 10% CSB fed separately. Feeding 10% CSB separately resulted in similar DM and OM apparent total tract digestibility compared with 10% CSB fed mixed. Increasing CSB led to an increase (linear; P < 0.02) in DM, OM, apparent N digestion, and water intake. Nitrogen balance (g and percentage of N intake) increased (linear; P < 0.08) with CSB addition. Feeding 10% CSB separately resulted in greater (P < 0.01) N balance compared with 10% CSB fed mixed. Using urea resulted in similar (P = 0.30) N balance compared with 10% CSB fed mixed. Inclusion of CSB improves intake, digestion, and increases microbial N production in ruminants fed forage-based diets.  相似文献   

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