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目前,HXD3、HXD3C、HXD3B型电力机车的"C5检修"工作已经在连车全面展开,其车轮的踏面镟修都是按照JM3型来进行判定。本文针对上述电力机车的车轮轮缘和踏面的磨损情况,结合连厂HXD3型等电力机车"C5检修"车轮的检修数据,借助计算机软件进行了细致研究和分析后,提出了一种JM3型踏面镟修的快速检测与判定方法,并进行了误差分析和实践验证。  相似文献   

过去针对马便秘症的发病原因制定的治疗原则是:“静、通、补、护”。在长期临床实践中本人感到这一原则在治疗中起了决定性作用。但在二十多年的临床观察中。认为马便秘症的发生还有一个很重要的原因就是马匹长期缺盐、缺钙、缺水所致。为此本人在治疗马便秘症时将原治疗原则改为:“静、补、通、护”。即将“补”字提前到第二位上。“补”和“通”并重。这里强调的“补”,一是给药时间顺序,二是重要程度。这是消除马便秘症的根本措施。这里所阐述的“补”字并不是说“静、通、护”不重要,而是根据过去有些过于强调“通”,为了“通”  相似文献   

肠痉挛一般农村叫“冷痛、“伤水起卧”、“着水”等说法 ,该病是以肚子痛为主要特征 ,发病时病畜表现起卧不安 ,所以人们又称之为“起卧症” ,在文山地区多发生于马 ,骡、驴少见。此病不仅发病率高 ,而且发病迅速 ,死亡快 ,若抢救不及时 ,会给农户造成不必要损失。本人 2 0多年兽医临床中 ,用针灸、药物结合治疗马“肠痉挛”4 9例 ,治愈 4 4例。现报告如下 :1 治疗原则 对本病主要是解除痉挛 ,是本病的根本治法。该病主要是由于平滑肌的痉挛收缩 ,首先是解除痉挛 ,问清病史后 ,若是吃了不良的草料引起的 ,首先改变草料 ,内服适量泻药和止…  相似文献   

角膜炎是兽医临床上常见的一种外科疾病 ,虽然对家畜生命无大影响 ,但对经济动物的经济价值影响很大。使用青霉素 ,绷酸等药物治疗 ,疗期长 ,效果差。笔者通过多年实践 ,应用自配药物“治睛粉”治疗角膜炎收到满意疗效 ,一般 1~ 3d即可痊愈。1 配方及制法  枯矾 2 0g、胆矾 2 0 g ,食醋 5 0 0 g。将枯矾和胆矾放入塘瓷盆或瓦盆内 ,再放食醋慢火焙干 ,取出后研成细未 ,装入有色玻璃瓶内 ,盖严备用。2 使用方法及用量 用纸卷成一个适当上粗下细的筒状 ,内放 0 .5 g药粉 ,固定好患畜头部 ,纸筒细端对准患畜病眼 ,迅速用口吹纸筒粗端 …  相似文献   

在《吉林畜牧兽医》第7期看到马属动物“毛球状”病的治疗及病因探讨一文,作者在文中提到,不知这些“毛球样”物质怎样形成,是何物引起的,有待与同行探讨。笔者就病因问题,谈谈个人不成熟的见解,但由于地区,环境不同,不一定符合内蒙的情况。  相似文献   

内蒙古牧区马产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古自治区是我国最大的马产业区,据统计现有马匹79.2万匹,数量居全国首位,但是与2002年的87.6万匹比较减少了8.4万匹,与1975年的239万匹比较减少159.8万匹,平均每年减少4.84万匹。现在,内蒙古有70%以上的马在牧区和半牧区,以放牧方式饲养。内蒙古自治区畜牧经济发展“十五”计划及重点项目规划中提出:“在家畜种结构调整上,扩大奶牛饲养规模,稳定山羊数量,压缩马的比重,推进专业化养殖”。在这种严峻的情况下,牧区马产业的发展问题已成为一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

马病毒性动脉炎的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马病毒性动脉炎的研究进展连云港动植物检疫局朱其太马病毒性动脉炎(Equineyirusarter-iis,EVA)是由马动脉炎病毒(Equinearter-titisyirus,EAV)引起马的一种急性传染病,该病曾被称为“流行性蜂窝织炎火腿”或“马...  相似文献   

赵立新 《畜牧与兽医》1996,28(4):158-159
剑川县马流感调查赵立新(剑川县畜牧兽医站,671300)剑川县是大理州重要的马匹生产基地之一(剑川人民具有悠久的养马历史和丰富的饲养经验,素有“马匹之乡”之称)。养马业在全县畜牧业生产中占有举足轻重的地位,在许多地方呈现滑坡的情况下,剑川养马业还出现...  相似文献   

1998~ 1999年共配马 2 37匹 ,其中 ,维持在“强弹大波”或“强大波”超过 7日不排的有 17匹 ,约占总数的 7%。由于屡次输精 ,造成精液不必要的浪费 ,还易造成子宫感染 ,而致屡配不孕。为了减少排卵延迟的马 ,从去年起 ,我们使用多种办法 ,效果较好。1 减少输精次数对于不能准确掌握排卵时间的马 ,可采取隔日输精。即今天输精的马 ,可在明天作检查 ,如不排可在第 3d再输精。实践证明 ,间隔 4 8h输精 ,仍有相当的受胎率。2 药物促使卵泡排卵对于发育比较缓慢的马 ,可采用以下方法 :①肌注HCG 5 0 0 0IU ,②肌注黄体酮 10 0mg ,③…  相似文献   

马中风中兽医称为:热邪和寒邪侵入心脑、三焦,大多数是由热邪转为寒邪所致。农村草医称为:“半边风”、“中风”等,是由于应激造成血流不畅,心脑血流受阻,出现偏瘫或全瘫。笔者曾治疗过多例马中风,现介绍如下供参考。典型病例:锦屏县河口乡裕和村四组宋某养有公马1匹,能拉500kg货,可与拖拉机赛跑,因此人称为特级快马。主诉:1986年2月9日到30km外的地方拉货,由于山高路陡,马的性烈性急,来回4小时就返回家里,马体全身大汗淋淋,主人忙于他活,把马关入潮湿的圈舍,次日发现马浑身打颤,主人拉马出圈门,马一头冲跌于门外,昏厥神智不清。畜主前来站…  相似文献   

随着近年来我国赛鸽事业的快速发展,公棚比赛的日益繁多,每年各地鸽友都会存有不同数量的公棚得奖鸽、拍卖鸽及迟归鸽,那么如何处理和利用这些公棚鸽呢?有条件的鸽友大多数都会将其存入家中的死棚.但也有一部分鸽友没有此条件。长期关死棚的后果就是这些公棚鸽都会成为“鸡肋”.吃之无味,弃之可惜。  相似文献   

Newly discovered viruses of flying foxes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Flying foxes have been the focus of research into three newly described viruses from the order Mononegavirales, namely Hendra virus (HeV), Menangle virus and Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABL). Early investigations indicate that flying foxes are the reservoir host for these viruses. In 1994, two outbreaks of a new zoonotic disease affecting horses and humans occurred in Queensland. The virus which was found to be responsible was called equine morbillivirus (EMV) and has since been renamed HeV. Investigation into the reservoir of HeV has produced evidence that antibodies capable of neutralising HeV have only been detected in flying foxes. Over 20% of flying foxes in eastern Australia have been identified as being seropositive. Additionally six species of flying foxes in Papua New Guinea have tested positive for antibodies to HeV. In 1996 a virus from the family Paramyxoviridae was isolated from the uterine fluid of a female flying fox. Sequencing of 10000 of the 18000 base pairs (bp) has shown that the sequence is identical to the HeV sequence. As part of investigations into HeV, a virus was isolated from a juvenile flying fox which presented with neurological signs in 1996. This virus was characterised as belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, and was named ABL. Since then four flying fox species and one insectivorous species have tested positive for ABL. The third virus to be detected in flying foxes is Menangle virus, belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae. This virus was responsible for a zoonotic disease affecting pigs and humans in New South Wales in 1997. Antibodies capable of neutralising Menangle virus, were detected in flying foxes.  相似文献   

黄河铜 《科学养鸽》2009,(1):126-127
笔者根据养鸽和训鸽的经验得出:赛鸽的翅膀在飞行中同样有惯性的作用。我发现鸽子利用惯性在顺风飞翔时可以加快飞行的速度;在逆风飞翔时能够避开风头飞行,从而节省体力。  相似文献   

Intestinal contents of tufted ducks and faecal samples from two other species of migratory birds were examined for Yersinia species of organisms. From 296 tufted ducks Yersinia species were isolated from 10 (3.4 per cent), from 223 swans Yersinia species were recovered from eight (3.6 per cent) but none were recovered from the faeces of 121 pintail ducks. Since the isolates differed from each other in their biochemical characteristics and, or, O serotypes, yersinia infection in these migratory waterfowl seemed to be sporadic.  相似文献   

黄河铜 《科学养鸽》2009,(2):112-113
尾羽是鸽体的重要组成部分,缺之会影响其体能发挥,同时还会影响外形的美观和竞翔。笔者根据数年潜心研究,观察和体会并结合多年饲养赛鸽的经验,发现了鸽尾羽在不同环境中的作用,值得养鸽者关注。本文将从五个方面来阐述不同环境中尾羽的作用,以飨读者。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify nematodes seen in histological sections of brains of flying foxes (fruit bats) and describe the associated clinical disease and pathology. PROCEDURES: Gross and histological examination of brains from 86 free-living flying foxes with neurological disease was done as part of an ongoing surveillance program for Australian bat lyssavirus. Worms were recovered, or if seen in histological sections, extracted by maceration of half the brain and identified by microscopic examination. Histological archives were also reviewed. RESULTS: There was histological evidence of angiostrongylosis in 16 of 86 recently submitted flying foxes with neurological disease and in one archival case from 1992. In 10 flying foxes, worms were definitively identified as Angiostrongylus cantonensis fifth-stage larvae. A worm fragment and third stage larvae were identified as Angiostrongylus sp, presumably A cantonensis, in a further three cases. The clinical picture was dominated by paresis, particularly of the hindlimbs, and depression, with flying foxes surviving up to 22 days in the care of wildlife volunteers. Brains containing fifth-stage larvae showed a moderate to severe eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis (n = 14), whereas there was virtually no inflammation of the brains of bats which died when infected with only smaller, third-stage larvae (n = 3). There was no histological evidence of pulmonary involvement. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the recovery and identification of A cantonensis from free-living Australian wildlife. While angiostrongylosis is a common cause of paresis in flying foxes, the initial clinical course cannot be differentiated from Australian bat lyssavirus infection, and wildlife carers should be urged not to attempt to rehabilitate flying foxes with neurological disease.  相似文献   

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