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土壤压实指标在城市土壤评价中的应用与比较   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
通过测定南京市不同土地利用下的52个样点的紧实度、容重和孔隙度3个压实指标来反映城市土壤的压实程度。结果表明,南京市大多数土壤存在不同程度的压实,部分压实严重,可能限制植物的生长。不同压实指标在反映土壤压实程度上基本一致,它们之间具有极显著的相关性,可以相互转换。但紧实度指标受到土壤含水量的显著影响。在同一质地或质地相近的土壤,容重和孔隙度可以很好地反映土壤的压实程度。与总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度相比,通气孔隙度在反映土壤压实时更为敏感。所以在进行城市土壤压实状况评价时,可以选择不同的土壤压实程度指标,但就方法的实用性和可靠性来说,容重比紧实度和孔隙度指标一般更方便可靠。  相似文献   

大中小型拖拉机压实对土壤坚实度和大豆产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
探讨农业机械压实对土壤坚实度和产量的影响规律,对改善作物生产环境、促进农业机械化向质量型转变具有重要意义。以东北典型黑土区耕地土壤为研究对象,依照随机区组试验原理,选择大、中、小3种型号拖拉机进行6种压实处理,同型拖拉机相同压实次数试验重复3次,采用PV6.08型贯穿阻力仪测量压实轮辙截面土壤坚实度。试验结果表明:土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐递增,3种拖拉机压实测试截面浅层均出现明显压实核,且压实核内土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐增大,CASE-210型拖拉机压实对表层土壤坚实度影响程度和范围最大,压实12次时压实核处土壤坚实度达4.0 MPa,JD-280型拖拉机对深层土壤压实影响程度和范围最大,在65~80 cm的土壤深层坚实度的峰值达3.2 MPa;拖拉机压实均导致大豆产量降低,CASE-210、JD-904和JD-280拖拉机压实12次时大豆产量分别降低了21.24%、18.15%和12.38%。  相似文献   

土壤在作物的生长过程中起到了重要的作用,所以对于基于决策的作物生产管理,土壤信息是必需的。传统的土壤取样获取土壤信息技术耗时且成本高,尤其是对于大规模农田土壤信息测量。目前一些近地面的可连续测量的土壤信息传感器技术能够提供高精度的数字土壤信息地图,然而这些商业化的技术成熟的传感器通常需要单独使用。该文提出了将γ射线光谱仪GR320、利用电磁感应原理的EM38和EM31以及Veris 3100和Veris pH这些可在农田近地面连续测量的土壤特性测试传感仪器集成在一起同时使用的方案,介绍了此集成系统的硬件设备和相关特性参数以及今后需要继续研究解决的问题。利用该系统可一次获得不同的土壤特性参数数据,如土壤矿物质含量,不同深度的土壤电导率值和土壤pH值等,可避免多次测量车辆行走对土壤的压实。多传感器数据之间的互相补充可以进一步提高且更有利于精确农业中基于土壤信息的决策规划。该系统适用于大面积农田土壤特性测量。  相似文献   

集成3S,ZigBee和射频识别的土壤采样远程智能管理系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为实现农田土壤样本采样及管理智能化,设计了基于3S(GIS:geographic information system;GPS:global positioning system;RS:remote sensing)、ZigBee无线通信、射频识别(radio frequency identification,RFID)、4G等技术的土壤采样智能管理系统,该系统由采集节点、协调器网关、移动终端和远程管理软件组成,其中采集节点用来获取土壤样本的地理位置信息、RFID电子标签数据以及土壤环境的温湿度。协调器网关由ZigBee协调器连接4G模块组成,实现ZigBee无线网络转换为4G网络。4G模块经配置软件配置好服务器IP和端口号等信息后,将采集节点获取的数据传输到远程服务器的管理软件中。通过系统稳定性试验测试,丢包率为0.2%,该系统具有较高的可靠性。移动终端采用掌上电脑PDA(personal digital assistant),实现土样采集的现场监测管理。远程管理软件应用Web、SQL Server(structured query language server)、Socket等技术开发了数据接收显示、百度地图、数据自动成图(2D、3D)等功能模块。利用GPS信息在百度地图中可以实现采样点的实时跟踪,调用数据库数据或者本地试验数据可以自动生成有关土壤信息的空间分布图。该系统采集土壤样本信息的同时也可获取相应的土壤样本养分信息,将土壤养分信息数据按照RFID标签导入土壤管理软件中对应的土样信息栏,生成了土壤养分空间分布图,为后续变量施肥提供决策支持。  相似文献   

基于遥感影像和决策树算法的土壤制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统土壤信息获取方法已经无法完全满足当前各领域对土壤数据的需求,如何结合新的技术提高土壤普查效率,获取高精度土壤图成为了现阶段的研究重点。本研究综合利用高分二号遥感影像提取的遥感光谱指数以及DEM数据提取的地形因子,通过决策树算法进行数据挖掘,获取各土壤类型的土壤—环境规则,然后利用SoLIM结合土壤—环境规则进行推理制图,获得研究区的土壤类型分布图。结果表明,预测土壤图总体精度为88%,高于传统土壤图的精度72%,且在三种不同的采样方式(均匀采样、横截面采样和主观采样)下土壤预测精度分别为89%、88%、86%,均高于传统土壤图。这说明,预测土壤图比传统土壤图更能反映土壤类型空间差异,且预测土壤图在表达土壤类型整体空间分布信息的同时也可捕捉到土壤类型与地貌类型的耦合关系。  相似文献   

基于3S技术的黄河三角洲土壤质量自动化评价方法研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
土壤盐碱化加剧、土壤质量退化是黄河三角洲土地开发利用中面临的重要问题,快速评价土壤质量对该区土地资源合理利用与保护有重要意义。该文利用GPS技术自动获取采样点信息,利用RS快速获取土地利用现状数据,利用MapGIS对数据进行矢量化,在ArcGIS下对采样点属性进行Kriging插值形成各指标分布图和隶属度分布图,最后利用指数和公式在ArcGIS下自动运算形成土壤质量分布图,并构建了基于3S技术的土壤质量自动化评价流程。评价结果与传统评价对照分析,一致性在90%以上,说明该方法准确可靠。  相似文献   

马菲  周健民  杜昌文 《土壤学报》2022,59(3):642-653
土壤分析是土壤学研究及应用的前提和基础,传统化学土壤分析方法逐渐不能适应现代土壤学海量信息数据快速获取的需求。激光诱导击穿光谱作为一种全新的、反映土壤组成元素原子信息的光谱技术,其无需对样品进行复杂前处理,可实现原位、快速、多元素连续在线检测,每条光谱记录土壤样本独一无二的特征,可以视为土壤“指纹”,成为现代土壤分析的有效技术之一。首先介绍和分析了激光诱导击穿原子光谱的原理、光谱获取的主要影响因素、光谱数据处理的化学计量学方法等;然后阐述和梳理了基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术在土壤分析方面的应用成果和进展,包括土壤鉴定、土壤养分评估、土壤重金属测定、微观/介观尺度土壤原位表征等;最后讨论和总结了激光诱导击穿光谱技术在土壤分析中所面临的挑战及其应用展望。  相似文献   

通过对南京市不同土地利用下的土壤容重、孔隙度和土壤水分特征曲线的测定,研究了压实对土壤水分特征参数的影响。结果表明城市土壤存在严重的压实退化现象,土壤容重和孔隙度能够很好地反映土壤的压实程度。随着压实程度的增加,土壤的田间持水量增加,萎蔫点含水量增加,而土壤的最大有效水含量却明显减少。所以,压实土壤对水分的调节能力下降,使其上生长的植物更不容易获得水分供应。  相似文献   

农田土壤机械压实研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
任利东  王丽  林琳  张斌 《土壤学报》2023,60(3):610-626
土壤机械压实是威胁全球农业可持续发展的重要因素之一。从农田土壤压实的检测、危害、缓解和预防四个方面系统介绍当前国内外土壤压实的最新研究进展与不足。指出检测方法的创新和突破是实现田间尺度下压实土壤空间分布检测的关键;压实土壤危害的研究多集中在耕层土壤,但忽视了深层土壤压实危害及其在应对气候变化中可发挥的生态服务功能;提倡采用轮作轮耕等合理田间管理措施缓解压实土壤;深层土壤压实具有存在时间久和恢复难度大的特征,因此重点应以预防为主,但当前对土壤压实预防重视不足且预防技术体系尚不成熟。鉴于我国农业机械化正处在快速发展期,采取有效预防措施是避免重蹈发达国家土壤压实退化的有效手段。  相似文献   

不同程度压实对土壤理化性状及作物生育产量的影响   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:14  
采用大、小四轮式拖拉机在冬小麦播种地上压地1到10遍,对照为未压实地,测定对小麦生育产量影响;同时进行了不同程度土壤压实后孔隙度为58%,52%,46%和40%的土壤理化性状测定试验。结果表明不同程度压实具有系统累积效应,为免耕、保护性耕作和减免中耕提供了运用依据。  相似文献   

水稻土的先期固结压力测定与分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
土壤先期固结压力的大小通常采用受周向约束柱状土样的快速单轴压缩测试方法获取,该值的确定不仅是土壤结构保护的基础参考,还为确定合理的作业机械轴重、农业机械的设计及其田间运用提供理论依据。该试验通过对江浦农场水稻土的实际测试,得到未受压实耕层土壤的先期固结压力范围为58.84~69.19 kPa,而用拖拉机碾压处理后的先期固结压力区间上升为69.15~100.1 kPa,表明拖拉机的碾压导致土壤先期固结压力的增加,即破坏了土壤的原始结构。目前的农业机械接地压力通常在70 kPa以上,而大田所测的土壤先期固结压力却在60 kPa左右,因此机械的使用必会造成土壤的压实及其结构的破坏。  相似文献   

In a field experiment to determine the direct and indirect effect on soil structure, of sub-surface piped drainage as compared with natural surface drainage only, in ploughed and unploughed soil, a factorial systematic design with four replicated blocks was used. Structural changes were monitored during 8 months of natural rain and finally irrigation, by measuring surface heights and soil strength (penetration resistance) in relation to moisture content and matric suction, at plough sole depth (27 cm). A compaction test using a tractor with differentially loaded wheels, was applied at various times after irrigation, measuring the resulting wheel sinkage and wet density of the soil. The effects of the drainage treatments were found to be temporary, except a ‘crusting’ effect during the drying of the unploughed surface drained soil. The ploughed soil with sub-surface drainage showed greater frost heave than the undrained soil. The soil strength at 7.5-22.5 cm. depth was linearly related to the matric suction within the range of –3 to 20 cm-water. The compaction data for the unploughed soil suggested relationships between matric suction, sinkage, and wet density, but complicated interactions prevented any general conclusion. In the ploughed soil, compaction data established the beneficial effects of subsurface drainage in reducing damage from tractor traffic, decreasing wheel sinkage and reducing compaction both below and 16 cm from the track edge. A rise in matric suction of 10 cm-water, in the range 2-24 cm-water was, on the average, as effective in reducing rutting as a wheel load reduction of 670 kg (0.54 kg/cm2 reduction of tyre inflation pressure). It was concluded that for clay soils having a temporary excess moisture, draining the water table to below 50-60 cm depth should be recommended as a precautionary measure to minimize structural damage.  相似文献   

小型拖拉机土壤压实的有限元预测   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
农业土壤的基本特征是松软和经常处于非饱和状态,土壤体积密度与含水率既是主要参数又是影响压实的重要因素,且在不断地变化。为了进行有效田间土壤压实管理,根据具体土壤特性,采用一个二维的模型,用有限元方法进行土壤压实预测。模型考虑了应力路径、初始土壤体积密度和含水率等,将土壤体积密度视为平均主应力和最大自然剪切应变的非线性函数,可预测小型拖拉机在非饱和土壤上通过时引起土壤体积密度的变化及应力分布情况等。在华北轻壤土的试验证明,模型具有良好的拟合效果。  相似文献   

Protecting soil structure against compaction—proposed solutions to safeguard agricultural soils To safeguard the ecological soil functions and the functions linked to human activities, measures against harmful changes to the soil are required, in line with the precautionary principle. The German Federal Soil Protection Act sets obligations for precaution in agricultural land use and, if harmful changes to the soil are foreseeable, measures for averting a danger. The results of a research project of the Federal Environmental Agency show that it is possible to describe an impairment of the soil structure, using methods of soil analysis. But this as a sole information would not qualify for the identification of harmful changes to the soil in the context of the Soil Protection Act, which requires an assessment of the severity of disruption of soil functions and the respective subject of protection. This would make additional soil investigations on site mandatory. Approaches in agricultural engineering and soil physics have introduced procedures to preserve the soil structure, in accordance with the precautionary principle. But these procedures have different goals and different ranges of application and hence offer partial solutions to safeguard against soil compaction. The assessment model of “trafficability by measuring the rut depth” provides information about the compaction status of the soil under applied conditions for farming gear, without providing detailed information about affected soil layers. The soil‐physical model of classifying soils into “risk classes for harmful soil compaction” focuses on the relationship between topsoil compaction and crop yields. The soil‐physical models “precompression stress” and “loading ratio” provide information for the assessment of subsoil compaction and a prognosis of a possible impairment of the soil structure at the water content of field capacity. It is necessary to validate the individual models with additional regional data about soil structure before a final assessment of the prognoses is made.  相似文献   

农业机械的过度使用、密集轮作以及不适当管理等都会造成土壤压实。试验研究了拖拉机行走对土壤特性和小麦生长的影响。试验所使用的耕作机械包括轮式、履带式和手扶式三种拖拉机,分析了土壤压实对小麦生长以及土壤结构不连续性的影响。试验数据表明,土壤密度、土壤阻力以及土壤水分一般会随拖拉机行走次数增加而增大。同时,文中给出了小麦根系与秸秆间蕴涵的机理关系。试验数据还表明,小麦发芽率在显著性水平P≤0.05时,不同处理组之间无明显差异。但是,2、4、6、8、10、12、18周以及收割时的小麦秸秆高度在显著性水平P≤0.01时,各处理组之间却存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组高于履带式拖拉机处理组。当显著性水平分别为P≤0.05和 P≤0.01时,不同处理组的小麦根长度和密度间也存在显著差异,其中轮式和手扶式拖拉机处理组同样表现出更好的结果。总之,拖拉机行走会显著影响干物质、谷物产量等小麦生长参数。然而,作物产量不仅受土壤压实的影响,同时很大程度上也取决于天气以及土壤初始压实等因素。  相似文献   

The profitability of four zero traffic systems were compared with a conventional system on a farm growing combinable crops. The zero traffic options were 6-m tractor and 6-m gantry-based systems, a system using both 6 and 12 m gantries and a system comprising both conventional equipment and a 12 m gantry. Yield effects due to compaction and wheeling losses are estimated. A systematic procedure is described for calculating the soil compaction due to the system, and the work rate of both cultivation and application type operations, as a function of the system.

The yield increases and cultivation energy savings indicate that complete gantry systems are as profitable as conventional systems on medium soil and £25 ha−1 more profitable on heavy soil. The tractor-based system, which cannot plough, is £18 ha−1 less profitable on medium soil but £25 ha−1 more profitable than the conventional system on heavy soil. With the exception of the partial gantry system, which can be fully utilised on a 250 ha farm, farms of 400–500 ha are needed to justify use of the zero traffic equipment considered.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a vehicular integrated system collecting soil electrical conductivity(EC) and spectral reflectance.The system could collect soil EC and spectral reflectance automatically when the vehicle moves and save these measurement results with GPS.The information could reflect the characteristics of soil parameters such as soil salinity and water content.Hence, an Android-based vehicular detection system for soil conductivity and spectral reflectance information was developed.Soil electrical conductivity measurement was performed based on improved "current-voltage" four-terminal method.A STS-NIR spectrometer was used for collecting near-infrared spectral reflectance.The system collected the information of soil electrical conductivity and soil spectral reflectance while collecting GPS, which could be used for precision agriculture.The system was tested in a farm of Beijing on March 25, 2014.Soil electrical conductivity of the farmland was measured and soil samples were collected.Water content and soil electrical conductivity were measured in the laboratory.The result of these experiments showed that the system could work stably in farmland and had good prospects.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent of soil damage caused by field traffic associated with different levels of soil moisture deficit (SMD). The hybrid SMD model was used for computing temporal patterns of SMD which can be accurately predicted for a range of soil types in Ireland. The aim of this study was to determine SMD threshold limits to trafficability for incorporation into a decision support system for safe slurry spreading. A tractor and a fully loaded single‐axle slurry tanker (total weight ca. 18 tonnes) were driven over well, moderate and poorly drained soils at SMD values of 0, 5, 10 and 20 mm during drying phases. The change in soil bulk density (SBD) was used as an indicator of soil compaction, and rut profile measurements were taken to determine soil deformation indicative of surface damage. The effect of traffic on the grass crop was determined by measuring dry matter yield at 30 and 60 days posttraffic in the wheel‐rut and nontrafficked area. Results showed that the SMD at the time of traffic had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on the magnitude of the changes in SBD on soils of different drainage status, and on rut dimensions following traffic. DMY was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced on the wheeled compared with the nonwheeled soil. No differences in the magnitude of DMY loss were identified between the sites having different drainage status. An SMD value of 10 mm was suggested as an SMD threshold for trafficability for safe slurry spreading purposes.  相似文献   

固定道保护性耕作的试验研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
通过压实试验,分析了无压实以及小型拖拉机、中型拖拉机和联合收获机压实等处理方式的土壤容重、入渗率和耕作阻力。在此基础上,进行了两年的固定道耕作试验,结果表明,机具随机进地行走会造成对土壤的严重压实,降低土壤水分入渗,增加作业能耗,而固定道能够改善土壤结构,提高土壤蓄水能力,减轻地表径流,提高土壤作业适时性和准确性,在目前固定道占地20%的情况下,总产量没有减少  相似文献   

土壤压实对土壤物理性质及小麦氮磷钾吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为了研究土壤压实对土壤物理性质以及小麦养分吸收情况的影响,在2006和2007年进行了两轮田间试验.试验中,先用旋耕机对田块进行旋耕,耕深10cm,然后使用手扶式、轮式、履带式拖拉机在旋耕后的田块中通过1次(T1)、2次(T2)、4次(T3)以对土壤进行压实处理,对照组(T4)不作任何压实处理.压实处理后再次对土壤表层进行浅旋耕,耕深5 cm,耕后用播种机进行小麦播种,小麦品种为南京-601.试验结果发现,次表层土壤的压实处理显著影响次表层土壤的容重,孔隙度,小麦蛋白质含量以及植物中N、P、K的含量.除次表层的土壤容重在T3组中最大,T4组中最小外,其他参数值在T4组中最大,T3组中最小.并且,随着次表层土壤压实程度的增加,几乎所有的参数(土壤容重除外)都有所减少.不过,与第一年相比,参数值在第二年略有增加.总之,土壤压实严重破坏土壤结构,不利于小麦对养分的吸收.  相似文献   

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