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检测"冬痢净"中黄连的含量,对奶牛场病牛进行治疗,以抗生素为对照药对病牛进行治疗。结果表明,以黄连须为主药的"冬痢净"中黄连含量约占0.0159%,患牛用药后平均一两天可以止泻,其临床总治愈率达82.76%,总有效率高达93.53%。  相似文献   

奶牛冬痢又称牛黑痢,以排棕色稀便和出血性下痢为特征,是牛群在秋冬季节发生的一种急性肠道传染病。本病大小牛均可发生,但成年牛的病情较重,特别是高产奶牛。病牛和带菌牛随粪便排菌,易感牛采食了病菌污染的饲料,饮水即可感染发病。气候恶劣和管理不良也可诱发本病。我场于2000年1月7日至14日期间发生本病,现报告如下:  相似文献   

对人工感染鸡白痢的艾维茵雏鸡,采用"雏痢净"按高(0.5/只)、中(0.4/只)和低(0.3/只)三个剂量混饲治疗,用2%甲磺酸培氟沙星(药物对照组)、感染不用药(阳性对照组)、不感染不用药(阴性对照组)作为对照.结果"雏痢净"高、中、低剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组对雏鸡白痢均有较高的疗效,其中"雏痢净"高、中剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的治疗效果最好,但三者差异不显著(P>0.05);"雏痢净"各组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的相对增重率极显著高于感染不用药组(p0.01).表明"雏痢净"高、中剂量用药后症状明显减轻且渐恢复,体重也明显增加,其疗效与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星相当.  相似文献   

对人工感染鸡白痢的艾维茵雏鸡采用"雏痢净"按高(0.5 g/只)、中(0.4 g/只)、低(0.3 g/只)三个剂量混饲治疗,用2%甲磺酸培氟沙星(药物对照)组、感染不用药(阳性对照)组、不感染不用药(阴性对照)组作为对照.结果:"雏痢净"高、中、低剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组对雏鸡白痢均有较高的疗效,其中"雏痢净"高、中剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的治疗效果最好,但三者差异不显著(P>0.05);"雏痢净"各组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的相对增重率极显著高于感染不用药组(P<0.01).研究表明,"雏痢净"高、中剂量组雏鸡用药后症状明显减轻且渐恢复,体重也明显增加,其疗效与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星相当.  相似文献   

我们公司奶牛冬痢的临床报告○广州市云燕畜牧发展公司(510540)韦林平奶牛冬痢是奶牛的一种季节性、暴发性强的接触性传染病。临床以突然发病、传播迅速、严重腹泻、奶牛产量急剧下降、发病率高、死亡率低为特征。主要发生于舍饲牛,奶牛和黄牛均有发生,多流行于...  相似文献   

"雏痢净"对人工感染雏鸡白痢的疗效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对人工感染鸡白痢的艾维茵雏鸡,采用“雏痢净”按高(0.5g/只)、中(0.4g/只)和低(0.3g/只)三个剂量混饲治疗,用2%甲磺酸培氟沙星(药物对照组)、感染不用药(阳性对照组)、不感染不用药(阴性对照组)作为对照。结果:“雏痢净”高、中、低剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组对雏鸡白痢均有较高的疗效,其中“雏痢净”高、中剂量组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的治疗效果最好,但三者差异不显著(P>0.05);“雏痢净”各组与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星组的相对增重率极显著高于感染不用药组(P<0.01)。表明:“雏痢净”高、中剂量用药后症状明显减轻且渐恢复,体重也明显增加,其疗效与2%甲磺酸培氟沙星相当。  相似文献   

影响育肥牛经济效益的因素很多,其中疾病因素占其中之一,而冬痢病在冬季对育肥牛构成了一定的威协,应引起高度重视。1临床症状病牛突然发生腹泻,排出腥臭的水样稀便,呈棕色,内含有气泡及鲜红色血液或一些血凝块,排粪呈喷射状。2d以后  相似文献   

1、牛冬痢。主要危害犊牛,发病率高,耕牛患病后,身体逐渐消瘦,被毛粗糙、松乱、卷曲,眼结膜苍白,食欲减退,反刍缓慢,排便里急后重,粪便恶臭,时常带有新鲜血块,呼吸和脉搏、体温一般正常。如不及时治疗,呈慢性衰弱继发其他疾病而死亡。防治方法:做好防寒保暖,加强对病牛的护理,注意饮水卫生。治疗时可口服保护剂和收敛剂,用松馏油、克辽林各30-50克混合灌服,或用米糠0.5公斤炒黄冲热开水2.5公斤灌服,严重的病牛可进行葡萄糖补液。据实践,用以下中药治疗有很好的效果。处方是:白术40克、党参30克、干姜20克、茯苓25克、炙甘草10克、小茴15克,水煎,待凉灌服,每天二次,连服三天可收到满意效果。  相似文献   

猪冬痢病在我国连年发生,已持续数十年之久.其发病率高,发病数量多,但对该病的防治至今尚未找到有效措施.  相似文献   

目的:研究中兽医治疗泻痢犊牛的有效性。方法:时间统计为2022年4~8月,对养殖场60只患有泻痢的犊牛开展兽医治疗管理工作,基于治疗方式记作两组,有西医治疗的普通治疗组、中医治疗的特殊治疗组,两组患病牛均为30头,了解患病牛病情改善效率、症状积分情况。结果:特殊治疗组总改善率是90.0%(明显改善10头、有效改善17头、无效改善3头),较普通治疗组高,p <0.05;治疗之后,殊治疗组精神萎靡的症状积分均值(3.16±2.40)、食欲降低的症状积分均值(4.12±1.03)、粪便形态异常的症状积分均值(3.58±0.81)、呼吸困难的症状积分均值(4.07±0.15)、身体颤抖的症状积分均值(4.13±1.68),均低于普通治疗组,p <0.05。结论:通过中兽医思路治疗泻痢犊牛,能够显著提高病情改善率,缓解犊牛的不良症状,可以推广。  相似文献   

陈维  梅小伟 《猪业科学》2020,37(9):38-40
猪痢疾是由猪痢疾密螺旋体(Treponema hyodysenterisa)引起的一种以黏液性、出血性下痢为特征的猪肠道传染病。猪痢疾最早于1921年被报道,直到1971年才确定为猪痢疾短螺旋体(Brachyspira hyodysenterisa)感染所致~([1])。猪痢疾一旦侵入猪群,不易根除。在流行初期,以急性出血性下痢为主,流行中后期,以亚急性和慢性黏液性下痢为主~([2])。7~12周龄仔猪易感,发病率可高达70%,病死率为30%~60%,发病率和死亡率高于成年猪~([3])。由于猪痢疾的存在,导致猪只生长缓慢,料重比升高甚至出现死亡,增加养殖成本,给养猪业带来巨大经济损失~([4])。  相似文献   

敌菌净预防初生羔羊腹泻病的效果和治疗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高原牧区冬季初生羔羊腹泻病严重的实际,进行敌菌净药物预防、治疗试验。试验结果:预防、治疗效果明显,预防组成活率比对照组提高15.4个百分点,治疗痊愈率达90%。试验表明,敌菌净是目前防治初生羔羊腹泻的一种有效方法,可进行推广应用。  相似文献   

The infectious agent of swine dysentery, Brachyspira (Br.) hyodysenteriae, seems to be widespread in German pig herds. Due to different reasons the eradication is increasingly difficult. Not only the success of therapeutic procedures but also the possibilities of diagnostics are unsatisfactory. Although only the bacteriological investigation of faeces or intestinal probes by culture techniques allows the typing of Brachyspira strains and the testing of drug resistance, however, the rate of false negative results is relatively high. In comparison with the cultural method an easy, prompt and cheap immunofluorescent test (IFT) resulted in a good sensitivity (90%). The higher rate of negative results by culture techniques can not be attributed to a lower specificity of the IFT, but to an insufficient transport of samples to the laboratory. The IFT therefore has to be considered as a valuable supplement to the cultural diagnostic of Br. hyodysenteriae. It is absolutely necessary to establish strategies in eradication of swine dysentery which result in pig breeding herds free of Br. hyodysenteriae. Only weaner pigs which are reliable free of this germ guarantee a fattening period sufficiently free of swine dysentery. The principles of different measures in effective eradication are described.  相似文献   

中药复方制剂"百痢净"治疗仔猪下痢的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验以白头翁、秦皮等十余味中药通过部分浓缩制成复方制剂“白痢净”,对治疗仔猪下痢进行了研究。本品经抑菌试验,对大肠杆菌有明显抑制作用,经10倍治疗量作动物试验未见不良反应;临床观察治疗仔猪黄痢、白痢、水泻等18831例,治愈18309例,有效率达97.23%;对比试验明显优于庆大霉素和微生态制剂促菌生。  相似文献   

羔羊痢疾是新生羔羊群体中的常发病和高发病,属于急性毒血症和急性传染性疾病。临床上主要表现为剧烈腹泻,肠道严重溃烂。该种疾病主要危害7日龄内新生羔羊,随着年龄的增长,抵抗能力增强,羔羊痢疾的发生率呈现逐渐下降趋势。新生羔羊痢疾具有发病急、发病过程短、致死率高的特点,发生流行后如果不能及时诊断,及时采取措施进行防控,短时间内会造成大批量的羔羊死亡,给养殖场带来不可挽回的经济损失。该文主要论述新生羔羊痢疾的发病原因和防治措施,缩短发病周期,提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

SUMMARY A prototype vaccine that is being developed for the control of swine dysentery (SD) was tested in two groups of experimental pigs. Vaccination induced high circulating antibody titres against the aetiological agent, Serpulina (Treponema) hyodysenteriae .
Pigs in the first trial were vaccinated twice before being challenged orally with the bacteria. Five of 6 unvaccinated animals developed dysentery within a fortnight of challenge, but only 1 of 6 vaccinated pigs showed signs of disease at this time. Unexpectedly, 1 mo after challenge, the surviving unvaccinated pig and 2 remaining healthy vaccinated animals succumbed to the disease. The reason for the development of this late-onset form of dysentery was not clear.
In the second trial, 8 pigs were vaccinated 3 times. Only 2 of these animals (25%) developed severe dysentery after being mixed with infected pigs, whereas 7 of 8 (88%) unvaccinated control pigs in the same pen became diseased. The late-onset form of dysentery was not observed.
The prototype vaccine for SD provided a useful level of protection, and could be used in programs to control the disease in Australia.  相似文献   

An epidemiologic survey was performed to determine the incidence of torovirus infections in 2 disease entities of cattle: diarrhea of replacement calves up to 2 months old, and winter dysentery of adult cattle. Samples were obtained from 187 diarrheal and 115 healthy calves from 15 farms, as well as 149 diarrheal and 67 healthy cows from 27 farms with or without winter dysentery. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of torovirus, rotavirus, and coronavirus antigen in feces, and of torovirus and coronavirus antibodies in serum were used to monitor infections in these groups. Torovirus was detected in 9 of the 15 farms in the study, and in 6% of calves with diarrhea, which was significantly higher than in healthy calves (2%). Seroconversion to torovirus was found significantly more often after winter dysentery episodes than on farms without a disease history; coronavirus seroconversion was less common.  相似文献   

以人工复制细菌性下痢的猪、鸡为模型,采用不同剂量的菌痢消颗粒进行了疗效观察。从疗效来看,高、中剂量组的有效率显著高于阳性对照组(P≤0.05)。从治愈率来看,菌痢消颗粒高、中剂量组与低剂量组和阳性对照组差异显著(P≤0.05),高、中剂量组治愈率差异不显著(P〉0.05)。结果表明,菌痢消颗粒能安全、有效地治疗猪、鸡细菌性下痢。  相似文献   

Sodium arsanilate was fed to nondiarrhetic swine, previously exposed to and treated for swine dysentery, for the purpose of inducing them into developing a swine dysentery diarrhea. From 40 to 100% of these swine in each pen had previously had a swine dysentery diarrhea. The isolate of Treponema hyodysenteriae in the diced colon which was used to expose the swine was resistant to sodium arsanilate. After an interim of no treatment for swine dysentery, sodium arsanilate was fed at a level of 220 parts per million for 21 days. Of the 14 pens containing swine fed sodium arsanilate, ten pens had one or more swine that developed a swine dysentery diarrhea while being fed sodium arsanilate. This was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the three pens that each had one pig that developed a swine dysentery diarrhea of 13 pens containing similar swine not fed sodium arsanilate during a comparable period. In the 14 pens containing swine fed sodium arsanilate, 14 swine were the first to develop a swine dysentery diarrhea since in four pens, two swine in each pen developed diarrhea within 24 hours of each other. This also was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than the three swine in the ten pens not fed sodium arsanilate. From these results, it was theorized that sodium arsanilate excited the nondiarrhetic carrier into developing a swine dysentery diarrhea and that this phenomenon may have potential in identifying the carrier state.  相似文献   

采用中成药“母仔安”给分娩前3d、产仔后7~10d的母猪喂服、“仔痢宁”给已产黄白痢仔猪的母猪喂服3~5d,观察其发病率、病死率及双月仔猪成活率。试验结果表明:服用“母仔安”的产仔母猪所产仔猪发病率下降11.56%,病死率下降15.58%,双月成活率提高9.61%,非病死率下降1.1%;服用“仔痢宁”的母猪所产仔猪发病率下降6.9%,治愈率占发病数的88.9%,病死率下降18.93%,双月成活率提高8.72%,非病死率下降1.86%。  相似文献   

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