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袁朝良 《土壤》1974,6(5):216-219
在江苏徐州地区分布着较大面积的砂板土,这种土壤粘粒含量很低,缺乏有机质,土壤结构性很差,早改水后土壤极易淀浆板结,漏水漏肥,直接影响水稻产量的提高。  相似文献   

为探索水稻测土配方施肥,了解土壤养分校正系数,探讨N、P、K肥不同配施水平对水稻经济性状、农艺性状、产量和经济效益的影响,不同肥力水平下土壤供肥能力、水稻对养分的吸收量等情况  相似文献   

詹其厚  陈杰  周峰  黄辉 《土壤通报》2006,37(6):1041-1047
本研究基于黄淮海平原多个变性土剖面分层土壤样品的土壤理化性状分析数据,对其肥力特征、生产性能以及培肥改良措施进行了系统研究。相关结果表明,机械组成中粘粒含量高、质地粘重、土壤结构和孔隙性差是变性土主要物理性状特征,受其影响,土壤表现出耕作性能差、蓄水能力弱、保水性能不强等特点;化学性状主要表现为有机质含量不高、质量差,土壤氮素水平仍较低,耕层土壤速效磷含量分异加大,土壤速效钾含量缓慢降低,土壤CEC含量较高,土壤保肥性能强,但供肥性能较差等特点。这些性状特点对土壤生产性能的影响主要表现在土壤适耕期短,易受旱、涝(渍)灾害的危害,土壤有效养分低、营养失调,钙质结核影响土壤蓄水能力和水分运行以及作物根系生长等方面。指出:(1)增加土壤有机质,改良土壤理化性质;(2)合理施肥,促进土壤养分平衡;(3)改进耕作、灌溉技术,调控土壤水分状况等是培育变性土肥力质量、提高土壤生产性能的关键性措施。  相似文献   

土壤压实及有机质对其影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
压实导致土壤板结的发生、与土壤团聚体的形成和破坏直接相关,而土壤的孔隙状况和水、气、热等条件改变在影响作物生长的同时,也会带来水土流失、碳氮温室气体排放等环境问题。在当今农业现代化进程加快、机械化水平提高的背景下,压实所引发的土壤板结问题愈益引起人们关注。本文在对土壤压实过程及其压缩曲线、表征参数等进行介绍的基础上,对近年来土壤压实过程及其影响因素方面的研究进展进行梳理,从提高土壤肥力、防治土壤板结的角度重点阐述了有机质改良土壤压实性状的效果及其作用机制,并对这一研究领域今后的发展趋势做了展望;研究认为在减少农业机械作业对农田压实次数和压实强度的前提下,提高土壤有机质含量、实行合理耕作仍然是我国今后改良土壤机械物理性质、培肥土壤和防止土壤板结的主要途径。  相似文献   

水稻土供硅特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅是对水稻生长有益的元素,在水稻的生长发育、养分的吸收、产量与品质形成以及逆境生理等方面都有极其重要的作用。基于此,从硅在土壤中的分布、土壤供硅能力、水稻吸硅特性、硅对水稻生长发育的影响、增施硅肥指标、硅素营养评价方法等方面的研究进展进行了综述,同时对今后水稻土硅素营养研究的重点提出了构想。  相似文献   

程云生 《土壤学报》1965,13(4):463-464
水稻各生育期对土壤软硬度的要求是不同的,这是我国农民在长期生产实践中积累起来的宝贵经验之一.陈永康同志在培育水稻高产时很重视这一规律并因土运用耕耙和水浆管理.过去的研究曾初步指出,水稻生长前期要求土壤软烂,后期则要板硬,这样才有利于水稻高产.为了直接验证并进一步了解土壤烂、软、板、硬这一变化过程在水稻高产中的作用以及它在实践上的意义,我们曾先后于1962年和1963年在温室盆栽条件下,就土壤软硬度对水稻分蘖期生长的影响进行了初步试验.  相似文献   

我国南方水稻土供硅能力的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
硅肥对水稻的增产作用,在日本早就有了肯定的结果[1]。近年来试验证明,在我国南方部分土壤上,水稻施用硅肥有增产效果[2]。为了明确水稻施用硅肥肥效和土壤类型之间的关系,提出我国南方水稻施用硅肥有效的土壤和植株指标,本文对我国长江以南主要类型水稻土供硅水平的研究进行了总结。  相似文献   

探讨了田间条件下钢渣硅肥的用量和施用方法。结果表明:供试土壤的水浸态硅含量低于85mgkg-1,施用钢渣硅肥能够显著提高水稻的产量;依据产量和肥料用量关系的效应方程,除康平地区的碱性水稻土外,供试的其它地区比较合理的钢渣施用量为1500kghm-2;钢渣硅肥可明显提高水稻植株体内SiO2含量,根据水稻植株体内SiO2含量随钢渣硅肥施入量的变化情况,沈阳市康平县最佳的施入量也应为1500kghm-2,钢渣基施更有利于水稻对SiO2吸收和利用;钢渣硅肥对土壤pH值影响不大,钢渣硅肥具有一定的后效。  相似文献   

低产水稻土改良与管理研究策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国耕地后备资源极端缺乏,改良低产田是提高粮食产量的重要途径。低产水稻土作为低产田的重要组成部分,相关肥力特征及其改良技术研究比较零散,缺乏系统科学的调控管理策略。本文从低产水稻土类型、新的改良研究方法角度,探索可能的技术突破。基于农业部统计数据,因环境条件不良或土壤自身存在障碍因素,全国约有7.67×106hm2低产水稻土。按其主导成因,低产水稻土可分为冷潜型、粘结型、沉板型、毒质型四类。土壤质量评价是低产水稻土研究的重要方面,其评价方法主要包括土壤质量动力学法、土壤质量综合评分法、多变量指标克立格法、土壤相对质量评价法,现已发展了基于GIS的区域尺度水稻土质量评价方法,以及基于土壤生物学性状的质量评价方法。低产水稻土改良研究更多关注新技术和新方法,稳定性同位素探针技术、傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)和固相交叉极化魔角自旋13C核磁共振(CPMS13C-NMR)波谱技术的应用,将土壤有机碳的微团聚体分布、腐殖质的转化及其与土壤矿物结合机制深入到微观水平;同时高通量测序、土壤宏基因组学、宏转录组学等方法将相关研究推向分子水平。低产水稻土改良与管理的技术主要涉及到冷潜型、粘结型、沉板型、毒质型四大类低产水稻土的改良技术,基于产量反应和农学效率的推荐施肥方法是水稻土养分管理方法的重要发展方向。1)在低产水稻土质量评价方面,未来要结合不同低产类型的障碍因素开展个性化的土壤质量评价,如白土的质地和耕层厚度,加强引入土壤生物学指标进行土壤质量评价研究。2)在低产水稻土改良方面,要研究稻田障碍层次的形成机理与调控途径;研究其他低产类型如新垦水稻土、盐渍化水稻土、石灰化水稻土和污染水稻土的改良技术;研究长期改良措施对不同粒级团聚体腐殖质结构、酶类、微生物多样性和功能基因的影响。3)在低产水稻土管理方面,着重研究秸秆还田技术、推荐施肥技术、抗逆品种技术、群体控制技术。  相似文献   

研究秸秆还田对水稻产量及土壤理化性状的影响,结果表明,在中等肥力田块进行秸秆还田,配施适当比例化肥,水稻增产效果明显;并能改善土壤理化性状,增加土壤有机质和氮、磷、钾有效养分,达到培肥地力,提高土壤耕地质量目的。  相似文献   

绿肥对粘质淤土及其复合胶体性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国黄淮平原地区,分布有大面积粘质淤土.这类土壤底子虽好,但缺少有机质,土质粘重,板实,耕性差,适耕期短,容易跑墒,产量较低,土壤潜在肥力不易充分发挥.大力发展绿肥是解决有机肥源和改良土壤性质,夺取粮食大面积稳产高产的重要途径,是用地养地的好方法,是快速改良粘质淤土的有效措施.  相似文献   

南方稻田紫云英作冬绿肥的增产节肥效应与机制   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
本文对我国南方稻田紫云英作冬绿肥以及紫云英与稻草共同利用的增产和节肥效应及其植物营养学、土壤微生物学等相关作用机制进行综述。2008—2019年间开展的11个联合定位试验结果 (n = 930) 表明,冬种紫云英在不减肥或者减肥20%条件下增产效果显著,水稻产量增加幅度分别为6.53%和4.15%;在减施40%化肥时可保障水稻与常规施肥相比不减产。紫云英的增产和节肥效应随种植年限的增加而增强,5个联合定位试验连续7年的监测结果表明,冬种紫云英减施40%化肥条件下,紫云英种植第一年相对常规施肥增产0.87%,至种植第7年增幅为3.98%。紫云英与稻草联合利用是近些年稻区推行的重要技术模式,2016—2019年间开展的7个联合定位试验结果 (n = 342) 表明,紫云英–稻草联合还田相对于单独稻草还田,水稻产量增加了11.71%。本文分别从优化水稻产量构成、促进水稻养分吸收、提升土壤肥力3方面阐释了紫云英作冬绿肥的增产、节肥机制。稻田冬种紫云英可增加水稻有效穗数和每穗实粒数,优化了产量构成。与常规施肥相比,紫云英配施减量化肥的水稻吸氮量增加了6.4%~6.9%,氮肥利用率提高了6.6%~31.1%。稻田种植紫云英使土壤碳、氮库得到培育,土壤活性有机碳含量和碳转化酶活性提高,土壤速效养分、土壤物理性状明显改善。以有机质和全氮为例,相比常规施肥处理,种植翻压紫云英后减施20%和40%化肥处理的土壤有机质含量分别增加3.95%和4.15%,土壤全氮含量分别增加1.22%和1.74%。在紫云英调控土壤微生物及氮转化机制方面,冬种绿肥有利于土壤微生物的生长繁殖,增强与微生物活性密切相关的土壤酶活性,并通过改变土壤微生物的群落结构及功能微生物影响土壤养分循环。紫云英配施减量化肥可提高土壤固氮菌丰度,通过合理的调控措施可优化紫云英的生物固氮作用。硝化作用对冬绿肥的响应在不同类型土壤中有较大差异,碱性水稻土中冬种绿肥可通过抑制硝化作用降低氮素淋失风险,氨氧化微生物群落结构的变化是冬绿肥影响硝化作用的重要机制。通过近十多年来的研究,逐渐明晰了我国南方稻田冬种紫云英的增产、节肥效应及其机制,为今后稻田绿肥的效应与机制研究提供了重要借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The effect of various combinations of organic and mineral N fertilizers was studied on the organic matter content of the soil, grain yield, dry matter production and N-uptake of maize. In a model experiment, large pots were filled with 55?kg sandy loam soil originating from the plots of the ‘International Long-term Experiments for Investigating the Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers’ (IOSDV), Keszthely. The field experiment, which was set up in 1983, contained three crop-rotations with maize, winter wheat and winter barley. Treatments: (1) inorganic fertilizers only with increasing N-doses (N); (2) farmyard manuring (FYM) in every third year+N; (3) stalk, straw or green manure+N. Our results clearly proved the advantage of organic matter recycling combined with mineral fertilization over treatment 1. In the fifth and sixth rotations, both types of organic matter recycling resulted in significantly higher Corg contents compared to mineral N fertilization without farmyard manuring or incorporation of crop residues. Grain yields in the field trial were the lowest in treatments without organic matter recycling. In the pot experiment, dry matter production and N accumulation in the grains and vegetative plant parts were also significantly higher in treatments where mineral fertilization was combined with organic matter recycling.  相似文献   

[目的]比较不同绿肥作物及其不同翻压方式对云南高原红壤理化性状的作用,为云南高原红壤持续高产稳产制定简易高效的绿肥利用技术提供理论依据.[方法]2011—2019年以玉米为主要作物,在云南高原红壤上进行了绿肥生产利用田间定位试验,试验设冬闲–玉米(CK)、种植并翻压肥田萝卜–玉米(R)、种植并翻压光叶紫花苕子–玉米(V...  相似文献   

Crop residue management strategies must be adapted for improving carbon (C) balance and soil C stock in agroecosystems in sub‐Saharan Africa with consideration of the crop residue availability and site‐specific soil characteristics. We conducted field experiments to determine the effects of crop residue application method (incorporation/mulching) and quality (maize/cowpea) and N fertilizer application on the soil respiration rate and soil C stock in the surface soil layer (0–15 cm) in maize croplands with contrasting soil textures (clay/sandy) over 2 years from 2012 to 2014 in Tanzania. At the clay site, the incorporation of maize residues showed a 38% increase in CO2 flux compared to mulching, whereas, at the sandy site, mulching showed a 16% increase compared to the incorporation. At the sandy site, mulching practice retained soil moisture content and apparently enhanced the decomposition of the original soil organic C in the surface layer. It is, therefore, suggested that mulching practice may accelerate a long‐term depletion of soil C stock at the sandy site. The cowpea residue incorporation led to rapid decomposition because of its high biodegradability at both sites. The N fertilizer application stimulated the decomposition of labile soil organic matter. The soil C stock in the surface layer did not significantly change after the 2‐year experiment, irrespective of crop residue treatment and soil type. In conclusion, adequate crop residue management in terms of suppressing CO2 flux during a cropping season depends on soil type, but the long‐term effect on soil C stock is unclear.  相似文献   

通过2010—2021年连续12年的长期定位试验,研究了紫云英、水稻秸秆、商品有机肥等有机物料还田施用对稻田土壤养分的影响。结果表明:施用有机物料可以有效提高稻田土壤氮磷钾和有机质等含量。与单施化肥处理相比,紫云英还田土壤碱解氮含量增加6.97%,商品有机肥配施土壤有效磷含量增加49.30%,水稻秸秆还田土壤速效钾含量增加49.32%。3种有机物料处理土壤有机质增加相近(6.0%~7.5%),可以改善土壤酸性但差异不显著。不同有机物料对土壤基础养分的增加差异显著,紫云英还田土壤固氮能力最强,商品有机肥配施土壤磷素增加最明显,秸秆还田土壤钾素提高最显著。可见,有机物料长期还田施用是一种培肥土壤的有效措施,有助于稻田土壤的可持续利用。  相似文献   

采用黑麦草、毛叶苕子、紫云英3种绿肥材料进行玉米地压青试验,研究了绿肥压青对南方春玉米根际土壤肥力的影响.结果表明,与无绿肥压青比较,3种绿肥压青对春玉米根际土壤速效养分和有机质含量均有提高效应,其中黑麦草和毛叶苕子的增效最为显著;对玉米根际土壤速效养分而言,毛叶苕子增效好于黑麦草;就有机质而言,黑麦草和毛叶苕子增效相当.研究表明毛叶苕子和黑麦草可作为南方春玉米前茬地的优势绿肥品种.  相似文献   

Diversification of rice-wheat cropping system may improve the productivity and sustainability of agricultural production in the Indo-Gangetic plane region (IGPR), but the choice of alternative sequences to be used requires integrated assessment of various crop sequences. A long-term field experiment was initiated during 2000–01 on sandy loam soil at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India to assess 10 rice-based cropping sequences – rice-wheat, rice-chickpea, rice-wheat-green gram, rice-wheat-Sesbania (green manure), rice-mustard-green gram, rice-lentil-cowpea (fodder), rice-pea, rice-lentil + mustard (3:1)-cowpea (fodder), rice-maize (cob) + vegetable pea (1:1)-cowpea (fodder) and rice-potato-green gram in randomized block design with four replications. The data contained in this paper are for the year 2002–03 and 2003–04. Substitution of rice-wheat with 300% intensity cropping sequences particularly with rice-potato-green gram resulted in maximum production cost but gave the highest system productivity, net return, benefit:cost ratio, production efficiency, profitability and energy productivity. Inclusion of summer grain/fodder legume or Sesbania for green manuring improved the content of soil organic matter. The soil P status was positively affected in all the sequences and particularly those with summer crops. Decline in soil available K in all the sequences indicated inadequacy of present recommended rate of fertilizer K to all the component crops in different sequences.  相似文献   

Addition of clay-rich subsoil to sandy soil results in heterogeneous soil with clay peds(2-mm) or finely ground( 2 mm) clay soil(FG), which may affect the nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of clay soil particle size(FG or peds)and properties on nutrient availability and organic C binding in sandy soil after addition of residues with low(young kikuyu grass,KG) or high(faba bean, FB) C/N ratio. Two clay soils with high and low smectite percentage, clay and exchangeable Fe and Al were added to a sandy soil at a rate of 20%(weight/weight) either as FG or peds. Over 45 d, available N and P as well as microbial biomass N and P concentrations and cumulative respiration were greater in soils with residues of KG than FB. For soils with KG residues,clay addition increased available N and initial microbial biomass C and N concentrations, but decreased cumulative respiration and P availability compared to sandy soil without clay. Differences in measured parameters between clay type and size were inconsistent and varied with time except the increase in total organic C in the 53 μm fraction during the experiment, which was greater for soils with FG than with peds. We concluded that the high exchangeable Fe and Al concentrations in the low-smectite clay soil can compensate a lower clay concentration and proportion of smectite with respect to binding of organic matter and nutrients.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) release from sources that are not initially exchangeable is attributed to depletion of interlayer K of micas and clay minerals or weathering of feldspars. The aim of the present study was to estimate the K release from interlayer K. Soil samples from 17 field experiments in ley on a range of mineral soils in Norway were used in the study. The change in K‐fixation capacity was used as an estimate of depletion of interlayer K. It was assumed that the increase in K‐fixation capacity during 3 yr of cropping was equivalent to the amount of K depleted from the interlayer positions. Mean K fixation increased in the majority of the soils during 3 yr of grass cropping both with and without K application. The increase in K fixation indicated that without K application, the K uptake from interlayer K amounted to 43%, 28%, and 26% of the K yield for clay soils, high‐K sandy soils, and low‐K sandy soils, respectively. Including K uptake from exchangeable K in the topsoil and from subsoil, the explained K uptake amounted to 79%, 69%, and 81% for the three groups of soil, respectively. Simple linear‐regression analyses showed that the change in K fixation during 3 yr of grass cropping was best explained by the percentage of clay in the soil.  相似文献   

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