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为了研究母犬绝育的微创手术方法,减轻术后动物疼痛,提升动物福利,试验利用腹腔镜对1只金毛母犬进行绝育术,采用二孔法手术通路摘除犬的卵巢。结果表明:采用腹腔镜进行母犬绝育可减少术中出血,降低犬疼痛感,术后恢复快,并且可降低术后感染概率。应用此方法对10只犬进行绝育,都取得了较好的效果。说明本方法可以在小动物临床中推广应用。  相似文献   

胃内异物是指胃内长期滞留异物且难以消化的一种疾病,以幼犬和小型品种犬及老年猫多发。笔者通过对宠物医院接诊的一例患病犬进行临床症状检查、血常规检查和X光影像学检查,确诊为犬胃内异物,经对症治疗和支持治疗恢复良好。  相似文献   

给母犬做绝育手术除了可以防止母犬意外怀孕外,还可以有效应对生殖系统疾病,如子宫蓄脓和乳腺肿瘤等,提高犬的生活质量。母犬常见的绝育手术分为2种,即卵巢切除术和卵巢子宫切除术。前者只切除卵巢,而后者是切除卵巢和子宫,直至子宫颈处全部切除。本文记述了一例母犬子宫卵巢切除术,并把操作思路、手术过程以及术后恢复进行了分析总结。  相似文献   

脑积水是犬类常见的先天性或获得性神经学异常,是由于大脑脑室系统的被动性扩张,脑室系统内产生的脑脊液被吸收进入循环系统不足而导致的病例。本文将选择3例犬脑积水病例,简述病例情况,并从临床诊断和治疗效果得出心得,以期为犬类脑积水的诊断和治疗提供参考。一、病例情况病例1为2月龄马尔济斯犬杂交母犬。患病犬不能自主摄食并出现持续性转圈、共济失调。病例2为7岁迷你雪瑞纳犬公犬,未绝育,每年常规接种免疫,未做驱虫,曾有抽搐、口吐白沫症状。  相似文献   

犬上消化道异物是指犬误食难以消化的异物,但不能通过呕吐或经胃肠道排出体外,从而造成胃功能紊乱,是兽医临床上的常见病、多发病。随着内窥镜技术在宠物行业的应用,一些消化道异物能够通过内窥镜取出,且具有创伤小、并发症较少等优势。以一例患犬为例,探讨犬上消化道异物的诊断与治疗。依据其临床表现、X射线检查结果,确诊为上消化道异物阻塞,并对异物位置进行了准确定位,采取内窥镜引导技术对异物实施取出,同时在术中异物钳夹取困难时及时更换人体用异物钳,避免通过食管切开手术来取出异物,结果显示术后患犬预后良好,身体机能恢复正常。  相似文献   

<目的>为探究母犬绝育的最佳手术方案.<方法>从母犬绝育术的方式、时间的选择及术后对其健康行为可能产生的影响三个方面对近年来国内外的研究的现状进行整理分析.<结论>经研究发现,从手术的方式的来看,卵巢子宫切除术优于卵巢切除术,降低了子宫蓄脓等疾病的发生,术后不良反应相对较小;从绝育的时间来看,相对于6月龄绝育,母犬6~14周龄早期绝育手术操作简单,出血少,时间短,麻醉恢复速度快,手术并发症少;从术后对犬健康行为的影响来看,术后患肥胖、尿失禁、癌症等疾病的风险增加.  相似文献   

<正>母犬绝育术通常有卵巢切除术和卵巢子宫切除术两种,其中卵巢切除术只摘除卵巢,卵巢子宫切除术为切除卵巢和子宫直至子宫颈。实施母犬绝育可以消除母犬发情排卵妊娠的生理基础,防止母犬怀孕。同时,实施母犬绝育对预防治疗一些母犬常见的生殖系统疾病有益处,如:子宫蓄脓、乳腺肿瘤等。国内外一些国家为控制犬的数量,  相似文献   

胃内异物是犬临床常见的消化道疾病,在临床诊断中经常会出现误诊,引起动物的死亡.作者通过一例典型病例,从发病情况、临床症状、实验室检查(血液学和影像学检查)和手术治疗及预后各个方面对犬胃内异物的诊治进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

犬胃内异物是常见病之一,临床诊断中有一定困难,而X线检查具有重要意义。一、临床症状由于异食癖、逗玩、饥不择食等原因,犬将异物吞食,停留于胃内而形成本病。呕吐和周期性的干呕,是本病的临床特征。异物在胃内的机械刺激,可使胃粘膜充血、水肿、甚至可形成溃疡。触诊胃部,痛疼明显,但很少触摸到异物。尖锐  相似文献   

本论文就一例犬胃内异物的诊断治疗进行详细的描述和探讨。该犬就诊时,左侧胸腹交界处向外突出,触诊有硬物感,疑似为皮肤脓肿。但是经临床检查及影像学检查,最终确诊为胃内异物导致胃穿孔。遂采用胃切开术进行治疗,术后康复。  相似文献   

Four dogs that had ingested wooden foreign bodies were examined. All 4 dogs were young and were examined because of lethargy and a mass involving the left flank that was partially responsive to antimicrobial treatment. Ultrasonography of the flank mass revealed inhomogeneous subcutaneous tissues representing seroma, edema, or reactive tissue. Long, linear, bright interfaces representing the wooden foreign bodies were identified in the stomach of 3 dogs and in the abdominal cavity of 1 dog. The interfaces were associated with uniform shadowing in 3 dogs. Local omental and mesenteric changes suggestive of focal peritonitis were evident in 1 dog. In all 4 dogs, the foreign bodies were removed through an exploratory celiotomy. All dogs recovered without complications.  相似文献   

小动物肠道异物引起犬肠道梗阻是犬常见肠道疾病之一。在临床上容易和出血性胃肠炎发生混淆。本试验通过一例患犬的病史,结合血常规检查、CRP检查、内窥镜检查,并与出血性胃肠炎鉴别诊断,确定为犬肠道异物性梗阻,并对患犬尝试使用剖腹探查术治疗,术后以消炎、补充营养和体液、修复胃肠道粘膜为主,取得明显的治疗效果。研究结果可为宠物犬肠道异物性梗阻和出血性胃肠炎的鉴别诊治提供可参考的诊治方案。  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION-5 Dogs, 1 goat, and 1 horse underwent percutaneous endovascular retrieval of intravascular foreign bodies between 2002 and 2007. CLINICAL FINDINGS-Foreign bodies were IV catheters in 4 dogs, the horse, and the goat and a piece of a balloon valvuloplasty catheter in 1 dog. Location of the foreign bodies included the main pulmonary artery (1 dog), a branch of a pulmonary artery (4 dogs), the right ventricle (the goat), and a jugular vein (the horse). TREATMENT AND OUTCOME-The procedure of percutaneous endovascular retrieval of the foreign body was easy to perform in all instances. One dog was euthanized 41 days after retrieval because of worsening of another disease process, and 1 dog had abnormal neurologic signs secondary to a brain mass. All other animals were clinically normal during the follow-up period (follow-up duration, 3 to 57 months). None of the animals developed long-term complications secondary to the foreign body retrieval procedure. CLINICAL RELEVANCE-Intravascular foreign bodies that result from catheters or devices used during minimally invasive techniques are rare but may cause substantial morbidity. Percutaneous endovascular retrieval of intravascular foreign bodies was easily and safely performed in the 7 animals reported here. Use of percutaneous endovascular retrieval techniques should be considered for treatment of animals with intravascular foreign bodies because morbidity can be substantially decreased; however, proper selection of patients for the procedure is necessary.  相似文献   

While playing or simply because of avidity, dogs may ingest a variety of foreign bodies. Ingested foreign bodies, which are not stopped in the mouth or oesophagus, enter into the stomach. Once a foreign body has passed through the pylorus, jejunum and ileum appear to be the most common sites of the small intestine obstruction. The records of 103 cases, treated at the Clinic for Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology of the Veterinarian Faculty, University of Zagreb from January 1981 till December 1998 were analysed. The analysis included the incidence of ileus caused by foreign bodies and the distribution of patients by sex, age, breed, duration of illness, site of obstruction, types of foreign bodies and the interrelation between these parameters. The results of our research show that the number of patients with foreign body induced ileus is increasing. Males ingested foreign bodies more often than females. Foreign body induced ileus was more frequently found in animals below 2 years of age. Foreign bodies were mostly ingested by mongrels, but also by popular dog breeds such as Dobermanns, Poodles, Cocker Spaniels and Rottweiler. Most of these ileus cases were found in March and October and the predominant clinical signs included anorexia, dehydration, abdominal tenderness and absence of defecation. The most common site of small intestine obstruction by foreign bodies was the jejunum, and the most effective treatment was enterotomy. Dogs mostly ingested stones, plastic and rubber objects. The treatment was more successful in dogs below 2 years of age. Patients that died post-surgically, died mostly the first day after surgery.  相似文献   

Based on clinical response, urethral pressure profile changes, and lack of side effects, phenylpropanolamine was effective and safe in treating dogs with primary sphincter incompetence. Primary sphincter incompetence was diagnosed in 11 female and 8 male dogs with urinary incontinence. Urodynamics of the dogs were assessed, using a combined urethral pressure profile and urethral sphincter electromyography. Male and female dogs had significantly (P less than 0.05) lower maximal urethral closure pressures, when compared with clinically normally dogs (36.91 +/- 8.20 cm of H2O vs 79.72 +/- 4.61 cm of H2O for female dogs and 48.63 +/- 8.68 cm of H2O vs 99.77 +/- 11.71 cm of H2O for male dogs). After treatment with phenylpropanolamine, there was a significant increase in maximal urethral closure pressure in both sexes to within normal range (77.73 +/- 8.70 cm of H2O in females and 92.50 +/- 14.60 cm of H2O in males). Electromyographic activity was normal before and after treatment. Urinary incontinence resolved clinically in all but 1 male and 1 female dog; however, the condition in these 2 dogs improved considerably. Minimal side effects were seen clinically. Mean arterial blood pressure was not altered by treatment. Plasma estrogen and testosterone concentrations in 8 female dogs were not different from those in continent female dogs. The incontinence in these dogs was considered a sphincter incompetence rather than estrogen responsive.  相似文献   

Objective : To describe the use of computed tomography scanning in the management of dogs with chronic signs after oropharyngeal stick injury. Methods : Dogs with a final diagnosis of chronic oropharyngeal stick injury that underwent a computed tomography scan during their investigation were selected retrospectively from case files at the Royal Veterinary College, London. Results : The six dogs were young (median age 3·1 years) and medium to large breed (19·0 to 42·0 kg). By the time of referral the most common clinical sign was cervical swelling (five dogs). Stick foreign bodies were apparent on the plain computed tomography images in all cases and appeared as well‐demarcated, linear abnormalities. A ventral mid‐line approach was used for foreign body retrieval, and the computed tomography findings corresponded well with the surgical findings, with stick foreign body length ranging from 1 to 7 cm. Closed suction drainage was used in five dogs, for two to four days. Clinical signs fully resolved postoperatively in all cases, although cervical swelling recurred three weeks after surgery in one case. This dog had the smallest foreign body, the greatest number of surgical interventions before referral (three) and the longest disease course before referral (eight months). Clinical Significance : Computed tomography scanning is accurate in identifying the presence and location of chronic stick foreign bodies. Recurrence of disease is possible despite successful retrieval of the wood fragments found by computed tomography scan.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old spayed female Labrador Retriever and a 9-year-old castrated male miniature Poodle were evaluated because of clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism. Cortisol testing did not support a diagnosis of hypercortisolemia in either dog; however, imaging studies revealed unilateral adrenal tumors in both dogs. Serum concentrations of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, progesterone, and estradiol were high in both dogs, and androstenedione concentrations were also high in 1 dog. It is suspected that sex hormone secretion by the adrenal tumors in these dogs resulted in clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism. Clinical signs and hormonal abnormalities resolved in the male dog after surgical resection of the tumor. There was no improvement in clinical signs after treatment with mitotane in the female dog, which died 2 months after diagnosis. Histologic evaluation confirmed the presence of adrenocortical carcinoma in both dogs.  相似文献   

A spreadsheet population dynamics model was constructed to evaluate the impact of female dog sterilization on the domestic dog population for the province of Teramo, Italy. Baseline owned dog population structure as well as the annual number of births, adoptions, abandonments, and purchases were estimated based on regional managed kennel data in addition to a telephone questionnaire administered to members of the local population. Age- and gender-dependent death rates were based on domestic dog life tables. The model predicts that at the current female dog sterilization rate of 30%, the owned dog population will most probably continue to increase. After 20 years, a mean annual increase of 2.6% (median: 2.5%, 95% CI: −3.2% to 8.8%) is projected assuming that the average age at sterilization is 3 years. A sterilization rate of at least 55% is estimated to be needed to halt population growth if the current age structure for female dog sterilization is maintained. However, if the province of Teramo were to focus on sterilizing female dogs less than 1 year of age, the required sterilization rate to arrest population growth could be reduced to as low as 26%.  相似文献   

Wooden skewer foreign bodies were found in eight dogs. Five presented for evaluation of draining sinuses and two for inflammatory disease referrable to the thorax, abdomen or pelvic region. In an additional case, pneumothorax resulted from perforation of the stomach and diaphragm. Ingestion was considered the most likely mode of access of the foreign body in all cases. Although the wooden foreign bodies were seen radiographically in only two dogs, identification of soft tissue or bony changes, or the results of contrast sinography assisted diagnosis. Surgical retrieval led to resolution of signs in all cases.  相似文献   

An eight-week-old male puppy affected with trypanosomiasis and dumb rabies was presented at the University of Nigeria Veterinary Hospital. The dog had a septic wound on the side of the face. The clinical signs suggested trypanosomiasis and this diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory examination. After treatment with Berenil and antibiotics, the puppy apparently recovered, but a week later became anorectous and recumbent. Dumb rabies was suspected and the dog died in a quarantine kennel less than 24 hours later. Negri bodies were detected in brain smears from the dog and a mouse inoculation test was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Dumb rabies poses serious public health hazards to dog owners and their families, as well as to those occupationally exposed to dogs.  相似文献   

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