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金显仕  田洪林  单秀娟 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119310-119310
近海是众多渔业生物的产卵场、育幼场和索饵场,也是优良渔场,支撑着我国海洋渔业资源的世代发生量和“海上粮仓”的可持续产出。近海渔业贡献了80%~90%海洋捕捞产量,在保障水产品供给、增加渔民收入、促进沿海地区海洋经济发展等方面发挥了重要作用。新中国成立以来,以近海渔业资源为切入点,我国科研人员围绕“海洋渔业资源开发与可持续利用”的关键科技问题,系统开展了一系列渔业资源调查与评估、基础与应用基础研究、技术研发工作,取得了多项创新性成果,支撑了我国海洋渔业资源合理利用、科学养护与管理。渔业资源研究重点与渔业资源开发利用程度和渔业发展休戚相关,本文结合不同时期国家渔业发展战略,系统回顾了1950年代以来我国近海渔业资源研究4个发展阶段(起步—发展阶段、快速发展阶段、综合研究阶段和新发展阶段)的特点、研究重点、调查装备及平台建设情况等;梳理了我国在近海渔业资源数量变动与渔场探查、渔业资源高效开发利用、渔业资源调查评估技术研发、科学规范的水生生物资源养护体系形成和海洋生态系统动力学等研究进展和代表性成果,及其对我国近海渔业发展、管理与资源养护政策调整的支撑作用;明确了未来渔业资源研究要注重多学科研...  相似文献   

1基本情况 20世纪中期以来,由于工业化发展以及其他人类活动的影响,近海海域环境恶化。加之过度捕捞,致使世界上多数渔业国家的近海渔业资源都呈现出显著减少的趋势,部分海域面临着资源枯竭的威胁切。为了可持续供给高品质水产品,渔业发达国家和地区进行了环境监控技术、海洋生物行为监测技术及人工生息场建设技术的研究和开发。  相似文献   

本文通过对福建近海主要渔获种类组成与结构的变化和大头狗母鱼、多齿蛇鲻、蓝圆鲹、鲐鱼和竹荚鱼的种群结构及其生态学参数、捕捞死亡系数、开发比率的变化的研究,揭示了近海渔业开发力度的加大对资源衰退及其生态学的影响,旨在为渔业决策部门制定21世纪初期福建近海捕捞渔业持续发展规划提供重要的决策依据。  相似文献   

本文根据近海渔业资源衰退的实际,有针对性地提出渔业和渔业资源管理具体措施和建议,主要是:(1)削减捕捞力量,优化捕捞作业结构;(2)实施TAC制度;(3)渔获量配额管理和提高渔获物附加值;(4)伏季休渔和产卵场保护;(5)种群最小可捕标准和渔具最小尺寸;(6)重点保护生活史k选择的种群;(7)增殖放流明显衰退的经济种类;(8)杜绝毒、炸、电违规捕捞;(9)控制对沿岸海域的污染,保护渔业生态环境;(10)加强资源监测和预测,开展渔情预报;(11)完善渔业统计,建立渔捞记录制度;(12)强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度;(13)开展渔业资源普查工作等等。  相似文献   

近海捕捞是我国海洋渔业的主体产业,多年来,我国近海捕捞产量保持了高速增长,但它是以对近海渔业资源的过度利用为代价取得的。海洋捕捞业的持续发展除遵循经济发展的普遍规律外,还要建立在对渔业资源的合理利用及提高水域生产力的基础上,才能实现近海捕捞的持续发展。一、近海捕捞业存在问团现在我国近海渔业资源,特别是经济鱼类资源衰退日趋严重,一些种群已濒临绝迹,其表现为:汛期越来越短、有些已不能形成渔汛;渔获中经济鱼比例下降且低龄化;主要经济鱼类除带鱼外均成为兼捕对象。纵观我国近海捕捞现状,造成近海渔业资源衰退…  相似文献   

我国近海捕捞渔业发展现状、问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近海渔业资源衰退及海洋生态环境恶化日趋严重已引起社会各方面广泛关注,控制近海捕捞强度,科学养护渔业资源与生态环境成为重要发展方向。本文分析了近海捕捞渔业发展现状与存在问题,梳理了渔业发达国家或国际组织主要管理制度措施及对我国的启示,在此基础上,从完善法律法规、加强渔船渔具管理监督及优化渔业支持政策创设等方面,提出促进近海捕捞渔业可持续发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

近年来,由于近海的捕捞强度过大,近海渔业资源已日趋贫乏,因此,海洋捕捞渔业正在向深海、远洋渔业发展。目前,国家农业部为了控制海洋捕捞强度,保护近海资源,已实行海洋捕捞渔业零增长、对渔船实行船数、功率双控制和伏季休渔等制度,而且提出五年内不再发展渔船和实行渔船报废制度。  相似文献   

海洋渔业是我国沿海地区的重要产业,但由于多年来捕捞强度过度增长,海洋渔业资源尤其是近海渔业资源不断衰退,严重影响了海洋渔业和沿海渔区经济的可持续发展;加上中日、中韩渔业协定相继生效,我国近海渔业捕捞产量将大幅度下降,部分近海渔民面临转产转业的现实问题。为进一步保护海洋渔业资源和生态环境,实现渔业可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国渔业法》有关规定,农业部部署制订了《关于2003-2010年海洋捕捞渔船控制制度实施意见》,通过压减捕捞渔船船数和功率数,达到初步控制我国海洋捕捞强度盲目增长和资源过度利用,逐步实现海洋捕捞强…  相似文献   

我国海洋捕捞业现状是:渔船数量盲目增长,近海渔业资源捕捞过度,中日、中韩、中越渔业协定的实施使我国失去了部分黄金渔场,加剧了国内近海渔场的负担,近海渔业资源持续衰退,渔民收入普遍下降,海洋捕捞业正处于内忧外困、惨淡经营的艰难境地。2002年5月20日,农业部和国家安全生产监督管理局联合发布了《渔业船舶报废暂行规定》。该规定的出台,是国家确保渔船、渔民安全、减少近海水质污染、控制捕捞强度的一项重要举措,对于进一步加强渔业船舶管理和渔业船舶安全监督管理,实现渔业可持续发展,具有十分重要的意义。作为从事海上渔业生产管理…  相似文献   

菱鳍乌贼渔业生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈芃  方舟  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2015,37(2):187-196
菱鳍乌贼(Thysanoteuthis rhombus)是广泛分布于世界三大洋的经济头足类,是日本和中国台湾省等国家和地区的商业化捕捞对象之一。根据其洄游路径的研究及分布广、价值高的特性,今后有可能成为我国头足类渔业的捕捞对象,为此,本文对菱鳍乌贼的种群结构、年龄与生长、摄食生态与垂直分布状况、繁殖习性、早期生活史和洄游等生物学研究进展做了归纳和总结,阐述其开发利用状况。同时,以我国东海外海菱鳍乌贼资源为重点,阐述其今后应该重点研究的内容,即需要对我国东海及其外部附近西北太平洋海域的菱鳍乌贼资源状况进行详细的调查,了解其生活史及资源与环境变化的关系,科学评估其资源量,确保其资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

The South African chokka squid, Loligo reynaudi, spawns both inshore (≤70 m) and on the mid‐shelf (71–130 m) of the Eastern Agulhas Bank. The fate of these deep‐spawned hatchlings and their potential contribution to recruitment is as yet unknown. Lagrangian ROMS‐IBM (Regional Ocean Modelling System‐Individual‐Based Model) simulations confirm westward transport of inshore and deep‐spawned hatchlings, but also indicate that the potential exists for paralarvae hatched on the Eastern Agulhas Bank deep spawning grounds to be removed from the shelf ecosystem. Using a ROMS‐IBM, this study determined the transport and recruitment success of deep‐spawned hatchlings relative to inshore‐hatched paralarvae. A total of 12 release sites were incorporated into the model, six inshore and six deep‐spawning sites. Paralarval survival was estimated based on timely transport to nursery grounds, adequate retention within the nursery grounds and retention on the Agulhas Bank shelf (<200 m). Paralarval transport and survival were dependent on both spawning location and time of hatching. Results suggest the importance of the south coast as a nursery area for inshore‐hatched paralarvae, and similarly the cold ridge nursery grounds for deep‐hatched paralarvae. Possible relationships between periods of highest recruitment success and spawning peaks were identified for both spawning habitats. Based on the likely autumn increase in deep spawning off the Tsitsikamma coast, and the beneficial currents during this period (as indicated by the model results) it can be concluded that deep spawning may at times contribute significantly to recruitment.  相似文献   

Many demersal marine fish species depend on a dispersive larval stage that connects geographically discrete sub‐populations. Understanding connectivity between these sub‐populations is necessary to determine stock structure, which identifies the appropriate spatial scale for fishery management. Such connectivity is poorly understood for King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus; Perciformes) in South Australia's gulf system, even though spawning grounds and nursery areas are adequately defined. In response to declines in commercial catches and estimated biomass, this study aimed to determine the most important spawning grounds and nursery areas to recruitment, and the connectivity between them. A biophysical model was seeded with particles according to the distribution and density of eggs throughout the spawning area in 2017 and 2018. Despite inter‐annual differences in the origins of particles, dispersal pathways and predicted settlement areas remained consistent between years. Predicted settlement was generally highest to nursery areas only short distances from regional spawning grounds, consistent with previous hydrodynamic models. However, the model also predicted that spawning in one region could contribute to recruitment in an adjacent region later in the spawning season, which aligned with the breakdown of thermohaline fronts at the entrance of each gulf. The connectivity between spawning grounds and nursery areas predicted by the model is supported by spatio‐temporal patterns in the otolith chemistry of pre‐flexion larvae and settled juveniles. Consequently, the most parsimonious explanation is that the populations of King George whiting in South Australia's gulf system constitute a single, panmictic stock, which has implications for fishery management.  相似文献   

The sustainable use of marine resources requires understanding the surrounding ecosystem and elucidating mechanisms of variation. However, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of environmental variation in the spawning and nursery grounds of important fisheries species Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and mackerels (Scomber japonicus and Scomber australasicus) in the northwest Pacific. Here, we investigate detailed physical, chemical, and biological environment variations in the spawning and nursery grounds along the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension area from intensive investigation in spawning season (April) of 2013. We found similar water mass property and copepod community in the egg‐rich Kuroshio area and the larvae‐rich downstream Kuroshio Extension area, indicating environmental variability is small during transportation and development processes. The egg‐rich northern Izu Islands region showed high copepod abundance, although low nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations were observed. Eggs were scarce or absent in the second survey 10 days after abundant eggs were observed in the region, along with differences in water property and copepod community. This indicates that not only the location but also the specific water characteristic and copepod community are a determining factor for spawning. Indicator communities of copepod found in our study (indicator community of transportation process from spawning ground, of non‐spawning ground, and of reproductive area in the Kuroshio Extension area) would be a key factor for recruitment prediction.  相似文献   

产卵场对渔业资源补充起关键作用,其健康状态直接决定了渔业资源世代发生量和可持续产出.本研究以山东近海产卵场为研究区域,基于国内外海洋生态系统健康评价体系的综合分析,以20世纪80年代山东近海健康状况作为基准,利用层次分析法构建了产卵场健康状况量化评价体系,并对该体系的评价结果进行了验证.评价体系从产卵场环境和产卵场功能...  相似文献   

The rapid decline in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus, Gadidae) biomass following multiple Gulf of Alaska marine heatwaves (2014–2016 and 2019) may be one of the most dramatic documented changes in a sustainably managed marine fishery. As such, fisheries managers are exploring new recruitment paradigms for Pacific cod under novel environmental conditions. In this review, we address the challenges of managing and forecasting Pacific cod populations in the Eastern Pacific where thermal habitats for early life stages are undergoing varying rates of change across space and time. We use observational data to examine changes in distribution, abundance and demographics of the population from 1993 to 2020, and model contemporary and future changes of thermal habitat for both spawning success and age-0 juvenile growth potential. Results indicate that reduced spawning habitat and early life stage abundance may be a precursor to regional population decline, but the recent apparent increases in size-at-age of pre-recruits will have unknown impacts on future recruitment in these regions. We contend that continued monitoring of early life stages will be necessary to track changes in phenology and growth that likely determine size-at-age and the survival trajectories of year classes into the adult population. These include complex size- and temperature-dependent energetics spanning seasonal habitats through the first winter. Climate-ready management of Pacific cod will, therefore, require new process investigations beyond single-season surveys focused on one-life stage.  相似文献   

Fisheries resources in vital freshwater ecosystems have been reported to be under immense threat, resulting in conflicts between conservation, management and exploitation. This study established requirements for identifying and mapping fish breeding and nursery grounds in such ecosystems in the Kenyan part of Lake Victoria. The criteria were characterised by the use of indigenous knowledge, field data, literature on breeding sites, macroinvertebrates distribution, larval and relative fish abundances, digitisation, participatory mapping, and periodic sampling. Data were collected from trawl and seine net surveys. Digitisation and mapping of the proposed conservation sites were carried out using Quantum GIS software. Participatory physical demarcation of sites was done using buoys and markers. Larval and juvenile fishes were diverse and abundant in all seven river mouths and six bays surveyed with little variance; an important aspect of breeding areas. Additionally, a preponderance of macroinvertebrates and high fish diversity compared with offshore sites in the lake strengthened the hypothesis that these are critical habitats for spawning and preferred habitats for nurseries for fish. The approach can be adopted globally to guarantee the long‐term integrity of critical fish habitats for sustainable fisheries management and blue growth.  相似文献   

人工鱼礁建设是指在自然海区营造适宜于水产经济生物生长繁殖的环境,从而吸引野生或人工放养的海洋生物定居,促进水生生态系统健康发展与海洋渔业资源的增殖与养护。青岛崂山湾公益性人工鱼礁区位于崂山湾南部海域,建设周期三年(2012年~2015年),工程建设采用了混凝土和废旧渔船两类鱼礁体,共建设三处人工鱼礁群,每处人工鱼礁群使用海域200 hm2。项目建设期间需要采取多项安全防治和环保治理措施,后期管理工作也要同步展开。该项目建成后具有显著的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,并将为修复海洋生态环境和渔业资源、发展生态休闲渔业、实现渔业可持续发展发挥重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

Coastal zones are productive areas that serve as nursery grounds for a large number of marine species. However, the processes involved in survival success during the juvenile phase are not well‐known. Some authors suggest that the availability of prey is important to support the production of pre‐recruit fish whose fitness is enhanced through optimal feeding conditions. Accordingly, recruitment is limited by the carrying capacity of the nursery habitat. In contrast, other authors state that the carrying capacity of the nursery grounds is not fully exploited, suggesting that there is no effect of food limitation. This study combines an overview of the literature, focused on flatfish that are especially dependent on coastal and estuarine nursery grounds, an extension to other marine fishes and a modelling approach on growth and survival of juvenile fish to explore the controversy of food limitation in their nursery grounds. We demonstrate that the relative lack of growth limitation observed for young marine fishes at the individual scale is related to an observational bias: fish have been affected by size‐selective mortality linked to food limitation, but only surviving individuals are observed. As the population is skewed towards the faster‐growing juveniles, the growth of survivors remains close to optimal, even when food resources are limited. Food limitation is of major influence in determining the carrying capacity of the nursery habitat. To sustain marine fish populations and related fisheries, management action is needed to protect coastal and estuarine areas and maintain or restore nursery productivity.  相似文献   

Coastal marine and estuarine ecosystems are highly productive and serve a nursery function for important fisheries species. They also suffer some of the highest rates of degradation from human impacts of any ecosystems. Identifying and valuing nursery habitats is a critical part of their conservation, but current assessment practices typically take a static approach by considering habitats as individual and homogeneous entities. Here, we review current definitions of nursery habitat and propose a novel approach for assigning nursery areas for mobile fauna that incorporates critical ecological habitat linkages. We introduce the term ‘seascape nurseries’, which conceptualizes a nursery as a spatially explicit seascape consisting of multiple mosaics of habitat patches that are functionally connected. Hotspots of animal abundances/productivity identify the core area of a habitat mosaic, which is spatially constrained by the home ranges of its occupants. Migration pathways connecting such hotspots at larger spatial and temporal scales, through ontogenetic habitat shifts or inshore–offshore migrations, should be identified and incorporated. The proposed approach provides a realistic step forward in the identification and management of critical coastal areas, especially in situations where large habitat units or entire water bodies cannot be protected as a whole due to socio‐economic, practical or other considerations.  相似文献   

优良的渔业生态环境是海洋渔业持续发展的的物质载体与必然条件。我国海洋渔业环境总体状况良好,但局部水域污染、海洋生态环境遭到破坏和渔业资源衰竭严重影响渔业经济的发展。因此,防止渔业生态环境污染,改善渔业生物资源的养护载体,加强海洋与渔业生态建设,展开渔业资源增殖放流活动,对保护海洋渔业生态环境是非常必要。  相似文献   

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