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马铃薯休眠块茎上芽眼组织休眠机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏  连勇  金黎平 《中国马铃薯》2002,16(4):195-198
以早熟品种中薯 3号和加工品种大西洋脱毒试管薯为试验材料 ,通过对休眠块茎芽薯分离培养 ,研究休眠块茎上芽离体培养后的生长发育变化。初步结果表明 ,休眠马铃薯块茎上侧芽停止生长始于匍匐茎生长期 ,主要受顶端优势的影响 ;顶芽停止生长开始于块茎形成起始 ,可能是因为匍匐茎上的细胞分裂中心和代谢重心转移影响 ;在块茎休眠过程中顶芽和侧芽不生长主要是受到来自块茎内部因素的抑制 ;当芽从休眠块茎上分离出来 ,在培养基上能够很快的生长。马铃薯块茎休眠和块茎上芽的休眠可能是两种不同的生理机制所控制。  相似文献   

马铃薯不同基因型脱毒试管薯打破休眠研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以 3个优良品种为不同基因型材料 ,采用 7个处理 3次重复试验设计 ,进行马铃薯不同基因型脱毒试管薯打破休眠研究。结果表明 :同一处理内不同基因型试管薯的发芽率差异达到显著水平 ;不同处理打破休眠的效果存在极显著差异 ,在 7个处理中 ,以GA3 浸泡 30min的效果较好。  相似文献   

学术园地马铃薯试管块茎诱导过程中总RNA的变化柳 俊 ,宋波涛 ,谢从华等 (1) 1……………………………专用肥对马铃薯产量及效益的影响娄春荣 ,孙文涛 ,肖千明等 (1) 4……………………………马铃薯试管苗低成本快繁方式研究董淑英 ,李 梅 ,孙 静等 (1) 7……………………………硼钼营养对马铃薯鲜薯产量及活性氧代谢的影响李 军 ,李祥东 ,张殿军 (1) 10………………………………不同浓度蔗糖诱导马铃薯微型薯形成时α 淀粉酶活性分析马国达 ,柳洪卫 ,刘声远等 (1) 14…………………………赤霉素解除马铃薯块茎休眠的调控敏感位点初…  相似文献   

马铃薯休眠阶段中内源激素变化的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验以早熟马铃薯品种费乌瑞它(Favorita)和中熟品种夏波蒂(Shepody)的脱毒试管苗为材料,诱导结薯,研究离体块茎在休眠与萌芽过程中不同时期的内源激素GA3,KT,IAA和ABA含量的变化。结果表明:①KT,GA3,IAA,三种激素含量随着休眠的解除呈明显上升趋势;②ABA的含量甚微,品种费乌瑞它仅在第一时期及品种夏波蒂仅在第一和第二时期检测出微量,此后均未检出,可见ABA的含量呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

马铃薯试管结薯的光周期诱导效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以马铃薯品种米拉脱毒试管苗为材料,采用6个不同的光周期处理进行试管薯诱导,以研究光周期对马铃薯试管薯的诱导效应。研究结果表明:不同暗期处理对试管薯结薯个数影响不显著,以8h和12h/d暗处理产量较高;叶绿素含量和块茎淀粉含量与暗期长短均呈负相关,α-淀粉酶活性与暗期长短均呈正相关;叶绿素含量、块茎淀粉含量与经济产量成显著的正相关。同时随着暗处理时数的延长,薯形和薯皮色均发生了显著的变化。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)是马铃薯生产中较常见的病毒之一,马铃薯病毒的检测是生产中保障马铃薯品质和产量的重要基础,收获后批量检测是进行种薯质量评价的主要依据之一。研究针对‘56-2’‘Ivory Russet’‘Clearwater Russet‘’龙薯14号‘’龙薯3号‘’龙薯15号‘’龙育201401-70‘’龙薯7号‘’克新23号’和‘克新28号’马铃薯品种(系)休眠块茎样品,采用TRIzol法提取马铃薯休眠块茎顶端和茎端芽眼组织的总RNA,经qRT-PCR和RT-PCR检测分析,比较块茎的顶端与茎端芽眼组织PVY含量分布的情况。结果表明,上述供试材料的休眠块茎茎端芽眼组织PVY浓度均高于顶端芽眼组织,能够精准的检测到病毒的存在;对‘Ivory Russet’品种的休眠块茎选取100个带病样品通过TRIzol法提取顶端与茎端的总RNA,采用4合1的方法合样后进行PVY RT-PCR检测,所有处理的顶端芽眼组织检测条带亮度低于茎端芽眼组织。可见,马铃薯休眠块茎茎端芽眼组织取样能够更加精准的检测出PVY。研究结果为马铃薯种薯收获后PVY的检测及合理取样提供了...  相似文献   

<正>按全息生物学理论,植物同一性状在不同部位的遗传势是有差异的,就马铃薯而言,可认为马铃薯的遗传势是以块茎的顶部位置最强,即顶部块茎的留种效应最佳.而我国,特别是南方地区,一向有切块播种的习惯.为此,我们进行了马铃薯块茎不同部位留种的比较试验,以分析比较其产量性状和其它经济性状的差异.2 材料与方法2.1 试验材料试验以毕节地区农科所育成的“毕薯1号”(8102—18②)为参试材料.2.2 试验时间1993年.2.3 田间设计  相似文献   

光质对植物的形态建成、光合作用、物质代谢、基因表达以及内源激素水平的产生均有调控作用,马铃薯试管薯形成、块茎膨大期物质积累连同光合作用产物的输送都依赖于光质的调节作用。基于组织培养技术生产的马铃薯试管薯是构建种薯工厂化生产的主要途径,探索光质影响试管薯生育进程的机制,将有助于从物理光谱角度提升试管薯产量与质量。综述讨论了单色光和组合光对试管薯形成的影响,同时探讨光受体对试管薯形成的分子作用机制,为马铃薯试管薯诱导专用光源的开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

不同浓度的赤霉素对打破多效唑药物残留的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
耿玉娴 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(5):300-300
为了提高春季微型薯生产产量和质量,对于徒长的温室扦插苗使用多效唑药剂处理,能使地面植株矮化,营养生长转移到地下的块茎生长。但由于多效唑在基质中药物残留时间比较长,而且多次使用或药剂量加大,对后茬植物生长有抑制的作用。为了解除抑制,我们采用GA3对基质中的微型薯进行处理。由于GA3浓度过小,喷洒没有效果,偏大,又会对植株造成徒长。所以我们又制定了一套试验方案,用6种不同浓度的GA3,对基质进行处理。1试验过程试验选用本所选育的“早大白”脱毒微型薯。把春季生产的早大白微型薯进行熏蒸,强行打破休眠。具体催芽方法:7份2-氯乙…  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片分析了室温储存条件下马铃薯栽培品种‘Favorita’块茎休眠解除过程中的形态组织学变化,并对块茎中的淀粉和蛋白质含量的变化作了研究。结果显示,马铃薯块茎在休眠期芽眼分生组织细胞停止分裂,伴随着休眠的解除,芽眼分生组织细胞开始分裂且分裂速度越来越快,芽原基最终形成一个完整的芽,伴随此过程,观察到芽原基周围部分细胞程序性死亡最终发育形成环纹、螺纹导管的现象;马铃薯块茎从休眠解除到芽的萌发过程中淀粉含量则出现下降且淀粉颗粒逐渐由规则卵圆形变为较小的不规则状,在靠近芽原基的分化部位蛋白质含量有明显上升趋势。室温储存60 d的块茎被认为完全解除休眠。  相似文献   


Within the last three decades, the rice-wheat cropping system has triggered, and with time, aggravated soil micronutrient deficiencies in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). This has largely been due to the shift from an earlier rice and wheat monoculture with low yielding, long duration indigenous varieties, to an intensive rice-wheat rotation cropping system with short duration modern high yielding varieties on the same piece of land. The problems related to micronutrient deficiency in the IGP are more due to the size of its available pools in the soil rather than its total contents and are greatly influenced by crop management, or rather its mismanagement. Deficiency of zinc is widespread in the IGP, but with the extensive use of zinc sulfate, zinc deficiency has reduced in some areas of the region. Meanwhile, the deficiency of Fe, Mn and B has increased in the IGP. Deficiency of Cu and Mo is location specific and can limit rice and wheat yields. The adoption and spread of the rice-wheat system in permeable coarse textured soils, particularly in the western IGP, not only caused iron deficiency in rice but also resulted in the emergence of manganese deficiency in wheat. In highly calcareous and acidic soils, boron is the next limiting micronutrient in crop production after zinc. Bumper rice and wheat harvests in the past decade, the declining use of organic manures in the region and except for the widespread use of zinc sulfate, a general lack of awareness amongst farmers on micronutrient deficiency problems has contributed to micronutrients limiting rice and wheat yields in the IGP. Approaches to alleviating micronutrient deficiencies include matching the crop removals of the micronutrients with its replenishments through their respective external carriers, supplementation through organic sources and mobilization/utilization through cultivation of micronutrient efficient crop cultivars. Identification of efficient micronutrient carriers and finding the optimum rate, mode and time of its application is important in ameliorating the micronutrient deficiencies. This article reviews the extent of micronutrient deficiency and discusses various management options available to reduce micronutrient deficiency induced crop yield reduction for rice and wheat in the Indo-Gangetic Plains.  相似文献   

Biopolymers, in particular collagen and fibrinogen, are the leading materials for use in tissue engineering. When developing technology for scaffold formation, it is important to understand the properties of the source materials as well as the mechanisms that determine the formation of the scaffold structures. Both factors influence the properties of scaffolds to a great extent. Our present work aimed to identify the features of the molecular characteristics of collagens of different species origin and the changes they undergo during the enzymatic hydrolysis used for the process of scaffold formation. For this study, we used the methods of gel-penetrating chromatography, dynamic light scattering, reading IR spectra, and scanning electron microscopy. It was found that cod collagen (CC) and bovine collagen (BC) have different initial molecular weight parameters, and that, during hydrolysis, the majority of either type of protein is hydrolyzed by the proteolytic enzymes within the first minute. The differently sourced collagen samples were also hydrolyzed with the formation of two low molecular fractions: Mw ~ 10 kDa and ~20 kDa. In the case of CC, the microstructure of the final scaffolds contained denser, closely spaced fibrillar areas, while the BC-sourced scaffolds had narrow, short fibrils composed of unbound fibers of hydrolyzed collagen in their structure.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):304-310

We examined the mechanism of reserve mobilization in Japanese yam seed tubers and eddo seed corms on and after sprouting. The decomposition of starch in pith parenchyma cells of Japanese yam tubers and eddo corms progressed from the region distant from vascular bundles to that adjacent to vascular bundles. In eddo corms, the starch also decomposed from the proximal to the distal region adjacent to the sprout or regenerate plant body. In the yam tubers, the decomposition process was similar in the proximal, middle and distal regions. The first step in the reserve mobilization in pith parenchyma cells was the decomposition of the amyloplast envelope. Subsequently, starch granules decomposed. In Japanese yam tubers, the envelope and starch granules started to decompose from the peripheral regions of the amyloplasts. The observation of soluble polysaccharides, which was the decomposition product of starch granules, was made possible by the quick freezing-vacuum freeze-drying method. By this method, we demonstrated that the soluble polysaccharides in the parenchyma cells decomposed and decreased in density. In addition, the mucilage in the mucilage duct started to decompose and decreased in density from the proximal to the distal part of the corm and also from the periphery to the center of the duct. It was shown that not only starch mobilization but also mucilage mobilization mainly supported sprouting and the growth of the regenerate plant body during about the first half of the vegetative stage.  相似文献   

选用新型调节剂膦酸胆碱合剂,针对灌浆初期春玉米的形态及质量指标以及田间致倒伏推力,分析膦酸胆碱合剂处理后春玉米茎秆性状的变化,探讨膦酸胆碱合剂对春玉米茎秆形态的影响。结果表明,膦酸胆碱合剂处理可有效增加密植群体下春玉米的穗长,降低秃尖长,增加穗粒数,显著增加高密度条件下春玉米千粒重,改善春玉米穗部性状。同时通过降低玉米株高和穗位高,极显著增加单位长度干物重,增大截面积,改善玉米茎秆性状,显著增加春玉米田间致倒伏推力,从而降低倒伏发生的几率,实现密植群体丰产性和抗倒伏性的协同表达。  相似文献   

夏玉米花丝生长发育动态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以不同穗型的玉米品种为材料,对玉米花丝生长发育动态进行研究.结果表明,花丝的发生首先开始于果穗中下部,其次是基部和中部,顶部花丝出现最晚;花丝出现集中在开始出现后的最初两天.吐丝后第三天生长速率最大.中下部花丝最先抽出苞叶,其次是基部和中部,顶部最晚.前两天的吐丝总量超过50%,尤以第二天吐丝百分率最高.衰亡过程也开始于中下部,基部和中部其次,顶部最晚;每一根花丝从基部开始衰亡,然后向顶部逐渐推移.果穗短粗型的品种花丝发育比较集中、吐丝较快;果穗细长型的品种花丝发育较缓慢,吐丝期延长,发育较晚的顶部花丝不易吐出苞叶。  相似文献   

Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in cereals, after starch and gluten proteins, determine the technological and nutritional properties of flour, dough and end product. From NSPs, the arabinoxylans are the most important components studied in wheat nowadays. The novelty of our study is the investigation of the variability and clustering ability of the wheat lines based on different quantitative and qualitative traits of arabinoxylans. The quantitative properties, the total and the water-extractable arabinoxylan content of wheat flours were measured separately by gas chromatography. The qualitative property referring to the structure of the molecule was the molecular weight distribution measured by size exclusion liquid chromatography. According to the results the variability of arabinoxylan properties in the breeding lines varied between wider ranges then the values measured for the parental varieties. The correlation between the quantitative parameters, and a trend between quantitative and qualitative parameters were described. During the cluster analysis, the parents were well separated into different groups. The parameters that played an important role in the clustering were the ratio of the probability of occurrence of molecular size ranges along with the quantitative traits of AX. The selected samples can be used for further targeted breeding while the methodology was used in this work can be suitable for selecting lines/varieties for special food or other industrial applications.  相似文献   

1997-2000年用铃体积和铃重表示棉铃大小,研究其对棉铃主要性状的影响,认为:铃重大的类型铃体积为中等偏大、子指重、衣分较高、绒长和开裂壳径表现一般、开裂角度小、铃壳较簿。铃体积大的类型铃重大、纤维长、子指重、衣分中等偏低、开裂壳径大、开裂角度中等偏小、铃壳较厚。比较理想的棉铃体积为40-50cm^3、铃重为6g以上。  相似文献   

汽车尾气对茶园土壤和茶叶中铅、铜、镉元素含量的影响   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
石元值  马立峰  韩文炎  阮建云 《茶叶》2001,27(4):21-24,34
本文通过对距离公路不同远近的茶园中的铅、铜、镉等重金融元素含量进行调查研究,发现茶叶中的铅元素含量受汽车尾气的影响较大,而铜、镉元素受汽车尾气的影响则不明显,在茶园靠公路一侧种植适当的树木是降低茶叶中的铅元素含量的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

石灰及其与有机肥配施对甘蔗幼苗黄化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间试验方法对石灰及其与有机肥、硅肥配合施用对宿根蔗幼苗黄化的影响进行了探讨,旨在为甘蔗黄化病的防控提供科学依据。结果表明,石灰施用显著提高土壤pH值,降低根区和非根区土壤中的水溶态、交换态锰和活性锰含量,使甘蔗幼苗叶片锰含量减少11.8%~42.0%、叶绿素含量增56.0%~251.1%、幼苗黄化率降低37.7%。在施用石灰的基础上施用有机肥对土壤锰形态及含量的影响趋势与石灰处理相似,植株幼苗叶片锰含量、幼苗黄化率显著降低。然而,在石灰和有机肥施用的基础上施用硅肥与否对甘蔗幼苗黄化的影响不显著。这些结果说明石灰及其与有机肥配施是防控甘蔗幼苗黄化病的有效措施。  相似文献   

In Mediterranean-type environments, the concentration of rainfall in winter months results in average winter rainfall that is in excess of evaporative demand. Cropping coarse textured soils in such regions results in a risk of drainage below the root zone, and associated with this, nutrient leaching. We used the APSIM-Nwheat simulation model to quantify the magnitude and variability of drainage and nitrate–N leaching under wheat crops for six locations and three soil types in the northern sandplain region of the Western Australian wheat belt and to assess the impact of varying crop management on drainage and leaching. Overall, the combination of a high concentration of rainfall in the winter months and coarse soil types resulted in a significant risk of drainage and leaching events of considerable magnitude even at the driest sites considered: the assumption that leaching and drainage are low in areas of low rainfall is an over-simplification. For some locations, simulated drainage was high, exceeding 100 mm for two locations on two soils; the sand and the acid loamy sand. Across the six locations considered, drainage was linearly related to average growing season rainfall. Leaching varied markedly between the soil types, with loamy sand having only one fifth the leaching that was calculated for the acid loamy sand or the sand. This emphasises the importance of small differences in soil type for the risk of drainage and leaching, and hence the potential for negative off-site effects, when cropping light soils in a Mediterranean-type environment. Although sandy soils are held to present the most scope for reducing drainage through agronomic management, the analysis suggested the potential improvements are likely to be small. Consistent with experimental results from other parts of the Western Australian wheat belt, modification of rooting depth appears to present the best option to reduce drainage beneath annual crops.  相似文献   

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