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森林环境服务市场研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在分析国内外森林环境服务市场产生的原因及意义的基础上,概述了森林环境服务市场的研究进展,并对4种森林环境服务市场的实践情况进行了回顾;通过分析目前在森林环境服务市场创建过程中面临的主要问题,对森林环境服务市场研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

森林水文学研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从森林水文学发展过程及森林水文效应评价入手 ,回顾了森林水文学研究简史 ,并从森林水文的研究方法、研究内容等几方面阐述了森林水文研究现状及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

水源涵养服务是森林生态系统重要的生态系统服务之一,是森林生态系统特有的水文生态效应。在水资源紧缺的当今社会,森林生态系统水源涵养服务具有重要意义,尤其在干旱、半干旱区,因为水在该区域生态系统中起着决定性作用。本文综述了水源涵养服务水文过程、水源涵养服务综合评价指标以及水源涵养服务在干旱、半干旱区的研究进展,对森林生态系统水源涵养服务的进一步研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

森林水文效应遥感计量分析的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是利用遥感技术进行流域的综合研究,试图寻找一种评价森林水文效应的方法,在建立水文效应计量模型的基础上,对湖南湘,资沅,澧四水流域的水文现状作出评价,并分析了生物措施和工程措施的关系,确定流域的适宜森林覆被率。结果表明:资水的水文环境质量较好,其次是湘江,沅江,澧江的水文环境质量较差。四水流域的适宜森林覆被率指标,湘江为0.49,资水为0.47,沅江为0.50,澧水为0.50。  相似文献   

在森林生态系统中 ,火是一种相当普遍的自然现象 ,森林火灾和森林水文二者有着密切的关系。森林火灾对水的影响是间接的 ,主要表现为火烧后植被、地被物、土壤以及生态环境的改变影响水分循环过程、水质、水生生物等方面。火对水文的影响有大有小 ,它取决于火强度和频度。轻度野火或计划火烧对水文可能不产生明显影响 ,但是 ,频繁的或严重的野火却可以导致乱砍滥伐所造成的类似水文变化  相似文献   

森林水文研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林是一个复杂的生态系统, 森林水文是近年来研究的热点。如何正确看待森林对流域径流的调节作用, 评价森林水文效应, 是值得长期探讨的话题。文中主要探讨了森林对流域径流的调节作用, 以及如何利用流域水文模型模拟森林流域水文动态过程, 正确评价森林水文效应。  相似文献   

森林环境服务补偿机制研究概述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
森林环境服务补偿机制是一种相对年轻的基于市场的环境保护手段,以其在森林资源保护、经济发展以及缓解贫穷方面的巨大优势,使得世界各国竞相试验探索。文中概述了森林环境服务补偿机制的定义、类型及其特征,分析了森林环境服务补偿机制组成的关键要素以及与缓解贫穷的关系,讨论了成功实施森林环境服务补偿机制的条件和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

通过参加国际林联第24届世界林业大会, 结合会议论文和现场报告等资料可以看出, 森林和水不仅可以提供生态产品和服务, 而且还存在相互作用。研究森林和水的相互作用对于理解陆地生态系统功能、保护环境和应对气候变化具有重要意义。文中在了解全球森林和水相互作用研究现状的基础上, 总结森林与水研究的趋势和热点问题, 重点阐述在生态水文认知、干旱适应综合研究、土地利用变化与生态水文过程、森林和水管理及其生态系统服务等方面的研究进展, 以期借鉴国际森林和水生态系统保护、研究和管理理念, 拓宽我国生态水文及相关领域的研究思路。  相似文献   

森林植被变化的水文生态效应研究进展   总被引:93,自引:3,他引:90  
从森林植被变化对水量、径流泥沙和水质的影响等方面介绍了国内外森林植被变化水文生态效应研究进展。从世界各国的研究来看,普遍的研究结论认为森林减少可以增加流域年产水量;森林植被可以较大幅度地减少径流泥沙含量;森林植被参与生物地球化学循环,可以有效地改善溪流水质状况。由于影响森林水文生态效益的环境异质性的普遍存在,森林植被变化水文生态效应影响程度在不同水文生态区差别很大,因此,要想将一个地区森林植被水文生态效应研究结果可靠地外推到其他地区其他流域,必须重视森林水文生态过程动力学机制的研究。  相似文献   

我国森林水文研究现状及发展趋势概述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在简要介绍我国森林水文研究历史的基础上,概述了我国森林与降水、径流、蒸发散、水循环和水质等方面的研究现状及主要成果,并对我国森林水文研究的未来民展方向进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

Of the many services that forests provide, hydrological services are among the most valuable, and it becomes more scarce with the growing demands by human beings. As a kind of incentive measure for protecting forest, forest hydrological services markets have been developed in many countries around the world and some valuable experiences have been achieved. The paper reviews the experiments carried out in the world and their research findings on forest hydrological services market, and presents the issues to...  相似文献   

国际森林生态补偿实践及其效果评价   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
近些年来, 森林生态系统服务及其补偿与市场化问题受到国际社会的广泛关注, 世界范围内出现了多种形式的森林生态补偿实践。对国际上森林生态补偿实践的主要模式进行了总结, 并对实践的效果进行评价。  相似文献   

森林生态系统历史变迁的经济学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类经济的发展从来就是用相对丰富的资源替代相对稀缺的资源.从采集渔猎,到刀耕火种,最后进入永久农业的过程,从经济学角度分析就是在技术不断更新下人造资本取代自然资本的过程.历史上一直是原始林被次生林和农地取代,只是在近百年来,许多国家和地区相继出现林地取代农地的现象.人工林也成为木材生产的主要来源,同时还相继出现许多专门为人类提供生态服务的森林.森林变迁主要原因是农业技术革新和人口变化导致农产品、林产品以及森林资源生态服务的相对价值变化的结果.本文用美国、新西兰以及中国的海南岛为例来验证这一原理,从经济学的角度提出对未来森林生态系统的展望.  相似文献   


Community-based ecosystem management (CBEM) in the United States is closely tied to global processes. Increasing and shifting international market demands for ecosystem products and services together with global trends in climate change and biodiversity loss have tangible impacts in communities in every region of the country. Meanwhile, community-based natural resource management efforts in other parts of the world, particularly in developing countries, have a longer history than in the United States. This history, and the tools and techniques developed elsewhere for community-based resource management, can help to inform North American advocates and practitioners of CBEM. This paper has four objectives. The first is to identify key global trends that affect communities in the United States. These trends include demand and supply relationships (especially of forest resources) and environmental changes that will shape economic and policy choices in coming decades. Second, the paper examines countervailing forces of globalization and decentralization. How are shifting patterns of governance and control around the world affecting the prospects for sustainable community-based resource management? Third, the paper seeks to understand migration as a growing feature of many communities. What challenges and opportunities does migration pose for sustainable resource management? Finally, the paper summarizes a few of the tools and techniques used internationally that might have relevance in the United States.  相似文献   

Wild mushrooms are among the most valuable non-wood forest products in the world, and mushroom picking activities are well developed in many countries. Recent studies have demonstrated important links between forest management options and the productivity of mushrooms. Furthermore, there is evidence that the optimal forest management oriented at maximizing joint revenues from timber and mushrooms can lead to higher profits than the traditional timber-oriented management. The precondition for such management, however, is that forest owners derive benefits from mushrooms produced in their forests. In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of implementing payments for mushroom harvesting in Catalonia, North East Spain. As in many other European regions, mushroom picking in Catalonia is a long-standing tradition, which has been practiced with negligible limitations for centuries. The rising popularity of this activity in the last decades, however, has caused forest owners to voice concerns about the sustainability of this activity and about the impact it has on the private forest property. We document the results of a public opinion survey and contrast them with the issues emergent from forest owners’ interviews about the regulation of mushroom picking activities. Our results show that mushroom pickers support the idea of introducing payments for mushroom harvesting. Based on the survey and interview results, we also discuss the design aspects of payments for mushroom picking and articulate the key issues in their implementation.  相似文献   

森林生态系统铝毒危害研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
铝毒是酸性条件下抑制林木生长、造成森林大面积衰退的主要原因.近年来, 世界各国针对铝毒害机理及植物的耐铝机制进行了大量研究, 然而目前研究者对植物铝毒报道多限于农作物, 对林业铝毒的综述性报道还不多见.文中从森林土壤铝毒产生的原因、铝毒害机理、林木响应机制、铝毒对森林生态系统的危害以及防治措施等方面综述了森林生态系统铝毒的研究进展, 对我国森林资源保护和林木管理具有重要意义; 并提出林业铝毒研究存在的问题及今后的研究方向, 为进一步开展林业铝毒研究提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper reviews environmental accounting and the new household economics (NHE) as important new developments for forest economics, and particularly for assessing non-market and non-timber forest products. The concept of adjusting the national accounts for forest depletion has received a lot of attention, but forest-based household services, like outdoor recreation in developed countries or fuelwood in developing countries, may have greater impacts on the national accounts. NHE is an econometric approach for valuing forest-related household services like these. In general, the NHE allows complete estimates based on revealed preferences for the production, supply and demand of goods and services that some households produce and consume internally. Complete estimates are critical in economies where household services dominate market production and consumption, and where market observations alone would be partial and would misguide policy decisions. Therefore, household services are the important area of application for both environmental accounting and NHE. Applications of each hold special promise for our understanding of the forestry activities of subsistence households in developing countries.  相似文献   

Market for environmental services (MES), which is also called as payments for environmental services (PES), is the innovation for incentive mechanism that establishes the relations between suppliers and beneficiary of environmental services mainly through correct price signals (Landell-Mills et al. 2002). As early as the era of Plato, people began realizing that they must live off on the environment. The alleging of environmental services to humans, however, appeared for the first time in t…  相似文献   

森林生态系统服务价值核算理论与评估方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林生态系统服务价值评估受到生态学家和经济学家的高度关注。由于森林生态系统自身的复杂性、提供生态服务内容的多样性等, 到目前为止还没有形成统-的分类方法和价值评估体系。文中在综合各种分类方法的基础上将森林生态系统服务初步分为涵养水源、保持水土、固碳释氧、净化环境、农田防护、景观游憩以及生物多样性维护等7类, 并在此基础上系统阐述了近年来森林生态系统价值核算理论与评估方法的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

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