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贝奥雄性不育灭鼠剂室内药效试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贝奥雄性不育灭鼠剂是一种新型的植物源灭鼠剂,来源于天然植物雷公藤。本试验通过在室内用该药剂喂饲金黄地鼠,检验其对雄鼠的不育作用,结果表明该植物源药剂对雄性金黄地鼠具有显著的不育效果。  相似文献   

磐安,地处“浙江之心”,素有“群山之祖、诸水之源”之称,为首批国家级生态示范区、国家生态县和“全国森林旅游示范县”。境内,森林覆盖率达80.95%,森林旅游资源单体达412个,其中优良级172个,集原真山水、地质奇观、浪漫花海、古迹遗存和奇特民俗于一身,资源总量和数量位列全省前茅。  相似文献   

森林鼠害防治一直是我国森林资源保护的难题之一.针对使用化学杀鼠剂带来诸多负面作用的情况,吉林省延边州森防站研发出使雌、雄鼠均不育的第2代MG-鼠类不育灵颗粒剂,解决第1代产品只对雄鼠产生作用的缺陷.2006年在室内试验的基础上,进行了野外防治森林害鼠试验,结果报道如下.  相似文献   

任信在  李宇新 《林业研究》2001,12(4):243-246
在南韩东北部,1997-1998年间,自4月至12月对人工林和无枯死木生境及采伐后保留地被物的落叶次生林中的小型鼠类种群特征进行了调查。在两块林地中各选择1 hm2(100m100m)样地作为控制区和处理区。两块研究地的中上层林冠结构基本相似,但倒木及地被物的数量及比例却显示控制区大于处理区。两区域中共捕到两种小型鼠类,其中棕背 (Eothenomys regulus)211只,占总数的55.5%,大林姬鼠(Apodemus peninsulae)169只,占44.5%。这两种鼠类的丰富度及种群稳定性在控制区明显优于处理区。两地小型鼠类的不同捕获量主要来自两地鼠类繁殖率和居留率的不同。显然,森林地被结构对小型鼠类的生存具有重要意义。因此,采伐迹地中保留枯死木及地被物是维持小型鼠类种群所必须的。  相似文献   

应用植物不育剂控制林木鼠害新技术应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
应用植物不育剂大面积控制人工林鼠害在国内外属首次。本研究表明 ;大面积应用植物不育剂可以有效控制防治地鼠类种群密度 ,鼠类种群密度下降 69.5% ,种群主要繁殖特征受到影响 ,对鼠类种群繁育控制可持续 2~ 3年 ,单位适宜控制面积 13hm2 。  相似文献   

被人们称为“绿色水库”的森林,具有涵养水源、调节降雨量的作用,这在我们的调查中再次得到了证实。新昌县罗坑山一带有14万余亩森林,森林复被率达60%;而附近的回山区仅有森林4万余亩,森林复被率不到30%。由于两地的森林资源不同,前者年降雨量明显高于后  相似文献   

敬爱的周总理生前就指示过:“林业的经营,要越采越多,越采越好,青山常在,永续利用”。林学家也曾断言:“一个国家和地区,森林覆被率达30%以上,且分布均匀,经营合理,就能基本上满足人们对森林的需要和减免一些自然灾害”。我国是个少林国家,森林覆被率只12.7%,且分布不均,这不仅是一些地方自然灾害不能减免的根本原因,也是我国当前木材成为“短线”的主要原因。  相似文献   

为分析不同的铗日捕获率所对应的鼠类具体数量,在2个林业局各6.67 hm2(100亩)地块内采用5 m×22 m棋盘式布铗方式捕鼠,每日记录捕鼠种类和数量,同时对比分析鼠类数量的相对值与绝对值的相关关系。结果表明,以莫氏田鼠为主要鼠种的林地,前5 d平均铗日捕获率每1%大体上对应1只/666.7 m2。  相似文献   

百色市创新防控机制,落实保障措施,森林火灾发生数量、受害面积、受害率分别从2016年的56起、65.4公顷、0.0269‰下降至2019年的20起、27.73公顷、0.073%,荣获“2016-2018年度全国森林防火先进单位”。  相似文献   

森林覆被率森林占陆地面积的百分比叫森林覆被率。森林覆被率亦称“森林覆盖率”、“森林覆蔽率”。它是反映一个国家或地区森林资源的丰富程度的指标。世界上森林覆被率最高的是圭亚那,达百分之九十七;我国的森林覆被率为百分之十二点七。提高森林覆被率不仅能满足国家对木材和林产品的需要,还能保持水土,防止水、旱、风、沙的灾害,保证农牧业增产,以及改造和绿化自然环境。森林覆被率亦是决定森林经营和利用方针的重要依据。  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to possibly reduce bait shyness of female house rats by masking the poison (rodenticide-Zn3P2) with male pheromonal gland secretions, i.e. preputial/cheek glands and urine. The poison bait mixed with the extract of preputial and cheek glands, and urine was found to be effective in masking poison bait shyness. Preputial and cheek gland extracts cumulatively mixed with poison bait increased the poison bait consumption and consequently the mortality of female rats. The results reveal that among three pheromone sources, preputial gland extract was the most effective followed by urine and cheek gland extract. The results further reveal that the urine and glandular secretion from male origin may have the ability to increase the poison bait acceptance in female rats probably by altering the taste memory by pheromone odours.  相似文献   

研究了MG复合不育剂对棕背Clethrionomysrufocanus数量控制及对林木危害防治效果。 4月上旬在林地投放MG复合不育剂药物饵料 ,秋季 10月份棕背数量与对照地相比较降低 70 %以上 ,第二年仍保持较低的数量水平 ;使林木被害率降至 1%以下 (对照地 6 %~ 10 5 %) ,达到了理想的防治效果。MG复合不育剂药物饵料对棕背有较好的适口性。  相似文献   

榆紫叶甲无公害防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据榆紫叶甲的发生规律及生活习性,进行了榆紫叶甲无公害防治试验,结果表明:在成虫羽化始盛期,树干上喷绿色威雷200倍液,杀虫率达97.1%;在越冬成虫上树取食始盛期,用溴氰菊酯制成毒笔,每株树涂2个药环,杀虫率达95.9%;在榆紫叶甲卵孵化盛期,利用3%高渗苯氧威、25%灭幼尿3号悬浮剂、1.8%阿维菌素、20%菊杀乳油1 000~1 500倍液进行喷雾防治,杀虫率均在92.4%以上。  相似文献   

森林害鼠尤喜啃食樟子松幼树地际的树皮,致其养分与水分运输阻断而死亡。利用袋装毒饵和散投毒饵在樟子松人工林地进行灭鼠试验,结果表明:袋装毒饵不影响害鼠咬食,灭鼠效果优于散投毒饵;袋装毒饵比散投毒饵的残效期延长达5个多月,两者差异显著。投放袋装毒饵是一种安全、有效的灭鼠方法。  相似文献   

为了明确生物农药博落回对园林害虫黄杨绢野螟的防治效果,分别以博落回生物杀虫剂1%可湿性粉剂500倍液、1000倍液、1500倍液、2000倍液,处理黄杨叶片,观察并记录浸有农药的黄杨叶片对绢野螟老熟幼虫的毒杀作用,结果显示:24h后,大部分叶片已被取食,初步判断主要是胃毒死亡。经方差检验,处理组的黄杨绢野螟幼虫平均死亡率均显著高于对照,平均死亡率大于85%,校正死亡率在80%以上。  相似文献   

松褐天牛成虫补充营养特性研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
1997-1998年浙江省杭州市和岱县进行的松褐天牛成虫补充营养特性研究表明:松褐天牛成虫主要取食1年生树枝,室内测定雌成虫取食1年生树枝面积占总面积的36.58%,雄成虫占38.99%,林间测定点26.34%,成虫羽化后20天以内的取食量最大。伐倒松材线虫病致枯萎的松树,统计天牛取食痕和取食面积在树冠上的分布显示,松褐天牛更多选择树冠下部1年生的树枝取食、取食痕和取食面积分别占50.42%和51.06%。  相似文献   

Oral feeding of male rats with the ethanolic leaf extract of Colebrookia oppositifolia at dose levels of 100 and 200 mg/kg for 8-10 weeks did not cause body weight loss, while the weights of testes and epididymides were significantly decreased. Seminal vesicles and ventral prostate showed a significant reduction at the higher dose only. Treated animals showed a notable depression of spermatogenesis. Following 100 and 200 mg/kg extract feeding, the preleptotene spermatocytes were decreased by 46.5 and 39.8%, the secondary spermatocytes by 13.4 and 12.7%, the step-19 spermatids by 36.6 and 35.2%, and the mature Leydig cells by 31.2 and 39.5%, respectively. At both dose levels, the seminiferous tubule diameter, Leydig cells nuclear area and cytoplasmic area, as well as the cross-sectional surface area of Sertoli cells, were significantly reduced (P<0.001) when compared to controls. Reduced sperm count and motility resulted in 100% negative fertility at 200 mg/kg dose level. A significant fall in the total protein and sialic acid content and acid phosphatase enzyme activity of the testes, epididymides, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate, as well as in the glycogen content of testes, was also observed at both dose levels in comparison with controls.  相似文献   

The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) originated in north-eastern China, Siberia and Japan and subsequently spread worldwide. However, despite its importance to agriculture, public health and scientific and medical research, surprisingly few studies have focused on wild brown rat populations. There are four subspecies in China, but little is known about their original distributions. In the present study, we investigated the seasonal biological and ecological characteristics of brown rats in their native range in Harbin, north-eastern China. Trapping campaigns were conducted in June and November 2006 at a farm site and a rice site, and seasonal variation was analysed. The sex ratio was male biased at the farm site and female biased at the rice site in both seasons. Although juvenile, sub-adult and young-adult rats comprised over 80% of the population in both seasons, the age composition displayed seasonal differences, with higher proportions of juvenile rats in the summer and sub-adults in the winter. There were no significant morphological differences between different sexes or seasons, or between sites. Heavy, female and pregnant rats were captured first and heavier male rats maintained relatively higher reproductive activities than lighter ones, reflecting the link between social dominance and feeding priority. Rats had heavier reproductive organs in summer than in winter. The relative masses of the spleen and adrenal glands also showed seasonal and gender differences. This study demonstrates that brown rats in their native region have similar seasonal biological and ecological characteristics to American and European populations. This information on brown rat in north-east China will contribute to the development of management strategies for controlling this agricultural pest.  相似文献   

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