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The delivery of sustainable development goals (SDGs) through a participatory land and forest conservation initiative was evaluated in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The initiative focused on the rehabilitation of a 410 ha forest that was managed by local villagers. A forest rehabilitation and management initiative was developed through participatory action, establishing a well-managed rubber plantation that provided new livelihood opportunities. Poverty reduction was promoted, evidenced by a reduction in inequality amongst the local community. Between 2010 and 2018 the Gini coefficient of inequality declined from 34.6% to 31.3%, demonstrating a contribution to SDGs 1 (No Poverty) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities). In addition, forest rehabilitation resulted in improved carbon stock and biodiversity management contributing to SDG15 (Life on Land). This was attributed to successful forest rehabilitation and the reduced incidence of forest fires. Cooperation amongst local villagers categorized as living in poor households was improved, facilitated by capacity building. This focused on rubber plantation management, cooperative action, and firefighting activities. This capacity building contributed to the delivery of SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Results from a socio-economic survey demonstrated that group activities and cooperation amongst stakeholders were essential to improve both livelihoods and forest management practices.  相似文献   

杭州市森林资源可持续发展的基底分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林资源可持续发展是实现人类社会资源、经济、环境可持续发展的物质基础。森林资源在杭州市社会经济发展中起着发展山区经济、保障水土安全、保存生物物种、构建绿色景观、提高城市品位与投资环境质量等重要作用。现状分析表明,在森林资源发展进程中存在着林地面积发展受制、蓄积增长缓慢、结构不够合理、经营管理工作运转不力等许多限制因素,必须通过构建有效的组织工作体系、建立先进完善的资源监测管理系统、进行制度创新、加强科技创新和科技成果转化等相关对策,才能达到实现森林资源可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

森林可持续经营管理是森林可持续发展的基本途径 ,它是一个包括了森林微观经营管理和宏观管理的综合森林经营管理体系。据此进一步探讨了森林可持续发展的微观和宏观途径  相似文献   

广东林业生态建设与社会经济可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章针对当前我省林业生态建设的实际需要,根据社区对林业的不同需求,从林业可持续经营的原则出发,探索了旨在提高生态和经济效益的林业经营方法和可持续发展经营模式。  相似文献   

生态旅游是森林旅游的深入,是新形势下可持续发展的绿色产业。在叙述当前生态旅游现状的基础上,揭示了其发展中存在的问题,例如:为了增加经济效益盲目开发旅游区,而忽视生态资源保护;季节性生态旅游不平衡;在生态旅游管理上力度不到,使一些动植物资源不能的到很好的保护以及生态环境系统逐渐失调等。最后基于存在的问题及形势下提出生态旅游管理首先必须使资源使用合法化,同时分清旅游资源类型;其次建立旅游区管理条例并严格执行,建立权威机构去保证旅游区的管理,对旅游区的生态管理要高度重视,加强管理,真正做到可持续的生态旅游。  相似文献   


This compilation of papers explores various aspects related to community-based natural resource management in a comparative analysis of two communities located in different regions of Oaxaca, Mexico: the Chimalapas and the Sierra Norte. The contrasting histories, cultures, and forest ecosystems in the two communities have led to diverse approaches to managing their natural resources. Our analysis highlights the existence of underlying principles driving participatory management approaches, as well as the importance of adapting these approaches to site-specific local conditions. One theme addressed in these papers is the development of appropriate silvicultural techniques that incorporate both the local peoples' needs and experiences with the ecological characteristics of the forest ecosystem. Other land use activities are then discussed that affect management decisions in the regions such as cattle ranching and the collection of medicinal plants within the context of managing for sustainable forest and human ecosystems in the two regions. Finally, the role of community organization and the formation of partnerships with external institutions in strengthening local management and conservation initiatives are also considered. Together, these papers provide a commentary on the potentials and constraints of emerging participatory approaches to managing high priority conservation areas, and which are providing new alternatives where previous models have often failed.  相似文献   

Sustainable forestry is considered as one of the most important focal points for sustainable development, as it is part of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio in 1992 which followed the completion of “Our Common Future.” To this end, many studies have been carried out on implementing of sustainable forestry at the global level.

Geographically, Turkey can be seen as part of Pan-European and Near East sustainable forestry initiatives. Forest organizations have carried out many studies to implement the decisions made with these initiatives in line with their own needs in forest management. While conducting studies in the framework of the National Forestry Program prepared within this context, people have been confronted with various problems due to insufficient infrastructure and implementation difficulties. This article provides information on sustainable forestry leading to observations and suggestions relevant for Turkey.  相似文献   

以古丈县当前开展的中德合作湖南森林可持续经营项目为例,结合国内外当前森林可持续经营模式研究现状,分析了古丈县森林可持续经营模式发展存在的主要问题,提出了适合古丈县森林可持续发展的理念和模式.  相似文献   

本文根据湖南省天然林资源的现状,结合保护实施方案,对湖南天然林保护与林业可持续发展进行了探讨,并提出了初步实施措施.  相似文献   

系统介绍了澳大利业关于沙化土地项目管理和林业可持续经营技术方面的主要做法,分析指出澳大利亚政府十分重视荒漠化防治问题,依靠科技手段强化治沙工程项目管理,加强预警监测水平,提出我国长期坚持保护天然林、大力发展集约经营人工林、重视治沙项目的管理和科技人才培养、遵循自然规律治理沙化土地等建议。  相似文献   

森林文化与森林可持续经营密不可分,本文阐述了森林文化与森林可持续经营的内涵,并对这二者关系进行了探讨,指出森林文化与森林可持续经营之间是唇齿相依、一脉相承、和谐发展、相互促进的关系。森林文化是现代林业建设中实现森林可持续经营管理的重要动力,是实现生态文明的必然要求。  相似文献   

罗坑自然保护区具有动植物资源丰富的特点,但开展森林经营面临规划用地困难、森林保护与林地使用冲突、资金不足的困难。保护区通过确定可持续发展的森林经营原则,采用划分功能区、引入和培养人才、开展森林多种经营、社区共建等措施有针对性地解决困难,种茶业和养蜂业获得了较大发展。同时还总结了森林经营中仍存在技术力量不足、融资渠道不多等问题,并针对经营中出现的问题提出了今后的解决办法和森林经营的发展方向。  相似文献   

基于发展类型理念的多功能人工林经营模式研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
现代森林经营已经从木材导向的单一经营向探索森林多功能可持续经营和实现预期林相技术的转变,但人多地少的林情和不同的功能需求亟待改变长期以来追求木材产量的经营理念,导向社会与生态效益的多功能人工林模式。文中基于发展类型多功能人工林经营理念,探讨了多功能人工林经营模式下的概念框架、目标内容,重点阐述了多功能人工林经营的林分作业法设计,以杉木和木麻黄人工林经营模式为典型应用案例解释了森林发展类型的发展目标、树种比例、混交类型、近期营林措施等设计理念,以期为多功能人工林经营设计提供一种有效可行的思路与技术参考。  相似文献   

沾河林业局可持续发展对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合沾河林业局面临的困难和存在的问题,确定了可持续发展的内涵,提出了以保护现有森林资源与积极培育后备森林资源为基础、以实施森林分类经营为核心、以调整产业结构为重点的可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

王彬  赵德升 《森林工程》1999,15(3):11-11
通过对林业可持续发展的影响因素分析。认为林业可持续发展的对策是实施天然林保护工程。  相似文献   

利用专家打分法,结合主成分分析法等多种方法从生态可持续性、经济可持续性、社会可持续性、经营管理水平4个角度出发对湖北宜昌大老岭林场可持续经营能力进行了初步的评价。结果表明大老岭林场可持续经营能力整体上处于比较良好状态。  相似文献   

林地资源是国家生态安全的基础,对生态文明的建设具有重要的战略意义。当前我国林地资源状况令人堪忧,很有必要加强对林地资源的管理,促进人与自然的和谐相处,实现社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

对可持续森林经营方案一些问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
编制可持续森林经营方案是实现林业可持续发展的重要保障。研究了可持续森林经营需要的相关信息与传统森林资源调查之间的差距,分析了可持续森林经营方案在林业行业管理中的地位、作用以及现阶段编制可持续森林经营方案存在的问题,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

森林经营方案管理发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从森林经营方案的理论认识、内涵扩展、国内外研究现状和实践中现存问题与成因等四方面对森林经营方案管理进行综合评述,利用森林经营方案,贯彻落实科学发展观、森林可持续经营理论以及构建社会主义和谐社会的战略,不断提高科学经营森林的水平,从而更好地实现严格保护、积极发展、科学经营、持续利用森林资源的方针与目标。提出森林资源管理在今后发展中必将以森林经营方案为核心的未来发展与问题讨论。  相似文献   

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