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正众所周知,美国的西敏寺犬展是世界历史最悠久的犬展犬赛,美国人对犬的喜爱窥见一斑,就连总统也不例外,美国有不少总统都是养犬爱好者,包括现任总统奥巴马。下面就让我们一起盘点一下美国历任总统和爱犬们的趣事。国父乔治·华盛顿乔治·华盛顿于1776年在全美十三合众州全体会议上发表《独立宣言》,后经过长久的战争和内乱,终于统一了美国,并于1789年就任美  相似文献   

日前,美国总统布什签署了《2002年农业法》,决定在未来6年内对农产品补贴增加80%。其中,向小麦、大豆和棉花等种植者“补上加补”,对花生、牛奶、蜂蜜等生产者极力扶持,连以前得不到政府补贴的畜牧产品、水果和蔬菜生产者也将得到“输血”。这一“杀伤力”极强的政策一出台,立即在世界范围内掀起轩然大波,遭到国际社会的同声谴责和抗议。  相似文献   

<正>美国农业部谷物检验、批发及畜牧场管理局(Grain Inspection,Packers and Stockyard Administration,GIPSA)政策的一个潜在变化可能会危及猪农为满足消费者对在某些条件下饲养的猪肉需求(如无抗生素)的经济激励。但是,北美肉类协会法规事务高级副主席Mark Dopp于2月1日在美国乔治亚州亚特兰大的国际生产与加工博览会上发表演讲时表示,法规的暂停和总统特朗普的行政命令令人质疑GIPSA政策变革的未来。  相似文献   

距离美国总统选举还有几个月,有意谋求连任的现任总统贝拉克·奥巴马着手竞选造势。与4年前首次参选不同,奥巴马阵营这次多了名为"波"的"白宫第一狗"。一边充当筹款能手,一边拉近总统与选民距离",波"逐渐成为奥巴马的另类旗手。  相似文献   

2011年1月4日,美国总统奥巴马签署了期待已久的《美国FDA食品安全现代化法案》,标志着这个历时两年多的提案正式上升为法律,从而对现有的《联邦食品、药品及化妆品法(FFDCA)》做出72年来最为重大的修正,其变更内容多达12个方面的若干条细则,其立法之严也是前所未有。该法律强调,在食品安全问题上应以预防为主,政府要对食品生产设备加强监管,FDA拥有强制召回权。  相似文献   

<正>费尔南多·恩里克·卡多佐(Fernando Henrique Cardoso),1995年至2003年任巴西总统。自1995年1月1日,费尔南多.恩里克.卡多佐就任巴西总统以来,巴西与美国之  相似文献   

美国政府对食品安全高度重视 ,总统亲自抓食品安全。 1 997年美国总统拨巨款启动一项食品安全计划 ,1 998年成立总统食品安全委员会 ,把兽药残留作为界定产品质量安全性的关键指标之一。美国对食品安全管理的机构有三个 ,一是食品和药品管理局 (FDA) ,主要是负责除肉类和家禽产品外美国国内和进口的食品安全 ;制订畜产品中兽药残留最高限量法规和标准 ;二是美国农业部 (US DA) ,主要是负责肉类和家禽食品安全 ,并被授权监督执行联邦食用动物产品安全法规 ;三是美国国家环境保护机构 (EPA) ,主要负责饮用水、新的杀虫剂及毒物、垃…  相似文献   

2007年3月中旬,为减轻冻害给加利福尼亚州(简称加州)柑桔农户带来的损失,美国总统布什拟签署命令,对2007年1月遭受严重冻害的加州柑桔种植户进行灾害补贴。种植户可以申请联邦灾害失业补助及免费食品供应。  相似文献   

中兽医学在美国戴庶(中国农业大学动物医院,北京海淀100094)1中兽医学在美国的传播和现状据说中国的传统医学早在1920年就已经在美国使用。但按照我读到的一篇介绍中国兽医学的文章,中国针灸学在美国的广泛认识是在1974年美国总统尼克松访华以后。当时...  相似文献   

美国马里兰州一家公民协会成员发现一年前选举的主席竟是一头宠物狗。美国合众国际社19日报道,马里兰州这家公民协会成员在年会上惊讶地发现主席贝西娅.李是一头狗。贝西娅的主人是公民协会前主  相似文献   

American society is becoming increasingly interested in issues of animal welfare, and the public generally recognizes the need for guidance from experts in the field. Assessing an animal's welfare status requires a determination of the state of both its physical and its psychological well-being. American veterinarians are well trained to assess the physical state of most animals, but they do not receive equivalent training in assessing an animal's psychological state. Therefore, the recognized expertise of the American veterinary profession currently lies only in answering physical welfare questions, not in assessing the psychological (or societal) aspects of animal welfare issues. If American veterinarians wish to be seen as animal welfare experts, then it is critical for the profession to educate its members in assessing the psychological state of animals. Also, if the American Veterinary Medical Association wishes to be considered a leader in the field of animal welfare, it must partner with organizations with expertise in pertinent areas outside of the veterinary medical field to develop appropriate guidelines for American society, including the development of a widely accepted system for defining and determining overall animal welfare. If American veterinarians actively work to improve our strengths and combine them with those of experts in other fields, we can overcome our limitations as animal welfare experts and achieve wider acceptance as an important force for improving animal welfare.  相似文献   

姜晓群  林哲艳  时钰  赵晋灵  李昂 《草业学报》2020,29(11):151-164
当初步遏制草地退化后,我国当前迫切需要对草地管理政策进行优化和调整,进而更好地通过草畜平衡和生态补贴实现生态保育和牧民利益的协调和可持续发展目标。长达90年的美国公共放牧地政策可以为我国调整和优化草地管理政策提供借鉴。美国经验表明,实现草地生态保育需要在社会共识、法律体系和行政管理等方面,牢固地树立和实现草地的多重功能和生态系统服务理念。进一步地,公有的草地产权制度是保障草地多重生态系统服务的法律前提,非牧产业发展是实现草地多重功能的经济基础,精细的行政管理是实现草地生产生态平衡的技术保障,多种利益主体参与是实现草地管理制度改革的活力来源。美国草地管理制度发展的曲折反复,也说明了生态管理政策的失效和调整,禁牧和监管强度的张弛反复,不同利益集团的矛盾诉求和博弈消长,都是草地治理中的正常情况。我国草地治理也可能经历复杂曲折的过程。在下一阶段,草地产权的优化、行政管理的精细化、牧民利益和生态保育目标的协调,是实现我国草地可持续治理的核心要务。  相似文献   

Host susceptibility hypothesis for shell disease in American lobsters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epizootic shell disease (ESD) in American lobsters Homarus americanus is the bacterial degradation of the carapace resulting in extensive irregular, deep erosions. The disease is having a major impact on the health and mortality of some American lobster populations, and its effects are being transferred to the economics of the fishery. While the onset and progression of ESD in American lobsters is undoubtedly multifactorial, there is little understanding of the direct causality of this disease. The host susceptibility hypothesis developed here states that although numerous environmental and pathological factors may vary around a lobster, it is eventually the lobster's internal state that is permissive to or shields it from the final onset of the diseased state. To support the host susceptibility hypothesis, we conceptualized a model of shell disease onset and severity to allow further research on shell disease to progress from a structured model. The model states that shell disease onset will occur when the net cuticle degradation (bacterial degradation, decrease of host immune response to bacteria, natural wear, and resorption) is greater than the net deposition (growth, maintenance, and inflammatory response) of the shell. Furthermore, lesion severity depends on the extent to which cuticle degradation exceeds deposition. This model is consistent with natural observations of shell disease in American lobster.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,进入后现代的美国社会极度物质化,人们的情感日趋沙漠化,表现在爱情诗上,可以看到自古以来被无限讴歌的爱情已经失去了夺目光芒。后现代爱情诗通过意象的日常化、语调的零度化、视角的他化以及音乐性的缺失,体现着后现代爱情日常的悲哀。  相似文献   

抗日根据地基层权力结构的嬗替不是一蹴而就的,它是由初期的利用传统权威,到中期的培养新式权威,再到后期利用基层“村选”来实现新旧权威的替换,它经历了整个抗战时期。在此过程中,中共不仅实现了行政人员的替换,而且进一步完成了乡村社会的整合。中共培植起来的劳模英雄成为乡村社会新式权威,在政治运行和社会运动中发挥了核心作用,乡村社会从此被彻底发动起来了。  相似文献   

我国畜禽粪污年产出量大,如不加以合理利用将会导致一系列生态环境问题。好氧堆肥作为一种可有效实现有机固体废弃物无害化、减量化和资源化利用的重要技术途径,近年来发展快速。好氧堆肥的主要技术模式包括条垛式、静态垛式、槽式和反应器式等,功能膜法好氧堆肥技术是一种以强制通风静态垛为基础的改良型好氧堆肥技术模式,因其具备节能环保、智能高效、轻简便携、经济普适的特点,近年来在全球范围内被广泛使用。本文就功能膜法好氧堆肥技术模式的起源与发展历程、技术特点与工程应用的国内外研究现状进行了综合阐述分析,并指出了未来研究和发展的重点方向。  相似文献   

The existence of heartwater on 3 islands of the Central Lesser Antilles and the presence of an efficient vector originating from Africa, Amblyomma variegatum, on most of the islands of this region constitute a serious threat for livestock on the American mainland. The disease can be introduced there either by infected animals or infected ticks. The most likely way is probably the transportation of domestic animals which are heavily infested by ticks. Due to the low rate of infection of ticks in endemic areas and the low rate of infestation of wild animals by ticks, the risk of transportation by migratory birds (among which the cattle egret is the most important) seems negligible compared with domestic animals, especially ruminants and dogs. The establishment and spread of the disease on the mainland could result from indigenous American Amblyomma species, of which at least 2, Amblyomma cajennense and, more especially, Amblyomma maculatum, are experimental vectors. The biological and ecological features of these ticks conform to some extent with the characteristics necessary for them to act as vectors. They are widespread and sufficiently well adapted to ruminants to ensure the continuation of the epidemiological cycle. Disease could evolve in wild life (deer) or, as seems more likely, in livestock, of which the population density is very high on most of the mainland. However, the establishment of the disease is more likely to occur if the well adapted vector of heartwater, Amblyomma variegatum, is introduced as well. This exotic species would find environmental conditions favourable for its survival and spread in most of the tropical and subtropical Western Hemisphere. Protection of the American mainland and the disease-free islands of the area must be based on strict control of domestic animal movement in the Caribbean, on the decrease of the vector population by tick control campaigns and, if possible, on the eradication of Amblyomma variegatum from the focus of heartwater on the islands.  相似文献   

American canine hepatozoonosis is an emerging, tick-transmitted infection of domestic dogs caused by a recently recognized species of apicomplexan parasite, Hepatozoon americanum. The known definitive host of the protozoan is the Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum. Presently recognized intermediate hosts include the domestic dog and the coyote, Canis latrans. Laboratory-reared larval or nymphal A. maculatum can be infected readily by feeding to repletion on a parasitemic intermediate host; sporogony requires 35-40 days. Transmission of infection to the dog has been produced experimentally by oral administration of mature oocysts or oocyst-containing ticks. Canine disease follows experimental exposure in 4-6 weeks and is characterized by systemic illness, extreme neutrophilic leukocytosis, muscle and bone pain, and proliferation of periosteal bone. Histopathological findings include multifocal skeletal and cardiac myositis associated with escape of mature merozoites from within the host-cell environment. There is also rapid onset of periosteal activation and osteogenesis and, less frequently, glomerulopathy and amyloidosis. Sequential stages of development of H. americanum in both the dog and the tick have been elucidated. Gamonts potentially infectious to ticks have been observed in peripheral blood leukocytes of the dog in as few as 28 days after exposure to oocysts. Young coyotes experimentally exposed to a canine strain of H. americanum acquired disease indistinguishable from that of similarly exposed young dogs.  相似文献   

四川北部的岷山山系是中国野生大熊猫最主要的活动区域。调查表明,四川岷山山系12个县市有森林面积21659.6km^2,其中集体林面积10500km^2;大熊猫栖息地总面积851824.0hm^2,建有22个保护区,共有528888hm^2的大熊猫栖息地和400只野生大熊猫在保护区内得到了有效保护;集体林大熊猫栖息地面积达190064.6hm^2,占大熊猫栖息地的22.31%。集体林权制度改革加大了对大熊猫及其栖息地保护的难度。本文提出了要尽快制定《大熊猫保护法》;协调好跨区域大熊猫栖息地的保护;制定相关政策,采取置换、赎买、移民搬迁等方式,保护大熊猫及其栖息地;要落实相关政策,实施生态补偿;要发动社会力量采取建立保护小区、协议保护等参与大熊猫的保护;林下开发利用要避开大熊猫发情和孕育期,达到既有效保护大熊猫,又使林农生产生活得到可持续发展。  相似文献   

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