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闽北地区水耕人为土的发生与系统分类研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水耕人为土是在水耕条件下形成的具有人为诊断层的独特土壤类型。对采自福建省北部的13个水耕人为土典型剖面进行了土壤形成条件调查和土壤理化性状鉴定,明确了其发生学特性,并依据《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》,鉴定了其诊断层和诊断特性,确定了研究土壤剖面在中国土壤系统分类中的归属。鉴定出的诊断层主要有水耕表层、水耕氧化还原层、漂白层、黏化层;诊断特性主要有人为滞水土壤水分状况、潜育特征、盐积现象、氧化还原特性。13个剖面可分别归属为弱盐潜育水耕人为土、普通潜育水耕人为土、漂白铁聚水耕人为土、普通铁聚水耕人为土、普通简育水耕人为土5个亚类。  相似文献   

水耕人为土长期改旱后土壤类型演变的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于城市的扩展和农业产业结构的调整,中国已有大面积的水耕人为土利用方式由水田永久性地转变为其他农业用地,相应地土壤发生学性状和土壤分类地位也随之发生变化。通过对中国长江三角洲和东南丘陵地区61对水耕人为土及其相应的返旱后形成的土壤进行观察与采样分析,系统地研究了水耕人为土返旱后土壤发生学特征的变化特点,探讨了水耕人为土返旱后土壤类型演变及分类归属。结果表明:水田长期改旱地后土壤失去了"人为滞水水分状况",土壤水分状况转变为潮湿土壤水分状况、滞水土壤水分状况或湿润土壤水分状况;水耕表层与水耕氧化还原层的特征发生退化。改旱后检索出的土壤类型涉及3个土纲、4个亚纲、9个土类和14个亚类,主要为雏形土(占87%),其次为淋溶土(占10%),少数为潜育土(占3%)。由水田长期改旱地后形成的部分土壤与现有的《中国土壤系统分类》检索确定的类型在形态特征上存在明显的不协调现象,为此,初步建议在《中国土壤系统分类》中增设"残余水耕现象"和"残余水耕氧化还原层"等诊断层/诊断特性与"斑纹铁质湿润雏形土"及"斑纹钙质湿润雏形土"等土壤类别。  相似文献   

欧锦琼  卢瑛  胡丹心  周志军  秦海龙  熊凡  阳洋 《土壤》2023,55(6):1336-1346
为明确广西岩溶地区水稻土在中国土壤系统分类中的归属,以该区域不同母质发育的水稻土为研究对象,挖掘20个典型剖面,通过野外观测、分层取样与分析,依据《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》进行分类检索。结果表明,大多剖面出现明显的复钙现象。供试剖面的系统分类高级单元归属为人为土土纲,水耕人为土亚纲,潜育、铁聚和简育水耕人为土3个土类,复钙、铁聚和普通潜育水耕人为土、复钙和普通铁聚水耕人为土、复钙和普通简育.水耕人为土7个亚类,在系统分类基层单元归属上,可划归出17个土族和续分为20个土系。考虑广西地区水耕人为土耕作层Ap1碳酸钙相当物含量往往低于犁底层Ap2的现象,而现行水耕人为土复钙亚类的检索中“表层土壤”的“表层”不尽明确而可能导致的亚类误判,建议将其修改为“水耕表层(耕作层或犁底层)土壤”;另外,由于实际调查发现广西地区的一些铁聚水耕人为土也具有复钙特征,建议在检索中增设复钙铁聚水耕人为土亚类。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区灌淤土的成土特点及系统分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解宁夏引黄灌区灌淤土的成土特点和系统分类归属,在研究区内挖掘5个典型土壤剖面,经过剖面形态观测和分层取样分析,发现灌淤土主要的成土过程是人为耕作引起的土壤熟化过程、灌溉水和地下水共同作用引起的氧化还原过程以及灌溉水泥沙沉降引起的地表物理堆垫过程,有些地方还有盐渍化过程。依据《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》进行检索、鉴定,发现5个典型剖面的诊断依据有灌淤表层、肥熟表层、雏形层等诊断层和冷性土壤温度状况、石灰性和氧化还原特征等诊断特性以及钙积现象,5个典型剖面分别属于人为土土纲,旱耕人为土亚纲,灌淤旱耕人为土和肥熟旱耕人为土2个土类,斑纹灌淤旱耕人为土、灌淤肥熟旱耕人为土和普通灌淤旱耕人为土3个亚类。依据《中国土壤系统分类土族与土系划分标准》将5个剖面按照控制层段土壤颗粒大小、矿物学类型的不同,初步建立5个土族和5个土系。将典型剖面在不同分类系统中的位置进行参比研究,表明发生分类与系统分类虽然并非简单一对一的关系,但却具有优势的对应关系;5个典型剖面在发生分类中归属为灌淤土土类,在中国土壤系统分类归属中为灌淤旱耕人为土和肥熟旱耕人为土2个土类,在美国土壤系统分类中归属为Inceptisols土纲,Ustepts亚纲和Haplustepts土类;相比之下,发生分类和美国土壤系统分类较为稳定,定量化的中国土壤系统分类分异性较大,使分类更加全面、细化。  相似文献   

为推广应用中国土壤系统分类 ,本文对自然地理野外实习基地—河北省秦皇岛市石门寨区域的土壤进行系统分类研究。结果如下 :土壤诊断层有淡薄表层、水耕表层、雏形层、水耕氧化还原层、粘化层 ,诊断特性有砂质沉积物岩性特征、石质接触面、半干润土壤水分状况、湿润土壤水分状况、人为滞水土壤水分状况、氧化还原特征、冷性土壤温度状况、温性土壤温度状况 ,土壤类型归属为人为土纲、淋溶土纲、雏形土纲和新成土纲。并与原土壤地理发生分类进行参比及总结地理分布规律  相似文献   

安徽省沿淮地区几种主要土壤诊断特性和系统分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慈恩  高明  于群英 《土壤通报》2005,36(1):19-22
本文对安徽省沿淮地区的黄棕壤、黄褐土、水稻土、砂姜黑土、潮土和石灰土等六种主要土壤的典型剖面进行系统研究,按《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案)》确定了各土壤剖面具有的诊断层和诊断特性,进行了分类检索,得出了这六种典型土壤剖面在中国土壤系统分类中所属的分类单元,并与现有发生学分类进行了参比。典型剖面研究结果表明:这些土壤分别被划归铁质湿润淋溶土土类、粘磐湿润淋溶土土类、简育水耕人为土土类、淡色潮湿雏形土土类、简育潮湿变性土土类、钙质湿润淋溶土土类。  相似文献   

安徽省石灰岩风化物发育土壤的特性和系统分类   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
顾也萍  冯学钢  巩劼 《土壤学报》1998,35(3):303-312
本文研究了安徽省石灰岩风化物的发育的土壤,根据土壤特性,依照《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案)》探讨8个土壤剖面在土壤系统分类中的归属,其中2个剖面为黑色岩性均腐土土类,1个剖面为钙质润湿淋溶土土类,5个剖面为钙质湿润雏形土土类。  相似文献   

重庆市紫色土系统分类高级单元划分研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
依据中国土壤系统分类的原则和方法,对重庆市境内的41个紫色土典型剖面进行鉴别、检索和分类定名,并与其发生分类进行参比。结果表明,41个紫色土典型剖面分别被划归为4个土纲(人为土、淋溶土、雏形土和新成土)、6个亚纲、12个土类和19个亚类等系统分类高级单元,被划归为雏形土土纲的剖面最多,其次为新成土土纲,仅有9个剖面被划归为紫色湿润雏形土或紫色正常新成土;雏形土土纲和新成土土纲均分别对应紫色土发生分类的3个亚类(酸性紫色土、中性紫色土和石灰性紫色土),而淋溶土土纲则仅与酸性紫色土1个亚类相对应;地形、海拔、母岩和人为活动与紫色土的土壤水分状况、剖面发育、颜色以及其他理化性质等关系密切,是影响重庆市紫色土系统分类高级单元划分的重要因素;针对多数紫色土个体达不到紫色砂、页岩岩性特征的色调标准以及铁质湿润雏形土的下设亚类不能充分反映紫色土属性(如石灰性、酸性等)差异等问题,建议适当放宽紫色砂、页岩岩性特征的颜色要求或增设石灰铁质湿润雏形土和酸性铁质湿润雏形土2个亚类。  相似文献   

川西名山县阶地漂洗土壤分类及参比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经历了强烈漂洗作用的土壤是一类形态独特的土壤,在分类系统中具有重要地位。本文在四川西部漂洗土壤集中分布的名山县第二至五级阶地上对这类土壤进行了野外调查采样和室内测试分析,按中国土壤系统分类的原理和方法,通过水耕表层、水耕氧化还原层、漂白层、人为滞水土壤水分状况、氧化还原特征等诊断层和诊断特性的确定及按顺序检索的方法,将其归入人为土纲,水耕人为土亚纲,简育水耕人为土和铁聚水耕人为土土类,漂白简育水耕人为土、漂白铁聚水耕人为土和普通铁聚水耕人为土亚类;同时按发生分类系统进行了类型划分,它们均归入漂洗水稻土亚类。比较而言,系统分类能更精确地区别土壤分异,有利于土壤精准化管理,但仍需进一步修订完善。  相似文献   

重庆市潜育水稻土发育特性和系统分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李松  慈恩  文婷  连茂山  翁昊璐  陈林  胡瑾 《土壤》2019,51(4):813-820
以重庆市境内7个发生分类的潜育水稻土典型剖面作为研究对象,通过剖面形态特征观测和理化性质测定分析,探讨其发育特性和在中国土壤系统分类(CST)中的归属。结果表明,7个供试剖面主要位于丘陵山地下坡、坡麓以及江河沿岸一级阶地,质地多为粉壤土或粉质黏壤土,不同土壤剖面中游离铁分布有较大差异,潜育特征受到人为滞水和地下水的影响,主要出现在耕作表层和受地下水位影响的深度范围内。依据CST,7个典型剖面均具有水耕表层、人为滞水土壤水分状况、潜育特征和氧化还原特征,但1个剖面虽有水耕表层但无水耕氧化还原层而隶属潜育土土纲中的石灰简育正常潜育土亚类;其余6个剖面具有水耕表层和水耕氧化还原层而分别隶属于水耕人为土亚纲中的复钙潜育水耕人为土、铁聚潜育水耕人为土和普通潜育水耕人为土亚类,依据土族和土系划分标准,建立了5个土族和7个土系。值得注意的是,目前CST中简育正常潜育土尚没有反映人为水耕活动影响(即水耕现象)的亚类,因此可以考虑新增水耕简育正常潜育土亚类。  相似文献   

中国华北地区近40年物候春季变化   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
根据华北地区7个观测站物候资料,分析了华北地区1963-1996年及北京1963-2005年物候春季的变化特征及其与气温的关系。结果表明:华北地区的物候春季有明显提早来临的趋势,而造成这一变化的主要因素是本地区近40 a来冬春季气温的明显上升。其中1963-1996年间华北地区1-3月及4月的平均气温分别上升了2.3℃与1.7℃,物候春季起止日期分别提前了9d和4d,因而使得春季长度也延长了5d;北京1963-2003年间1-3月及4月的平均气温分别上升了3.5℃与2.6℃,物候春季的起止日期分别提前了11d和10d,但春季长度没有明显变化。  相似文献   

Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn) concentrations in atmospheric precipitation have been routinely monitored in Sweden since the autumn of 1983. Concentrations are highest in southern Sweden and decrease northward. It is postulated that the long range transport of anthropogenic pollutants from the rest of Europe is the major source of Cd, Pb, and Zn in precipitation. Evidence for this hypothesis is that enrichment factors indicate anthropogenic origin, and Swedish atmospheric emissions of Zn and Cd are 2 to 3 times smaller than deposition fluxes. Also, Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations are correlated in both space and time and are also well correlated with exSO4 +, a substance known to be of anthropogenic origin transported long distances.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Epiphytic lichens were sampled in a Dutch national monitoring survey, which was carried out twice within 5 yr. The samples were analyzed by neutron activation...  相似文献   



Rice-paddy-dominated watersheds in eastern China are intensively cultivated, and lands with two crops receive as much as 550–600 kg?ha–1?year–1 of nitrogen (N), mainly through the addition of N-based fertilizers. However, stream N concentrations have been found to be relatively low. Waterways in the watersheds are assumed to be effective “sinks” for N, minimizing its downstream movement. We directly measured net sediment denitrification rates in three types of waterways (ponds, streams/rivers, and a reservoir) and determined the key factors that control net sediment denitrification. Such information is essential for evaluating the impact of the agricultural N cycle on the quality of surface water.

Materials and methods

The pond–stream–reservoir continuum was sampled every 2 months at nine sites in an agricultural watershed between November 2010 and December 2011. Net sediment N2 fluxes/net sediment denitrification rates were determined by membrane inlet mass spectrometry and the N2/Ar technique. A suite of parameters known to influence denitrification were also measured.

Results and discussion

Net denitrification rates ranged between 28.2?±?18.2 and 674.3?±?314.5 μmol N2–N?m–2?h–1 for the streams, 23.7?±?23.9 and 121.2?±?38.7 μmol N2–N?m–2?h–1 for the ponds, and 41.8?±?17.7 and 239.3?±?49.8 μmol N2–N?m–2?h–1 for the reservoir. The mean net denitrification rate of the stream sites (173.2?±?248.4 μmol N2–N?m–2?h–1) was significantly higher (p?<?0.001) than that of the pond sites (48.3?±?44.5 μmol N2–N?m–2?h–1), and the three types of waterways all had significantly higher (p?<?0.01) mean net denitrification rates in summer than in other seasons. Linear regression and linear mixed effect model analysis showed that nitrate (NO3 ?–N) concentration in surface water was the primary controlling factor for net sediment denitrification, followed by water temperature. Using monitoring data on NO3 ?–N concentrations and temperature of the surface water of waterways and an established linear mixed effect model, total N removed through net sediment denitrification in the pond–stream–reservoir continuum was estimated at 46.8?±?24.0 t?year–1 from July 2007 to June 2009, which was comparable with earlier estimates based on the mass balance method (34.3?±?12.7 t?year–1), and accounted for 83.4 % of the total aquatic N. However, the total aquatic N was only 4.4 % of the total N input to the watershed, and thus most of the surplus N in the watershed was likely to be either denitrified or stored in soil.


High doses of N in a rice-paddy-dominated watershed did not lead to high stream N concentrations due to limited input of N into waterways and the high efficiency of waterways in removing N through denitrification.  相似文献   

对天津周边半干旱地区不同种植年限的菜田土壤微生物状况调查研究表明 ,该地区土壤微生物以细菌为主 ,夏季微生物总量大大高于冬季 ;随着种菜年限的增加 ,耕层和亚耕层微生物总量都有增加趋势 ,其中细菌和放线菌增加明显 ,真菌有下降趋势 ;真菌类群分析表明 ,少数纤维素分解菌 ,如青霉 (Penicillium)、木霉 (Trichoderma)等为优势菌 ,而糖和木质素分解菌仅占少数。用尖孢镰刀霉 (Fusariumuoxysporum)、大肠杆菌 (Escherichia coli)接种不同种菜年限土壤 ,检测土壤拮抗菌状况发现 ,拮抗菌仅在种植年限长的老菜田的放线菌中发现。表明北方半干旱地区菜田土壤细菌为优势菌 ,主要存在于土壤微孔隙中 ;而适于生活在土壤疏松大孔隙中的真菌数量极少。应注意土壤结构的改良 ,为丰富土壤微生物提供良好的生态环境  相似文献   

对天津周边半干旱地区不同种植年限的菜田土壤微生物状况调查研究表明 ,该地区土壤微生物以细菌为主 ,夏季微生物总量大大高于冬季 ;随着种菜年限的增加 ,耕层和亚耕层微生物总量都有增加趋势 ,其中细菌和放线菌增加明显 ,真菌有下降趋势 ;真菌类群分析表明 ,少数纤维素分解菌 ,如青霉 (Penicillium)、木霉 (Trichoderma)等为优势菌 ,而糖和木质素分解菌仅占少数。用尖孢镰刀霉 (Fusariumuoxysporum)、大肠杆菌 (Escherichia coli)接种不同种菜年限土壤 ,检测土壤拮抗菌状况发现 ,拮抗菌仅在种植年限长的老菜田的放线菌中发现。表明北方半干旱地区菜田土壤细菌为优势菌 ,主要存在于土壤微孔隙中 ;而适于生活在土壤疏松大孔隙中的真菌数量极少。应注意土壤结构的改良 ,为丰富土壤微生物提供良好的生态环境  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is an emerging technology based on the use of green plants to remove, contain, inactivate or destroy harmful environmental pollutants. Recent developments in Europe and the USA show that the approach is somewhat different on both sides of the Atlantic. In Europe, phytoremediation has more basically been research driven and, based on the outcomes, applications have been envisaged. By contrast, the approach in the USA is more application and experience driven. In spite of a growing track record of commercial success, more demonstration projects are needed to prove that phytoremediation is effective in order to rigorously measure its underlying economics, and to expand its applications. More fundamental research is also required to better understand the complex interactions between pollutants, soil, plant roots and micro-organisms at the rhizosphere level, to increase the bioavailability of pollutants, to fully exploit the metabolic diversity of plants and, thus, to successfully implement this new green technology.  相似文献   

沈阳市城市表土中微生物区系变化的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在沈阳市远郊-近郊-市区等不同城市化水平区内选取林地、草地和路边土几种不同利用方式下的表层土壤,对土壤中的微生物状况进行了初步分析。结果表明,随着城市化水平的提高,土壤中微生物的数量表现为明显的减少趋势。其中变化较大的是细菌,而真菌和放线菌的变化不明显。  相似文献   

Proteolytic bacterial communities, which mineralize organic nitrogen, play a key role in agricultural systems. In this study, alkaline metalloprotease (apr) gene fragments from proteolytic bacteria were investigated in bulk and rhizosphere paddy soil from four fields under organic management (for 2, 3, 5, and 9 years), and from one field under conventional management (for 2 years). We analyzed the abundance and structure of the proteolytic bacterial communities using real-time quantitative PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Our results showed that the abundance of proteolytic bacteria ranged from 1.57?×?108 to 8.02?×?108?copies/g of soil. In addition, the abundance of the proteolytic bacteria in the paddy soils under organic management was significantly higher than those in the paddy soil under conventional management. Moreover, the gene copy numbers in the rhizosphere soils were significantly higher than those in the bulk soils. The abundance of proteolytic bacteria tended to increase with the duration of organic management, with the highest abundance being found in the soil that had been under organic management for 5 years. However, the proteolytic bacteria communities in the paddy soils were not significantly affected by management practices. Phylogeny analysis showed that all gel bands obtained represented genes from Pseudomonas. Additionally, correlation analysis and canonical correspondence analysis showed that C/N, C, and N were important factors that influenced the abundance and community structure of the proteolytic bacteria. These results suggest that proteolytic bacteria are indicators in organic management systems, depolymerize organic N and hence maintain soil sustainability.

Abbreviations: CM: conventional management; OM: organic management; DGGE: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; qPCR: real-time quantitative PCR detecting system; COFCC: China organic food certification center; CCA: canonical correspondence analysis  相似文献   

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