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林业经济学是我国农林业经济管理专业的核心专业课,当前面临理论内容体系不完善、理论发展滞后行业发展实践的突出问题。该文从经济学的逻辑推导提出了林业经济学的核心任务是研究优化森林资源配置的规律,解释林业发展中的各种社会经济现象,构建更有效率的各项林业发展制度。强调林业经济学应坚持依据经济学的内在逻辑,兼顾社会对林业需求的发展变化,超越具体的特定性研究抽象出本学科的一般命题开展研究;探讨了林业经济学理论内容体系的框架、林业经济学未来研究的重点和研究方法的规范。  相似文献   

过去我们的林业设计和林业生产,往往把林业孤立于整个自然資源整体功能圈之外,只重视单纯森林,仅强调木材资源的永续不断,而忽视多层次的林业。近年来,在人类要求森林的社会、经济、生态三大效益同步的形势下,这种狭义的森林永续概念已远远不能适应。在重新认识森林资源永续利用时,林学家们开始研究林区资源空间结合的复层化、多样化以及时间和空间的优化,这就是所谓的立体林业.立体林业即指用生态学和生态经济学的观点与系  相似文献   

现代林业是用科学发展观指导林业;用现代科学技术提升林业;用现代物质条件装备林业;培育新型务林人推进林业;提高林地产出率、资源利用率和劳动生产率,提高林业发展的质量、素质和效益。作者对现代林业的历史、内涵、特征和基本理论进行了评述。现代林业的基本理论包括:木材培育论或森林永续经营理论;近自然林业论;新林业理论;林业分工论;生态林业理论和森林可持续经营理论。作者建议:起草“山东省现代林业发展战略研究与规划”;借鉴“近自然林业”的森林培育理念与方法;处理好永续利用与分类经营的关系;选择适宜的现代林业发展模式;要明确现代林业空间布局、重点工程和保障措施,提出林权制度改革、生态补偿机制、科技创新体系等有针对性和可操作性的政策建议。  相似文献   

森林资源永续利用问题是实现高效益林业的核心,如何保护、发展、合理利用森林资源,组织好森林经营活动,解决木材需求与发挥森林综合效益的矛盾,实现青山常在、永续利用是岳阳市当前林业建设中亟待解决的现实问题。现对岳阳市的森林资源永续利用问题作探讨。  相似文献   

过去我们的林业设计和林业生产,往往把林业孤立于整个自然资源整体功能圈之外,只重视单纯森林,仅强调木材资源的永续不断,而忽视多层次的林业.近年来,在人类要求森林的社会、经济、生态三大效益同步的形势下,这种狭义的森林永续概念已远远不能适应.在重新认识森林资源永续利用时,林学家们开始研究林区资源空间结合的复层化、多样化以及时间和空间的优化,这就是所谓的立体林业.立体林业即指用生态学和生态经济学的观点与系统工程的方法,按立体结构形式进行多层次,长短结  相似文献   

一、森林永续利用与林业可持续发展 1、森林永续利用到林业可持续发展的历史性转变纵观建国以来,我国林业发展指导思想的变化,先后制定了“以木材生产为中心”、“以营林为基础”、“以林为主、多种经营、综合利用、全面发展”的指导思想。这些指导思想的核心均是以满足木材需求为主,是永续利用的表现。进入20世纪90年代,提出了围绕一个“中心”,抓好两个“重点”,实现两个“提高”,从此,林业指导思想发生了转变。  相似文献   

通过完善政策机制,拓展林业发展空间,延伸林业产业链,积极发展城乡林业。推动城乡绿化美化—体化,建设高效农田防护林体系。大力改善农业生产条件,兼顾木材加工业原料需求以及城乡绿化美化的种苗需求,把这一区域作为我国木材供应的战略支撑点之一,促进林业向农区、城区和下游产业延伸,扩展林业发展的领域和空间。  相似文献   

新时代,中国林业面临新的发展机遇,林业经济管理活动多样化,利益主体愈加多元化。在国家生态文明建设的大背景下林业发挥着越来越重要的作用,但同林业经济管理学科与日俱增的重要性相比,其学科体系发展问题并没有得到足够重视。从学科理论基础、研究内容体系和研究方法3个方面讨论了林业经济管理学科拓展的必要性和紧迫性,并立足国情提出以下观点:理论基础拓展的“三层融合”,即要融合林学及其相关的自然科学理论,融合公共管理学、制度经济学、行为经济学等经济管理理论,融合社会学、政治学、法学、哲学、人类学等其他社会科学理论;研究内容向“四个方向”拓展,即锚定战略热点研究、开展多主体融合研究、深化多学科交叉研究和加强思政建设研究;拓展研究方法的“三个需要”,即需要形成问题意识,需要审慎使用、灵活融合质性分析和定量分析方法,以及需要向自然科学、大数据、人工智能等跨领域先进知识、技术与方法拓展。这些观点对于推动林业经济管理学科的现代化高质量发展和促进“新农科”“新林科”人才培养具有积极意义。  相似文献   

森林永续利用也称森林永续收获或森林永续作业等。森林永续利用是林业人认识事物的一种思想,它同其他思想的的形成过程一样,也随着历史的发展而发展。森林永续利用思想雏形出现的很早,但形成完整的木材永续利用体系在18世纪。19世纪到20世纪中叶,永续利用完成了从木材永续利用到森林多种效益永续利用的过渡,越来越多的人们开始关注森林。森林永续利用思想的发展基本可分为3个阶段。  相似文献   

日本是世界上林业发达国家之一, 面对林业生产衰退和地震灾害, 通过林业政策调整实现了木材供需改善和林业产业体系改造, 因此研究日本林业生产现状和政策走向对我国林业现代化建设具有重要的借鉴意义。文中介绍了日本林业产业总体发展态势, 重点分析了原木生产情况以及锯材、胶合板、人造板等木材加工企业情况, 概述了日本木材供给需求变化和木材进出口变化以及应对这些变化的最新林业政策和发展规划, 特别是林业需求促进政策的新变化和新内容, 并借鉴日本经验提出了促进中国林业现代化发展的几点政策建议。  相似文献   

The existing forest economic models, rooted in sustained yield timber management systems and neo-classical economic framework, are subject to many limitations. Social, economic, and ecological features of sustainable forest management (SFM) are different than that of sustained yield timber management. Hence, the economics of SFM will be based on different economic principles. The two main requirements of the economics of SFM are the economics of multiple equilibria, and a consumer choice theory that incorporates heterogeneity of agents, context specific and dynamics of preferences, distinction between needs and wants, and the subordination of needs. These requirements will need the extension of the boundaries of forest economics. Five basic principles—principles of ‘both–and’, ‘existence’, ‘relativity’, ‘uncertainty’, and ‘complementarity’ will work as a foundation, and the economic principles, developed by evolutionary, institutional, ecological economists and economists from other new streams of economics, will be the useful tools to extend these boundaries.  相似文献   

For several reasons the conversion of mono-species into mixed-species forests is presently a major concern of forest management and policy in Central Europe. Although it is possible to show a clear trend in favour of mixed-species forests, private forest owners and some forest economists have often not favoured mixed forests, assuming that they are less profitable. The trend towards mixed forests seems mainly for ecological reasons, while sound economic analysis of mixed forests is still rare. Based on this background the objective of the study is to answer the following four questions: (1) Does the yield of mixed-species forests differ from that of pure forests? (2) Does the mixing of tree species influence the ecological stability of forests? (3) Is the economic value of a mixed forest less than that of a monoculture? (4) How do forest economic models integrate the findings on yield and ecological stability of mixed forests? To answer these questions a literature review was conducted on the possible impacts of mixed-species forests. In comparison to pure stands a greater yield is not necessarily given in mixed stands. Yet, mixed-species stands are better able to compensate disturbances than monocultures. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that mixed-species stands are more resistant against biotic and abiotic disturbances. Applying an extended forest economic model, it was possible to demonstrate that mixing large blocks of native broadleaf species into pure conifer forests may lead to a significant reduction of financial risk. From a risk-averse perspective the economic value of a mixed-species forest may thus be greater than that of a mono-species forest. Yet, it became clear that forest economists do not often integrate the research findings on yield and ecological stability of mixed stands in modelling, but rather apply simple bioeconomic modelling. Moreover, in the context of mixed forests economists also largely ignore even classical financial approaches, which consider risk and risk preferences. We concluded that forest economics has to close substantial research gaps. Firstly, the knowledge of how to integrate biophysical properties of mixed forests in bioeconomic modelling is still an open question. Secondly, forest economists have to adopt the modern approaches of financial theory and management science to value mixed forests.  相似文献   

生态经济学视角下的森林自然资本分类与功能实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林是一种重要的自然资本, 应用生态经济学的自然资本理论分析森林的分类经营包括2层含义:一是森林的分类; 二是分类后的森林经营。对于森林的分类, 应用自然资本理论中的关键自然资本划分原理。关键自然资本的判定须根据重要程度和受到威胁程度2个基本标准, 其中对重要程度应从生态、社会文化和经济这3个维度加以考虑。对于分类后的森林经营, 应用自然资本理论中的功能实现与维持原理进行分析。森林自然资本的功能维持准则是森林可持续经营必须维持森林自然资本的服务功能不下降。在森林可持续经营实践中, 这一准则对森林中的关键自然资本及一般自然资本的具体要求是有区别的, 主要体现在对各种类型自然资本的功能实现度的要求上。  相似文献   

A common perception in forest and natural resource economics is that the celebrated ‘Faustmann formula’ was discovered in 1849 and that the ‘Faustmann rule’ or Faustmann–Pressler solution to the optimal forest rotation age was derived from it a decade later by Max Robert Pressler. This paper shows that the modern perspective to the valuation of forests was presented in German territorial states much earlier than has previously been thought. In 1805 a competent forest mathematician Johann Hossfeld showed explicitly how forest value can be derived under both intermittent and sustained yield management, thus discovering the Faustmann formula. The study also shows that the close intellectual and professional connections among the first German ‘forest economists’ seem to have played a key role in the diffusion of modern forest economic principles from Hossfeld and his contemporaries to Faustmann and Pressler, and perhaps even more generally to modern capital theory.  相似文献   

辽西地区几种农林复合型水土保持林模式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辽西地区属半干旱丘陵区 ,由于地势起伏 ,雨量集中 ,土壤粘重 ,植被稀疏 ,森林覆盖率低 ,成为我省水土流失比较严重地区。水土流失的结果是导致表土破坏 ,底土裸露 ,土壤理化性质明显恶化 ,土地生产力下降 ,增加了植被恢复的难度。为迅速改变辽西地区贫瘠落后的面貌 ,恢复生态系统平衡。建国以来 ,这一地区开展了大面积人工造林工作 ,据统计资料表明 ,以油松纯林为主的水保林面积达 5 3万hm2 ,这些林分对改善区域生态环境 ,推动国民经济及社会各项事业的发展起到了重要作用。但以大面积纯林为主的油松水土保持林存在树种单一、层次简单、…  相似文献   

地球人口负荷接近饱和条件下,一切可更新资源都必须实行永续利用,森林也不例外。中国印度等只有提高生产力,才可能实现森林永续利用。多数发展中国家的资源并不贫乏,为实现永续利用,必须解决一系列的科技、政治经济问题。发达国家高层次的森林永续利用,也仍把提高生产力放在核心地位。  相似文献   


This article establishes principles conveyed by criteria and indicators as a useful tool for measuring progress made toward sustainable forest management (SFM). Pedagogically, the conceptual construction raises questions on the following topics: (a) the various management practices and policies that exist in the high forest zone, (b) how criteria and indicators for assessments are selected, and (c) how progress made toward SFM is measured. Performance scores are established for indicators identified within the three sectors (forest ecosystems, forest communities, and the economy) for sustainability assessment. Measuring progress toward SFM operations are quantitatively performed with estimated maximum and minimum thresholds levels at which resource-use would be sustained using the Measure of Forest Resource-Use Sustainability Scale (MoFRUSS). The outcome of the measurement operations, as depicted by MoFRUSS, reveals the actual extent to which stakeholder’s initiatives toward sustainable forest management has progressed and in which direction it is moving. It also offers optional policy baskets for resource management interventions from which the socio-eco economic bundle is recommended if the forestry sector of Ghana’s Vision 2020 (sustainable development) is to be achieved with improved societal well-being, improved environmental health and vitality, and improved economic growth and development.  相似文献   

Certification and principles, criteria and indicators (PCI) describe desired ends for sustainable forest management (SFM) but do not address potential means to achieve those ends. As a result, forest owners and managers participating in certification and employing PCI as tools to achieving SFM may be doing so inefficiently: achieving results by trial-and-error rather than by targeted management practices; dispersing resources away from priority objectives; and passively monitoring outcomes rather than actively establishing quantitative goals. In this literature review, we propose six concepts to guide SFM implementation. These concepts include: Best Management Practices (BMPs)/Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), biodiversity conservation, forest protection, multi-scale planning, participatory forestry, and sustained forest production. We place these concepts within an iterative decision-making framework of planning, implementation, and assessment, and provide brief definitions of and practices delimited by each concept. A case study describing SFM in the neo-tropics illustrates a potential application of our six concepts. Overall our paper offers an approach that will help forest owners and managers implement the ambiguous SFM concept.  相似文献   

The paper examines the economic impacts of sustainable forest management (SFM) policies in Canada. Specifically, the marginal costs (MC) of old-growth preservation in an even-aged boreal forest in northeastern Ontario are examined under the condition that forest managers need to achieve multiple objectives for SFM. Furthermore, the trade-offs of old-growth preservation are estimated, allowing the levels of three specific SFM objectives to vary, namely, providing a consistent supply of timber in each period, meeting terminal volume targets at the end of the planning horizon, and maintaining a desired age structure of the forest. MCs are higher for harvesting regimes constrained by SFM objectives compared with that in which only profit maximization is considered. We observed that MCs for these three scenarios varied more when the area allotted for old-growth preservation is small. When the area of protected old-growth forest reaches about 66% of the maximum possible, the MCs are almost the same. All MCs are iso-elastic. The even-flow volume per period has the highest marginal cost among the three cases. If managers choose to provide terminal volume that is greater than or equal to the initial volume, instead of a lesser terminal volume, then old-growth forest can be preserved at no extra cost. The study emphasizes the need for integrated and simultaneous achievement of complementary goals of SFM for better economic return and minimization of the negative economic impact of SFM on the forestry sector.  相似文献   

Forest management in Romania is based on sustained yield. However, the current sustained-yield policy may be outdated and may not be the best way of achieving Romania's intended objectives of biological sustainability and community stability. The existing policy also does not incorporate objectives consistent with Romania's new economic and social systems. We examine the potential economic net benefits from timber harvests that could result from changes to the existing sustained-yield policy by comparing the state-approved management plan of a community forest with three alternative forest management plans. We find that the three alternatives appreciably increase the potential economic net benefits. Certain aspects of these alternative plans deviate from Romania's current sustained-yield criteria; however, the costs associated with changes to the current regime could be balanced by the economic net benefits of implementing an alternative management plan. To employ the same static forest management policy throughout time without adapting to a dynamic socio-economic environment will likely lead to inefficient, ineffective, and unproductive utilization of Romania's forest resources.  相似文献   

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