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春季是育雏的最佳时机,目前,大多养鸡户都选在春季育雏,但春季育雏要注意以下几个问题: 1 开食时间 开食的早晚直接影响到雏鸡的消化和以后的生长发育,雏鸡在出壳后36h才完全具备消化功能,过早、过晚都不利于雏鸡的正常发育,所以雏鸡的开食时间一般应掌握在出壳后36h左右进行。  相似文献   

正肉雏鸡的质量与其开食时间有很大的关系,如果在提前开食的基础上加之在环境方面做好防护措施保证肉雏鸡有好的生长环境,将非常有利于肉雏鸡在出雏一周内的体重提升。尽早给雏鸡开食雏鸡出壳后,尽早给雏鸡开食有利于刺激雏鸡消化道发育和培育雏鸡产生好的食欲。2009年,美国科宝公司的肉鸡饲养专家针对相同来源的孵化后7h的雏鸡进行开食时间的实  相似文献   

雏鸡如何开食欧阳文焕(湖北省襄樊市畜牧局441021)雏鸡代谢旺盛,生长发育快,而腹腔内残余蛋黄约5克的营养很快消耗,只有及时地科学开食,满足其营养需要,才能保证正常生长发育,提高养鸡效益。一、先饮后食。雏鸡入舍后应先饮水后开食,最好在雏鸡出壳后24...  相似文献   

在商业性孵化场,雏鸡出壳后需要在孵化器中停留24~48h,大多数雏鸡在出壳后仍需呆在孵化器内,以待所有雏鸡全部孵出后方可离开孵化箱。一旦离开孵化器后,新出壳的雏鸡在到达肉鸡养殖场前必须经历孵化场的多项处理,随后才能进行运输。这意味着,在实际的生产规程下,雏鸡的断水、断食时间可长达72h。另外,孵化期的出壳时间和出壳的跨度会使雏鸡的断食时间出现较大的差异。有关出壳后雏鸡断食的文献资料清楚地表明,延迟开食会对雏鸡的生产性能,如生长、免疫系统的激活、消化酶的分泌和器官发育等带来有害影响.改善管理措施,如缩短孵化期或通过特定的管理措施提前开食,可以提供一种能够消除由延迟开食所引起的负面影响的解决办法。开发出能够更好地满足刚出壳雏鸡营养需要的开食料或能够将出壳与首次采食之间在营养供应上连接起来的卵内饲喂技术,为解决这些问题提供了另一种供抉择的办法?然而,有关卵内饲喂或早期饲喂的重要性仍待考察,或卵内饲喂或早期饲喂本身是否能产生所报道的优点。本综述旨在讨论早期饲喂的研究现状,以进一步推动此类课题的研究。  相似文献   

刘先珍  朱建录 《中国家禽》2003,25(20):22-22
1在出壳后先饮口服补液盐口服补液盐,其成分为:氯化钠3.5g、碳酸氢钠2.5g、氯化钾1.5g及葡萄糖25g,同时加冷开水1000mL配成。先饮口服补液盐可补充雏鸡出壳时体内所耗去的水分,防止脱水。初次饮水,最好在水中加入万分之一的高锰酸钾,可起到对肠道的消毒作用。2在出壳后24h左右开食雏鸡在出壳24h内,绒毛未干,身体软弱,活动能力差,也没有饥饿感,因为这时雏鸡腹内还有胚胎发育后期未吸收完的蛋黄,可以满足其生活需要的能量。24h后,绒毛干燥蓬松,活泼好动,常“叽叽”叫,有找食的动作,这时开食为好。3喂配合料雏鸡生长发育快,1个月的体重就能达…  相似文献   

正初饮(开水):出壳12~24小时,最长不超过36小时,入舍2小时内。开食:出壳后25~36小时,入舍6~12小时内,提倡及早开食促进发育。原理与方法:最早的雏鸡不到20日龄就已出壳,要在出雏器里等1天多才开始装运,到养殖场户常常已经出壳了12小时甚至更长。雏鸡出壳后,每小时平均失水0.1克,所以需及时饮水。传统的开食习惯,即从孵化场转入饲养场后才开始喂饲,一般都在24~48小时以后。实验数据显示,及早开食刺激雏鸡食  相似文献   

9饮水与喂饲技术9.1饮水1日龄雏鸡第一次饮水称为“初饮”。肉仔鸡的初饮一般要求在出壳后12~24h进行,最长不超过36h,饮水质量应达到家禽饮用水标准。初饮时用5%的葡萄糖、电解多维素和抗生素交替饮用,可有效补充能量和营养,防止雏鸡低血糖病症和“净化”鸡群。肉仔鸡初饮后不应该再断水。9.2开食雏鸡的第一次采食称为开食。开食时间一般在出壳后24~36h进行。可用开食盘、浅食槽、硬纸、塑料布等用具,在上面撒些饲料,最好是碎玉米或小米,以防雏鸡“糊肛”。9.3饲喂喂料时应少添勤喂。料槽料桶内的饲料以容量的1/3为宜,以刺激食欲,减少饲料…  相似文献   

在肉用仔鸡的饲养管理上,对于开食时间众说不一。有人认为在出壳后为防止雏鸡脱水,增强雏鸡的抵抗力,提高成活率,应在4小时内开食;也有人认为过早开食因胃肠粘膜软弱,无能力消化饲料,有害消化器官;若太迟开食会消耗雏鸡体力,使之变得虚弱,影响生长与成浩,而主张在出壳后24~48小时之间开食为宜。究竟何时开食为好?对此,我们进行了试验探讨。  相似文献   

雏鸡出壳后开水、开食不及时,饲料蛋白质含量过高,环境温度过低等,容易造成雏鸡糊肛,病鸡肛门被粪便粘住,生长缓慢,成活率低。 雏鸡糊肛多发生在出壳后最初几天,做好雏鸡出壳后的饲养管理工作能有效预防。通常应在雏出壳后  相似文献   

据笔者20多年养鸡经验认为,不管饲养肉鸡还是蛋鸡,在雏鸡阶段的饲养管理都十分重要,它关系到养鸡过程的成活率、饲养成本和经济效益。现笔者将产蛋鸡的饲养管理方法和体会介绍如下: 1出壳雏鸡的“初饮”与“开食”出壳雏鸡应先“初饮”后“开食”,开食后无论何时  相似文献   

选择40日龄土杂肉仔鸡450只进行为期3周的实验。研究了鱼油在肉仔鸡饲养中的应用效果。结果表明:使用鱼油,对鸡的免疫力无影响,但对肉鸡的生长速度、饲料报酬、肉的品质和经济效益均有明显的提高作用。肉仔鸡日粮中添加2%鱼油效果优于添加3%。  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that delaying first colostrum feeding of calves after birth exerts long-lasting effects on haematological, metabolic and endocrine traits and on growth performance, neonatal calves were fed first colostrum at 0–2 and 24–25 h after birth. Delayed feeding of first colostrum for 24–25 h after birth caused reduced plasma levels of total protein and globulin for up to 30 days and of insulin-like growth factor-I for up to 7 days, whereas concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids were elevated during the first day of life. There were no significant effects of delaying feeding for 24–25 h on leucocyte and erythrocyte number, packed cell volume and on haemoglobin levels and on plasma concentrations of albumin, urea, glucose, triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol, insulin, growth hormone, 3.5.3'-triiodothyronine and thyroxine and on growth performance. Thus, calves fed first colostrum with a delay of 24–25 h after birth were able to compensate rapidly for nutritional deficiencies on day 1 of life, i.e. there was no evidence for permanent imprinting of haematological, metabolic and of endocrine traits by starvation on the first day of life.  相似文献   

A Box–Behnken design (BBD) in a response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the response of broiler chicks to in ovo feeding (IOF) of beta‐hydroxy beta‐methylbutyrate (HMB), dextrin and the timing of the first water and feed deprivation. On day 18th of incubation, 1,500 eggs were randomly assigned to 15 experimental runs of BBD, each with 4 replicates, as 3 levels IOF of HMB (0%, 0.5% and 1%) and dextrin (0%, 20% and 40%), and 3 levels of the first water and feed deprivation (6, 27 and 48 hr). Day‐old chicks from each replicate were then used to assess the effect of IOF and time first water and feed access on chick's responses. The IOF of dextrin leads to respectively 9.7%–15.5% lower hatchability for 20% and 40% inclusion (p < .05), whereas HMB inclusion appeared with no effect on hatchability (p > .05). Administration of dextrin or HMB into the amnion of embryos elevated length, width and surface area of villus, and increased glycogen content of liver and breast (p < .05). In all parameter models, the linear terms showed highest contribution (R2 = 0.81–0.97) to explain existing variation in chick's responses. The first water and feed deprivation had largest effect on BW2 and glycogen content of liver and breast. It is concluded that if possible, place chicks before 7 hr of hatch to preserve BW loss and have maximum response from IOF. If not possible, use IOF with 40% dextrin + 0.5% HMB to preserve gut integrity and energy status up to 48 hr. This should give advantage to chicks to recover fast after feeding, but that would have to be confirmed by trials growing birds to slaughter age.  相似文献   

The effect of method and time of first colostrum feeding on the concentration of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) was evaluated in mithun (Bos frontalis) calves. The hypotheses were that the variable method and time of first colostrum feeding might affect the level of serum Ig and in turn the growth performance and health status of the claves during the early age. The newborn calves were randomly allotted to one of the four experimental groups - G-1: allowed to suckle the dam at own choice, G-2: separated immediately after birth and allowed to suckle the dam first at 6 h and then at own choice, G-3: bottle fed ad libitum colostrum of its own dam first at 6 h and then at 6-h intervals until 24 h, G-4: bottle fed ad libitum colostrum of its own dam within 1 h, at 6 h and then at 6-h intervals until 24 h. The concentrations of IgG, IgM, and IgA were lowest (p < 0.01) at birth and increased following colostrum feeding irrespective of the experimental group. Highest concentrations of all the Ig classes were observed at 12-24 h after birth. The concentrations then transiently decreased from day 7 to 14, and then steadily increased after day 28. The concentrations of IgG (p < 0.01) and IgA (p < 0.05) were higher in G-1 in relation to the other groups during the first week after birth. Similarly, higher concentration of IgA (p < 0.05) was found in G-1 in relation to the other groups during the rest of the experimental period. The apparent absorption efficiency of colostral IgG was higher (p < 0.05) in G-4 in relation to G-3. Growth rate and health status were not influenced by the method and time of first colostrum feeding. In conclusion, a 6-h delay in the first colostrum feeding reduced the level of serum Ig noticeably.  相似文献   

The neuroanatomical and neurophysiological development of the embryo and fetus and unique features of the physiological environment of the fetal brain, features which are lost at birth, support recent conclusions that under normal circumstances awareness (or consciousness) is probably not exhibited by the ovine embryo-fetus before birth and that it appears for the first time only after birth. However, there has apparently been no evaluation of whether or not similar mechanisms modulate awareness-related functions in domestic chicks before and after hatching. This comparative review, in seeking to rectify this, arrived at the following conclusions. First, the neural apparatus of both lambs and chicks appears to be too immature to support any states resembling awareness during at least the first half of pregnancy or incubation. Second, electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, which evolves subsequently, shows that states of sleep-like unconsciousness are likely to be continuously present in lambs until after birth, and that such states at least predominate in chicks until after hatching. Third, as in fetal lambs, epochs of so-called 'wakefulness' previously reported in chick embryos do not seem likely to represent short periods of awareness in ovo. Fourth, several neurosuppressive mechanisms, with some unique features, also operate or have the potential to operate in chicks before hatching, but a dearth of published information currently hinders a full comparison with those demonstrated to operate in fetal lambs. Fifth, contradicting the intuitive perception that vocalisation pre-hatching by the chick indicates the presence of awareness, published evidence suggests that vocalisation before and during hatching occurs mostly during EEG states indicating sleep-like unconsciousness. Sixth, as seems to be the case for newborn lambs after birth, it is possible that demonstrable awareness may appear for the first time only after hatching in chicks, presumably through waning neurosuppression and burgeoning neuroactivation, but such awareness seems to take longer to manifest itself. However, additional research in chicks is recommended to further assess this suggestion. Particular attention should be given to the status of vocal interactions between hen and chick which begin several days before hatching, and to the operation of neurosuppressive and neuroactivating mechanisms throughout the last 40% of incubation and during and after hatching.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that L-pipecolic acid (L-PA), a major metabolic intermediate of L-lysine (L-Lys) in the brain, is involved in the functioning of the γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic system. Previous study has shown that intracerebroventricular injection of L-PA suppressed feeding and induced sleep-like behavior in neonatal chicks. The present study examines whether the action of L-PA was induced by gavage in both chicks and mice. Oral administration of L-PA significantly inhibited food intake at 2 h after treatment in neonatal chicks, although no significant effect of L-Lys was detected. In mice, oral L-PA suppressed food intake compared to the control after 2 h of treatment. It was concluded that L-PA was effective for suppression of food intake after oral administration in both avian and mammalian species.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同开食时间对雏鸡早期的生长性能及内脏器官发育的影响.试验选取1080只0日龄、体重相近的新扬州鸡雏鸡,根据开食时间不同,随机分成6个组,每个组3个重复,每个重复60只(30只公鸡,30只母鸡).出壳后一周内,每天从每个重复中随机挑选8只雏鸡(4公4母),分别称其活重后致死,取卵黄囊、肝脏、心脏、胰腺、法氏囊和小肠分别称重,测量小肠长度.结果表明,出壳后禁食36h对7日龄鸡体重没有显著负面影响,出壳后最长禁食时间不应超过60h.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities of gamma-glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) were measured from birth to the age of 28 days in calves which were fed colostrum at 0-2, 6-7, 12-13, or 24-25 h after birth. Enzyme activities were also measured in colostrum (first to fifth milking) and in mature milk. Activities were highest in the first colostrum milking and decreased to the lowest activities in mature milk. Plasma gamma-GT activity transiently increased after first colostrum intake and was greater in calves fed first colostrum within less than 6-7 h than in those fed first colostrum later than 12 h after birth. Activity of gamma-GT reflected the absorption of colostral gamma-GT, which decreased with time after birth. The AP activity transiently increased after colostrum intake and was higher in calves fed colostrum within the first 12 h of life than in those fed later after birth. The transient rise of plasma AP activity also indicated absorption of colostral AP, although endogenous sources of AP could not be excluded. The activity of AST also transiently increased after colostrum intake but there was no association with time of first colostrum feeding, indicating that the rise of plasma AST activity was the consequence of enhanced endogenous production and was independent of colostrum intake. In conclusion, there are different causes leading to postnatal changes in enzyme activities.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the feeding ability of calves during the first 4 days after birth. METHODS: The sucking behaviour of 171 dairy calves, fed from individual bottles during the first 4 days after birth, was evaluated by quantifying the volume of colostrum consumed, the duration of feeding, and speed of drinking. Calves had been separated from their mothers and brought into a rearing shed in the morning, when < 24 h of age, and were offered 2 L colostrum from a bottle in the afternoon of the same day, and twice daily thereafter. RESULTS: Newborn calves became efficient suckers from bottles within 24 h of removal from their dams (collection). On the day after birth, 95% of calves drank the 2 L of colostrum offered during the afternoon feed, and by Day 4 virtually all calves (99%) drank this amount. Calves that had inadequate colostrum from their dam were more likely to drink all 2 L offered after collection, but a small number of calves that had not had colostrum from their dams and drank < 500 ml at the afternoon feed following collection were likely not to drink 2 L on the following days. However, calves that did not drink all 2 L on Day 1 were not disadvantaged in comparison to those that did, in that they were equally likely to drink 2 L on Day 4. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of calves became efficient drinkers within 48 hours of birth, but a small number of slow feeders may need individual feeding at least up to 4 days after birth.  相似文献   

1. Immunoresponsiveness and disease resistance were measured in broiler males maintained on ad libitum feeding throughout or on alternate‐day feeding. Alternate‐day restrictions were started 1 and 2 d after hatch so that on any one day there were chicks fed and fasted.

2. Severity of response to E. coli challenge as measured by lesion scores, and mortality was greater for chicks fed ad libitum than those fed on alternate days. For chicks fed on alternate days, lesion scores were lower for those without access to feed for the 24‐h period immediately after challenge.

3. Spleen weights, the indicator of response to marble spleen disease virus challenge, were higher for chicks fed ad libitum than those fed on alternate days.

4. Antibody response to sheep red blood cell antigen was not affected by feeding regimen.

5. Ratios of heterophils to lymphocytes were higher for chicks given access to feed for the previous 24‐h period than for those fasted during the previous 24‐h or those that had been fed ad libitum.

6. Results of this experiment suggest that for alternate‐day feeding programs, vaccination be administered on the day that chicks are not fed.  相似文献   

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