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森林水文效应的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据国内外近几十年森林水文方面的研究进展,以福建省不同森林类型为例,从整个森林生态系统的空间结构出发,论述了森林对降水的影响:即分别从林冠层、林下植被层、枯枝落叶层以及林地土壤层分析其对降水截留的影响。除此之外,还概述了森林对径流(包括对泥沙和水质的影响)、蒸发散等影响的最新研究动态。但由于目前不同地区森林水文效应的研究方法和研尺度都存在较大差异,因此,今后森林水文研究工作应加强水文过程中物理机制的研究,这样从不同地带、森林类型等方面去分析评价森林水文效应才具有更重要的意义。  相似文献   

国外森林水文研究进展述评   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:33  
森林和水是人类生存与发展的重要物质基础,也是森林生态系统的重要组成成分,森林与水之间的关系是当今林学和生态学领域研究的核心问题.基于国外近30年来森林水文学的研究成果,简要地介绍了森林水文学的概念、研究进展和实际应用,分析了森林与水相互作用的特点,并从森林对降水、径流、蒸发散、泥沙输出、水质和产水量的影响等方面综合评述了最新研究进展.从国外的研究成果来看,森林植被在涵养水源、调节水量、减少径流泥沙、延缓径流回流速率、降低洪峰、增加枯水期流量、改善水质等方面具有重要功能.但是森林植被变化对某一区域降水的影响并不明显,而且增加森林覆盖率可以减少流域产水量.由于环境异质性的存在,森林的水文作用在具有不同特征条件的水文生态区有很大差别.迄今对森林水文效应的研究规模多局限在小尺度,要把一个地区小尺度的研究成果可靠地应用于大尺度的其他流域,还必须加强森林对水文过程动力学机制的研究.  相似文献   

森林采伐作业的环境影响及其保护对策   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了森林采伐作业引起林地土壤的干扰与压实、土壤养分变化、保留木的损伤以及采伐作业对溪流水质的变化、林木更新和生长的影响,简介了可减少立地破坏的采伐作业技术和采集机械应用的新进展,并指出我国开展森林采伐作业环境保护技术的对策。  相似文献   

凉水国家级自然保护区溪流水化学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 采用集水区对比分析方法,探讨凉水国家级自然保护区不同森林类型对溪流水化学特征的影响。结果表明:保护区内各集水区溪流水均呈弱酸性至中性;主要离子中阳离子均以Ca2+的质量浓度最高,Na+次之,阴离子均以HCO3-的质量浓度最高,SO2-4次之;不同集水区溪流水中TP月平均质量浓度为0.031~0.077mg/L,TN为0.682~0.942 mg/L,NO-3-N的质量浓度高于NH+4-N;Fe的月平均质量浓度为0.030~0.037mg/L,Mn为0.010~0.012 mg/L。溪流水化学季节变化规律表现为:除HCO-3、SO2-4、Ca2+、Fe和Mn外,其他元素在融雪(4、5月)含量均较高;大多数元素在雨季的质量浓度比9月份低,而TN、TP、Fe、Mn表现为9月份的质量浓度低于雨季。保护区内原始阔叶红松林集水区溪流水质为最优,其他研究集水区溪流中的溶解物质含量增高,但除TP和SO2-4(p<0.05)外,差异性均不显著。说明凉水国家级自然保护区内虽进行过森林采伐和人工造林等人为干扰,但对于溪流水质并没有显著影响。  相似文献   

国外森林环境水化学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 国外从19世纪开始进行森林降水化学的研究,那时主要的研究目的是论证森林对降水中水化学物质的再分配、迁移扩散规律等。20世纪70年代后期,大气沉降和环境酸化对森林水质的影响成为研究趋势。森林环境水化学问题成为近20多年森林水质研究的重点。文章综述了森林地区环境水化学的主要几个研究方向,并将大气沉降(主要是湿沉降)、林地水环境作为主要综述的内容。  相似文献   

关于美国河岸带土壤的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河岸带是陆地和溪流之间的一个生态界面,是个独特的动态系统。河岸土壤一般介于河流与农田或高地森林之间,因此河岸带在维持河岸稳定性、维持生物多样性,迟滞沉积物、富集和过滤各种营养元素,维持和保护流域陆地生态系统和水生态系统方面起着至关重要的作用。为此,美国科学家Kerri等人对河岸土壤的研究进展作了比较系统的综述,对我国学者从事相关研究有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

了解半干旱流域中土地使用、地质构造和气候之间的复杂关系十分重要,它对恢复退化滨水区域和改善水质十分重要。位于怀俄明州的中南部的泥溪由于不稳定的河床和退化的滨水生境在1996年被美国环境保护局列入受损溪流名单中。在1985~2006年收集水质数据用以确定地表水质。对受损溪流上下游的水流历时曲线间隔和最优化管理前后的水温曲线峰值做了分析。最优化管理后,受损溪流的多年电导率、可溶固体总量和浑浊度有下降的趋势。研究结果表明:最优化管理的施行与河床的稳定和滨水区域的改善呈明显的正相关。该流域今后应加强优化管理进行长期监测,以便更好地改善泥溪的水质状况。  相似文献   

以亚热带常绿阔叶林建群种米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)凋落叶为研究对象,对照地表环境,研究了溪流和间歇性溪流凋落叶分解过程中水溶性有机碳、氮、磷含量变化及其累积损失特征。结果表明:(1)3种生境中凋落叶水溶性有机碳的含量在分解过程中均表现出逐渐降低的趋势,但在溪流中降低程度最大,损失率达92.18%;水溶性氮含量在溪流和间歇性溪流释放时间提前,其变化程度相对较小;相比于地表和间歇性溪流,溪流中的凋落叶水溶性磷含量在分解过程中持续降低,损失率达86.75%。(2)相对于地表,溪流和间歇性溪流显著促进了凋落叶中的水溶性有机碳、氮、磷的释放速率,表明源头溪流持续流动的水体促进凋落叶水溶性组分的释放。(3)尽管3种生境中凋落叶水溶性有机碳、氮、磷元素的损失率共同受到温度、降水、环境中营养元素含量的影响,但源头溪流持续流动的水流和间歇性溪流频繁的干湿交替促进凋落叶水溶性组分的释放。研究结果为揭示亚热带山地森林凋落叶分解过程中水溶性碳氮磷在不同生境中的释放动态提供基础数据。  相似文献   

作为森林生态系统中重要的组成成分,林冠附生物自70年代以来引起了生态学家的广泛关注。研究表明林冠附生物在营养物质循环、水循环等方面均对森林生态系统有重要影响。综述了湿性森林中附生物对云雾水的截留、对水分循环影响的研究进展,以及附生物在森林环境监测中作用的研究现状,为我国今后附生物研究积累资料。  相似文献   

森林流域界面水分传输规律研究述评   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
探讨森林植被对水文过程物理机制的研究不可避免地要以森林生态系统为单元 ,以森林生态系统各个界面层次对水分传输和水量转换的影响为基础来进行 ,这也正是目前界面水文学研究的焦点问题。基于此 ,综合国内外界面水文学的大量文献 ,在垂直维上从水分在森林流域内林冠层、地被物层、土壤层各主要界面层间的水量转换和运行传输规律 ,在水平维上从界面产流理论及其研究动态等方面的研究进展进行了回顾与评述 ,以此为继续加强这方面的研究工作作一铺垫  相似文献   

不同类型水源保护林水资源保护功能的分析和评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
针对北京市密云县密云水库上游清水河流域现有水源保护林类型现状,对油松林、刺槐林、板栗林及混交林4个林分类型的截留降雨、枯枝落叶容纳雨量、林地土壤蓄水、减少地表径流及净化水质能力进行了分析、比较和评价。结果表明,在最小消耗水资源和有利于水资源积累的前提下,水源保护林中的油松水资源消耗较少,混交林次之,刺槐林、板栗林最多。因此建议水源保护林营造应加大耗水能力小和净化水质的树种比例。  相似文献   

Headwater streams play a major role for provision of ecosystem services, e.g. drinking water. We investigated a high-altitude headwater catchment of the Kharaa River (including 41 1st-order rivers) to understand the impact of land cover (especially forest cover), environment and human usage on runoff, chemical water quality and macroinvertebrate fauna in a river basin under discontinuous permafrost conditions in an arid, sparsely populated region of Mongolia. To verify our hypotheses that different landuses and environmental impacts in permafrost headwaters influence water quality, we investigated 105 sampling sites, 37 of them at intermittent stream sections without water flow. Discharge was positively impacted by land cover types steppe, grassland and forest and negatively by shrubland, forest burnt by wild fires (indicating a reduction of permafrost) and slope. Water quality was affected by altitude, longitude and latitude, shrub growth and water temperature. Shannon diversity of macroinvertebrates was driven by water temperature, iron content of the water, flow velocity, and subbasin size (adjusted R2 = 0.54). Sample plots clustered in three groups that differed in water chemistry, macroinvertebrate diversity, species composition and bio-indicators. Our study confirms that steppes and grasslands have a higher contribution to runoff than forests, forest cover has a positive impact on water quality, and diversity of macroinvertebrates is higher in sites with less nutrients and pollutants. The excellent ecological status of the upper reaches of the Kharaa is severely threatened by forest fires and human-induced climate change and urgently needs to be conserved.  相似文献   

Due to increased whole-tree harvesting in Swedish forestry, concern has been raised that a depletion of nutrients in forest soil will arise. The Swedish Forest Agency recommends compensation fertilization with wood ash to ensure that unwanted effects are avoided in the nutrient balance of the forest soil and in the quality of surface water. In this investigation, the chemistry of two first-order streams, of which one was subjected to a catchment scale treatment with 3 tonnes of self-hardened wood ash/ha in the fall of 2004, was monitored during 2003?C2006. Large seasonal variations in stream water chemistry made changes due to ash application difficult to detect, but evaluating the ash treatment effects through comparison of the stream water of the treated catchment with the reference was possible via statistical tools such as randomized intervention analysis in combination with cumulative sum charts. The wood ash application did not yield any significant effect on the pH in the stream water and hence did not affect the bicarbonate system. However, dissolved organic carbon increased, a previously unreported effect of WAA, bringing about an increase of organic anions in the stream water. The wood ash application also induced significant increases for Ca, Mg, K, Si, Cl and malonate, of which K was most prominent. Although significant, the changes induced by the wood ash application were all small compared to the seasonal variations. As a tool to counteract acidification of surface waters, WAA seems to have limited initial effects.  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on riparian forest buffer systems for filtering sediment, nutrients, and pesticides entering from upslope agricultural fields. Studies in a variety of physiographic areas have shown that concentrations of sediment and agrichemicals are reduced after passage through a riparian forest. The mechanisms involved are both physical and biological, including deposition, uptake by vegetation, and loss by microbiological processes such as denitrification. Current research by USDA-ARS and University of Georgia scientists at Tifton, GA is focusing on managing riparian forest buffer systems to alleviate agricultural impacts on the environment. The underlying concept for this research is that agricultural impact on streams is best protected by a riparian forest buffer system consisting of three zones. In consecutive upslope order from the stream these zones are (1) a narrow band of permanent trees (5–10 m wide) immediately adjacent to the stream channel which provides streambank stabilization, organic debris input to streams, and shading of streams, (2) a forest management zone where maximum biomass production is stressed and frees can be harvested, and (3) a grass buffer strip up to 10 m wide to provide control of coarse sediment and to spread overland flow. Several ongoing projects at Tifton, GA are focusing on using riparian forest buffer systems as filters. A forest management project is testing the effects of different management practices on surface and ground water quality. This project includes three different forest management practices: mature forest, selectively thinned forest, and clearcut. In a different study a natural wetland is being restored by planting frees. The effectiveness of this wetland on filtering nutrients from dairy wastes which are being applied upslope is being evaluated. At this same site, a pesticide study is being conducted on the side opposite to where dairy wastes are applied. An overland flow-riparian buffer system using swine lagoon waste is evaluating the effectiveness of different vegetative treatments and lengths of buffer zones on filtering of nutrients. In this study three vegetative treatments are compared: (1) 10 m grass buffer and 20 m riparian forest, (2) 20 m grass buffer and 10 m riparian forest, (3) 10 m grass buffer and 20 m of the recommended wetland species maidencane. Waste is applied at the upper end of each plot at either a high or low rate, and then allowed to flow downslope. The three zone riparian forest buffer system is being used for the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM). This model, which is currently under development at Tifton, GA, is a computer simulation model designed to reduce soil and water degradation by aiding farmers and land use managers in decision making regarding how best to utilize their riparian buffer system. Both information currently being collected in field studies and development of the REMM are innovative farm-level and forestry technologies to protect soil and water resources.  相似文献   

中国亚热带地区土地利用和磷释放的数量关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The increase of phosphorus concentration is a crucial factor causing the eutrophication of water body.while land use has an important impact on agricultural non-point sources(NPS) phosphorus discharge,Seven sites controlling the water in four sub-watersheds and the main exit of the Meicun Watershed of Xuancheng County,Anhui Provinec,were investigated by dynamic monitoring of stream water and nutrient discharge,integrating interpretation of areial image and GIS analysis to find out how the land use affects phosphorus loss with stream water in typical agriculture-forest watershed in subtropica China.These monitored sites are different in structure of typical agriculture-forest watershed in subtropical China.These monitored sitess are different in structure of land use,Phosphorus concentration of the stream water was analyzed every week and at the next day of rainfall,The velocity of flow was measured by kinemometer to calculate the runoff flux and phosphorus discharge.The results showed that the runoff flux and the discharges of dissolved phosphorus(DP),particle-associated phosphorus(PAP) and total phosphorus(TP) had significant exponential relationships with the area percentages of forest,pond and paddy field.There existed a significant exponential relationships with the area percentages of forest,pond and paddy field.There existed a significant linear relationship between the TP and PAP concentrations in stream water and the area percentages of forest,pond and paddy field,and the discharge of PAP was also significantly linearly correlated with the discharge of suspended soil particles.There was a logarithmic linear relationship between DP and PAP discharges,The study indicated that the adjustment of land used patterns and construction of ecologically sound aldnscape would be an important measure to reduce the runoff discharge of phosphorus,The results would be very useful in building the best management practices(BMPs) of agricultural watershed in subtropics.  相似文献   

对贵州中部喀斯特山区不同土地利用方式(阔叶林地、灌木林地、灌丛草地、耕地)对土壤、地表径流和浅层地下水进行采样与分析。结果表明,在喀斯特山区土地利用模式从阔叶林地—灌木林地—灌丛草地方向的演变过程中,土壤有机质、速效氮磷钾、交换性钙镁含量出现明显的下降,粘粒含量增加,土壤质量出现退化,耕地有机质含量明显低于林地和草地;耕地地表径流中SO42-,NH4 ,PO43-,COD均显著高于林地和草地;浅层地下水的SO42-,NH4 ,NO3-,PO43-,COD也显著增加;土地利用由林地变为耕地后,地下水质量出现一定程度的下降。  相似文献   

以浑太河流域为研究对象,选取流域88个监测站点,在2009,2010,2012年对河流高锰酸盐指数、总氮、氨氮、总磷等9项指标进行监测,并对河流水质的时空异质性进行了分析。选择高锰酸盐指数、总氮、氨氮和总磷作为主要评价因子,采用单因子和综合水质标识指数法对该地区主要河流水污染特征进行分析及评价。结果表明,水质因子具有明显的时空异质性。单因子评价结果表明,非汛期总氮和氨氮为主要污染物,汛期总磷和总氮为主要污染物,非汛期的水质状况较汛期好,说明非点源是造成其污染的主要原因。河流水质综合评价中,小汤河上游、太子河南支、太子河北支所有点位的水质评价结果均为最好。所有站点中,海城河的支流(五道里河、运梁河、南沙河下游)区域的水质最差,达到劣Ⅴ类水质,且出现黑臭现象。研究结果对指导浑太河流域水污染防治及水资源管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于农作物物候信息和多季相遥感观测等相结合的方法,分析沙雅县1994-2018年的农作物播种面积变化的时空特征,并从水资源要素、耕地与胡杨林转化等分析播种面积变化的原因。研究结果表明:1)沙雅县农作物播种面积在1994-2018年呈现增长趋势,尤其在2006年以后加速增长;2)渭干河灌区的播种面积空间上呈现由内向外、由碎片化向集中连片化的趋势发展,而塔河干流区播种面积增加的区域沿着塔河两岸不停游移;3)渭干河灌区农作物播种面积的增加与渭干河上游的来水量变化呈现较强的相关性,而塔河干流区二者相关性较低;4)塔河干流的胡杨林区每年被耕地侵占的面积呈现增长趋势,尽管2006年以后胡杨林保护措施不断加强,然而林区的农作物播种面积在2008年以后呈现增速加快的趋势,出现了被侵占的胡杨林未能恢复、新的胡杨林又遭破坏的现象。  相似文献   

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