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植物遗传工程研究在林业研究中的应用有两个方面。首先,遗传图谱的构建,是林木育种和基因转移的有利工具,使森林遗传学和林木育种学研究产生了新的飞跃,还为林木早期选择,提高选择效果,缩短选育周期提供了可能;其次,在森林病虫害防治中,通过植物遗传工程,克隆毒蛋白基因,并将抗虫基因转入植物细胞,得到抗虫转基因植株,从而为林木的抗病育种提供一个划时代的手段。  相似文献   

关于发展人工林与建立人工林业问题探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王豁然 《林业科学》2000,36(3):111-117
全世界森林面积为 34 5 4× 1 0 8hm2 ,其中 3%是人工林。人工林是重要的森林生态系统 ,在木材生产、环境保护和景观建设中具有重要功能和作用。人工林在生产功能方面的补偿作用 ,使天然林可以更好地发挥生态环境价值、森林娱乐和生物多样性保护功能。人工林可持续经营的前提是遗传材料的正确选择与营林实践艺术的结合以及保证这种结合的林业政策。愈来愈多地使用外来树种营建人工林是全球趋势。人工林对于环境和生物多样性的影响 ,可以通过合理的规划和经营措施得到解决。林木育种与遗传改良和经营制度的技术创新是不断提高人工林生态系统生产力的动力。人工林的可持续经营是一个十分复杂的问题 ,中国人工林实现可持续经营面临技术和体制两方面的挑战 ,但是 ,根本出路在于林业经济体制的改革 ,象农业那样 ,在市场经济环境中实行人工林产业化经营 ,建立人工林业 (Forestplantationindustry)。  相似文献   

根据有关资料对世界林业专业学科研究介绍,结合山西省林业建设与发展,对林木遗传育种、苗木培育与造林技术、森林保护、森林经理等专业学科研究作了简要概述。  相似文献   

我国林木遗传改良的研究现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了我国林木遗传育种工作的发展现状,阐述了生物技术在林木遗传改良研究中的应用,提出了新世纪我国林木育种工作的战略重点。  相似文献   

我国林木采伐管理问题的分析与思考   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在对国内外森林资源经营管理形势和当前我国林木采伐管理存在问题认真分析的基础上,根据我国森林资源管理的历史经验教训和新时期林业发展的总体要求,对我国林木采伐管理和改革进行了深入思考,提出了坚持采伐管理制度、积极探索森林可持续经营新途径及切实解决采伐管理中的实际问题等创新和完善林木采伐管理制度的观点和意见。  相似文献   

Forestry practice differs from agricultural crops practice owing to the huge size of trees, their longevity and the variety of uncontrollable conditions under which they grow. Even with intensive forest management, the actual effects of investment of labour and materials in the forest seem to be fairly small because of the size of the forest and the long harvest rotation. Since we expect to produce both a higher quantity and a higher quality of timber with intensive forestry, it is very important to have adequate counter-measures to the fatal or destructive factors which affect forest establishment and growth. In Japan, in the field of forest tree breeding, we are making maps as information sources for decision making, in which iso-lines show the degrees of damage due to fatal factors such as pests and diseases. If there is more than one fatal factor overlapping in an area, it might be difficult to grow forests for commercial purposes. We have to decide how to use the forest land in these areas, or how to take counter-measures such as tending, chemical control, genetic improvement or even a change in the tree species. As forestry has a long harvest rotation, it is necessary to have ‘a quality control system’ in management, in which a follow-up assessment of planting materials, tending techniques in combination with site conditions, and fatal factors will be made. In this situation, forest tree improvement (breeding) seems to be of prime importance in intensive forest management in the future.  相似文献   

林木遗传工程及木质素的生物合成调节(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木遗传工程有利于保存林木遗传资源,改善全球气候,减轻自然林的过度采伐和满足人类日益增长的林木产品需求。控制林木真菌、病毒病、虫害和杂草的遗传工程方法正被广泛地研究和应用。尽管转基因林木的历史不长,种类不多,但它有广泛的应用前景。目前,抗除草剂基因、抗虫基因以及和木材质量相关的基因已被分离并应用于林木遗传工程。植物分子生物学和基因组学中的新技术使得高效林木遗传改良成为可能并将促进这些技术的商业化应用。木质素的应用已有一百年的历史,但木质素生物合成的全过程并不完全清楚。有关松树自然突变体和转基因林木的最新研究结果表明,木质素的生物合成是一个可以调节的过程。这些发现对完善木质素的生物合成途径、加深对木质素前体生物合成途径的理解和通过遗传工程改善木材质量有促进作用。本文综述了林木遗传工程在这些领域中取得的一些进展。  相似文献   

Forestry Studies in China strives to provide a platform for a broad blend of peer-reviewed papers for a purpose of accelerating academic communication and exchanges between forestry researchers in and outside China. The Journal features articles by international scientists across the spectrum of forest research, including forest ecology, silviculture, forest management, sci-  相似文献   

Major challenges exist for applied gene conservation of forest genetic resources in native habitats of the Mexican and Central American Pines, Pinus radiata and the Southern US pines. They include population decline and population structure changes, due to forest removal, conversion of forest land to other uses, fires, climate change, diseases and pests. However, tree breeders continue to struggle with methods that would meaningfully integrate tree breeding and conservation populations. In this review, I will start by outlining the importance of gene conservation in tree breeding programs, then highlight some challenges and opportunities for applied gene conservation programs; and lastly, I share results of a large body of applied research and other activities aimed at genetically characterising the base population of P. radiata in Australia and New Zealand, for the purposes of effective ex situ gene conservation. Main threats for species grown in exotic environments also include introduced diseases and pests, and more recently, climate change. Consequently, movement of genetic material is often restricted and genetic resources of pine species are not readily expanded by further importations from overseas. Therefore, conservation of genetic material currently in these countries is likely to be important for the long-term viability of plantation forestry using pine species. In addition to understanding the largely unpredictable or speculative biological and economic worth of rare alleles, the greatest challenge that we have in ex situ gene conservation is to develop practical approaches for infusing genes from base populations of unimproved material into more advanced-generation breeding programs without greatly affecting productivity gains. Other notable challenges include perceived costs and benefits of gene conservation in the face of increasing privatisation of forest estate. While financial resources for domestication of alternative species are declining, a vast number of existing species and provenance/progeny trials of P. radiata, the Mexican and Central American pines and the Southern US pines provide an excellent gene resource for the future.  相似文献   

Forestry Studies in China strives to provide a platform for a broad blend of peer-reviewed papers for a purpose of acceler-ating academic communication and exchanges between forestry  相似文献   

Forestry Studies in China strives to provide a platform for a broad blend of peer-reviewed papers for a purpose of accelerating academic communication and exchanges between forestry researchers  相似文献   

分子标记辅助选择在林木育种中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
历史上,数量遗传学被认为是指导林木育种的唯一有效工具,这有两个方面的原因:第一,在林木上具有重要经济价值的性状,如树干材积生长、木材纤维长度及适应性等,均是以数量方式遗传的性状,并且控制这些性状的每一个过程是假设受微效多基因所控制的;第二,林木具有很长的世代间隔,很高的遗传杂合性和很高的遗传负荷,这些特性限制了一些经典的遗传材料,如近交系,突变体及特异类型的产生。然而,传统的数量遗传学方法用于指导林木育种的实践并不是完美无缺的。林木个体高大,占地面积大,且大多栽植在非农用耕地上,这样的环境异质性在很大程度上影响性状遗传力的提高,有些林木树种人工杂交比较困难,很难获得足够大的家系,从而产生不平衡的交配设计。Namkoong 和Roberds(1976) 认为,不平衡的交配设计很难获得准确的遗传参数估计。到目前为止,大多数成功的林木育种方案往往都是基于对表型的简单选择。这种表型选择不能利用林木固有的非加性效应,以及对异质环境的反应潜能,因而育种效果是极为有限的。分子标记技术为现代数量遗传学的发展提供了新的方向。通过利用中性标记与影响数量性状的位点(QTL) 之间的连锁关系,人们已经提出了一套统计方法用来鉴定重要的Q  相似文献   

Healthy forests provide many of the essential ecosystem services upon which all life depends. Genetic diversity is an essential component of long-term forest health because it provides a basis for adaptation and resilience to environmental stress and change. In addition to natural processes, numerous anthropogenic factors deplete forest genetic resources. Genetic losses could be particularly consequential now because robust resilience is needed to respond to a growing number, variety, and frequency of stress exposures. Silvicultural management that selectively removes trees (and their genes) from forests may be another force reshaping forest gene pools. Although data concerning the influence of silvicultural management on genetic resources in temperate forests is somewhat mixed, through the genetic assessment of long-term silvicultural treatments within an eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) forest, and computer-based simulated harvests of a genetically mapped eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) stand, we found that the selective removal of trees can alter gene frequencies. Due to an association with phenotypic characteristics used to guide harvests, the frequencies of rare alleles appeared particularly vulnerable to manipulation. Depending on the selection criteria used, rare allele frequencies either remained steady, decreased, or increased relative to study controls. Although harvest-associated genetic losses are possible, our data suggests that management can also sustain or enhance genetic richness. Similar to studies within temperate ecosystems, recent research in tropical forests underscores the potential influence of harvesting on the genetics of tree populations. In addition to efforts to reduce controllable sources of ecosystem stress (e.g., high pollutant exposures), management options should be evaluated that may bolster forest ecosystem resilience by preserving levels of genetic diversity within forests.  相似文献   

Plantations of genetically improved forest trees are critical for economic sustainability in forestry. This review summarizes gains in objective traits and the resulting economic impact of tree breeding programmes in Scandinavia and Finland. Genetic improvement of forest trees in these countries began in the late 1940s, when the first phenotypically superior plus-trees were selected from natural environments. The main findings from this review are that (i) tree breeding can increase volume growth in the range 10–25%, and (ii) the bare land value associated with genetically improved trees gives a better return on investment and a shorter rotation period compared to the unimproved forests. As some Nordic countries are quite dependent on the forest industry, breeding programmes that have resulted in economic gains have been beneficial for society. Growth and wood quality traits are often adversely correlated, and the weighting of traits from an economic perspective could provide an index for determining maximum profit from breeding. Tree breeding faces an array of challenges in the future, such as changes in silviculture, climate, new pests and diseases, and demand for wood-based products.  相似文献   

在森林资源二类调查以及续档的基础上,通过对闽侯县森林资源现状进行分析,提出了加强林政资源管理,建立林业生态体系,调整林种、树种结构,实行分类经营以及培育后续资源等措施,以保证林业可持续发展及森林可持续经营。  相似文献   

论林木引种与森林可持续经营   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林是实现环境与发展相统一的关键和纽带,在实现国家可持续发展中具有不可替代的作用。外来树种是森林遗传资源的重要组成部分,具有一些乡土树种难以替代的优势。外来树种人工林可持续经营的核心问题是树种与种源的正确选择,为此,保存和丰富必要的基因资源就显得极为重要。外来树种具有一定程度的环境风险,但并没有人们想象的那样大。对当地生物多样性的影响有利有弊,关键是如何科学运作,包括确定合适的地域范围,与乡土树种的合理空间布局,以及如何使之在当地生态系统中形成密不可分的生物链。最危险的情况出现于因检疫不严而带来的病虫危害。  相似文献   

Wild service tree [Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz] is a forest tree widespread in Europe, characterized by a scattered distribution. Its hermaphroditic flowers are pollinated by insects, and outcrossing is the prominent mating system, also due to the presence of gametophytic self-incompatibility. Genetic diversity and differentiation of 22 populations from northwestern Italy were investigated by means of variation scored at 53 polymorphic RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) loci. Populations differed in genetic variation, with Shannon diversity index ranging from 0.166 to 0.469. According to Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), most of the genetic variation was found within populations (61.78%) with a significant proportion of variance attributable to genetic differences between regions (23.60%) and between populations (14.62%). Evidence for isolation by distance was found in the set of populations sampled. The effect of habitat fragmentation on genetic variation was also evaluated. The efficacy of RAPD markers in analysing genetic variation, and the contribution of the results in terms of the preservation of biodiversity are discussed.  相似文献   

林改后实现山区林农稳定增收的途径分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
集体林权制度改革后,将林地使用权、林木所有权和使用权落实到农户,确定了林农在林业经营中的主体地位,林农的爱林护林积极性将得到极大提高;另一方面,林农的经济利益和林区的生态建设之间短期内会出现矛盾,那么如何做到既鼓励林农种树护林的积极性并促进其增收,又维护生态和谐,这是必须解决的问题。本文结合云南省林权制度改革的实际情况,对上述问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Forest tree breeding started in the middle of the twentieth century and since then the use of improved forest regeneration material has become an essential part of forestry in many countries. This review describes methods and achievements of tree breeding programmes, which aim at increasing the quantities and improving qualities of wood-based raw materials through selection, field testing and controlled crossings. Most improved materials currently deployed are seed crops from first-generation phenotypic or tested seed orchards, which offer 10–25% gains in yield depending on the selection intensity of parent trees. Methods of vegetative propagation are developed intensively so that it could be applied to a larger range of species, because it offers high genetic gain and uniformity of the material. Genomic tools are also developed to enhance the efficacy of selection. Applications of genetic engineering are currently limited to research purposes. Forest tree breeding will be an integral part of bioeconomy in securing the production of good quality raw materials in large quantities and will have a significant economic impact on the profitability of forestry in the long term.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感技术现已成为林业遥感研究的前沿技术之一,在林业定量监测及分析方面具有很大的潜力,同时也为森林经营与管理提供了一种更为科学和实用的新技术手段。文章主要从森林树种高光谱的分类与识别、森林树种主要生化参数模型估算、森林监测与高光谱遥感技术3个方面,总结归纳了高光谱遥感在林业上的主要研究现状,并对高光谱遥感技术在林业研究中的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

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