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通过对盐池县不同立地类型围栏内外封育3年的荒漠草原植被数量特征及多样性研究,结果表明:围栏后,荒漠草原草本植物密度围栏内比围栏外增加了2~10株/m2、盖度增加5%~38%。草原围栏内产草量比围栏外增加了560~2 077.7 kg/hm2,固定沙地白沙蒿的减少使得围栏外产草量比围栏内高594.8 kg/hm2;围栏封育后荒漠草地植物的群落结构发生了很大的改变,围封草地上的退化指示植物逐渐从群落中退出,多年生禾本科植物增加。植物群落Shannon-Wiener指数增加,Pielou、Partrick和Simpson指数都发生了变化,群落植被的丰富度得以改善,优势植物的优势地位也逐渐明显,而且植被分布也趋向均匀稳定。  相似文献   

郭正虹  王伟  吴官生 《油气储运》2012,31(5):369-371,407
针对中俄原油管道黑龙江穿越段原油泄漏应急处置的实际需求以及传统收围油方法的诸多缺点,基于在非冰冻期利用围油栏拦截和回收河流溢油的方法,提出了围油栏分段导流的漏油回收方法,有效提高了围油栏的使用率和漏油的回收率。分别对固体浮子式和PVC充气式两种围油栏以及利用导流板和牵引绳两种围油栏成型方式进行比较,为该穿越段结合实际情况制定漏油回收处理方案提供了参考依据,也为今后的围油栏敷设研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

孙磊  王向涛  魏学红 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(24):12072-12074
通过对西藏安多典型退化草地围栏,研究围栏对植被特征、地下生物量、地下种子库以及多样性等方面的影响。结果表明:经过围栏封育后草地植物高度、盖度、产量均有不同程度的提高。植物多样性有所增加,植被优势种差异较为显著。植物群落地下生物量变化幅度较大,经过围栏草地0~10 cm地下生物量增加明显。土壤种子库测定表明,围栏实验地种子总数明显高于围栏外,且增加的种子数主要分布在0~5 cm的土层中。  相似文献   

本文在对阿拉善盟五配套畜群草库伦(以下简称草库伦)建设经验全面总结和实地调查测试的基础上,根据本盟当前经济和技术水平,制定出以水的中心,草料为核心的水、草、料、林、机五配套畜群草库伦建设模式,对荒漠地区草库伦建设的规范化和标准化将起到推动作用。  相似文献   

【目的】研究封育对草地群落特征和植物多样性的影响规律,为该类退化草地恢复治理和科学经营提供理论依据。【方法】以玛纳斯县封育3a的伊犁绢蒿荒漠草地为对象,采用野外调查取样的方法,测定不同生长季(5月、7月和9月)围栏内外的群落数量特征,计算植物多样性指数。【结果】(1)与放牧区相比,伊犁绢蒿荒漠草地短期封育(3a)后群落高度、盖度和生物量分别显著提高52.55%~91.80%,40.28%~108.75%和44.36%~75.32%(P<0.05),但植物多样性指数对封育的响应较小;(2)5月围栏内外的群落盖度、密度、Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均显著高于7月和9月(P<0.05),群落高度均显著低于7月和9月(P<0.05),而围栏内外生物量在月际间差异不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】短期封育(3a)有利于退化伊犁绢蒿荒漠草地植被的恢复,但对植物多样性影响相对较小。  相似文献   

抗战爆发之后,由于大批劳动力或参军或死亡或遭日军杀害以及敌人对牲畜的大规模掠杀,晋西北广大农村出现劳动力和役畜严重不足,而组织劳动互助以调剂劳力和畜力并最大限度地利用现有资源则成为中共政权适应战时需要和渡过难关的明智之举。这一政策及其实践虽然在战时收到了明显效果,但亦出现了各种各样的形式主义,而且劳动互助并没有改变小农经济的生产特性,农民依旧使用原有农具进行生产,所谓互助合作只是在分散的土地上的简单合作,即依靠简单的生产组合使人力畜力在充分利用的基础上提高劳动效率。  相似文献   

Population cycles in small rodents   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We conclude that population fluctuations in Microtus in southern Indiana are produced by a syndrome of changes in birth and death rates similar to that found in other species of voles and lemmings. The mechanisms which cause the changes in birth and death rates are demolished by fencing the population so that no dispersal can occur. Dispersal thus seems critical for population regulation in Microtus. Because most dispersal occurs during the increase phase of the population cycle and there is little dispersal during the decline phase, dispersal is not directly related to population density. Hence the quality of dispersing animals must be important, and we have found one case of increased dispersal tendency by one genotype. The failure of population regulation of Microtus in enclosed areas requires an explanation by any hypothesis attempting to explain population cycles in small rodents. It might be suggested that the fence changed the predation pressure on the enclosed populations. However, the fence was only 2 feet (0.6 meter) high and did not stop the entrance of foxes, weasels, shrews, or avian predators. A striking feature was that the habitat in the enclosures quickly recovered from complete devastation by the start of the spring growing season. Obviously the habitat and food quality were sufficient to support Microtus populations of abnormally high densities, and recovery of the habitat was sufficiently quick that the introduction of new animals to these enclosed areas resulted in another population explosion. Finally, hypotheses of population regulation by social stress must account for the finding that Microtus can exist at densities several times greater than normal without "stress" taking an obvious toll. We hypothesize that the prevention of dispersal changes the quality of the populations in the enclosures in comparison to those outside the fence. Voles forced to remain in an overcrowded fenced population do not suffer high mortality rates and continue to reproduce at abnormally high densities until starvation overtakes them. The initial behavioral interactions associated with crowding do not seem sufficient to cause voles to die in situ. What happens to animals during the population decline? Our studies have not answered this question. The animals did not appear to disperse, but it is possible that the method we used to measure dispersal (movement into a vacant habitat) missed a large segment of dispersing voles which did not remain in the vacant area but kept on moving. Perhaps the dispersal during the increase phase of the population cycle is a colonization type of dispersal, and the animals taking part in it are likely to stay in a new habitat, while during the population decline dispersal is a pathological response to high density, and the animals are not attracted to settling even in a vacant habitat. The alternative to this suggestion is that animals are dying in situ during the decline because of physiological or genetically determined behavioral stress. Thus the fencing of a population prevents the change in rates of survival and reproduction, from high rates in the increase phase to low rates in the decline phase, and the fenced populations resemble "mouse plagues." A possible explanation is that the differential dispersal of animals during the phase of increase causes the quality of the voles remaining at peak densities in wild populations to be different from the quality of voles at much higher densities in enclosures. Increased sensitivity to density in Microtus could cause the decline of wild populations at densities lower than those reached by fenced populations in which selection through dispersal has been prevented. Fencing might also alter the social interactions among Microtus in other ways that are not understood. The analysis of colonizing species by MacArthur and Wilson (27) can be applied to our studies of dispersal in populations of Microtus. Groups of organisms with good dispersal and colonizing ability are called r strategists because they have high reproductive potential and are able to exploit a new environment rapidly. Dispersing voles seem to be r strategists. Young females in breeding condition were over-represented in dispersing female Microtus (17). The Tf(C)/Tf(E) females, which were more common among dispersers during the phase of population increase (Fig. 6), also have a slight reproductive advantage over the other Tf genotypes (19). Thus in Microtus populations the animals with the highest reproductive potential, the r strategists, are dispersing. The segment of the population which remains behind after the selection-via-dispersal are those individuals which are less influenced by increasing population densities. These are the individuals which maximize use of the habitat, the K strategists in MacArthur and Wilson's terminology, or voles selected for spacing behavior. Thus we can describe population cycles in Microtus in the same theoretical framework as colonizing species on islands. Our work on Microtus is consistent with the hypothesis of genetic and behavioral effects proposed by Chitty (6) (Fig. 7) in that it shows both behavioral differences in males during the phases of population fluctuation and periods of strong genetic selection. The greatest gaps in our knowledge are in the area of genetic-behavioral interactions which are most difficult to measure. We have no information on the heritability of aggressive behavior in voles. The pathways by which behavioral events are translated into physiological changes which affect reproduction and growth have been carefully analyzed by Christian and his associates (28) for rodents in laboratory situations, but the application of these findings to the complex field events described above remains to be done. Several experiments are suggested by our work. First, other populations of other rodent species should increase to abnormal densities if enclosed in a large fenced area (29). We need to find situations in which this prediction is not fulfilled. Island populations may be an important source of material for such an experiment (30). Second, if one-way exit doors were provided from a fenced area, normal population regulation through dispersal should occur. This experiment would provide another method by which dispersers could be identified. Third, if dispersal were prevented after a population reached peak densities, a normal decline phase should occur. This prediction is based on the assumption that dispersal during the increase phase is sufficient to ensure the decline phase 1 or 2 years later. All these experiments are concerned with the dispersal factor, and our work on Microtus can be summarized by the admonition: study dispersal.  相似文献   

我国农业劳动力资源充裕,是农村经济发展的一大优势,也是农业劳动生产率低、农民收入少,城乡差别大的症结所在。唯一出路是改革农村产业结构,促进农业剩余劳动力向林牧渔业及乡镇企业转移,这不仅是农民致富的必由之路,并且是解决我国农民问题的重大战略部署。粮食是农村产业结构改革的基础,要防止重工轻农,放松粮食生产倾向。主要途经是发展专业化、社会化、商品化生产,逐步改变粮食价格背离价值的状况,增强增产粮食的内在动力。在粮食供求平衡的条件下,加快发展经济作物和林牧渔业,积极发展乡镇工业和第三产业,向农村工业化、城乡一体化方向发展,这是建设具有中国特色的社会主义的重要标志之一。  相似文献   

农村一些经济发达地区正在把不断提高经营规模效益作为追求目标之一。经营规模应是生产诸因素科学综合的程度。因此,单以经营土地面积作为衡量标准是不充分的,应根据农业资本有机构成,集约化水平及农户的产值作为衡量经营规模适合度的根本标准。由于生产力水平的差异,因此,农业生产经营规模适合度的确定应采用农业技术经济指标型,尤其要强调土地生产率和劳动生产率,以便促进农业劳动力向非农部门的转移,没有足够数量的农业劳动力(60 %以上)的非农“迁移”和流动,经营规模适合度的形成是困难的。  相似文献   

围栏内禁牧与轻牧对高寒草原群落的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以青海湖北岸青海省三角城种羊场的天然高寒草原为研究对象,对围栏内全年禁牧与轻牧下草地群落及生物量变化进行了比较研究。结果表明:围栏内全年禁牧虽然提高了草地的初级生产力,但却使草地群落的均匀度、物种多样性及禾草在草群中所占比例下降;而围栏内轻牧,牧压虽轻,但仍没有避开草地春季返青的危机期,并且由于羊群对草地枯落物的啃食以及严重的风蚀,草地退化严重,使草地生态系统的营养物质循环受阻。所以应该优化青海湖区草地生态系统的放牧管理制度,实现高寒草地畜牧业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

江河源区生态环境质量人为影响因素分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在对江河源区生态环境质量现状综述的基础上,分析了导致江河源区生态环境质量退化的人为因素及其影响程度,指出区域的气候变化固然是江河源区生态环境恶化的主要原因,然而人类的生产、生活、经济和政治活动对生态环境所施加的不合理干预则是近几十年来环境急剧恶化的重要原因。最后提出了严格行政执法、围栏禁牧、合理的载畜量和生态移民等生态环境的修复策略。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to give a basic understanding of studies on methane emissions of New Zealand, as we know the agriculture of New Zealand is pastoral farming, most livestock animals are grazed in pasture, and quantities of methane were released from the digestive tract and animals excreta. In New Zealand some 50% greenhouse gases (GHG) sources are attributed to agriculture and one third is methane from livestock enteric formation. For many years, many researchers have been exploiting the techniques and methods to measure the emission of methane of New Zealand, further more studing the available options to alleviate the methane emissions. Their pioneering work and successful experiences including the determined methods and mitigation strategies are worth learning for scholars around the world. Some of their approaches were not only suitable for New Zealand grazed livestock, but for many other countries, even the animals are intensively bred in pen. The calorimeter/respiration chamber is the most exactly method in present, but it needs expensive equipments and skilled manipulators, so there are still some difficulty in applying this approach extensively in practice. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) trace technique is much adopted for grazed livestock evaluating the methane emission, though its veracity was doubted by some researchers, it is still a good option in present for studying the GHG emissions for grazing animals. By measuring the rumen volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration to estimate the methane emission is a relatively simple approach, it is just only a rough evaluation, and it is unsuitable for exact study, but this method may be used in China for extensively raised ruminant. In present China, the ruminants are fed in an extensively managed state, the diversities of roughage and animals varieties caused difficult to exactly estimate the methane emission. So exploiting the available options is much important for constituting the exhaustive emission inventory. This review just maybe a good reference for researchers to carry out their studies in years and acquired great achievements in methane mitigation area. outline some practical techniques of New Zealand, those this field, after all New Zealand have been persisting many  相似文献   

SNP在动植物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)作为第三代分子标记,具有数量多、分布广、代表性强和遗传稳定性好等特点.目前已经在人、家畜、作物和蔬菜的遗传多样性分析、基因作图、分子标记辅助育种和功能基因组学的研究中得到了广泛的应用.基于PCR技术为基础,结合电泳技术、荧光、质谱等方...  相似文献   

4M-2型马铃薯联合收获机土薯分离运动仿真   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用ADAMS软件对马铃薯收获机虚拟样机抖动分离装置进行了运动仿真,研究了其运动规律,模拟了运动过程,明确了薯块在分离器上的运动机理,分析了薯块质心点的运动参数曲线.结果表明:分离器安装角为17°,抖动器抖动频率为8.89 Hz,长、短轴半径分别为69 mm、55 mm,马铃薯质心点的竖向平均速度大部分≤468mm.s-1、水平方向速度在1 342~1 530 mm.s-1范围内时,输送顺畅,可满足设计要求.  相似文献   

益生菌可以有效增强畜禽的生产性能,改善动物消化功能,改良肉品质,有抗氧化功能,能提高畜禽免疫功能,在中国养殖业的应用有着广阔的前景,但目前中国的益生菌研发和使用还存在一些问题,需要改进。  相似文献   

This paper examines the discourses and practices of pedigree livestock breeding, focusing on beef cattle and sheep in the UK, concentrating on an under-examined aspect of this—the deselection and rejection of some animals from future breeding populations. In the context of exploring how animals are valued and represented in different ways in relation to particular agricultural knowledge-practices, it focuses on deselecting particular animals from breeding populations, drawing attention to shifts in such knowledge-practices related to the emergence of “genetic” techniques in livestock breeding which are arguably displacing “traditional” visual and experiential knowledge’s of livestock animals. The paper situates this discussion in the analytical framework provided by Foucault’s conception of “biopower,” exploring how interventions in livestock populations aimed at the fostering of domestic animal life are necessarily also associated with the imperative that certain animals must die and not contribute to the future reproduction of their breed. The “geneticization” of livestock breeding produces new articulations of this process associated with different understandings of animal life and the possibilities of different modes of intervention in livestock populations. Genetic techniques increasingly quantify and rationalize processes of selection and deselection, and affect how animals are perceived and valued both as groups and as individuals. The paper concludes by emphasizing that the valuation of livestock animals is contested, and that the entanglement of “traditional” and “genetic” modes of valuation means that there are multiple layers of valuation and (de)selection involved in breeding knowledge-practices.  相似文献   

铬的营养及在养殖业中应用的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铬是动物机体所必需的一种微量矿物质元素,铬参与糖类、蛋白质、脂类的代谢,并有降低应激、改善动物机体的免疫机能、提高畜禽生产性能和繁殖力等作用。试验表明,铬作为畜禽饲料的添加剂是可行的,在畜禽生产和人类的生活中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

我市郊县农村劳动力在1996年末实有138.95万人,人均劳力耕地0.152hm2,且耕地逐年减少,劳力逐年增多,人多地少矛盾突出。劳动力文化素质偏低,从事农林牧渔业劳动者小学与初中占70%以上。劳力中从事第一产业占57%左右,劳力利用率仅25%。我市转移农村剩余劳动力的主要途径是向第一产业农业内部结构之间转移,树立大农业现念,向产前、产中、产后服务的全方位发展;然后是向第三产业转移。今后农村劳力资源利用的主要措施是:农村职业技术教育,解决小生产与大市场的矛盾,改变农民传统的就业观念,加快小城镇建设等。  相似文献   

Automated sensor-based behaviour classification systems are already developed and used for cattle in an agricultural context.To develop a similar tool for sheep we investigated the use of pitch and roll tilt sensors to provide information about sheep behaviour. The aim was to determine if different behaviour types associated with grazing can be accurately identified using tilt sensor data. We collected data from two adjacent enclosures at two contrasting sites, one in the Southern Uplands grazed by Cheviot ewes and one in the Western Highlands of Scotland grazed by Scottish Blackface ewes. In addition to our observations of ewes on hill pasture we also observed collared ewes in flat and gently sloped fields and in a shed to evaluate the tilt data. The data was analysed using three classification methods, a linear discriminant analysis, a classification tree method, and a manually developed decision tree consisting of four “if then” loops.We found that we can distinguish between the two behaviour categories “active” and “inactive”, even if only pitch tilt data is used. All three methods provide very good classification predictions with more than 90% correct results. However, the classification tree method was less robust than the other methods. Using the manually developed decision tree, we produced results of activity that were robust and credible.By using the behaviour classification we are able to collect data on different genotypes, systems or management options in sheep farming, and in combination with GPS we will be able to improve management strategies and gain information about grazing ecology. It can also be seen as a first step to support farmers with a viable system to comply with welfare regulations in the light of European Union Common Agricultural Policy and as an integral part for future developments regarding virtual fencing technology for sheep.  相似文献   

On-farm implementation of the concept of precision livestock farming requires the design and development of new, advanced and often complex equipment. This article proposes an agent-based simulation framework to meet the challenges of designing, testing and evaluating the performance of the new, automated precision feeding equipment for farms. In this context, an agent is a piece of software performing defined system functions such as exchanging information or requesting services to other agents via a high-level agent communication language. The proposed approach sees each main component of the actual precision feeding system represented by a virtual domain agent. The agents are then assembled within a multi-agent system that models the automatic precision feeding equipment as a whole. The operational capacity of the virtual prototype is achieved through communication and collaboration between the multiple agents that make up the system. The capacity for dynamic modification of parameters such as workload during the simulation process helps analyze the behavior, robustness and performance of the system prior to its actual use and thus providing a computer-aid tool helping in the design process. One case study shows that agent-based composable simulation can predict the behavior and performance of the system as a whole.  相似文献   

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