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据联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 2 0 0 3年 2月 18日称 ,巴基斯坦宣布消灭牛瘟 ,使全亚洲千年来第一次进入无牛瘟状态。根据国际兽疫局的规则 ,一个国家宣布无牛瘟状态 ,必须是在至少 2年内无暴发 ,而且已经停止免疫并有有效的监测机制 ,而巴基斯坦的最近一次牛瘟暴发是在 2 0 0 0年 10月。根据 FAO的全球消灭牛瘟计划 (GREP,Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme)负责人称 ,全球力争在 2 0 10年消灭牛瘟 ,而亚洲消灭牛瘟的胜利 ,增强了实现这一目标的信心 (现在仅非洲的部分地区还有牛瘟流行 )。该负责人还指出 ,亚洲各国当前的首要任务…  相似文献   

正联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界动物卫生组织(OIE)分别于2010年10月和2011年5月宣布全球消灭牛瘟。OIE全体成员通过决议,呼吁各国除指定的牛瘟病毒保藏机构外,尽快销毁牛瘟病毒,并禁止开展牛瘟全长基因感染性克隆合成。为保障生物安全,履行国际义务,现将有关  相似文献   

牛瘟是最严重的世界性动物传染病之一 ,OIE将牛瘟规定为A类动物疫病 ,我国将之列为一类动物疫病。鉴于该病的毁灭性危害 ,联合国粮农组织 (FAO)协同OIE正在实施全球消灭牛瘟计划。我国虽于上世纪五十年代消灭了牛瘟 ,但受着从周边国家传入的威胁。为了本国的安全和国际贸易的需要 ,推动全球消灭牛瘟计划的实施 ,我国还需作很多工作 ,以巩固消灭牛瘟的伟大业绩 ,为世界作出贡献。1全球消灭牛瘟的计划正在大力实施据历史考证 ,五六千年前就有牛瘟 ,在漫长的畜牧业发展史上 ,多次造成严重危害 ,其病死率常达90 %以上。17世纪中该病曾致使欧…  相似文献   

据联合国网站11月30日报道,联合国粮农组织与世界动物卫生组织等合作伙伴将在18个月内正式宣布在全球范围内消灭牛瘟,这将是人类历史上首次根除某种动物疾病,也是继天花之后人类通过努力消灭的第2个病害。  相似文献   

1目的1验证无牛瘟国家或地区;2宣布无牛瘟。2监督的定义和目的疫情监督是提供某国或某地区无疫或无感染证据必不可少的措施。实施疫情监督应具备1通知畜主或兽医注意的疫情报告系统;2对宿主动物进行统计学采样及疫病发生、传播的临床症状及其他迹象的有效检测计划。任何疑似疫情应立即隔离检疫和检验确证,并采取必要的控制措施。监督是指发现疾病或感染后采取的官方行为,监测仅指数据收集活动,在田间数据的收集方面与监督相似,但属非官方行为。3宣布无牛瘟的步骤目前牛瘟控制目标是,从部分国家无疫到实现全世界无疾,最终全球根除牛…  相似文献   

正农业部联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界动物卫生组织(OIE)分别于2010年10月和2011年5月宣布全球消灭牛瘟。OIE全体成员通过决议,呼吁各国除指定的牛瘟病毒保藏机构外,尽快销毁牛瘟病毒,并禁止开展牛瘟全长基因感染性克隆合成。为保障生物安全,履行国际义务,12月17日,农业部发布第2339号公告,将有关事项公告如下。  相似文献   

1999年6月26日吉林省暨长春市动物卫生监督检验所将长春市一业户非法从俄罗斯牛瘟暴发区阿穆尔省走私进境的1960张盐渍染疫牛皮全部焚烧,避免了我国早已消灭的牛瘟疫病再度在吉林省乃至全国发生的重大后果,保护了我省养牛业的发展和无现定动物疫病区的建设。案件经过是,6月22日下午4时许,吉林省动物卫生监督检验所所属长春铁路兽医卫生段(长春铁路动物卫生监督所),接到长春铁路分局东站货物处“49线到达一批进口牛皮,请检查”的通知,长春铁路兽医卫生段随即派员赶赴现场。经查,该批牛皮系从俄罗斯阿穆省6月2日启运,6月7日到达我…  相似文献   

为配合世界粮农组织(FAO)的全球牛瘟消灭计划,宣布我国为无牛瘟国家需要,对申报的《国家牛瘟诊断技术规程》(以下简称技术规程)中牛瘟血清学中竞争法酶联免疫吸附试验(c—ELISA)进行了复核检测,检测结果表明,进行检验用牛瘟抗体c—ELISA诊断试剂标准对照均在技术规程规定范围内;同时对13份健康未感染牛瘟的牛采集的血清进行了牛瘟抗体的测定,结果均为阴性。试验结果达到技术规程规定的技术标准。本文对牛瘟抗体血清学检查方法竞争法酶联免疫吸附试验进行了介绍,以供参考。  相似文献   

正农业部公告我国将消灭牛瘟联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界动物卫生组织(OIE)分别于2010年10月和2011年5月宣布全球消灭牛瘟。农业部在2015年12月21日发出第2339号公告,我国除中国兽医药品监察所(国家动物病原微生物菌毒种保藏中心)作为我国牛瘟病毒唯一指定保藏机构,其余各兽医科研单位、大专院校、有关疫苗企业、个人,自2016年3月1日起不得保藏任何含牛瘟病毒材料,不得开展牛瘟全长基因感染性克隆合成等活动。否则将按照相关法律法规,从严从重处理。全国动物诊疗专项整治行动圆满完成为持续规范动物诊疗市场秩序和兽医从业行为,  相似文献   

<正>彭匡时(1917—2017),湖南浏阳人,是我国动物卫生与流行病学中心的高级畜牧兽医师。他被称为"牛瘟终结者",全程参与了牛瘟疫苗研制、推广、彻底根除三大战役,为我国彻底消灭牛瘟做出了巨大贡献。除了消灭牛瘟,他还编写了许多兽医学经典著作,71岁时完成了《英汉兽医词典》编纂,80岁又参与编写了《中国消灭牛瘟的经历与成就》,87岁完成《英汉寄生虫大词典》  相似文献   

Rinderpest, although eradicated from Nigeria in 1974 after the JP15 campaign, was reintroduced into Sokoto state in 1980 and again into Borno state in 1983. The latter outbreak spread rapidly throughout Nigeria and severely reduced the cattle population. An estimated one million cattle were lost. An outbreak occurred at the Maiduguri zoo, in Borno state, in January 1983 and killed 15 elands and six sitatungas. In March 1983, rinderpest appeared in Yankari game reserve in adjoining Bauchi state and caused mortality in several species of wildlife. A total of 207 buffalo, 20 warthog, eight waterbuck and two bushbuck carcases were recovered. Rinderpest did not occur in wildlife in Nigeria after it was eradicated from cattle. In the Nigerian situation, the rinderpest appears to have been transmitted from cattle to wildlife. Vaccination of zoo animals and valuable animals in game reserves, preferably with a killed vaccine, and ring vaccination of livestock around game reserves can help to protect wildlife from rinderpest.  相似文献   

This paper describes the demise of rinderpest, focussing on the 20th Century and especially the period of the Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme, before proceeding to describe the process of accreditation of rinderpest freedom which is now virtually complete.  相似文献   

Rinderpest had been reported in most parts of Ethiopia when the Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) was launched. As a result of intensive disease investigation and strategic vaccination, most parts of the country are now considered provisionally free, and widespread vaccination has been replaced by clinical and serological surveillance. Details of any episodes of disease are recorded and followed up after laboratory confirmation of suspected cass using antigen-capture ELISA. This paper is based on observations on the performance of the antigen detection ELISA compared to the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test, which also differentiates rinderpest from peste des petits ruminants (PPR). The stability of the specific viral antigen was monitored for 4 days, and rinderpest and PPR antigens were still detected, depending on the type of specimen. Antigen capture ELISA is more rapid, sensitive and virus specific than the AGID. Even if the cold chain of the specimen is compromised for a day or two during sample collection and submission, the specimen may still be suitable for testing by ELISA.  相似文献   

A Kabete 'O' strain of rinderpest virus enhanced in virulence was inoculated subcutaneously into four cows which were between six and eight months pregnant. All the cows developed clinical signs of rinderpest from the third day after inoculation and shed high titres of virus in their ocular and vaginal secretions during the course of the clinical disease. Three of the cows died of rinderpest on the third day after the onset of fever but no virus was isolated from their fetuses which were examined post mortem. The fourth cow showed complete clinical and virological recovery by the eighth day after the onset of fever and aborted an eight-and-a-half-month-old fetus on the 12th day after it recovered. Rinderpest virus was demonstrated in a wide range of the aborted fetal tissues. Virus was also detected in the maternal vaginal discharges up to 24 hours after abortion. The only gross pathological change observed was a severe necrotising placentitis.  相似文献   

In January 1997, serum samples from 1346 adult sheep and goats were tested by a competitive ELISA to determine the prevalence of rinderpest in the northern zone of Tanzania. Seroconversion rates of 20%, 13%, 9%, 7% and 3% in sheep and goats were recorded in Ngorongoro, Monduli, Hai, Arumeru and Simanjiro districts, respectively. The low profile and insidious nature of the rinderpest virus involved caused very mild disease in cattle in some of these area. The mild signs associated with this outbreak of rinderpest resulted in difficulty in its diagnosis. In these circumstances, the presence of rinderpest antibody in sheep and goats served as a valuable and effective indicator of the rinderpest outbreak in cattle.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into whether recent vaccination of cattle with tissue culture rinderpest virus would cause immunosuppression and lead to more frequent or more severe infection with trypanosomes in animals grazing in tsetse-infested areas. Herds of cattle on Galana Ranch in Kenya were divided, with approximately half of each herd being vaccinated with tissue culture rinderpest virus strain Kabete O, while the rest remained unvaccinated. The herds were then exposed to the risk of natural infection with trypanosomes on the ranch. Three experiments were performed during different seasons. Infections with Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax were frequently detected but there was no evidence that vaccinated animals were more likely to acquire trypanosome infections or to show a more severe disease than unvaccinated cattle. It is concluded that tissue culture rinderpest vaccine does not cause immunosuppression and can safely be used in cattle likely to be exposed to tsetse flies and trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

Rinderpest was brought under control in Kenya in 1976 but in April 1986 an outbreak of the disease occurred in cattle in Western Kenya, five kilometres from the Kenya-Uganda border. This was the first confirmed field outbreak of the disease in Kenya after a lull of over 10 years. Clinical disease was confined to unvaccinated zebu calves aged six to eight months from which rinderpest virus was isolated. High titres of antibodies to rinderpest virus were demonstrated in sera collected from sheep and goats that were grazing together with the affected cattle herds; there was, however, no evidence of clinical disease in these small ruminants and wildlife species in the affected area. The disease outbreak was rapidly stamped out by quarantine and vaccination.  相似文献   

A simple chromatographic strip-test based on Clearview technology, is under development as a pen-side test for the detection of rinderpest antigen in eye swabs taken from cattle in the field. An outbreak of rinderpest occurred in the northern zone of Tanzania from late February to June 1997. The affected cattle exhibited very mild clinical signs, which made clinical diagnosis difficult. One hundred and seven eye swabs were collected from cattle suspected of infection with rinderpest. These were tested in the field using a prototype of the pen-side test and 13 (12.15%) of the samples were found to be positive for the presence of rinderpest antigen. These were confirmed by ICE. The positive cases were predominantly found in the Ngorongoro district. This demonstrates the usefulness of such a simple, rapid pen-side diagnostic assay, particularly when clinically `mild' strains of rinderpest are present.  相似文献   

Plasmid vaccine pBK-CMVMP1LC113 expressing the matrix (M) gene of rinderpest virus was assessed for its potential to protect rabbits against a lethal viral challenge. Rabbits immunized with plasmids expressing the M gene were not protected when challenged with lapinized rinderpest virus, despite the production of anti-M antibodies, while rabbits immunized with rinderpest tissue culture vaccine were completely protected from a lethal challenge with lapinized rinderpest virus. The plasmid vaccine also had no significant effect on the lymphopenia in challenged rabbits. The results indicate that rinderpest M protein does not have a protective role in rinderpest infection.  相似文献   

We report surveillance for rinderpest virus in wildlife populations in three major ecosystems of East Africa: Great Rift Valley, Somali and Tsavo from 1994 to 2003. Three hundred and eighty wild animals were sampled for detection of rinderpest virus, antigen or genome and 1133 sampled for antibody in sera from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania from 20 species. This was done modifying for wildlife the internationally recommended standards for rinderpest investigation and diagnosis in livestock. The animals were selected according to susceptibility and preference given to gregarious species, and populations were selected according to abundance, availability and association with livestock. Rinderpest virus, antigen and/or genome were detected in Kenya; within Tsavo, Nairobi and Meru National Parks. Serological results from 864 animals (of which 65% were buffalo) from the region were selected as unequivocal; showing the temporal and spatial aspects of past epidemics. Recent infection has been only in or peripheral to the Somali ecosystem (in Kenya). Our evidence supports the hypothesis that wildlife is not important in the long-term maintenance of rinderpest and that wildlife are infected sporadically most likely from a cattle source, although this needs to be proven in the Somali ecosystem. Wildlife will continue to be a key to monitoring the remaining virus circulation in Africa.  相似文献   

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