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根据牛源荚膜血清A型多杀性巴氏杆菌的培养特性,本研究采用脑心浸液肉汤(BHI)培养基静止培养24 h,每2h震荡一次的方法进行培养,将培养的A型多杀性巴氏杆菌灭活后制成A型多杀性巴氏杆菌灭活疫苗,免疫小白鼠和日本大耳白家兔.结果显示:A型灭活苗的保护率为100%;将制备的灭活疫苗进行肉牛安全性试验,均未发现过敏反应等异常情况;在河西走廊嘉峪关、酒泉、张掖、金昌和武威5市应用对网牛春(2~3月)、秋(10~11月)两季分别免疫注射制备的A型多杀性巴氏杆菌灭活疫苗,剂量为体重100 kg以上6 mL/头,100 kg以下4 mL/头的方法进行了较大规模的临床效果观察,免疫牛均未发现不良反应,实验组牛巴氏杆菌病发病、死亡率分别分别比对照组低2.4、1.99个百分点,差异极显著(p<0.01).  相似文献   

牛源荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌疫苗候选株的筛选及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了筛选生长快、毒力强、免疫原性好、副反应小的牛源荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida,Pm)灭活疫苗菌株,本试验选取6株来自不同地区致犊牛肺炎死亡的牛源荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌分离株,测定了培养基生长曲线、小鼠毒力、菌体脂多糖(LPS)含量及各菌株灭活菌苗免疫小鼠和家兔后的抗体效价,并进行了攻毒保护试验。结果显示,分离株Pm2、Pm3、Pm5生长速度较快、毒力较强、LPS含量较多,均含有与毒力和免疫相关的ptfA和fimA基因;免疫小鼠及家兔未发现明显不良反应,在二免后14d血清抗体达1∶64~1∶128,强毒攻毒后全部存活,而PBS对照组全部死亡。本试验结果表明,Pm2、Pm3、Pm5均可作为多杀性巴氏杆菌灭活菌苗的候选菌株,其中Pm3作为首选株。  相似文献   

为了筛选生长快、毒力强、免疫原性好、副反应小的牛源荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida,Pm)灭活疫苗菌株,本试验选取6株来自不同地区致犊牛肺炎死亡的牛源荚膜A型多杀性巴氏杆菌分离株,测定了培养基生长曲线、小鼠毒力、菌体脂多糖(LPS)含量及各菌株灭活菌苗免疫小鼠和家兔后的抗体效价,并进行了攻毒保护试验。结果显示,分离株Pm2、Pm3、Pm5生长速度较快、毒力较强、LPS含量较多,均含有与毒力和免疫相关的ptfA和fimA基因;免疫小鼠及家兔未发现明显不良反应,在二免后14 d血清抗体达1:64~1:128,强毒攻毒后全部存活,而PBS对照组全部死亡。本试验结果表明,Pm2、Pm3、Pm5均可作为多杀性巴氏杆菌灭活菌苗的候选菌株,其中Pm3作为首选株。  相似文献   

为筛选牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pm)交叉保护性抗原,本研究以A型Pm CQ2株基因组为模板,对其omp A、omp H、plp E、pm0979、P6和pfh B基因分别进行扩增,克隆于相应表达载体并进行原核表达,同时对表达产物进行纯化及western blot鉴定。将纯化的重组蛋白免疫小鼠,分别测定其对2 LD50剂量的A型和B型Pm的攻毒保护效果。结果表明,重组蛋白r Omp A、r Omp H、r Plp E、r Pm0979、r P6和r Pfh B对A型Pm CQ2株的攻毒保护率分别为20%、60%、70%、40%、20%和10%,对B型Pm CVCC450株的攻毒保护率分别为0、30%、40%、20%、10%和0,表明重组蛋白r Plp E、r Omp H和r Pm0979可以针对不同血清型的Pm提供较好的交叉保护作用。本研究为牛源Pm新型疫苗的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜血清型及毒力基因检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定12株牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌的血清型及毒力基因的携带情况,本研究采用PCR技术对12株牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌(pasteurella maltocida,Pm)进行荚膜血清型鉴定和6种毒力基因(tbp A、hgb A、hgb B、ptf A、pfh A、tox A)的检测,并对其序列进行比对分析。结果显示:12株多杀性巴氏杆菌均为荚膜血清A型;100%的荚膜血清A型Pm携带hgb A毒力基因和pfh A毒力基因;41.67%的荚膜血清A型Pm携带nan H毒力基因;58.33%的荚膜血清A型Pm携带ptf A毒力基因;而对于tbp A与tox A两种毒力基因在12株牛源荚膜血清A型Pm中均未检测到。  相似文献   

hyaD为A型多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜多糖合成相关基因,为探讨该基因对多杀性巴氏杆菌毒力及其免疫保护特性的影响,本研究利用同源重组方法,构建了牛源A型多杀性巴氏杆菌CQ2株(PmCQ2)的hyaD基因缺失株(ΔhyaD)。结果发现,与野生株相比,ΔhyaD的荚膜产生量及其感染后在脏器中的细菌定殖量均显著下降,其毒力显著降低。细胞试验发现,ΔhyaD更易黏附于巨噬细胞,被吞噬数量显著多于野生株,致使巨噬细胞相关炎性因子表达显著上调。hyaD基因的缺失,可调控与荚膜合成、LPS合成转运、铁转运等相关的基因表达显著下调,促使相关保护性抗原基因表达显著上调。以制备的PmCQ2株和ΔhyaD株灭活苗免疫小鼠(加强免疫1次),免疫后第21天分别采用同源和异源多杀性巴氏杆菌攻毒,ΔhyaD株免疫小鼠肺组织感染后24 h无明显或轻微病理损伤,对牛源A型、B型和F型多杀性巴氏杆菌的免疫保护率分别为100%、100%和80%,对兔源、猪源和禽源A型多杀性巴氏杆菌的免疫保护率分别为90%、100%、100%;而野生株PmCQ2除对牛源A型多杀性巴氏杆菌的保护率在80%以上外,对牛源B型和F型及兔、猪、禽源A型多杀性巴氏杆菌均无明显交叉保护作用。研究结果表明,hyaD基因可通过调控荚膜产生及毒力相关因子表达影响菌株毒力;hyaD基因缺失可调控相关交叉保护性抗原表达,赋予菌株交叉免疫保护特性。该研究为多杀性巴氏杆菌通用型疫苗的研发提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了防控A型多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pm)引起的牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎以及B型Pm引起的牛出血性败血症,本研究制备了牛Pm病二价灭活疫苗(A型Pm-TJ株+B型C45-2株),并将疫苗分别以0.3 m L和4 m L接种小鼠和兔后,所有接种动物均健活;分别以单剂量(2 m L)、单剂量重复、超剂量(4 m L)接种肉牛和奶牛后,接种牛均无不良反应,而且接种疫苗对肉牛增重和奶牛产奶量均无影响,表明疫苗安全性良好。以不同的免疫剂量接种牛后,分别采用A型和B型Pm强毒菌液对免疫牛进行攻击,结果显示,疫苗能够对攻毒牛产生良好的免疫保护,并且疫苗的免疫效力呈现剂量依赖性,最小免疫剂量为1 m L (对A、B型Pm攻毒牛的保护率分别达到75%与100%)。此外,犊牛接种疫苗10个月后攻毒,对A、B型菌攻毒牛的保护率仍分别能够达到75%与100%,表明该疫苗的免疫持续期至少可达10个月。综上所述,该牛Pm二价灭活疫苗能够有效预防牛纤维素性化脓性肺炎和牛出血性败血症,该疫苗的推广应用将对我国牛Pm病的防控发挥关键性作用。  相似文献   

用北京、山东两奶牛场疑似牛出败的病死牛组织感染小鼠,小鼠死亡后取组织染色镜检、接种血清TSA和麦康凯培养基,分离到2株疑似多杀性巴氏杆菌,命名为Pm1和Pm2。经细菌培养特性及形态检验、多杀性巴氏杆菌种特异性PCR、荚膜A、B血清群特异性PCR、脂多糖基因分型PCR、荚膜A群透明脂酸抑制试验鉴定其为荚膜血清A群、脂多糖3型多杀性巴氏杆菌。将Pm1和Pm2回归小鼠证明有强毒力。本试验为国内荚膜A群多杀性巴氏杆菌的流行病学研究增添了一些新数据。  相似文献   

为确定新疆北疆部分地区疑似病例中分离的牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida,Pm)流行的血清型、ST型及毒力相关基因的分布情况,本研究以分离的17株牛源Pm为研究对象,采用荚膜多重PCR分型法、脂多糖多重PCR分型法(LPS-mPCR)、多位点序列分型法(MLST)及PCR方法检测17株Pm分离株的荚膜型、脂多糖型、MLST型及7类共25个毒力相关基因的分布情况。结果显示,13株Pm的荚膜脂多糖型为A∶L3型,ST型均为ST1型,4株Pm荚膜脂多糖型为B∶L2型,ST型均为ST44;17株Pm毒力相关基因(exbB、exbD、fimA、fur、hgbA、hsf2、nanB、oma87、ompA、ompH、plpB、psl、ptfA、sodA、sodC、tonB和tbpA)的检出率高达100%,toxA基因的检出率为0。结果表明,从新疆北疆部分地区规模化牛场疑似病例中分离的Pm主要血清型为A∶L3∶ST1型。  相似文献   

为了评价市场上不同厂家IBD全病毒或亚单位灭活苗的免疫效果,本研究用4种商品化疫苗(A、B、C、D,A为IBD亚单位灭活联苗,B~D为IBD全病毒灭活联苗)免疫1日龄SPF鸡,并采用AGP抗体、ELISA抗体和攻毒保护指标进行评价。结果显示表明不同IBD灭活疫苗之间的免疫效果是存在差别的,D苗最好,C苗次之,A苗、B苗较差;IBD灭活疫苗所产生的ELISA抗体水平和AGP抗体水平与攻毒保护呈正相关,且ELISA抗体与AGP抗体产生趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

Brucella abortus INTA2, a novel mutant strain, was constructed by inactivation of two B. abortus S19 genes: bp26 and bmp18, with the objective of obtaining a mutant strain that could be compatible with a diagnostic test and have less residual virulence than strain 19. The double mutant was constructed by replacing a large section of the bp26 coding region with the luciferase (luc) coding gene, resulting in mutant strain B. abortus M1luc, followed by partial deletion of bmp18 coding sequence. Both genes were inactivated by allelic replacement assisted by sacB counter-selection. Luciferase expression was evaluated and confirmed that it is a valid marker in the construction of mutant strains. When B. abortus INTA2 was inoculated in BALB/c mice, significantly fewer colony forming units (CFUs) were recovered from mice spleens during initial phase of infection. No splenomegaly was observed in strain INTA2-immunized mice at any time suggesting that strain INTA2 has lost some residual virulence of the parental strain. Nevertheless, similar protection levels against virulent challenge were observed in mice immunized with strains INTA2 or S19. Although strain INTA2 would still induce O-side antibodies, it does not express BP26. This would allow differentiation of INTA2-vaccinated animals from animals infected with field strains by measuring anti-BP26 antibodies, either by an agglutination test or ELISA using BP26 as antigen. Altogether these results indicate that B. abortus INTA2 might be a promising vaccine strain against brucellosis.  相似文献   

为鉴定一株从雁鸭脏器内分离到的革兰氏阴性细菌,本研究对该菌进行分离培养、细菌16S rRNA序列比对、动物试验和药物敏感性试验。结果表明该分离菌与多杀性巴氏杆菌(P.mutocida)(AF224297)同源性达99.88%,毒力强,能够致死家兔、小鼠和鸡,对氧氟沙星等药物敏感。分离菌的荚膜抗原血清型特异性基因PCR产物与荚膜血清A型P.mutocida hyaD-hyaC基因同源性达99.9%,确定该菌株为荚膜血清A型P.mutocida。本研究首次从雁鸭体内分离到A型P.mutocida。  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious and economically devastating vesicular disease of cloven-hoofed animals. In this study, we constructed and characterized the immune responses and vaccine efficacy conferred by the recombinant adenovirus co-expressing VP1 of FMDV and porcine interferon alpha as fusion protein (rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1). Six groups of female BALB/c mice each with 18 were inoculated subcutaneously twice 2-week intervals with the recombinant adenoviruses. The results showed that the levels of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in the group inoculated with rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1 were significantly higher than those in the group inoculated with rAd-VP1+rAd-pIFNalpha (P<0.05). Then four groups of guinea pigs each with six were inoculated two times at 2-week intervals intramuscularly with rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1, commercial inactivated FMD vaccine, wild-type adenovirus (wtAd) or PBS, and the protective efficacy of rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1 was determined. The results indicated that all the guinea pigs vaccinated with rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1 as well as inactivated FMD vaccine were protected from FMDV challenge, even though the levels of neutralizing antibodies (1:32-1:40) of the animals vaccinated with rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1 was lower than that in the group inoculated with inactivated FMD vaccine (1:64-1:128). It demonstrated that the newly recombinant adenovirus rAd-pIFNalpha-VP1 might further be an attractive candidate vaccine for preventing FMDV infection in swine.  相似文献   

不同地理株伊氏锥虫灭活苗交叉免疫保护及免疫方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用伊氏锥虫湖北株和广西株制备纯虫灭活苗和含血灭活苗,经小鼠1次、2次免疫,再经强毒伊氏锥虫湖北株、广西株和江苏株交叉攻击。结果湖北株纯虫灭活苗2次免疫鼠,对同株(湖北株)获得30/30保护,对异株即广西株和江苏株分别获0/10和7/10保护,该苗一次免疫鼠对同株仅获得5/10保护。广西株纯虫灭活苗2次免疫鼠对同株(广西株)获20/20保护,对异株即湖北株和江苏株分别获得0/10和4/10保护。含血湖北株伊氏锥虫灭活苗对同株无保护作用,13只免疫小鼠全部死亡,对江苏株(异株)为9/10死亡。对照小鼠全部发病死亡。交叉免疫保护试验结果说明,纯虫灭活苗经两次免疫后对伺株虫体产生坚强的免疫保护作用,免疫保护率达100%,不同地理株伊氏锥虫因抗原变异现象出现不同的免疫保护作用。两次免疫接种小鼠其免疫保护效果比一次免疫的效果好。疫苗中如含有大量非特异物质,虫苗的免疫保护作用将完全丧失。稳定试验表明,灭活苗在室温下保存1个月,在4℃、-20℃下保存6个月,免疫效果不变。  相似文献   

Cross-protection studies were conducted with vaccines prepared from two isolates of Dermatophilus congolensis (designated strain 1 and strain 2). The vaccines were prepared as either heat-inactivated, washed, formalized filamentous phase bacterium, mixed with alum as an adjuvant, and inoculated intramuscularly (type A vaccine) or sedimented live filaments inoculated intradermally (type B vaccine). The vaccinated sheep were challenged with D. congolensis zoospores of one or other strain. Challenge sites were observed for the presence and severity of lesions. Serum antibody levels to D. congolensis were monitored after vaccination and challenge. Type A and B vaccines from both strains produced some reduction in the severity of lesions when sheep were challenged with strain 1 but not with strain 2. Unvaccinated control sheep developed more severe and persistent lesions when challenged with strain 2 than controls challenged with strain 1. Serum antibody levels to the type B vaccine prepared from strain 1 were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) than antibody levels to type B vaccine from strain 2. These findings showed there was significant variation in virulence and antigenicity between these two isolates of D. congolensis.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus (PRV) antibodies, detectable by indirect radioimmunoassay (IRIA), serum-virus neutralization test (NT), or microimmunodiffusion test (MIDT) were developed within 8 days after pigs were inoculated with virulent PRV or attenuated PRV vaccine. Indirect radioimmunoassay and NT titers in pigs inoculated with virulent PRV were developed at the same rate, with IRIA titers being higher than NT titers. Pigs inoculated with attenuated or inactivated PRV vaccine developed peak mean prechallenge NT antibody titers of 4 and 1 (reciprocals of serum dilutions), respectively. Pigs inoculated with attenuated PRV vaccine had peak mean prechallenge IRIA antibody titers of 6, whereas pigs inoculated with inactivated PRV vaccine had mean IRIA antibody titers of 64. Challenge exposure of swine inoculated with attenuated or inactivated PRV vaccine elicited quantitatively equivalent responses, as measured by IRIA or NT, which were higher than prechallenge titers. There were no false-positive IRIA, NT, or MIDT results obtained when sera from nonvaccinated, nonchallenge-exposed pigs were tested. It appears that the PRV infection status of a seropositive swine herd could be ascertained by serologically monitoring several representative animals from a herd, using the NT. If 2 or more tests of representative animals at 14-day intervals were done and the mean NT titer was 4 or less, it could be concluded that the herd was vaccinated against, but not infected with, virulent virus.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage-delivered DNA vaccine against Chlamydophila abortus was constructed by cloning a eukaryotic cassette containing the ompA gene (which expresses the Major Outer Membrane Protein) into a bacteriophage lambda vector. Four groups, each of 20 BALB/c mice were inoculated separately with the phage vaccine, a conventional DNA vaccine based on the same ompA expression cassette, a live attenuated vaccine (strain 1B) or the empty phage vector. The phage and DNA vaccines and empty phage vector were administered intramuscularly on days 0, 14 and 28; the attenuated vaccine was given once on day 0. Half the animals in each group were challenged on day 42 by intraperitoneal injection of live C. abortus and sacrificed on day 49. Phage-vaccinated mice developed moderate antibody levels against C. abortus and yielded higher levels of IFN-γ and IL-2 compared with the attenuated live vaccine group. Clearance of chlamydiae from spleens was significantly better in the attenuated vaccine group compared with the phage vaccine group, while both groups were significantly superior to the DNA vaccine and control groups (p<0.01). Although levels of protection in the mouse model were lower in phage-vaccinated animals, than in 1B vaccinated animals, phage vaccines offer several other advantages, such as easier handling and safety, potentially cheaper production and no chance of reversion to virulence. Although these are preliminary results in a model system, it is possible that with further optimisation immunization with phage vaccines may provide a novel way to improve protection against C. abortus infection and trials in large animals are currently being initiated.  相似文献   

A new inactivated anti-brucellosis vaccine, prepared according to a process previously described under the name of P.B. has been carried out from the strain Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 Elberg. The absence of agglutinogen content was verified through rabbits and mice. Its immunogenic content, tested on DBA2 mice by means of an infection test, produced excellent results. Tests were planned for sheep. If the results on this species were satisfactory, this type of vaccine could then better replace the live vaccine Rev 1 which, in addition to the post-vaccine agglutinines which it takes after, is not without danger to man.  相似文献   

对1例疑似鸭肝炎病毒和多杀性巴氏杆菌混合感染的10日龄肉鸭采用常规的病毒、细菌鉴定方法和RT-PCR、PCR方法分别进行病毒、细菌的分离与鉴定。病毒鉴定为新型鸭肝炎病毒,细菌鉴定为荚膜血清A型多杀性巴氏杆菌多杀亚种。细菌对SPF鸡的毒力试验结果显示,分离的巴氏杆菌与强毒标准株C48-1毒力相近,为强毒株。细菌对10日龄肉鸭的致病性回归试验结果表明,一定数量的该株巴氏杆菌可导致10日龄雏鸭的感染死亡。结果表明,该批肉鸭为新型鸭肝炎病毒和A型多杀性巴氏杆菌混合感染。这是国内首例从感染鸭肝炎病毒10日龄雏鸭肝脏中分离到多杀性巴氏杆菌。  相似文献   

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