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1 前言为了完成日本关于森林、林业及林产业方面的各项的体制建设。重新制定了森林流域管理系统的方案。这个方案是在促进森林经营、林业生产等的基础上,其基本单位是在合理的范围内,把以河流为中心的经济圈划分为“流域”,目标是提高森林经营水平,形成从河流上游到下游的木材生产、销售和加工一条龙的国有木材生产基地,包括私有林、国有林在内,在森林、林业和林产业相关者的统一体之下,综合进行适合各地流域特点的森林经营、林业生产、加工和销售。为此进行以森林计划体系的重新编制、森林经营事业诸制度的设立、城乡计划的扩弃和促进河流的下游间森林经营协议的鉴定等为内容的森林法的修改。森林计划体系,具体来说是为了继续强化包括私有林和国有林在内的河流上下游间合作的流域管理。策划制定以大范围内的区域流域为单位区域的全国森林计划。此外,在地区性森林计划方面,以森林经营为目的,划分出适当的流域性计划区  相似文献   

美国的森林游憩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章阐述了50年代以来,美国政府发展森林游憩的主要经验是“以去兴游,以法治游”,例如,国会通过森林经营立法规定森林经营的首要目标是野外游憩;通过基金制法案为联邦机构,州和地方政府发展森林憩提供资金赞助,并控制它制定森林游憩计划;通过设立相应的野外憩行政机构,加强森林游憩规划和管理。同时还介绍了美国从事森林游憩经营的组织和机构,特别是联邦机构在森林游憩活动中起主导作用,其中农业部林务局的国有林是森林  相似文献   

美国国有林经营规划公众参与现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中阐述美国国有林经营规划中公众参与的现状及法律基础,详述美国进行国有林经营规划过程中公众参与的相关考虑因素、参与对象、参与途径及步骤等,总结其公众参与的特点,提出对我国进行国有林经营规划过程中加强公众参与的启示:1)健全公众参与国有林经营规划的法律法规;2)扩展公众参与途径;3)完善国有林经营规划的公众监督机制;4)提高公众对国有林经营规划的认知。  相似文献   

文章论述了日本的林业基本情况,森林抚育间伐促进对策,林业法律体系和相关制度体系,国有林与森林组合管理体制、经营管理,国有林改革主要成果,森林组合的组织管理与作用等。值得我国借鉴的经验与启发:充分认识森林经营的重要性和紧迫性,将森林经营提到林业工作的重要议事日程;明晰森林经营管理思路,真正树立森林可持续经营理念;建立森林经营专项资金渠道;建立和完善森林经营技术体系;加强森林经营技术示范、推广与培训;充分发挥国有林在国家生态安全上的主导地位和作用;探讨和强化集体林权制度改革后林业组织载体构建与政策,促进我国集体林区林业健康发展。  相似文献   

美国的森林游憩   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
50年代以来,美国政府发展森林游憩的主要经验是“以法兴游,以法治游”。例如,国会通过森林经营立法规定森林经营的首要目标是野外游憩;通过基金制法案为联邦机构、州和地方政府发展森林游憩提供资金赞助,并控制它们制定森林游憩计划;通过设立相应的野外游憩行政机构,加强森林游憩规划和管理。文中还介绍了美国从事森林游憩经营的组织和机构,特别是联邦机构在森林游憩活动中起主导作用,其中农业部林务局的国有林是森林游憩活动的最大提供者,陆军工兵部队在少量的土地和水面上竟成为森林游憩活动的第二大经营者。  相似文献   

培训考察团先后访问了美国联邦国有林管理局、美国南部林区(第八区)国有林管理分局、西南林区(第五区)安吉斯林管区和乔治亚州农业厅以及私有林主。美国森林资源丰富,国有林垂直管理体制简单高效,森林经营科学规范。比较了中美两国国有林管理方面的主要差异,分析了我国重点国有林区管理体制存在的问题,以期为我国国有林管理体制改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

一、森林调查和森林资源清查日本有计划经营森林的历史,据说可以回溯到差不多一个世纪以前(明治30年—1893年制定过森林法)。1951年新的森林法执行之后,编制森林计划方案原则上成为经营森林必须履行的法律手续。林野厅把全国民有林(占总林地68%)划分成253个经营计划区,把国有林14个营林局划分成80个经营计划区,每年编制1/5经营计划区的经营方法,五年全国编完一次,现今已编到第五次。编制经营计划方  相似文献   

美国国有森林系统规划管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国的森林资源丰富且国有森林经营管理水平较高,其国有森林的权属清晰,管理理念先进,管理体系规范,法律法规健全,科学化经营程度高,森林多功能经营完善。美国最新的国有森林系统规划管理是在吸取了几十年的经验和教训之后提出的,旨在为人们和社区提供生态系统服务和多种用途,为当前和未来提供一系列的社会、经济和生态效益。文中介绍美国国有森林系统规划管理的背景和规划框架,分析其规划管理特点,总结其现行管理体系,并提出对我国国有林经营管理的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

介绍芬兰林业的整体概况,分析芬兰林业管理的政策工具、芬兰的森林管理特别是国有林管理,得出诸如严格保护、科学经营、财政投入、生态为主、加强立法、注重科研、培养人才等芬兰森林可持续经营对我国国有森林资源管理的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对日本国有林管理基本情况进行的介绍,比较分析我国国有林管理与日本的差异,提出重新准确定位国有林业的建设方向和目标任务、理顺国有林场管理体制和运行机制、完善国有林场政策体系、加强森林经营、建立精干高效的国有林管理队伍、加大宣传力度,提高全民生态保护意识等建议。  相似文献   

美国国有林经营及对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在介绍美国国有林经营政策的基础上, 针对中国国有林经营现状, 提出应借鉴的经验:减轻税费负担, 加强营造林基础; 提高林业科技水平, 发展高效林业; 构建国有林资源法制化管理体系; 重视跨部门跨学科的交流和合作; 采用生态系统管理方法, 开发和保护并重。  相似文献   

林业管理体制是研究林业发展战略的中心议题,是深化改革的核心。本文对世界林业机构设置类型和管理体制模式进行了探讨。根据机构的性质和任务,把世界林业管理体制划分为两大模式:政企合一和政企分离。当今,实行政企分离,独立经济核算,走企业化的道路,是一个明显的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Fengshui forests, very popular among the ethnic minorities in the rural areas in Guizhou Province of China, have spiritual symbolic meanings and are strictly managed. This paper examines the nature, history, local perceptions and management of fengshui forests in two Buyi villages in the Guizhou Province. With their long history, the fengshui forests are perceived to provide good wishes, security, unity, fortune, wealth and health to the local communities. Fengshui forests act as a form of “community based nature reserve” which maintains the health of natural forests, especially hydrological features and prevention of soil erosion. Cunguimingyue (Folk Regulation and Customs) is the primary local normative mechanism that maintains the fengshui forests in a good condition. The lessons learnt from local fengshui forest management needs to be incorporated in for contemporary China's forest policy formulation as these forests play an important role in rural livelihoods.  相似文献   


Forests of Turkey were severely degraded and depleted as a result of mismanagement particularly during the application of uneven-aged management periods. With the beginning of a national call for planning, all forests except fir-dominated stands are planned for management under even-aged management methods. This paper explains and discusses the results of application of even-aged management on Calabrian pine forests and Eastern spruce forests in Turkey. As shown in 1973 with the first timber inventory, the implementation of even-aged management failed in the first planning period to create an optimal forest structure. It was observed, however, that even-aged management is beginning to accomplish an optimal forest structure in Calabrian pine forests with successful silvicultural treatments. In contrast, implementations of the even-aged management method on spruce forests was found unsuccessful so far. It is concluded that the method would be implementable in spruce-dominated forests and the other light-demanding commercial tree species as well if the silvicultural plans are prepared carefully based on site classification, and if the welfare system of the forest villagers in Eastern Black Sea region is improved.  相似文献   

美国大平原防护林概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对美国大平原防护林的发展、研究进行了系统介绍,主要包括:大平原防护林发展简史、规划设计、营造技术、效益评价、经营管理等内容。为我国防护林建设提供一些经验、教训。  相似文献   

在我国集体林权制度改革之后,集体林地实行均山到户政策,由林农单独管理,难以实现统一的可持续经营,由此造成森林质量较低、森林生态服务能力减弱等问题,为此借鉴他国经验具有重要意义。文中从3个方面整理总结美国家庭森林发展与保护方面的经验,首先梳理其由政府主导构建的家庭林业政策扶持体系,其次对非政府环保组织培育的新型林业经营主体——“森林银行”进行分析,最后介绍美国利用市场激励机制通过林业碳汇项目引导家庭林主加强林地管护的做法;据此提出促进我国集体林发展的建议:完善林地产权制度,保障林农合法权益;构筑全方位的政策扶持体系;发展环保非政府组织,培育新型林业经营主体;积极发展林业碳汇项目。  相似文献   

简要回顾了中美两国的国家级森林资源清查发展的历史,对抽样设计、样地设置与统计方法和机构人员情况进行了较详细的讨论,重点介绍了美国正在建立的森林清查综合监测系统的抽样框架和布局;并对中美两国在立法、人员、经费和监测内容等方面进行了比较;结合其他国家森林清查情况,在抽样体系、样地设计等方面提出了改进我国森林资源监测体系的建议.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are at the center of any global debate on climate change and sustainable forest management because of their twin roles in climate change adaptation and mitigation and for resilient development. However, in the countries of the Congo Basin forests receive very little attention in national planning and policies. Climate change is not currently considered in decisions and long-term forest management plans in these countries. This paper demonstrates that: (1) Congo Basin forests are needed for adaptation because they can help to decrease human vulnerability to climate change; and (2) Congo Basin forest management practices need to be adapted to accommodate climate change because these forests are vulnerable to climate change. A framework for facilitating adaptation in forestry is discussed and a review of adaptive actions presented. The paper recommends the adoption of sustainable forest management approach that includes a climate change focus. Such management should not only avoid any adverse effects on the forest resources and conservation of biodiversity, but also provides opportunities for greater, more sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation through income generation and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

Forest and harvested wood products (HWP) carbon (C) stocks between 2001 and 2100 for Ontario's managed forests were projected using FORCARB-ON, an adaptation of the U.S. national forest C budget model known as FORCARB2. A fire disturbance module was introduced to FORCARB-ON to simulate the effects of wildfire on C, and some of the model's C pools were re-parameterized using data from Canadian forests. Forest C stocks were estimated using allometric equations that represent the relationships between C and net merchantable volume and forest age based on forest inventory statistics. Other pools were included using results from ecological studies related to forest inventory variables. Data from future forest development projections adopted in approved management plans were used as model input to produce forest C budgets for the province's Crown forest management units. The estimates were extended to other types of managed forests in Ontario: parks, measured fire management zones, and private forest lands. Carbon in HWP was estimated in four categories: wood in use, wood in landfill, wood burned for energy, and C emitted by wood decomposition or burning without energy generation. We projected that the C stocks in Ontario's managed forests and HWP (in use and in landfills) would increase by 465.3 Mt from 2001 to 2100, of which 47.9 Mt is from increases in forest C and 417.4 Mt is from HWP C.  相似文献   

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