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巴彦淖尔市五原县位于河套平原腹地,总土地面积374万亩.全县林业用地面积149.9万亩,其中各级宜林渠道17.9万亩、宜林排干沟10.1万亩、道路通道3.1万亩、村屯绿化面积2.6万亩、盐碱荒地99万亩、沙荒地17.2万亩.目前有林地面积为70.76万亩,宜林沙荒地79.14万亩.而立地条件较好的渠、沟、路、村屯、沙荒地及相对较好的盐碱地已基本绿化,今后的绿化重点是立地条件较差的盐碱地和部分通道,这些地段含盐量偏高,全盐量为0.5%~0.8%,最高可达12.3%.因此,改良和利用盐碱地是五原县林业生态建设的重要任务,积极探索总结盐碱地造林技术成为当务之急.  相似文献   

我盟林业战线的广大革命群众,在长期与盐碱等自然灾害作斗争的生产实践中,积累了许多宝贵的经验,盐碱地的植树造林取得了一定的成就。近二十来年河套灌区土壤次生盐渍化面积逐年增加:54年—58年土壤盐渍化面积占灌溉面积13.2%,59年—64年占32.2%,65年—74年占58%。土壤次生盐渍化面积的增加,给林业生产带来的危害日益严重。所以盐碱地的造林问题值得研究,群众的首创精神、先进经验需要认真的总结和学习。  相似文献   

我国盐碱地绿化研究进展与展望   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国盐碱地总面积达9 913万hm2,约占全国土地面积的1/10,面积大、分布广、类型复杂、生态系统脆弱、环境承载力差,既是我国经济社会生态可持续发展的主要障碍因子,也是重要的后备土地资源。盐碱地绿化可有效改善土壤理化性质、增加生物多样性、提高生态系统稳定性、增强环境承载能力,为盐碱地的进一步开发利用奠定基础,是一项重要的生态和民生工程,事关国家生态安全和经济社会可持续发展。文中对我国盐碱地面积、分布、类型及危害,盐碱地绿化障碍因素,当前盐碱地绿化相关技术等进行系统总结,提出了推进我国盐碱地绿化工作的建议,旨在为我国盐碱地治理与开发利用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

滨海盐碱地客土绿化质量控制关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河三角洲地区是我国滨海盐碱地分布的重要地带,土壤含盐量高,地下水位浅,绿化难度大,资金投入大,但每年约10%的绿化面积因设计、施工原因造成苗木成活率低、土壤次生盐碱化、景观效果差。为此,笔者在对东营、滨州城区绿化技术进行调研的基础上,结合实践经验,在盐碱地绿化在隔离层设计及施工、苗木选择及种植等方面提出滨海盐碱地绿化关键技术。  相似文献   

盐碱地改良研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滨海地区盐碱地面积的飞速增长,使盐碱地的改良治理迫在眉睫。文章主要从物理改良、化学改良、生物改良和综合改良四方面对盐碱地的改良方法进行介绍,旨在为进一步探索盐碱地的高效治理提供参考。  相似文献   

我区盐碱地主要分布在黄灌区,面积约有1000余万亩。据调查,弃耕盐碱地已占到全灌区总面积的49.2%,在耕地中又有一半以上为不同程度的盐碱土地,严重的是,它以每年增加16万亩的速度发展。为了改造利用盐碱荒地,改善灌区生态环境,  相似文献   

龙江县地处黑龙江省的最西边缘,西部地势起伏,东部平坦。全县属温带大陆性季风气候,所属各地气候差异大,小气候明显。年均降水量430毫米,年蒸发量1652毫米。全县县属土地面积58万公顷,其中盐碱地面积3.6万公顷,pH值在7.1~9.4之间,占县属面积的6%。盐碱地通透性差,湿时泥泞,干时坚硬,耕性恶劣,严重影响作物及树木的生长,多年来造林不见林,  相似文献   

一、盐碱地造林的意义 新疆地域辽阔,也是我国土壤盐渍化最重的省区。在近3亿亩可垦荒地中,盐碱地占60%以上,新疆目前4800万亩耕地中,不同程度的盐渍化土壤就有1700万亩,有的是开垦前原有的,有的则是开垦后次生的,土壤盐渍化影响作物的生长,产量很低,严重的颗粒无收,甚至被迫弃耕,成为不毛之地。生态环境恶化,有的还处于积盐状态,土壤次生盐渍化还在发展。兵团农一师十团现有种植面积在五万八千亩,受盐碱危害面积达二分之一。兵团农七师123团,全部弃耕的盐碱地就达四、五万亩,成为发展农业生产极为不利的因素。  相似文献   

我省盐碱地面积很大,分布于沿海、沿黄、沿湖和鲁北等地。这些盐碱地,有的已植树造林,有的已开垦农田,还有相当一部分至今没有利用。盐碱地的利用,尤其农林的利用,群众有丰富的经验。为了进一步利用盐碱地植树造林,我们将各地群众经验综合介绍如下。  相似文献   

正平罗县地处宁夏引黄灌区末端,盐碱地面积大、含盐量高、造林难度大。平罗县未利用盐碱地面积为49.5万亩,占未利用土地总面积的53.52%。盐碱土地区由于含盐量较高,大多为不毛之地,PH值在7.7-10.2之间,矿化度在1.8-9克/升之间;近几年来,随着城市化进程加快,人民生活条件提高,改善生活环境、提高生活质量已成为当前林业工作者的主要任务。但是由于盐碱地面积较大,给造林工作带来极大的不  相似文献   

霸王、沙木蓼和银水牛果在不同水分条件下的生理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单分析了霸王、银水牛果和沙木蓼在不同土壤水分条件下,净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)的变化规律;霸王、银水牛果和沙木蓼的最适于光合作用的土壤含水量分别为18.50%、17.62%和19.30%;最适于蒸腾作用的土壤含水量分别为15.08%、21.63%和19.21%。光饱和点分别为41.7 KLux、51.4 KLux和55.6 KLux。从而证明3树种为耐旱性树种,其中沙木蓼的抗旱性最高,且耐贫瘠,霸王居中,银水牛果最低。  相似文献   

2002年在马尾松残次林下套种红锥、米老排、火力楠、南酸枣、枫香、山杜英、荷木等7个乡土阔叶树种,5年后对其林分生长和土壤水分物理性质进行了研究。结果表明:改造5年后林分已近郁闭,形成复层针阔混交林,以套种南酸枣和枫香的生长表现最佳;混交林的土壤渗透系数、含水量均随着土层深度的增加而下降,水分入渗和涵养水源效能显著增强,土壤渗透系数和含水量比马尾松纯林分别增加31.8%~45.1%和40.2%~55.1%;土壤水分物理性质得到了明显改善,其土壤容重降低6.1%~8.9%,总孔隙度提高5.3%-7.8%,饱和持水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量分别提高16.6%~20.8%、9.5%-11.5%和12.7%~15.2%;总体而言,以套种枫香、红锥和南酸枣的生态效果最好。  相似文献   

对陕两省吴旗县黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕还林工程区的乔术(山杏和刺槐)、灌木(荆条、沙棘)及对照农田的土壤水分有效性和蓄水能力进行了比较研究。结果表明,不同植被类型的土壤有效水含量为1.92%~15.73%,林地比农田增加约75.3l%;0~40cm土层土壤蓄水量为228.30~251.07t/hm^2,林地比农田增加约8%;刺槐林地的蓄水性能好于山杏林地。结果对于科学地评价退耕还林工程的土壤改良效益、水源涵养效益具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of mango (Manifera indica L.) within agroforestry systems in Mangwende, Zimbabwe. Eighty two percent of households had mango trees. Neither the degree of natural woodland depletion nor the wealth status of a household had an influence on mango planting. Most mango trees were planted in the homefields. Mango trees provide fruit, firewood, poles, organic matter for soil amendment, living fence post, shade, soil conservation and cattle feed (the rotting fruits). Wealthy and poor households managed mango trees in the same way. Trees were pruned primarily to increase fruit yields and to reduce competition with crops, although prunings were utilised for firewood and poles. The relative importance of different uses of mango trees did not differ among households with different numbers of mango trees or with different wealth status, with fruits universally acknowledged as the most important product. Ninety four percent of households sold mangoes from their farms, but mangoes earned farmers the least income, in comparison with the four most important crops grown in Mangwende. Two thirds of households intercropped mangoes with herbaceous crops. The mangocrop associations were managed to optimise the yields of both crops and mangoes. Mango trees on croplands were widely perceived as having a positive effect on soil fertility and soil moisture and a negative effect on crop yield. About one third of the households used mango litter for soil amelioration, while litter from indigenous woodland was used by most households, especially in gardens.  相似文献   

樟子松幼苗从半湿润地区调运到干旱沙区栽植,在不同土壤类型下,其成活率、保存率、顶芽生长等都表现出差异性。经研究,樟子松幼苗在其原产地苗圃生长,各方面性状表现最优;在干旱沙区沙壤土、砂土上,表现尚可;而在干旱沙区盐碱地上,栽植成活率低,生长不良。  相似文献   

Site productivity of the hybrid poplar clone Brooks6 was predicted using soil and site information from 6, 4-year-old plantations in north-east Alberta. Predictions were made at both the local and microsite scales. Percent sand (R 2 = 0.352, P = 0.001) was the best single predictor of hybrid poplar productivity, showing a curved relationship. Soil pH also showed a curved but weaker relationship with hybrid poplar productivity (R 2 = 0.133, P = 0.100). Maximum tree productivity occurred at sand contents between 55 and 70% and pH values near 6. Other variables, including foliar nutrient concentrations, foliar δ13C, electrical conductivity, depth of the A horizon and total chemistry of the soil, were also related to hybrid poplar productivity at the local and microsite scales. However, all of these variables were correlated to either soil texture (percent sand) or pH. At the microsite scale within plantations, percent sand was the most important predictor of tree productivity and explained more than 50% of the variability within plantations, although the relationship varied by plantation. In plantations with fine textures, sandier microsites were associated with increased growth while in sandy plantations, finer textured microsites were more productive. As a whole, the growth of the hybrid poplar clone Brooks6 appears to be mostly influenced by a combination of soil water and nutrient availability, the former being impacted by soil texture and the latter being governed by soil pH.  相似文献   

太行山区黏质土壤条件下侧柏容器育苗技术改良试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太行山区多是以褐土性土为主要土类的黏质土壤。该土壤存在着土质黏重、透气性差、宜板结等特性,采用常规的容器育苗技术,出苗率、成苗率均较低,育苗成效差。1977年开始对常规容器育苗技术的覆土、浇水环节进行改良试验。结果显示:出苗率、成苗率比用常规容器育苗方法平均提高22.8和23.5个百分点,解决了黏质土壤条件下的侧柏容器育苗出苗率、成苗率低的技术难题。  相似文献   

Fire is an important component of the historic disturbance regime of oak and pine forests that occupy sandy soils of the coastal outwash plain of the northeastern US. Today prescribed fire is used for fuel reduction and for restoration and maintenance of habitat for rare plant and animal, animal species. We evaluated the effects of the frequency and seasonality of prescribed burning on the soils of a Cape Cod, Massachusetts's coastal oak-pine forest. We compared soil bulk density, pH and acidity, total extractable cations and total soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in unburned plots and in plots burned over a 12-year period, along a gradient of frequency (every 1–4 years), in either spring (March/April) or summer (July/August). Summer burning decreased soil organic horizon thickness more than spring burning, but only summer burning every 1–2 years reduced organic horizons compared with controls. Burning increased soil bulk density of the organic horizon only in the annual summer burns and did not affect bulk density of mineral soil. Burn frequency had no effect on pH in organic soil, but burning every year in summer increased pH of organic soil from 4.01 to 4.95 and of mineral soil from 4.20 to 4.79. Burning had no significant effect on organic or mineral soil percent C, percent N, C:N, soil exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ or total soil C or N. Overall effects of burning on soil chemistry were minor. Our results suggest that annual summer burns may be required to reduce soil organic matter thickness to produce conditions that would regularly allow seed germination for oak and for grassland species that are conservation targets. Managers may have to look to other measures, such as combinations of fire with mechanical treatments (e.g., soil scarification) to further promote grasses and forbs in forests where establishment of these plants is a high priority.  相似文献   

使用椰壳植物纤维改良受建筑废弃物混凝土、水泥、石灰渣石污染的城市绿化土壤 ,试验表明 :用椰壳植物纤维和土壤重量比在 1∶10~ 15 ,可以显著改善被污染土壤理化性能 ,减少容重 ,缓解土壤板结状况 ,提高土壤保水能力和水的利用率 ,节约浇灌用水 ;增加土壤微生物种类和数量 ,使土壤较适合城市绿化植物的生长。  相似文献   

通过对不同土壤质地对落叶松生长影响的试验研究,结果表明,落叶松人工林的生长受土壤质地的影响很大,不同的土层厚度导致落叶松生长有不同的表现;在厚层土(表土〉20cm)生长的落叶松胸径比中层(11~20cm)和薄层(〈11cm)土提高16.6%和38.6%,树高提高21.8%和37.7%;厚层土(〉60cm)自然含水量比中层土(41~60cm)和薄层土(〈41cm)分别高4~11和9~15个百分点,田间持水量比中层土和薄层土分别高3~11和6~17个百分点,凋萎含水量比中层土和薄层土低0.65~1.1和1~2个百分点,厚层土的饱和持水能力比中层土和薄层土高3%和7%;土壤中的各项养分含量指标均是厚层土高于中层土和薄层土,落叶松的生长指标也是厚层土高于中层土和薄层土。  相似文献   

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