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我国内陆盐湖卤虫卵孵化特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了我国新疆、青海和内蒙古等地四个盐湖中生产的卤虫卵的孵化特性和提高其孵化率的几种化学处理方法。为进一步开发利用我国内陆盐湖的卤虫资源提供了有用的参考数据。  相似文献   

中国卤虫生物地理分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全世界已报道55个国家的卤虫资源分布地350多处,其中中国只有4处(P.Vanhaecke等,1987),中国沿海盐田面积多达3600km~2,内陆盐湖面积大于1km~2的就有500多个,在这些广阔的高盐水域中,蕴藏着十分丰富的卤虫资源。本文报告了中国18个省、市、自治区发现的卤虫资源分布地77处,其中沿海33处,内陆44处,并标明了这些产地的经、纬度和生殖类型、染色体组成等生物学特性。目前已进行规模开发利用的约有30处,年产鲜卤虫15000—20000t,原料卤虫卵500—800t。文内还讨论了卤虫分布与环境因子的关系,提出了合理开发利用中国卤虫资源的建议。  相似文献   

中国盐湖卤虫的生物学特性及其在对虾育苗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中国部分盐湖卤虫的自然种群组成、卤虫卵卵径、孵化特性、无节幼体体长以及投喂对虾幼体的饵料效果等的测定,对照卤虫卵和无节幼体生化成分的文献资料,评估了中国内陆盐湖卤虫的内在质量及其开发利用的前景。  相似文献   

刘凤岐  刘静 《内陆水产》2000,25(8):44-45
自上世纪30年代挪威学者发现卤虫卵是水产育苗的优质活饵料以来 ,到目前为止在全世界大约6000个育苗场中 ,每年消耗卤虫卵1500~2000t(干重 )。这些卤虫卵来源于美国的大盐湖、旧金山湾盐场、中国的渤海湾地区及内陆盐湖、加拿大、阿根廷、哥伦比亚、巴西、澳大利亚、泰国、越南、伊朗和法国等国家和地区。最近几年 ,原苏联的一些内陆盐湖中的卤虫卵得到广泛的开发 ,包括俄罗斯的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和土库曼等国家和地区 ,其卤虫卵的产量也相当可观。在过去的近20年间 ,美国的大盐湖一直是世界卤虫卵的最主要产地 ,其产…  相似文献   

卤虫又名“丰年虫”、“丰年虾”,是高盐度水域繁生的一类小型甲壳动物,含有丰富的蛋白质及多种营养成分,无节幼体是鱼、虾、蟹育苗的优质鲜活饲料,成体是鱼、虾、蟹及家禽等养殖的精饲料。我国预计到2000年时年需要量2000吨卤虫卵。世界各国的需求量也在逐年增加。因此,卤虫个体虽小(成体仅1—1.7cm),经济价值却极高,尤其是细砂状的卤虫冬卵,每克20多万粒,在国际市场每吨售价2—3美元,高的可达5万美元。开发卤虫资源前景广阔。 我国沿海盐田及内陆盐湖、盐场面积很大,卤虫成体和卤虫卵产量均超过世界其它国家的总和。仅目前已开始利用的盐湖、盐场估计,天然卤虫卵年产量可超  相似文献   

据调查,艾比湖的卤虫资源量在全国100多个盐湖中名列榜首,虫体的年存量在4000吨左右;纯净干燥卵的年存量有200~400吨。目前,精河县与科研、生产单位联合开发卤虫产业。卤虫、卤虫卵系列产品开发项目  相似文献   

卤虫是当今国内外广泛利用的活饵料,尤其适合对虾养殖。位于柴达木盆地、面积为 34.7平方公里的青海尕海湖内蕴藏着丰富的卤虫资源,年资源量可达 15000吨以上,是中国内陆盐湖卤虫资源中的佼佼者。卤虫资源成为当地群众脱贫致富,带动地方经济发展的优势产业。由于高额利润的驱使和政府管理力量的薄弱,卤虫的捕捞、销售等环节长期处于混乱状态,滥捕滥捞的人员多达五六千人,捕捞量已超过可捕量,造成资源的严重破坏。去年全年生产干卵不足 10吨。照此下去,尕海湖的卤虫资源有灭绝的危险。 (本刊资料 )青海卤虫资源面临灭绝…  相似文献   

卤虫蛋白粉及其开发途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卤虫(Artemia)在我国沿海盐田和内陆盐湖均有分布,是广温、广布,耐高盐生物。由于卤虫休眠卵的初孵无节幼体干重含蛋白约60%,含脂肪20%,卤虫成虫干重含蛋白质约57.6%,脂肪约18.11%,并含有各种必须氨基酸、高级不饱和脂肪酸,大量的微量元素和丰富的β-胡罗卜素、核黄素、血球蛋白及一些激素类物质。所以卤虫资源的合理开发利用在水产养殖业中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

动物性饵料卤虫资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建鑫 《水利渔业》1998,(4):43-43,45
卤虫在我国沿海盐田和内陆盐湖都有分布,是广温性耐盐生物。其体内含蛋白质60%,含脂肪20%,并含高级不饱和脂肪酸、微量元素和丰富的β—胡萝卜素、核黄素等。成虫可以制成卤粉作为鱼虾的蛋白质饲料。卤虫休眠卵孵出的无节幼体,在1~2d内具有较多卵黄,是鱼虾...  相似文献   

中国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在对我国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源普查的基础上,对内蒙的额吉淖尔“黄旗海,青海的尕海、小柴旦湖,新疆的艾比湖、巴里坤湖和山西的解池等7个盐湖卤虫产区进行了重点调查。根据我国盐湖分布特点,湖水面积大小,湖水深浅,卤水盐度及湖区气候特点等,对我国西北地区盐湖卤虫资源进行了评估,可供各级领导机关决策和生产单位开发利用时参考。  相似文献   

利用盐田卤水池大面积养殖卤虫的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵忠宪 《水产学报》1995,19(2):127-132
1989年6至9月,作者利用塘沽盐场9.3公顷的低度卤水池养殖卤虫(Artemiaparthenogentica),方法是先在卤水池中培养微藻,粪肥用量450kg/ha·mon,然后接种卤虫无节幼体,密度1.5—1.7×104个/m3。试验期间投加少量粉碎过筛后的谷糠7.5kg/ha·d,谷糠颗粒直径40—50μm。试验三个月,共收获成体卤虫36743.6kg,平均单产3950.9kg/ha.  相似文献   

南四湖的水生生物和渔业生态初析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王健鹏 《水产学报》1989,13(3):220-229
南四湖是指位于山东省南部的微山、昭阳、独山和南阳四个湖,现有水面11.9万公顷。目前的平均鱼产量是94.05公斤/公顷。1983—1984 年我省对该湖进行了全面的渔业资源调查。南四湖的溶氧含量平均为 8.71毫克/升,pH为 7.1—9.7。湖水中的磷酸盐是0.0108毫克/升,三态氮是0.465 毫克/升。水生维管束植物的生物量是 2584.2毫克/米~2,浮游植物和浮游动物的平均生物量分别为1.709和0.601毫克/升,底栖动物的平均生物量是92.65克/米~2。鱼类的优势种类是鲫鱼、黄颡鱼、乌鳢、红鳍鲌、长春编、鲶鱼、鲤鱼。并为开发它们提出了初步建议。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare fatty acid composition, hatching quality, and size of nauplii from four commercial sources of brine shrimp (Artemia spp.) cyse: China (CH), Colombia (COL), Great Salt Lake (GSL), and San Francisco Bay (SFB). The CH brine shrimp had a comparatively high percentage of 20:5(n-3) fatty acid (eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA), an essential fatty acid for most Iarval fishes, which was 10.4% of the total lipids. The COL, GSL, and SFB sources of cysts contained comparatively low percentages of EPA, 2.9, 1.2, and 1.6%. respectively. Hatching quality was determined by hatching cysts in salt (NaCl) water with a specific gravity of 1.02 at 27 C for 42 h. The COL cysts had the fastest hatching rate, with 50% of the cysts hatching in 13.4 h, while CH cysts hatched at the slowest rate, requiring 25.6 h for 50% of the cysts to hatch. Total percentage hatch was not significantly different among the SFB, COL, and GSL sources, with an average hatching percentage of 84.5, while CH cysts had a significantly lower total percentage hatch of 67.5. The SFB source produced the greatest number of nauplii (1.6 ± 105 per g of cysts) with the smallest length (382 μm), while CH produced the smallest number (8.7 ± 104) with the greatest length (500 μm). These results indicate that there is great variation in nutritional quality, hatching quality, and size of nauplii among commercial sources of brine shrimp cysts, and each of these criteria should be considered in selecting brine shrimp in a development of a feeding strategy for larval culture of a particular species.  相似文献   

Models describing the food uptake kinetics of a growing Artemia culture and the hatching rate of Artemia cysts are combined to yield equations capable of predicting the effects of variable algal cell concentration upon the growth rates of brine shrimp cohorts. The model illustrates that the feeding ability of the brine shrimp can be viewed as one becoming increasingly more efficient as the animals mature. This increasing efficiency in a population of variable age animals (from a single hatch) results in accelerated growth of first hatched animals relative to later hatched animals, especially at algal cell concentrations below certain threshold values. Growth rates of variable age groups of brine shrimp are mathematically manipulated to predict variable size brine shrimp at low algal cell concentration and uniformly sized brine shrimp at high algal cell concentration. This predicted result is confirmed with data from Artemia growth trials at high and low algal cell concentrations. It is suggested that similar variations in population attributes of other species may be explained as an animal-food interaction in which minor initial variations in individual animal maturity (weight, size, etc.) are magnified as a consequence of continuous competition for a common pool of food.  相似文献   

在NaCl质量浓度73g/L、25℃和光暗比12h∶12h条件下,将20日龄的中华卤虫成熟个体按每杯1雌1雄方式置于盛有约100mL高盐海水的玻璃杯中,用盐生杜氏藻按1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6、9×10~6个/杯4个投喂量培育30d,记录所产出的休眠卵和无节幼体数量,并测量休眠卵卵径、无节幼体体长和雌性亲体体长。试验结果表明,同时产休眠卵和幼体情形下的卤虫的产仔次数仅占总产仔次数的1.2%~2.9%。1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6个/杯3个试验组仅产卵的产仔次数占总产仔次数的30.4%~40%,仅产幼体的产仔次数占总产仔次数的57.5%~66.7%,而9×10~6个/杯试验组仅产卵及仅产幼体的百分比分别为61.3%和37.5%。4个试验组的单雌繁殖量分别为88.7、105.9、193、298.7个,单雌繁殖次数分别为2.7、2.9、3.9、4.7次,卵生后代比例分别为32.4%、31.1%、36.9%、66.2%。各试验组干卵径、卵生无节幼体体长和卵胎生无节幼体体长依次为1.5×10~6个/杯试验组<6×10~6个/杯试验组<4×10~6个/杯试验组<9×10~6个/杯试验组,且各试验组之间差异显著(P<0.05)。雌性亲体的最终体长随投喂量增加而显著增加(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,中华卤虫解池种群的雌体在饵料充足时偏卵生,在饵料匮乏时偏卵胎生;卤虫产仔方式受到投喂量的影响,但通过降低投喂量来改变产仔方式的做法在生产上是不经济的。  相似文献   

Although extensive fundamental research has been performed on the brine shrimp, the yields from hatching and culturing this organism which is widely used in mariculture, can be greatly improved. By exposing the immersed cysts to light and by using a new type of hatching cylinder and separator box, greater hatching and separation efficiencies can be obtained. Controlled mass culture of brine shrimp larvae to the adult stage has been extremely difficult until now; the literature on the subject is reviewed and a new tech-nique of high density culturing at the pilot-stage is described.  相似文献   

Estimates of aeration energy use in shrimp farming varied from 11.4 to 41.6 GJ/t shrimp (average = 19.8 GJ/t). Several opportunities for reducing energy use in aeration are available. Many farms adopt an excessive yield to installed aeration capacity ratio. Moreover, the proportion of installed aerator capacity in use and duration of aerator operation per day are often more than necessary during the initial two‐thirds of grow‐out, because adjustment is not made for the quantity of shrimp biomass. Farm‐made, long‐arm aerators used in Asia have several features leading to energy inefficiency and could be replaced by more efficient factory‐made, long‐arm aerators. Asian aquaculture aerator manufacturers should redesign aerators to include design features shown in research to improve efficiency. Dissolved oxygen concentration monitoring essential for verification of aeration performance is seldom performed by shrimp farmers. With good aeration technique, energy use for aeration should not exceed 10–15 GJ/t shrimp.  相似文献   

In a series of studies conducted by members of the International Study on Artemia, differences in nutritional quality were documented between geographical strains of the brine shrimp Artemia. Concomitant with, and possibly related to nutritional effectiveness are differences in biometric traits and biochemical composition. Since these initial experiments could only hint at causal relationships, a series of experiments were carried out to further our understanding of cause and effect. In one experiment we tried to ascertain whether the factors responsible for poor survival in larvae fed some brine shrimp strains are cumulative throughout larval development or whether there are critical periods when larvae are more sensitive. Our results indicate that the factors contributing to poor growth and survival are cumulative. In a second experiment, we contaminated Brazil Artemia with diel-drin, chlordane and combinations of the two and fed them to mud crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii) larvae. The levels of contamination were chosen to approximate those suspected of contributing to the poor food value of some brine shrimp strains. In this experiment, however, diel-drin and chlordane contamination appeared to have no effect on growth and survival of R. harrisii larvae. In a third experiment, we fed Utah strain Artemia on Isochrysis galbana for 24 hours and then fed these brine shrimp to mud crab zoeae. Previous work had shown that this regime made Utah Artemia more suitable as a food source for a prawn. However, in our experiments, it did not improve survival of R. harrisii.  相似文献   

In this study baker's yeast was evaluated as a substitute for live Dunuliella tertiolecta algae in the culture of the brine shrimp Artemia . Consumption of fresh baker's yeast resulted in poor growth and survival of brine shrimp. However, the nutritional value of the yeast sigaificantly improved after complete removal of the yeast cell wall by enzymatic treatment. Baker's yeast was also made digestible for Artemia by simple chemical treatment which did not reduce rigidity of the yeast cell. The external mannoprotein layer of the yeast cell wall is probably the major barrier to digestion by Artemia . Chemically treated baker's yeast offers promising possibilities as a substitute for algal feeds in aquaculture.  相似文献   

渤海中国对虾生态容量变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于1982年和2014~2015年渤海渔业资源与环境调查数据,采用Ecopath模型,分析了渤海生态系统的营养关系、结构及功能参数,评估了中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)在渤海的生态容量变化。结果显示,渤海生态系统中底栖甲壳类、软体动物等功能群处于重要的营养位置,但中国对虾不是渤海生态系统的关键种,其生物量的增加对口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、多毛类、底栖甲壳类有负影响,花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)、虾虎鱼类等生物量的增加将对中国对虾产生负影响。渤海生态系统2个时期均处于发育的不稳定期,仍有较高的剩余生产量有待利用,2014~2015年渤海生态系统成熟度和稳定性较1982年有所降低,系统出现一定程度的退化。中国对虾1982年和2014~2015年在渤海的生态容量为0.810和0.702 t/km~2;与当年依据调查数据评估的生物量相比较,中国对虾有较大的增殖潜力,当生物量增长至71.68倍和585倍时,仍不会超过生态容量。  相似文献   

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