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饲料能值可用不同的能量体系来表达,根据能量被消化利用的途径可分为消化能、代谢能和净能。这篇综述考虑了日粮和动物因素,因为它们会影响猪对能量的消化和代谢过程。结果表明,饲料粗纤维的含量增加,会导致饲料能量的消化率下降,但是这种下降会随着动物体重的增加而减弱。因此,饲料的能值应根据猪体重来确定。事实上,至少应该有2组消化能数据,一组用于生长育肥猪,一组用于成年猪。代谢能的利用取决于饲料的化学组成,因为脂肪的能量转化效率为90%,淀粉为82%,蛋白质和粗纤维为60%。由于饲料组分的能量转化效率不同,采用消化能或代谢能体系评估日粮的能值,使得高蛋白质日粮的能值估计过高,而高淀粉或高脂肪的日粮能值估计过低。例如。玉米、豆粕和动物油的相对消化能分别为100、104和235,相对代谢能为102、99和244,而相对净能为107、79和289。INRA建议使用净能体系,因为与消化能、代谢能相比,净能值能更准确地预测动物的生长性能。先进的能量体系加上准确的蛋白评估体系(标准化的回肠消化率)使得新的饲喂方案(低蛋白或高脂肪日粮)能够放心的执行。本综述也给出了饲料原料的实际能值和猪对能量的推荐需要量。  相似文献   

若要在猪日粮尤其是在生长猪日粮中有效地利用生物能源(bio-fuel)和食品工业的副产品,则需要切实理解纤维、蛋白质和灰分对能量和氨基酸利用的影响。在任何一个生物学体系中,能量的利用效率都是由能量来源和能量利用的目的决定的。然而,生长猪的日粮能量利用效率主要是由能量来源决定的。当前的净能(NE)体系—根据可消化的淀粉、蛋白、脂肪、糖以及"有机物残渣"预测净能含量的能量体系—比消化能(DE)和代谢能(ME)体系能更好地评估饲料原料的饲喂价值和猪的生产性能,特别是在饲料配方中使用养分组成极不平衡的原料时。使用这样的净能体系需要详细了解饲料原料中可消化养分的特性。在当前主要的净能体系—Noblet团队创立的法国净能体系和荷兰(Dutch)国家CVB体系—中都不需要确定日粮的纤维特性,因为纤维被归入余下的"有机物残渣"组分中。法国和荷兰净能体系的差异主要在于定量检测淀粉和脂肪含量的分析方法有所不同,同时法国体系中使用的方法高估了维持代谢的能需要量。当从消化能或代谢能体系改为净能体系时,确认以前测定的消化能或代谢能含量与相关营养素的总能和可消化养分含量一致是非常有用的。以前确立的消化能或代谢能值和从可消化养分含量估测的消化能值或代谢能值存在着较大的差异,可能需要进行动物试验来验证消化能和可消化养分含量。因日粮组成和所选的特定净能体系的不同,日粮消化能、代谢能和净能含量之间的关系会有较大变化。因此,当改用净能体系时,日粮配方中需要的净能含量数据最好通过计算以前按消化能或代谢能体系配制的典型日粮中的净能含量来建立。当使用高含量可发酵纤维日粮时,猪的苏氨酸需要量增加,而赖氨酸、蛋氨酸加胱氨酸和色氨酸需要量基本上未改变。当考虑到纤维和蛋白质对猪利用能量和氨基酸的影响时,副产品的饲喂价值才能得到准确评估。  相似文献   

能量是饲料的重要组成部分,也是动物生长、生产等所需的主要养分之一。饲料中的能量不能完全被动物利用,因此,准确评定饲料中的能值能有效提高能量利用率,节约饲料成本。净能体系相对于消化能体系和代谢能体系来说,能更准确地评估饲料的能值。本文主要阐述净能体系与消化能体系、代谢能体系的优劣性,净能体系的评估及其在猪生产中的应用,为提高猪生产性能、降低饲料成本和养猪成本提供参考。  相似文献   

从猪的能量体系在饲养实践中的重要性入手,分析猪饲料消化能体系、代谢能体系和净能体系的各自特点,尤其是净能体系的研究进展。文献分析表明:采用净能体系配制猪日粮能较好地预测其生产性能,并可通过控制可消化氨基酸与净能的比值,起到配制低蛋白日粮降低饲粮成本的效果。由于净能的测定目前受到方法、猪的遗传特性、猪的生长生理阶段和环境等因素的制约,所以获得准确的饲料净能值对营养工作者无疑是持久的挑战。  相似文献   

作者综述了国内外有关采用饲料化学成分预测猪饲料能值的回归方程,从预测因子的选择和组合、饲料分类对预测准确性的影响两方面进行了总结。并分析了回归方程预测猪饲料的消化能、代谢能和净能的特点以及生长猪与成年猪的差异。最后将预测方程汇总在附表中。  相似文献   

净能最贴近地反映生长育肥猪真正用于维持和生产的能值,对饲料净能的准确评定可为猪日粮配制提供精确可靠的依据,从而配制出满足猪最真实能量需要的日粮,在不改变猪生产性能的情况下降低饲料成本。此文综述了猪饲料净能评定和净能体系在猪生产中的研究现状,为饲料能量准确评定和配制猪最真实能量需要的日粮提供了参考。  相似文献   

净能体系是唯一能在相同基础上体现能量需要和饲料能值的能量体系,以净能体系为基础,准确测定生长肥育猪饲料原料净能值,建立预测其饲料净能值的模型,有利于提高饲料能量利用效率,降低饲料成本。文章综述了猪饲料原料净能的测定方法,分析了不同测定方法的优缺点及其影响因素。  相似文献   

随着评价饲料能量分配所选择的方法不同,特别是对于单胃动物如猪和鸡来说,净能量的概念正在被西欧国家所接受。法国最早宣布选择净能量(NE)而不是“消化能”(DE)或“代谢能”(ME)评价方法的国家之一。爱尔兰也已在猪饲料中采用了NE评价方法。荷兰营养学家认为,饲料配方中增加脂肪含量及副产品时应用NE系统具有明显优势。由于饲料配方中原料的应用范围日趋广泛,生产更为复杂的配合饲料也成为现代化饲料生产的发展趋势,这样,原来所用的DE和ME评价方法的缺陷也显而易见。法国科学家认为,用DE或ME对配料进行评价…  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了能量系统的来源,猪净能体系相对于代谢能和消化能体系的优势,并分析了近年来猪净能体系的研究进展以及净能体系在生产中的应用。消化能和代谢能体系都高估了富含纤维素和蛋白质饲料的能量含量,并且低估了高淀粉和高脂肪饲料的能量含量,因此采用净能体系为猪配制添加了合成氨基酸的低蛋白日粮,能够降低生产成本和改善猪肉品质。  相似文献   

邹华 《饲料广角》1994,(2):36-37
作为饲料能量评价体系的选择,净能在西欧正得到支持。尤其是在单胃动物,如猪和鸡。继荷兰、比利时对猪采用净能配制日粮之后,法国已宣布不用消化能(DE)或代谢能(ME),从而使其成为使用净能的最新欧洲国家之一。 荷兰营养学家称,在饲料配方中增加脂肪和其它副产品的含量,净能系统有其独特的优  相似文献   

A new nutrient‐based evaluation system for feedstuffs and pig diets is proposed. The proposed system is based on (i) an identification of those organic nutrient fractions that, according to their absorption, metabolism and utilization, are relevant for determining the value of the feed, and (ii) biochemically‐based calculations of the potential physiological value of these fractions. The system is further based on a flexible stepwise evaluation in which the fundamental properties of the feed are related to its utilization in actual situations. Step 1 is characterized by single feedstuffs according to the digestible amounts of those nutrient fractions which are relevant for feed formulation, i.e. essential amino acids, other N‐compounds, ileal digestible carbohydrates, fermentable carbohydrates, fatty acids and other lipid compounds. Step 2 involves complete diets with three complementary properties, measured according to their potential value for the pig: protein value (i.e. amount of digestible ideal protein), “fat value”; (i.e. amount of digestible triacylglycerols) and the “complemental energy value”; (i.e. potential metabolic energy generated directly from the residual digestible nutrient fractions). Step 3 predicts the production value, either a standardized value determined by standard mathematical equations, or the actual value determined by the use of computerized pig models.  相似文献   

Experiments with 80 growing pigs of Danish Landrace were performed to study factors influencing the net energy value of balanced diets and to develop an energetic feed evaluation system for pigs.Although balanced with regard to essential nutrients, the cereal based diets varied widely in chemical composition and accounted for 90% of the variation in the chemical composition of the diets used in practice. The pigs were distributed on dietary treatments on a within-litter basis taking sex and weight into account. The experimental period lasted from 20–90 kg live weight. The daily intake of the different diets was regulated in such a way that the daily gain in the different treatments was almost identical through the entire experimental period.Six digestibility and balance experiments were performed with each pig; at approximately 90 kg live weight the pigs were killed, dissected, ground, mixed and then chemically analysed. The diet composition had a highly significant influence on digestibility, metabolizability and efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy. Energy concentration (ME/kg DM) accounted for 90% of the variation in the net energy value of metabolizable energy. This result was adopted as a basis for the official energy evaluation in Denmark in 1976, and the net energy content of diets and feedstuffs is calculated from the equation Net energy (MJkg DM) = ?1.88 + 0.75 × ME (MJkg DM)The net energy value of 1 kg common barley, i.e., 7.72 MJ is defined as a feed unit for pigs. The investigations are continued to elucidate, in greater detail, the influence of the individual nutrients, sites of absorption, etc.  相似文献   

The energetic utilization of rations with raw and steamed sugar beets, dried sugar beet pulp (16 measured values each), sucrose and apple pectin (8 measured values each) as supplement feed to a basic ration was measured at 4 growing pigs each in the live weight range of between 40 and 130 kg. The utilization of the energy in the rations amounted to 69.1 +/- 5.5, 68.3 +/- 7.1, 60.9 +/- 5.8, 70.5 +/- 4.1 and 69.9 +/- 6.9% (same sequence as above). The utilization values for the supplemented feedstuffs were 69.2 +/- 7.4, 68.0 +/- 10.0, 55.9 +/- 9.7, 72.2 +/- 7.6 and 71.7 +/- 17.3%. The average retention value of the digestible pectin was derived from the test results with dried sugar beet pulp and apple pectin as 5.8 kJ/g. An influence of the ontogenetic development on energy utilization cannot be derived from the comparison of the retention effect of digestible nutrients measured at growing pigs and that derived from adult pigs.  相似文献   

研究旨在评定猪对脱酚棉籽消化能和粗蛋白表观消化率,并比较脱酚棉籽蛋白(DCP)与豆粕(SBM)之间差异。选用体重(36.2±1.6)kg的杜×长×大三元杂交猪6头,采用套算法、双3×3拉丁方试验设计,试验日粮分别为脱酚棉籽蛋白日粮、豆粕日粮和基础日粮,每个拉丁方阶段包括5 d预饲期、5 d正式期,整个试验共30 d。结果表明,脱酚棉籽蛋白、豆粕消化能含量分别为12.41 MJ/kg、13.62 MJ/kg。脱酚棉籽蛋白、豆粕中粗蛋白表观消率化分别为73.35%、82.05%,表观可消化粗蛋白含量分别为37.92%、35.45%。脱酚棉籽蛋白是新型蛋白质原料,其消化能含量为豆粕的91.11%,粗蛋白表观消率化为豆粕的89.39%,可消化粗蛋白含量为豆粕的106.99%。脱酚棉籽蛋白在猪饲料中的应用具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

四川黑猪适宜能量蛋白水平的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择96头70日龄四川黑猪随机分成3个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复8头猪,饲养于同一个圈,在生长猪(25~60kg)和育肥猪(60~100kg)阶段分别随机饲喂3种日粮(3个能量水平、2个蛋白水平),以便探明生长肥育阶段四川黑猪的适宜能量和蛋白水平。试验结果表明:四川黑猪在生长猪和育肥猪阶段,生产性能表现较好的日粮营养水平分别为消化能3.2Mcal/kg、粗蛋白15%和消化能3.3Mcal/kg、粗蛋白14%。  相似文献   

Precise knowledge of the actual nutritional value of individual feedstuffs and complete diets for pigs is important for efficient livestock production. Methods of assessment of protein and energy values in pig feeds have been briefly described. In vivo determination of protein and energy values of feeds in pigs are time-consuming,expensive and very often require the use of surgically-modified animals. There is a need for more simple, rapid,inexpensive and reproducible methods for routine feed evaluation. Protein and energy values of pig feeds can be estimated using the following alternative methods: 1) prediction equations based on chemical composition; 2)animal models as rats, cockerels and growing pigs for adult animals; 3) rapid methods, such as the mobile nylon bag technique and in vitro methods. Alternative methods developed for predicting the total tract and ileal digestibility of nutrients including amino acids in feedstuffs and diets for pigs have been reviewed. This article focuses on two in vitro methods that can be used for the routine evaluation of amino acid ileal digestibility and energy value of pig feeds and on factors affecting digestibility determined in vivo in pigs and by alternative methods. Validation of alternative methods has been carried out by comparing the results obtained using these methods with those acquired in vivo in pigs. In conclusion, energy and protein values of pig feeds may be estimated with satisfactory precision in rats and by the two-or three-step in vitro methods providing equations for the calculation of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolizable energy content. The use of alternative methods of feed evaluation is an important way for reduction of stressful animal experiments.  相似文献   

固态发酵对复合蛋白质饲料营养价值改善效果的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文旨在研究同态发酵对复合蛋白质饲料(CPF)营养成分和养分利用效率的改善效果.将产朊假丝酵母、枯草芽孢杆菌和乳酸杆菌接种到CPF后发酵3 d,干燥制得发酵复合蛋白质饲料(FCPF).在测定豆粕(SBM)、CPF、FCPF常规养分和氨基酸含量基础上进行消化代谢试验.选择体重为(24.36±1.78)kg的杜×长×大生长猪24头,随机分为4组,每组6个重复,每个重复1头猪,分别饲喂无氮日粮和以SBM、CPF及FCPF作为唯一蛋白质源配制的半纯合日粮,采用无氮日粮法测定SBM、CPF和FCPF对生长猪的蛋白质、能量消化利用率以及氨基酸回肠消化率.预试期4 d,正试期4 d.结果表明:固态发酵极显著提高了FCPF的粗蛋白质、真蛋白质、钙和总磷含量(P<0.01);除精氨酸外,氨基酸含量均有所提高.与CPF相比,FCPF蛋白质消化利用率和能量消化率均极显著升高(P<0.01);氨基酸表观消化率显著或极显著的升高(P<0.05或P<0.01);除Gly以外,FCPF各氨基酸真消化率均显著或极显著的升高(P<0.05或P<0.01).FCPF大部分营养特性接近或优于SBM.由此可知,固态发酵可改善CPF的营养特性,提高其在20~50 kg生长猪上的养分消化利用率.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of feeding reduced-CP, AA-supplemented diets at two ambient temperatures (Exp. 1) or three levels of dietary NE (Exp. 2) on pig performance and carcass composition. In Exp. 1, 240 mixed-sex pigs were used to test whether projected differences in heat increment associated with diet composition affect pig performance. There were 10 replications of each treatment with four pigs per pen. For the 28-d trial, average initial and final BW were 28.7 kg and 47.5 kg, respectively. Pigs were maintained in a thermoneutral (23 degrees C) or heat-stressed (33 degrees C) environment and fed a 16% CP diet, a 12% CP diet, or a 12% CP diet supplemented with crystalline Lys, Trp, and Thr (on an as-fed basis). Pigs gained at similar rates when fed the 16% CP diet or the 12% CP diet supplemented with Lys, Trp, and Thr (P > 0.10). Pigs fed the 12% CP, AA-supplemented diet had a gain:feed similar to pigs fed the 16% CP diet when housed in the 23 degrees C environment but had a lower gain:feed in the 33 degrees C environment (diet x temperature, P < 0.01). In Exp. 2, 702 gilts were allotted to six treatments with nine replicates per treatment. Average initial and final BW were 25.3 and 109.7 kg, respectively. Gilts were fed two levels of CP (high CP with minimal crystalline AA supplementation or low CP with supplementation of Lys, Trp, Thr, and Met) and three levels of NE (high, medium, or low) in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. A four-phase feeding program was used, with diets containing apparent digestible Lys levels of 0.96, 0.75, 0.60, and 0.48% switched at a pig BW of 41.0, 58.8, and 82.3 kg, respectively. Pigs fed the low-CP, AA-supplemented diets had rates of growth and feed intake similar to pigs fed the high-CP diets. Dietary NE interacted with CP level for gain:feed (P < 0.06). A decrease in dietary NE from the highest NE level decreased gain:feed in pigs fed the high-CP diet; however, gain:feed declined in pigs fed the low-CP, AA-supplemented diet only when dietary NE was decreased to the lowest level. There was a slight reduction in longissimus area in pigs fed the low-CP diets (P < 0.08), but other estimates of carcass muscle did not differ (P > 0.10). These data suggest that pigs fed low-CP, AA-supplemented diets have performance and carcass characteristics similar to pigs fed higher levels of CP and that alterations in dietary NE do not have a discernible effect on pig performance or carcass composition.  相似文献   

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