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香蕉花蓟马对不同颜色的趋性及田间诱集效果研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卢辉  钟义海  刘奎  梁晓维  彭帅 《植物保护》2011,37(2):145-147
香蕉花蓟马[Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)]在香蕉园中普遍发生,对香蕉生产造成危害。为了比较香蕉花蓟马对不同颜色的反应、指导田间色板诱虫,本文采用10种不同颜色的黏虫卡研究香蕉花蓟马成虫对颜色的趋性及田间诱虫效果。结果表明,黄色对香蕉花蓟马成虫引诱效果最强,显著高于其他颜色;浅蓝色、白色和粉红色对香蕉花蓟马的引诱效果显著高于剩余6种颜色。黄色黏板的诱虫量变化与香蕉花蓟马田间自然种群数量变化一致,两者相关系数为0.98。色板悬挂高度对香蕉花蓟马的诱集效果有显著影响,色板悬挂高于花蕾时的诱虫数量显著少于色板悬挂于花蕾中部和顶部时的数量。  相似文献   

黄胸蓟马是中国香蕉上重要害虫,生产上对该虫仍缺乏较为有效的防治手段。本研究采用香蕉花蕾注射法施用22.4%螺虫乙酯悬浮剂 (SC) 和70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂 (WG),研究了其对黄胸蓟马的防效,并采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 (UPLC-MS/MS) 分析了药剂在香蕉果实中的残留。药效试验表明:于香蕉现蕾初期,22.4%螺虫乙酯SC和70%吡虫啉WG分别按有效成分0.12和0.18 g/株的剂量注射施药1次,对黄胸蓟马的防效分别为89%和86%。残留试验表明:花蕾注射施药后,螺虫乙酯和吡虫啉在香蕉果实中的半衰期分别为9.2和6.5 d,且在施药后95 d的香蕉成熟果实中未检测到其残留。本研究表明,香蕉花蕾注射螺虫乙酯与吡虫啉对黄胸蓟马具有良好的防治效果与安全性,可推荐在香蕉园轮换使用。  相似文献   

香蕉花蓟马的为害及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李鄂平 《植物医生》2003,16(5):20-20
香蕉花蓟马Thripshamaiiensis (Morgan)属缨翅目蓟马科 ,是为害香蕉花蕾的重要害虫。在香蕉产区普遍发生 ,严重影响果实外观质量 ,降低经济价值。防治该虫对生产优质高档香蕉尤其是出口香蕉十分重要。1 为害症状香蕉花蓟马躲藏在香蕉花蕾内 ,营隐蔽生活。主要锉吸子房和小果汁液 ,在被害部位产生淡红色伤痕小点 ,以后渐变成黑色 ,很像香蕉黑星病的病斑 ,但花蓟马锉伤形成的黑点向上突起 ,而黑星病的病斑是向下凹陷。随着蕉果的膨大 ,黑斑点也逐渐增大 ,影响果实外观质量及商品价值。同时由于造成伤口 ,蕉果极易感染炭疽病和黑星病 ,成熟果…  相似文献   

多种杀虫剂对香蕉花蓟马田间防效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用喷雾法研究了13种杀虫剂对香蕉花蓟马的田间防治效果。结果表明,从香蕉植株现蕾开始,每隔3天施药1次,至第8梳蕉果苞片脱落为止,供试药剂以苦参碱与啶虫脒对香蕉花蓟马防效最高,防效分别为87.54%、82.21%;其次是吡虫啉、乙基多杀菌素和阿维菌素,三者防效均在70%以上;甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐防效最差,仅为34.49%。  相似文献   

采用10%溴氰虫酰胺可分散油悬浮剂(OD),按有效成分75 g/hm2的剂量,于香蕉抽蕾初期施药1次,比较了喷雾、灌根和埋药3种施药方式下溴氰虫酰胺对黄胸蓟马的防效,并通过超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS),分析了溴氰虫酰胺在香蕉果实、花瓣及土壤中的消解动态和最终残留。药效试验表明:喷雾法与灌根法对黄胸蓟马均具有良好的防治效果,防效分别为78%和74%,而埋药处理的防效较差,仅18%。残留检测结果表明:喷雾和灌根处理组,溴氰虫酰胺在果实、花瓣和土壤中的消解半衰期分别为6.5、14.0、8.5 d和16.0、5.7、8.0 d;在香蕉收获前7 d采样,果实中未检测到溴氰虫酰胺残留,其在土壤中残留量为0.028 mg/kg。研究表明,采用喷雾与灌根法施用溴氰虫酰胺可有效防治香蕉田黄胸蓟马,且其在香蕉上使用较安全,属于易降解性农药。  相似文献   

为明确避雨栽培葡萄上蓟马种类?发生动态及常用杀虫剂对葡萄上优势种蓟马的毒力, 本研究采集鉴定了避雨栽培葡萄上蓟马成虫1 882头, 选用黄色和蓝色2种粘虫板监测了葡萄以及两种诱集植物黄金菊Euryops pectinatus和蓝花鼠尾草Salvia farinacea上蓟马发生动态, 并采用菜豆浸渍饲喂法测定了6种常用杀虫剂对葡萄上优势种蓟马棕榈蓟马Thrips palmi?黄蓟马Thrips flavus和西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis的室内毒力?结果表明, 在避雨栽培葡萄上共采集到隶属于2科4属的10种蓟马, 其中棕榈蓟马(35.97%)?黄蓟马(29.22%)和西花蓟马(24.50%)为优势种蓟马?根据四分位法得到避雨栽培葡萄上蓟马发生高峰在8月下旬至9月中下旬, 在发生早期和主要发生期葡萄树上部蓟马发生量显著高于下部?两种诱集植物均对避雨栽培葡萄上蓟马有一定的诱集作用, 且在各个发生期黄金菊的诱集效果显著高于蓝花鼠尾草?6种杀虫剂对棕榈蓟马的毒力作用依次为:啶虫脒>阿维菌素>噻虫嗪>吡虫啉>氟啶虫胺腈>高效氟氯氰菊酯; 对黄蓟马的毒力作用依次为:阿维菌素>啶虫脒>噻虫嗪>吡虫啉>氟啶虫胺腈>高效氟氯氰菊酯; 对西花蓟马的毒力作用依次为:阿维菌素>噻虫嗪>啶虫脒>氟啶虫胺腈>吡虫啉>高效氟氯氰菊酯?上述结果表明, 为害避雨栽培葡萄的蓟马主要为棕榈蓟马?黄蓟马和西花蓟马, 推荐使用啶虫脒?阿维菌素和噻虫嗪进行防治?同时, 可在葡萄园周围种植黄金菊和蓝花鼠尾草作为诱集植物诱集后施药防治?  相似文献   

蓟马对农作物的危害逐年加重, 为筛选防治蓟马的高效低毒药剂, 采用叶管药膜法测定了10种常用药剂对4种蓟马的室内毒力, 并开展了田间防效试验。室内毒力测定结果表明, 6%乙基多杀菌素SC和10%虫螨腈SC对4种蓟马的毒力相对较高, 25%噻虫嗪WG和5%甲维盐EC的毒力较低, 西花蓟马和瓜蓟马对10种药剂的敏感性低于花蓟马和烟蓟马。田间药效结果表明, 25%噻虫嗪WG、10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺SC和4.5%高效氯氰菊酯EC对西花蓟马的防效较高, 药后7 d药效最高达到90%以上。综合室内毒力和田间药效试验结果, 推荐4.5%高效氯氰菊酯EC和10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺SC为防治蓟马的首选药剂, 可与25%噻虫嗪WG、48%多杀霉素SC、1.8%阿维菌素EC和10%吡丙醚SC等药剂轮换使用。  相似文献   

云南德宏柠檬花期蓟马种类调查及药剂防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓟马在柠檬开花初期、盛花期和末花期均可对柠檬花造成严重危害.本研究进行了德宏柠檬花期蓟马为害观察、标本采集、种类鉴定,以及大田防治药剂的筛选试验.结果表明,为害柠檬花的蓟马有9种,分别为黄胸蓟马(Thrips hawaiiensis)、杜鹃蓟马(T.andrewsi)、色蓟马(T.coloratus)、棕榈蓟马(T.palmi)、黄蓟马(T.flavus)、西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)、花蓟马(F.intonsa)、端大蓟马(Megalurothri ps distalis)和蓟马属一种(Thrips sp.),其中以黄胸蓟马为柠檬花期蓟马的优势种.供试的7种药剂中,以25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂3 500倍液、24%灭多威水剂2 000倍液和20%丁硫克百威乳油1 000倍液的防治效果较好,其施药后3d的虫口减退率分别为93.07%、90.90%和81.57%,校正防效分别为95.36%、93.91%和87.64%;施药后5d的虫口减退率分别为97.90%、95.32%和92.75%,校正防效分别为98.75%、97.21%和95.68%.药剂筛选试验为柠檬花期蓟马的大田防治提供了重要的参考.  相似文献   

苜蓿蓟马的发生规律和药剂防治试验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在陕西关中地区研究了苜蓿蓟马优势种群、种群数量、危害特征、田间消长规律等。结果显示:牛角花齿蓟马(Odontothripsloti)是优势种;蓟马主要危害第二、三茬苜蓿,7~8月份是苜蓿蓟马若虫的发生危害高峰期。选用高效氯氰菊酯、吡虫啉、艾美乐和围打蓟虱蚜4种药剂防效比较表明,高效氯氰菊酯的防治效果最好,持效期长,成本低。  相似文献   

香蕉象鼻虫的发生与防治庄木来黄坤洋(福建省平和县农科所,363700)(平和县植检站香蕉象鼻虫(OdoipiruslongicolisOlirer)又名香蕉双带象虫,香蕉黑带象甲。以幼虫蛀食蕉株假茎危害为主。大发生时,虫口密度每株达100多只。危害处...  相似文献   

Several permanent populations of Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913) were discovered outdoors for the first time in Spain in 2010. Captures were made mainly on Rosa flowers, Nerium oleander and Gerbera sp.  相似文献   

利用假茎注射吡虫啉防控香蕉蓟马   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究使用专用注射器在香蕉花蕾刚现出时,通过假茎注射吡虫啉防治蓟马。试验1为70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂稀释200、250、300倍液,每株注射40mL;试验2为70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂稀释200倍液,每株注射20、40、60mL。结果表明:试验1和试验2的各处理对香蕉植株均没有药害。试验1中,70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂稀释200倍液对蓟马的防效为82.4%,与常规处理差异不显著,而稀释250、300倍液的防效为75.5%、66.8%,显著低于常规处理。试验2中,70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂200倍液3个注射剂量处理对蓟马的防效分别为77.9%、86.3%、89.6%,注射20mL的防效显著低于注射40mL和60mL的处理。在生产中,利用香蕉假茎注射施用70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂防治蓟马,考虑防效及成本,推荐浓度为稀释200倍液,每株注射40mL。该施药方法节省了农药使用量、施药时间,操作简便,达到了农药减量与确保防效并举的效果,为香蕉生产中减量使用农药提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

The influence of weedy field strips on the abundance patterns of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and predatory bugs of Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), on faba bean and on weeds was investigated in Adana province, Turkey, during 2005–2006. There were two treatments: in one treatment, weeds at the margins and inside the plots were regularly controlled by tillage; in the other treatment no weed control was done. Thrips and Orius were sampled by beating faba bean plants and weeds. Orius niger (Wolff) was the most abundant predatory insect species in faba bean and flowering weeds, with numbers of adults and nymphs significantly greater in plots with weedy margins than in weed-free plots. Flowering weeds did not contribute to the abundance of F. occidentalis on faba bean. Abundance of adults of Orius spp. did not coincide with the abundance of F. occidentalis on faba bean or weeds. There were significant negative associations for numbers of Orius spp. among faba bean and the weed species Lamium amplexicaule L. or Sinapis arvensis L. (P < 0.05), indicating movement of Orius individuals from the weeds to faba bean during March–April. Finally, faba bean and weeds may provide some benefits to predators, such as nectar, pollen, shelter and egg-laying sites rather than as sources of insect prey. Cultivation of faba bean could be useful for conservation and augmentation of beneficial insects, including Orius spp. Furthermore, field margins bearing flowering weeds such as S. arvensis and L amplexicaule should be protected against destructive management practices, because they host considerable numbers of the Orius species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thrips are the most consistent insect pests of seedling cotton in the southeastern United States, where symptoms can range from leaf curling to stand loss. In a 2 year study, thrips adults and immatures were sampled at 14, 21 and 28 days after planting on cotton planted with a thiamethoxam seed treatment in concert with crimson clover, wheat or rye winter cover crops and conventional or strip tillage to investigate potential differences in thrips infestations. RESULTS: Densities of adult thrips, primarily Frankliniella fusca (Hinds), peaked on the first sampling date, whereas immature densities peaked on the second sampling date. Regardless of winter cover crop, plots that received strip tillage experienced significantly fewer thrips at each sampling interval. In addition, assessment of percentage ground cover 42 days after planting showed that there was more than twice as much ground cover in the strip‐tilled plots compared with conventionally tilled plots. Correlation analyses showed that increased ground cover was inversely related to thrips densities that occurred on all three sampling dates in 2008 and the final sampling date in 2009. CONCLUSIONS: Growers who utilize strip tillage and a winter cover crop can utilize seed treatments for mitigation of early‐season thrips infestation. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In 2004 the banded greenhouse thrips,Hercinothrips femoralis (Reuter) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), was recorded for the first time in greenhouse-grown organic banana in the area of Sitia (northeastern Crete). Banana fruits were severely damaged by the thrips infestation and a typical smoky-red discoloration of the fruit was observed. Pest control was poor using either high-pressure washing with potassium fatty acids, or commercially available thrips predatorsNeoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) andOrius laevigatus (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). During 2005H. femoralis was also found causing severe damage in conventional banana plantations in Arvi, the main banana-growing area of Crete. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 17, 2006.  相似文献   

Since Thrips palmi became a regulated pest for most European countries, inspections at points of entry into Europe and monitoring in Europe have intensified not only for T. palmi but also for thrips as a whole. Morphological identification of thrips is performed on adults and to a lesser extent on second‐stage larvae only, because no adequate identification keys for the separation of species based on the characteristics of eggs, first‐stage larvae, pre‐pupae or pupae are available. We have developed a real‐time PCR assay based on TaqMan. A T. palmi‐specific set of primers and probe were selected within the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. The specificity of the assay was assessed using 15 specimens of Thrips palmi and 61 specimens of 23 other thrips species commonly occuring in Europe. All T. palmi specimens were detected, and no cross reactions with other thrips were observed. The method was tested on single larvae and adults and proved to be applicable for both those stages of T. palmi.  相似文献   

The Japanese flower thrips, Thrips setosus, is a polyphagous insect which in Europe has mainly been observed on hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp.). The first report of T. setosus in the EPPO region was in the Netherlands (2014). Since then it has been observed in four other countries inside the EPPO region: Germany (2015), the United Kingdom (2016), France (2016) and Croatia (2016). Its dispersal is most likely to be related to trade. Because of its polyphagous nature, there is a risk of spread to other economically important crops. Therefore, T. setosus was included in the national survey project ‘STATREGO’, during which the status of several invasive plant pests and diseases in Belgium was determined.  相似文献   

Since the appearance of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in European glasshouses, many attempts have been made to improve the biological methods for thrips control, originally based on the control of Thrips tabaci. Introductions of Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) cucumeris have been increased with respect to both numbers per introduction and number of releases. So-called slow-release systems have been developed to ensure better establishment of the predator on the plant. New control agents have been tested: the predatory bug Orius insidiosus and the entomopathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii. Additional control methods are: 1) the use of polybutenes as an insect glue on yellow polythene covers of the rock-wool mat; 2) newly developed blue sticky traps. These new developments and prospects are discussed.  相似文献   

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