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油菜籽中含有多种具有抗氧化活性的物质,为抵御机体的氧化损伤起到了积极作用。本文综述了油菜籽来源的诸多抗氧化活性成分及抗氧化活性的评价方法。油菜籽主要的抗氧化成分有肽类、多酚类、多糖类、生育酚和其它抗氧化成分,其中的肽类主要有三种产生方式:非消化酶酶解、消化酶酶解和发酵。针对油菜籽来源的活性物质抗氧化活性的评价方法,包括体外测定方法(化学检测)和细胞内抗氧化实验和动物实验。综述还探讨了油菜籽抗氧化活性成分研究中存在的问题和解决方法,旨在为油菜籽活性成分的开发和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,55(3):235-243
Annual leguminous forage crops are well adapted to hay production under the climatic conditions of Mediterranean environments, but their seed yield is often reduced by high temperatures and water stress that occur during the reproductive period. Field experiments using four forage legumes, berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) and squarrosum clover (Trifolium squarrosum L.) were conducted in Foggia (southern Italy) during 1993 and 1994 under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions, with the aim to evaluate: (i) the effects of water deficit on traits which influence seed yield and (ii) the associations among seed yield components by means of path-coefficient analysis. Seed yield varied among species: Persian and berseem clovers showed the highest and lowest values (74.0 and 27.0 g m−2, respectively). Drought stress, in all species, negatively influenced the dry matter proportion partitioned to reproductive growth and strongly reduced seed yield (about 50% on average) and seed yield components in all species. Negative associations between the principal yield components were found in all species except berseem, suggesting the existence of compensatory relationships. Path-coefficient analysis revealed that for crimson and Persian clovers, the early flowering species, a seed yield increase cannot be achieved without a suitable tiller density. For squarrosum clover, the head fertility was the most important component in determining seed yield; whereas for berseem, seeds per head, heads per tiller and seed weight, all had positive direct effects on seed yield. As the yield components that most affected seed yield were species-specific, general conclusions cannot be drawn. Among the species examined, berseem and squarrosum clover, characterized by a longer vegetative cycle, were more damaged by water stress when it occurred during seed formation and filling.  相似文献   

Parents selected on the basis of large numbers of tubers greater than 21/4″ or large size of tubers greater than 21/4″ did not produce progenies that were any higher yielding than selecting parents for high yield without regard to the components. It was possible to increase the average size of tubers of the progenies by selecting for large size of tubers in at least one of the parents.  相似文献   

屠幼英 《茶叶》2001,27(2):22-24
用高压液相色谱法(HPLC)测定绿茶饮料中茶叶游离多糖和复合多糖的构成和含量。结果显示,茶多糖总量约为绿茶饮料固形物的3.5%,游离多糖和复合多糖分别为1.9%和1.6%;其中包含了6种糖类:鼠李糖、木糖、阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖和甘露糖;而半乳糖和阿拉伯糖在游离多糖和复合多糖中均占80%以上。  相似文献   

Summary Wheat varies through wide limits in chemical composition and in properties seen in the behaviour of flour. The percentages of protein, minerals, vitamins and enzymes may show three-fold, five-fold or greater differences among cargoes of wheat as a result of the combined effects of heredity and environment. Such differences have farreaching effects on nutrition, processing, best use, and cost to the processor and consumer. Different portions of the wheat kernel vary greatly in chemical composition, and the nutritional properties of wheat flours reflect the amount of the different portions of the kernel ultimately included in the product consumed.Quality components known to be influenced by genetic factors include ease of milling, protein content, vitamin content, pigmentation of the flour, elasticity and hydration of flour, mixing properties of doughs, loaf and cake volume, cookie spread, and internal appearance of crumb. While worthy of more experimentation, a shift in amino acid balance has not been shown conclusively.Further progress in the improvement of wheat as food may be accomplished through continued team reaserch by chemists and geneticists working on the wheat plant. Millers have skills by which special cereal foods can be milled, and, coupled with enrichment, can produce many levels of nutritive value. Promotion and use of lowcost adjuncts in wheat products such as milk, wheat germ, soya flour, and possibly supplementation with certain essential amino acids would assure improved nutrition to millions of people.
Zusammenfassung Weizen variiert in weiten Grenzen im Hinblick auf seine chemische Zusammensetzung und auf Eigenschaften, die im Verhalten des Mehls begründet sind. Prozentgehalte von Protein, Mineralstoffen, Vitaminen und Enzymen können in einzelnen Weizenlieferungen 3-fach, 5-fach oder noch mehr differieren, und zwar infolge eines Zusammenwirkens genetischer und umweltbedingter Einflüsse. Solche Unterschiede haben weitreichende Wirkungen auf Ernährung, Verarbeitung, Verwendung und Kosten und betreffen zugleich Verarbeiter und Verbraucher. Verschiedene Teile der Weizencaryopse variieren stark in der chemischen Zusammensetzung. Die ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften des Weizenmehls spiegeln die Menge an verschiedenen Teilen der Caryopse wieder, die schließlich in den verzehrten Produkten bleiben.Qualitätsbestimmende Merkmale, die durch genetische Faktoren bedingt werden, schließen Vermahlung, Eiweißgehalt, Vitamingehalt, Mehlfarbe, Dehnfähigkeit und Hydration des Mehls ein, ferner die Teigführung Brot- und Kuchen-Volumen, das Aufgehen der Semmeln und die innere Beschaffenheit der Krume. Eine Veränderung im Aminosäurespektrum hat sich als nicht entscheidend erwiesen, mehr Untersuchungen wären hier allerdings notwendig.Weiterer Fortschritt in de Verbesserung von Brotweizen könnte durch eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit von Getreide-Chemikern und Weizenzüchtern herbeigeführt werden. Müller haben Erfahrungen über besondere Getreidenahrungen, die gemahlen und angereichert verschieden hohen Nährwert ergeben. Förderung einer Verwendung preiswerter Zusätze zu Weisenprodukten wie Milch, Weizenkeimlinge, Sojamehl und gegebenenfalls Ergänzung mit gewissen essentiellen Aminosäuren würde eine verbesserte Ernährung für Millionen von Menschen sicherstellen.

Résumé Le blé varie largement quant à sa composition chimique et quant aux propriétés boulangères de la farine. Les taux de protéines, de minéraux, de vitamines, d'enzymes, varient de 1 à 3 ou de 1 à 5 selon les lots de blés, en fonction des effects combinés de l'hérédité et de l'environnement. De pareilles différences ont des effect considérables sur la nutrition, sur la technologie, sur l'emploi, et ce aussi bien pour l'industriel que pour le consommateur. Les différentes parties du grain de blé varient largement dans leur composition chimique; les propriétés nutritionnelles de la farine de blé sont la résultante de la part que prennent les diverses portions du grain de blé à la composition finale de la farine consommée.Les facteurs de qualité connus pour être commandés des facteurs génétiques sont: l'aptitude au traitement en minoterie, le taux de protéines, de vitamines, la pigmentation de la farine, l'élasticité et l'aptitude à fixer de l'eau de la farine, les propriétés élastiques de la pâte, l'aptitude au gonflement, la vitesse de cuisson, la tenue à la cuisson, l'aspect interne de la croûte. Quoique l'expérimentation en ce domaine soit encore insuffisante, une variation dans le spectre des aminoacides n'a pas encore été établie d'une manière concluante.Les progrès futurs dans l'amélioration du blé comme aliment exigeront un travail d'équipe persévérant des chimistes et des généticiens travaillant sur la plante blé. Les meuniers ont l'expérience leur permettant d'obtenir divers types de produits céréaliers; en utilisant l'addition d'éléments d'enrichissement, ils peuvent obtenir des produits ayant des niveaux différents de valeur nutritive. La propagande pour l'usage d'adjonction d'éléments de faible prix, tels que lait, germe de blé, farine de soya, éventuellement supplémentation avec certains aminoacides essentiels, aurait pour effect d'améliorer l'alimentation de millions d'individus.

with 1 fig.

Presented at the 6th International Congress of Nutrition, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 14, 1963. The author gratefully acknowledges the help ofMark A. Barmore in the preparation of Fig. 1.  相似文献   

茶叶香型及特征物质研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
茶叶香气是衡量茶叶品质的重要因素,历来受到研究者的重视。由于受茶树品种、气候条件、加工过程等诸多因素的影响,茶叶香型呈现丰富而多变的特点。本文主要就目前较佳的茶叶香气物质制备技术、茶叶香气物质的种类及特征、茶叶香型及关联成分等进行概述。  相似文献   

Waterlogging effects on growth and yield components in late-planted soybean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A major agronomic problem in the southeastern USA is low yield of late-planted soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. This problem is aggravated by the adverse effect of waterlogging on crop growth. Our objectives were to identify soybean growth stages sensitive to waterlogging; identify yield components and physiological parameters explaining yield losses induced by waterlogging; and determine the extent of yield losses induced by waterlogging under natural field conditions. Greenhouse and field studies were conducted during 1993 and 1994 near Baton Rouge, LA, (30 degrees N Lat) on a Commerce silt loam. Waterlogging tolerance was assessed in cultivar Centennial (Maturity Group VI) at three vegetative and five reproductive growth stages by maintaining the water level at the soil surface in a greenhouse study. Using the same cultivar, we evaluated the effect of drainage in the field for late-planted soybean. Rain episodes determined the timing of waterlogging; redox potential and oxygen concentration of the soil were used to quantify the intensity of waterlogging stress. Results of the greenhouse study indicated that the early vegetative period (V2) and the early reproductive stages (R1, R3, and R5) were most sensitive to waterlogging. Three to 5 cm of rain per day falling on poorly drained soil was sufficient to reduce crop growth rate, resulting in a yield decline from 2453 to 1550 kg ha-1. Yield loss in both field and greenhouse studies was induced primarily by decreased pod production resulting from fewer pods per reproductive node. In conclusion, waterlogging was determined to be an important stress for late-planted soybean in high rainfall areas such as the Gulf Coast Region.  相似文献   

The structural feature of macromolecular component of dhaincha, cotton stalks, jute fiber, rice straw and wheat straw, which are commonly used in paper pulp production in forest deficient countries, was thoroughly studied. Lignin was isolated by classical Bjorkman method and characterized by elemental and methoxyl analysis, alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation, FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The C9 formulas for cotton stalks, jute fiber, dhaincha, rice straw and wheat straw were C9H8.95O3.53(OCH3)1.00, C9H8.12O4.03(OCH3)1.65, C9H8.10O4.65(OCH3)1.32, C9H8.58O3.74(OCH3)1.23 and C9H8.31O3.54(OCH3)1.23, respectively. The alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation products showed that syringyl to vanilin ratio of these nonwood varied from 1.1 to 2.9. Jute fiber showed the highest syringyl to vanilin ratio that are consistent with C9 formula. The β-O-4 units in these nonwood lignins had predominately erythro stereochemistry type. The crystalline structure of these nonwood cellulose was also studied using X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy. The proportions of crystallinity, crystal size were varied from plant to plant. Jute fiber showed the highest proportion of crystallinity (73.4%) and crystal size (4.2 nm). The degree of polymerization of these nonwoods cellulose has also been studied. Degree of polymerization of jute cellulose was also the highest (3875). FTIR spectroscopy showed that these nonwoods cellulose was monoclinic unit cell structure (Iβ). Carbohydrate analysis showed that the main sugar component in the hydrolyzates of these nonwoods were xylose apart from glucose.  相似文献   

茶叶中含有茶多酚、生物碱、糖类、氨基酸、茶色素、皂苷等功能成分.这些功能成分具有许多医药保健功能和一些特殊性质,被广泛应用于食品、医药、日化、建材、养殖等行业,国内外市场上也有许多添加茶叶提取物的产品.经过提取、分离、纯化、干燥等工艺过程,可提取制备茶叶功能成分,为开发利用提供基础原料.  相似文献   

Sugarcane in an important crop due to the economic value of its products. Physiological characteristics and yield components of sugarcane were studied in three field-grown sugarcane cultivars B 63118, POJ 2878 and Ja 60-5. Three growth stages were identified: formative phase (until 140 DAP), grand growth (140–300 DAP) and maturity (after 300 DAP). Results indicated that cultivars showed contrasting yield mainly after 300 DAP. At ripening, the most productive cultivar (Ja 60-5) achieved higher leaf area, an optimum leaf area index for light interception, a high and stable net assimilation rate and an elevated leaf area and biomass duration. In addition, this cultivar showed the higher density and lower area of leaf sieve elements as compared with other, which could influence the high translocation rate (1.85 cm min−1) at 8 MAP. The higher efficiency of this process in Ja 60-5 might also be supported by a higher (15–25%) apparent free space of stem parenchyma as compared with POJ 2878 and B 63118. Our results suggest that Ja 60-5 reduced carbon partitioned to foliar respiration which led to a higher partitioning of sucrose to stems evidenced by a higher Pol%.  相似文献   

The fatigue resistance of twelve tubular textile samples designed for use in prototype endovascular devices was tested by an accelerated fatigue tester. Three time points were selected, namely 0, 26×106, and 100×106 cycles, which are equivalent to 0, 10 months, and 38.5 months implanted in the human body. Changes in tubular diameter, woven fabric count, thickness, mass per unit area, porosity, water permeability, and bursting strength were selected to characterize the performance of these samples before and after fatigue testing. The results showed that all the samples experienced some fatigue during the study, and the evidence of fatigue became more apparent with increasing time. There were clearly observable relationships between the textile parameters and the fatigue performance of the prototype samples. Woven construction, yarn size and yarn type all interacted with each other to influence the fatigue performance. Samples with twill weaves fatigued more readily than those with a 1/1 plain weave. For all three woven constructions, samples with larger yarn size fatigued more easily. However, the fatigue performance of some samples with multifilament weft yarns is severe.  相似文献   

Digestibility of fiber components namely neutral detergent fiber (total content of cellwall) cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are estimated in 14 healthy vegetarian men during adlibitum feeding and at 3 energy levels namely 2526, 2868 and 3290 kcals/day. Values of digestibility for adlibitum experiments were 34.17±2.3 for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 30.1±3.9 for cellulose and 53.4±3.0 for hemicellulose and 8.1±2.6 for lignin. There was a considerable variability in digestibility of fiber components between individuals.  相似文献   

Yield and yield components of saffron under different cropping systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was conducted to evaluate yield and yield components of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in response to (i) production system (PS) (irrigated vs. non-irrigated); (ii) corm size (CS) (medium −2.25 to 3 cm diameter vs. small corms <2.25 cm diameter); (iii) planting depth (PD) (10 cm vs. 20 cm); and iv) planting density (PDEN) (51 corms m−2 vs. 69 corms m−2).This fully replicated multifactorial design was started in August 2000, and carried through November 2003, when the fourth saffron harvest took place. The total and average fresh weight of stigmas, and the number of flowers were measured at each harvest.Results indicate that three of the four factors tested (PS, CS and PD) had a significant effect on the quantitative yield during the two most productive flowering years (2001 and 2002) and on the total flowering. Irrigated cultivation, medium size corms and 10 cm planting depth had the greatest effect in increasing the quantitative production of saffron.Yield was also affected by planting density in contrasting ways. Whereas at high PDEN yield increased per unit of surface, at low PDEN, yield increased with respect to the initial number of corms planted.The fresh weight of stigmas per flower yield component, an important aspect that determines the quality of the spice, was enhanced when corms were planted at 20 cm depth and when irrigation was applied to the crop.  相似文献   

Clothing is easily contaminated with various soils, including triglyceride-based sebum and sweat. These triglycerides generate malodors as a result of oxidation in the air and by hydrolysis caused by lipases from the microorganisms living on our skin. This research focused on the reactions of a skin flora, Staphylococcus epidermidis, with triolein on cotton fabric. The growth rate of S. epidermidis increased with increasing concentration of the nutrient medium. The growth rate of S. epidermidis on a triolein-soiled cotton swatch was higher than that on a control swatch. FT-IR analysis of extracts from triolein-soiled cotton fabric cultured with S. epidermidis showed changes in the molecular structure of triolein. When the incubation time was increased to above 72 h, the carboxylic acid C=O stretch increased continuously, indicating continuous degradation of triolein. GC-MS was used to identify the volatile components, i.e., the odor constituents. By 168 h of cultivation of S. epidermidis on triolein-soiled cotton fabric, the amount of aldehydes had greatly increased, and unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols, and a ketone were generated. These are formed by oxidation of triolein and by enzymatic hydrolysis of ester bonds. S. epidermidis and the volatile components were removed best in the bleach-added detergent solution. The effects of laundering solutions on the removal of microorganisms were more conspicuous than on the removal of volatile components.  相似文献   

Rice yield, its components and their relations are one of the most important research objects for genetics, cultivation, and breeding. This study was to investigate the genetic relationships between yield and yield components by using the methods of correlation analysis and path analysis with a set of 241 RIL population of Shanyou 63.  相似文献   

Yield and yield components of meiotic tetraploids of potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In a field study simulating commercial practice, the performance of 4x meiotic tetraploids from 4x−2x crosses (Group Tuberosum×(Group Phureja×haploid Group Tuberosum), and their 4x and 2x parents, was studied for total yield, total number of tubers, number of marketable tubers and average tuber weight. Some of the families showed striking heterotic effects for these characters. 38 selected high yielding tetraploids from these families, when evaluated in the next season, gave 80% higher mean yield than the mean of the 4x parents. Publication No. 997, CPRI, Simla.  相似文献   

为调查分析我国的常规大豆育种材料中是否混入转基因大豆品系,选取706份大豆品系,对可能含有的外源转基因调控元件(CaMV35S启动子、FMV35S启动子和NOS终止子)以及针对我国批准进口的主要耐除草剂转基因大豆转化体(GTS40-3-2和MON89788)成分进行PCR扩增,同时根据MON89788转化体侧翼序列和目...  相似文献   

茶与健康专题(二) 茶叶内含成分及其保健功效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶,一种在普遍性上仅次于水的饮品,世界上150多个国家和地区的人民有饮茶习俗。不论是王公贵族,还是平民庶人,都同样爱茶、嗜茶。茶集解渴、健体、怡情、修身、涤心于一体。茶之所以能如此经久不衰、风靡全球必须归功于茶对人体的保健功效。从中国古代宣传"茶为万病之药"起,世界各地都将饮茶与保健联系在一起。在古印度,有一类食物称为"Rasayana",包括34种植物。  相似文献   

根据膜分离技术的基本原理和各种膜的性能特征,结合作者对膜技术在茶叶深加工中的应用研究成果与实践,从膜法澄清、浓缩、分离、除菌4方面综述了膜技术在茶叶深加工中的研究与应用,展望了茶叶膜法深加工的应用前景与发展方向。  相似文献   

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