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中国森林资源采伐管理改革与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林资源采伐管理制度,对促进森林可持续经营,保障森林经营者利益,以及有效保护森林资源具有重要作用。目前我国森林资源采伐管理制度主要由森林采伐限额管理制度,凭证采伐林木制度,年度木材生产计划几部分组成。我国的森林资源采伐管理在经历了统一管理严格控制阶段和经营管理调整阶段之后,当前正处于经营主体改变前提下的试点改革阶段。从2007年试点工作启动至今,改革取得了可喜的成绩,但目前森林资源采伐管理改革中存在一些问题。如:改革宣传力度不够,采伐限额编制不合理,采伐审批过程有待进一步简化,缺乏支持经营主体的信贷体系等。针对存在的问题,认为下一步的改革应该加大改革政策的宣传力度,确保采伐限额制定的准确性,简化采伐申请的审批程序,为林业的发展提供充足的财政支持等。  相似文献   

原森林法确立了以森林采伐限额、采伐许可证和木材运输证制度为主体的林木采伐管理制度,对保护和发展森林资源起到了重要作用。在森林法修订过程中,关于林木采伐管理制度有两种意见。一种建议取消采伐限额,放开集体林或者人工商品林采伐许可和木材运输管制;另一种认为,采伐限额和采伐许可是保护森林资源重要的宏观调控手段,完全放开林木采伐和木材运输管制,可能造成采伐失控,森林资源遭到破坏。  相似文献   

原森林法确立了以森林采伐限额、采伐许可证和木材运输证制度为主体的林木采伐管理制度,对保护和发展森林资源起到了重要作用。在森林法修订过程中,关于林木采伐管理制度有两种意见:一种建议取消采伐限额,放开集体林或者人工商品林采伐许可和木材运输管制;另一种认为,采伐限额和采伐许可是保护森林资源重要的宏观调控手段,完全放开林木采伐和木材运输管制,可能造成采伐失控,森林资源遭到破坏。  相似文献   

本文通过对西北森林资源监测区三年来开展林木采伐管理情况检查中发现的主要问题进行了初步分析,并提出了一些相应改进措施,指出今后加强林木采伐管理工作的检查将是有效保障我国森林资源永续利用,提高林业生产效益的重要手段。  相似文献   

森林采伐管理是我国林业管理制度的重要组成部分。20世纪80年代以来,我国采取了一系列的措施强化林木采伐管理,形成了一套较为严格的森林采伐管理体系,对保护森林资源起到了重要作用。随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,集体林权制度改革和现代林业源起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

从严控制资源消耗,实现林业可持续发展,减少森林采伐是现阶段我国政府面临的头等大事之一。尽管近几年国务院、国家林业局制定了一些政策,颁布了一些法规、部门规章等,但森林采伐限额和林木采伐管理的配套政策法规还极不完善亟待解决。本文从我国森林限额采伐管理制度发展概况开始,分析国内采伐制度的存在的一些问题,并归纳出原因,提出应对措施,以期达到森林采伐的限额管理,切实保护好国家珍贵而有限的森林资源,达到科学经营的目的。  相似文献   

本文通过西北森林资源监测区三年来开展林木采伐管理情况检查中发现的主要问题,进行了初步分析,并提出了一些相应改进措施,指出今后的加强林木采伐管理工作的检查将是有效保障我国森林资源永续利用,提高林业生产效益的重要手段。  相似文献   

建立完善的森林资源管理与采伐管理制度是促进森林可持续经营,保护森林资源最重要的途径。我国现有的森林采伐管理制度是符合国情,需要我们继续坚持的。随着中国林业的快速发展,现行的森林采伐管理制度开始出现不完善的地方,结合这一实情,该文调查总结了我国现行采伐管理制度,针对其存在的问题,从森林采伐限额管理、采伐管理方式、审核审批程序等方面提出了改革的建议。  相似文献   

保护发展森林资源,是改善生态环境、维护生态安全的主要手段,也是实现森林资源"越采越多、越采越好、青山常在、永续利用"经营目标的具体措施。从我国国情林情出发,《中华人民共和国森林法》确定了限额采伐和凭证采伐两项基本制度,从源头上保护了森林资源。林木采伐管理,是实现森林资源可持续经营的重要手段。新形势下,应根据伐区具体情况科学设定采伐限额,加强采伐作业设计管理,优化林木资源管理手段,为森林资源科学发展和永续利用夯实基础。  相似文献   

通过第八次森林资源清查成果分类汇总,分析我国森林资源采伐消耗的现状、结构及区域分布特点,以历次森林资源清查结果分析我国森林资源采伐消耗动态变化趋势及特点,提出了加强林木采伐管理、科学经营森林、提高木材供给能力的对策、措施和建议。  相似文献   

抚育采伐是森林经营过程中人类作用于森林的主要措施。本文针对当前国内外森林抚育采伐对林分更新的影响进行了综述,重点探讨了抚育采伐对林分小气候、土壤环境和林下更新的影响。特别指出,在今后的森林经营过程中,应实施分类抚育采伐,加强群团状抚育采伐的研究。  相似文献   

The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities; the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent, which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of selection cutting of different intensities on the forest structure and species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Fujian Province were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that selection cutting of low and medium intensities caused little variation in the forest structure. After cutting, the dominant species retained their leading status in the community. However, the community structure changed significantly following selection cutting of high and extra-high intensities;the status of the dominant species of the community declined dramatically. Some tree species began to disappear from the sampling plots. Except for extra-high intensity cutting, the diversity of tree species did not change significantly for the other three cutting intensities. However, the evenness of the stands was very different among the four kinds of cutting plots. For low and medium intensity selection cutting, the evenness declined slightly. For extra-high intensity selection cutting, the evenness increased to some extent,which might be due to a more even distribution of tree species after cutting. Cutting operations resulted in some adverse reactions to development of arborous species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest, particularly serious damage to the forest canopy. But the rational selection cuttings, which may benefit the restoration and maintenance of species diversity over a long period and may come about from the variations in environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

伐区调查设计对森林采伐量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究分析伐区调查设计对森林采伐量的影响,主要有三个方面:①伐区调查设计过程对森林采伐量精度的影响,树木胸高确认不同,森林采伐量误差值越大;调查人员测量胸径时所站位置不同,其森林采伐量也不一样;立木所处地形及不同测量工具和调查设计人员,其测量结果都有影响;②枯立木、风倒木对森林采伐量精度的影响;③伐区调查设计规程对森林采伐量精度的影响。总结目前伐区调查设计中存在的问题,寻找提高采伐量精度的方法,为今后伐区的合理的调查设计以及采伐作业提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study assessed the sustainability of selection cutting in a community forest (CF) in Bhutan. The harvesting approach differed from cable crane logging operations in an adjacent commercially managed forest by creating much smaller canopy openings. This had many implications for natural regeneration of preferred species. The study was conducted in a late successional broadleaved CF containing 32 genera of tree species dominated by Quercus and Castanopsis and managed for timber, firewood, non-wood forest products and forest grazing. The study was based on a comparison of two forest inventories to assess forest structure and regeneration, a study of stumps to quantify harvesting intensities, and a household survey to quantify livestock holdings and grazing patterns. The study examined different intensities of selection cutting in three blocks of the CF and found that higher intensities of selection cutting did not have a negative impact on: (a) natural regeneration of seedlings and saplings of preferred timber species; (b) the diameter distribution of all species and use categories except for Quercus; (c) the diversity of tree genera; and (d) the percentage of remaining trees with favorable bole shape and form. These results contrasted with findings in the adjacent commercially managed forest. Community management of broadleaved forests with selection cutting appeared to be sustainable and avoid some of the unresolved silvicultural problems associated with commercially managed forests in Bhutan. However more research is needed on the sustainable management of Quercus spp.  相似文献   

通过对林木采伐权的性质界定,关于林木采伐的规定及其缺陷分析,提出了完善林木采伐权法律制度的具体对策。  相似文献   

对现行森林采伐管理制度改革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林资源采伐制度对于促进森林可持续经营、保障经营者利益,以及有效保护森林资源具有重要作用。中国以森林限额采伐管理为核心的木材采伐许可证制度,尽管对于有效保护森林资源曾经起到重要作用,但是,在新的历史条件下,森林采伐管理在目标、手段不一致,采伐管理政策单一等一系列问题,已经成为影响与制约中国林业发展的重要政策因素。为此,以森林分类经营、分类管理为基础,提出对于公益林和商品林、人工林和天然林、国有林和私有林等,必须实施森林分类采伐管理政策。  相似文献   

集体林区森林采伐限额执行中存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章利用近年全国森林采伐限额执行情况检查汇总材料,分析了集体林区森林采伐管理中存在的采伐限额编制科学性不高,凭证采伐执行力不强、基础管理水平低、森林经营理念落后等问题,并提出科学编制森林采伐限额、创新森林资源经营管理体制、落实森林经营方案、加强监管力度、提高基层服务水平等有关建议和对策。  相似文献   

介绍了平泉县森林采伐管理改革的主要做法,对其改革过程中反映出来的突出问题进行了全面梳理,主要包括:商品林采伐限额有限、生态公益林采伐管理制度不尽完善、人工林育林基金不合理、房前屋后的树木范围规定过窄等。进而提出视各地林业资源给予相应采伐限额、完善生态公益林采伐政策、取消人工林的育林基金、拓宽“房前屋后”范围等建议。  相似文献   

完善森林采伐管理制度 促进森林资源持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前森林采伐管理存在的问题,提出进一步完善森林采伐管理制度的建议。  相似文献   

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