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腐蹄病是由坏死梭杆菌和节瘤拟杆菌协同感染引起的各种哺乳动物和禽类的创伤性传染病。牛、羊、鹿等反刍动物常见且发病率较高,以侵害反刍动物趾间皮肤及深层软组织为主。该病的特征为动物蹄部组织化脓、坏死、腐败以及角质层破坏。目前,在我国牛、羊饲养场中,腐蹄病的发生率可达到50%,是牛、羊,尤其是奶牛养殖业中危害性最大的传染病性疾病之一。患腐蹄病的奶牛,通常表现为食欲减退,泌乳量下降,繁殖能力降低,严重者被迫淘汰,从而严重地影响到奶牛的生产性能和产奶质量,给奶牛业造成了巨大的经济损失。因此,我国牛、羊,尤其是奶牛腐蹄病的防治工作显得十分重要,一般为慢性经过,多位散发,有时表现为地方流行性。坏死梭杆菌主要以白细胞毒素、内毒素、溶血素、血凝素和各种蛋白酶起致病作用。节瘤拟杆菌主要通过细菌纤毛和蛋白酶起致病作用,其他杂菌在致病中起辅助作用,所以腐蹄病的主要判定依据是检测到病料中是否有节瘤拟杆菌和坏死梭杆菌的存在。  相似文献   

利用分子生物学技术扩增藏羊腐蹄病病料中坏死杆菌和节瘤拟杆菌的特异性基因片段。结果显示:坏死杆菌lkt A基因和节瘤拟杆菌fim A基因序列与Genebank中JX678850.1和X52407的序列同源性分别为99%和95%,表明青海省藏羊腐蹄病病原中有坏死杆菌和节瘤拟杆菌存在,为今后防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

正牛腐蹄病一般发生于反刍动物,牛和绵羊最易感。该病主要由节瘤拟杆菌引发,具体表现为牛蹄部皮肤出现显著炎症,伤口出现腐坏化脓症状,牛蹄出现红色的粘稠分泌物,伴有恶臭味,严重的呈现全身性败血症状。1病原特点牛腐蹄病的病原有很多例如坏死梭杆菌、结节状类杆菌、球菌、以及产黑色素类杆菌和酵母菌等。引发牛腐蹄病的病原主要是坏死梭杆菌和节瘤拟杆菌。病原菌通过分泌含有毒素的物质,或高活性的蛋白酶,  相似文献   

正牛腐蹄病的一般不致死,但可致耕牛役用能力丧失、肉牛和奶牛综合生产性能下降、种畜综合利用率下降而淘汰率增大、饲料报酬及料肉比下降等,而且病原(节瘤拟杆菌、坏死梭杆菌、绿脓杆菌、链球菌等)感染所引起的腐蹄病具有较强的传染性,健康牛群内一旦出现个别发病,可能导致半数左右同群健康牛出现相同症状。因此,现代规模化(含适度规模)养牛业必须要高度重视防范本病。1致病因子牛腐蹄病的主要致病因素在临床可分为病原性和外病原性两种。1.1非病原性地方性矿物盐缺乏  相似文献   

<正> 蹄皮炎和腐蹄病致使奶牛和肉牛跛行,在湿热或潮湿环境,管理不良等情形下,更为严重。坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacteriumnecrophorum)是公认的腐蹄病传统主致病菌,最新研究表明节瘤拟杆菌(Bac-teroides nodosus)和产黑拟杆菌(B.me-laninogenicus)也是致病菌。这些病菌能在土壤和粪便中存活数天,是腐蹄病的高度接触传染源。牛栏地表粗糙、坚硬,排水不畅等不良环境,或营养不良造成蹄壳破  相似文献   

腐蹄病(Footrot)是由坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacterium necrophorum,F.necrophorum)和节瘤拟杆菌(Baeteroides nodosu,B.nodosus)协同感染引起反刍动物趾间皮肤及深层软组织的一种高度接触性传染病,以动物蹄部组织的化脓坏死性分解、腐败恶臭和角质形成受到破坏为主要特征。腐蹄病自1960年Adams首次报道以来,该病在美国、比利时、荷兰、日  相似文献   

趾间皮炎又称腐蹄病,是由良性节瘤拟杆菌(Bacteroides nodosus)引起的牛的一种传染性疾病。在潮湿、泥泞的环境中过度拥挤的牛容易流行本病。它的特征是:具有  相似文献   

正奶牛腐蹄病是一种兽医临床的常见病,主要是因为奶牛蹄部感染坏死厌氧丝状杆菌而持续炎症。一般在多雨时节发生,这种腐蹄病虽然有非常低的死亡率,但由于生病奶牛的蹄部已经变形、持续跛行等造成运动困难,对机体的使用年限产生的严重影响,而且生产性能降低,严重影响了养殖农户的收入。1原因解析(1)造成奶牛腐蹄病的病原菌主要由于坏死梭杆菌、节瘤拟杆菌,还有一些粪弯杆菌、脆弱类杆菌、酵母菌、梭菌、产  相似文献   

用 PCR从腐蹄病 C型节瘤拟杆菌扩增出具有免疫保护性抗原 0 .85 kb纤毛蛋白基因 (pili基因 ) ,并构建了该基因的表达载体。转化宿主细胞 PAK/2 pfs,在营养肉汤中进行 pili基因的表达。培养 18~ 2 4h后 ,收集培养液上清 ,加入 0 .1mol/L Mg Cl2 ,离心提取重组纤毛蛋白。用羊抗兔 C型节瘤拟杆菌抗血清与提取的纤毛蛋白进行对流免疫电泳试验 ,结果表达的重组纤毛蛋白有特异性 ;用 SDS- PAGE和 Western- blot证明表达的蛋白是 C型节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白。  相似文献   

羊场环境中绵羊腐蹄病病原的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以近年来国内外最新研究资料为基础,采用PCR方法对采集于绵羊腐蹄病发病地区水样和土样环境中坏死杆菌和节瘤拟杆菌的存在情况进行检测。结果显示:34份样品中有1份水样为坏死杆菌阳性,其余为阴性,节瘤拟杆菌检测全为阴性。将扩增所得基因KY130428通过BLAST序列比对,发现该基因片段与FJ230831序列同源性为99%,表明样品中存在坏死杆菌。从羊圈周围动物饮水中检测到坏死杆菌的存在,国内尚未见相关报道,本研究旨在摸清羊场环境中腐蹄病病原的分布情况,为该病的防制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The number of canine and feline clinical diseases that may be manifested as ocular dysfunction continues to increase. Veterinarians are often presented with sick patients who also have eye disease. Conversely, animals are examined for eye disease that on closer inspection also have a systemic illness. A decision must be made; is there a relationship between the observed ocular and systemic problem, or are they separate morbid processes? If they are related, can the ocular signs be used to better define the systemic illness, chart its course, or establish a prognosis? It is hoped this article will aid the clinician in gaining a better perspective on the complex relationship between the eyes and systemic disease.  相似文献   

It is more than a century since Marek's disease (MD) was first reported in chickens and since then there have been concerted efforts to better understand this disease, its causative agent and various approaches for control of this disease. Recently, there have been several outbreaks of the disease in various regions, due to the evolving nature of MD virus (MDV), which necessitates the implementation of improved prophylactic approaches. It is therefore essential to better understand the interactions between chickens and the virus. The chicken immune system is directly involved in controlling the entry and the spread of the virus. It employs two distinct but interrelated mechanisms to tackle viral invasion. Innate defense mechanisms comprise secretion of soluble factors as well as cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells as the first line of defense. These innate responses provide the adaptive arm of the immune system including antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses to be tailored more specifically against MDV. In addition to the immune system, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contribute to the outcome of MDV infection in chickens. This review discusses our current understanding of immune responses elicited against MDV and genetic factors that contribute to the nature of the response.  相似文献   

Three cases of feline Tyzzer's disease have occurred, since 1971, in kittens infected experimentally with feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). It is suggested that the immunosuppression induced by FeLV may have predisposed the kittens to fatal infections with Bacillus piliformis.Clinical, pathological and ultrastructural features of the disease are described.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vesicular stomatitis is an infrequent yet important vesicular disease of cattle, horses, and swine. Periodic outbreaks of this disease in the United States have caused economic losses in cattle herds because of decreased production, movement restrictions, and trade embargoes. Vesicular stomatitis causes clinical signs indistinguishable from those of foot-and-mouth disease. It is of utmost importance that appropriate samples are collected from clinical cases of vesicular disease in cattle and swine so a rapid laboratory diagnosis can be made.  相似文献   

鸡传染性病毒性腺胃炎是一种以腺胃肿大、腺胃乳头出血溃疡为主要特征的传染病,该病多发生于雏鸡,主要表现为生长停滞和消瘦,剖检除较常见的腺胃炎变化外,还可见胸腺和法氏囊萎缩,胰腺坏死。该病的临床症状、病理变化表现不尽相同,病原众说不一。文章就该病的病原学、流行病学、病理变化、临床症状以及鉴别诊断做了综述。  相似文献   

The proposal that hypocupraemia and hypocuprosis are characteristic manifestations of Border disease and of aetiological significance has been investigated. Mean plasma copper concentrations in 65 affected and 47 unaffected lambs were similar and in a controlled experiment, plasma and tissue copper concentrations tended to be higher in affected lambs than in controls. It is concluded that hypocupraemia and hypocuprosis are not consistent features of Border disease and thus have no aetiological significance.  相似文献   


No doubt you would all be delighted to note when Mr MacIntyre opened this conference that our Minister of Lands is well aware of the economic loss resulting from disease in animals. He estimated the national loss for 1969 to be between $110 and $130 million. Now, about 5% of this loss can be attributed to hydatid disease. We should be thankful that man is a less attractive secondary host for Echinococcus granulosus than is the sheep, because hydatids is a horrible disease which can still be fatal. It affects some lives as well as many purses. Moreover, hydatid disease is very much our problem in that most of the countries that have better facilities for re-search in this field have little incentive for entering it.  相似文献   

The childhood immunisation programme in England aims to achieve and maintain high vaccine coverage so that no child needlessly suffers from a vaccine preventable disease. As part of the programme, parents must have appropriate support from health professionals and have information available to them to make informed decisions about their choices. Even though immunisation is voluntary in England, coverage is generally high. It has been estimated that only 0.33% of parents do not consent to their child being included in a computerised database that schedules immunisation appointments. Parental attitudes, experiences and social grade are influential in determining whether a child receives a vaccine. Personal experience and knowledge of diseases influence parental perceptions about the seriousness of diseases and their likelihood of being affected by it. In societies where immunisation programmes have been successful, the challenge is maintaining high levels of vaccine coverage. In the absence of disease, the threat of that disease rapidly disappears and anxieties about the vaccine's safety may increase. A fall in vaccine coverage can lead to the return of disease as happened in the UK when rates of pertussis immunisation plummeted in the 1970s. Further perceived threats may also affect vaccine uptake, for example, the MMR controversy dating from 1998. The article outlines the MMR debate in the UK, the communication of risk and benefit and the management of information to the public. It will share lessons learned and examine how they might apply to the veterinary programme.  相似文献   

口蹄疫感染性克隆疫苗的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口蹄疫是一种严重威胁畜牧业发展的重要传染病,目前世界上许多国家和地区都有该病的流行与发生。开展新型口蹄疫疫苗的研究一直是口蹄疫防制技术的一项重要内容。鉴于传统疫苗所存在的诸多缺点,人们先后研制开发了口蹄疫的第二代基因工程苗和第三代基因疫苗,这些新型疫苗都具有一定的优越性,显示出进一步发展的潜力。文章着重讨论了在感染性cDNA的基础上所构建的一类新型基因疫苗-感染性克隆疫苗及其发展前景。感染性克隆疫苗不仅继承了以往基因疫苗的许多优点,而且克服了其表达量低,免疫效果不理想的缺点,为新型疫苗的研制提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

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