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索氏六须鲶受精早期精子入卵的扫描电镜观察   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
用扫描电镜对索氏六须鲶受精早期精子入卵过程进行系统观察,结果显示,索氏六须鲶在受精后30-60s内完成精子入卵过程,在受精后2min精子开始逐渐解体,直至受精后15min左右,受精卵外精子全部解体。通过对精子和卵子的精孔管的测量判定索氏六须鲶精方式为单精受精。  相似文献   

怀头鲶♀×鲶鱼♂远缘杂交繁育技术研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
原苏联鱼类学家尼科里斯基 (1 95 8)在《分门鱼类学》中阐述世界上有六须鲶类两种 ,一种是分布在黑海、里海及莱茵河以东水域的欧洲六须鲶Silurusglanis;另一种是分布在亚洲黑龙江水域的六须鲶Silurussoidatovi(现名怀头鲶 ) ,该鱼生长速度快 ,最大个体达 5 0公斤以上。当年鱼苗在人工条件下体重可达 2 5 8kg ,但其肉质相对较粗。鲶鱼Silurasasotus虽生长速度慢 ,却肉质细嫩鲜美 ,在北方被视为营养佳品 ,深受消费者青睐。为克服北方高寒地区鱼类生长周期短等自然因素 ,开发高产、优质、高效水…  相似文献   

六须鲶(Siurus soldatoui)属鲶形目、鲶科,肉食性鱼类,它具有耐低温、耐低氧、生长快、肉味美的特点,深受消费者和养殖者的欢迎。为满足人们生活水平提高后对新品种扩大的需求,开发六须鲶养殖无疑成了渔民的适宜选择。六须鲶个体比较大,最大可达40kg以上,市场的价格是鲤鱼的几倍,因此市场上六须鲶鱼苗的缺口很大,价格也比较高。为了向市场提供充足的六须鲶苗种,我们在2003年春对野生六须鲶进行了人工繁育,现将我们的工作报告如下。  相似文献   

多瑙河六须鲶的生物学及其试养观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 多瑙河六须鲶为多瑙河流域重要的经济鱼类,最大个体可达308公斤。多瑙河六须鲶肉质细嫩、无肌间刺,蛋白含量高,肉味与中国长江大口鲶媲美。从1990年开始,由中、德、匈三国专家合作,进行从欧州移植多瑙河六须鲶到中国的驯养试验,现将初步试养观察情况综合报告如下: 一、多瑙河六须鲶的生物学  相似文献   

怀头鲶Sihuras sodatoui(曾用名黑龙江六须鲶)为鲶形目,鲶科鱼类。六须鲶类在世界上有两种(尼科里斯基,1958),一种是栖息在黑海、里海以及莱茵河以东各水域的欧洲六须鲶Sihuras glanis;另一种是栖息在亚洲黑龙江流域的怀头鲶(六须鲶)。该鱼是大型淡水鱼类,生长速度快,自然水域中发现超过50kg以上的个体。鲶鱼Siuruas asotus生长速度虽然较慢,但肉质细嫩鲜美,被视为营养佳品。1991年黑龙江水产研究所进行了鲶鱼人工繁育的研究并获得成功。当年鱼苗经饲养个体平均达到0.25kg。为适应北方  相似文献   

顾雷 《科学养鱼》1993,(4):14-15
二、人工繁殖技术亲鱼的培育是多瑙河六须鲶繁殖的关键一步,多瑙河六须鲶在欧洲的性成熟时间为:雌性4—5年,雄性3—4年,在我国较为温暖的地区,性成熟年龄就会提前。一般亲鱼个体50—70cm。用作繁殖的多瑙河六须鲶成鱼,在冬季捕捞后,即3月底4月初分别按雌雄性别分养,捕捞和分养同时进行,因为多瑙河六须鲶倾向于春季产卵,要繁殖一定数量的多瑙河六须鲶,亲鱼必须再放入越冬池中强  相似文献   

欧洲六须鲶(Silurus glanis)属鲶科鱼类,原产于中欧、东欧的河流湖泊中,尤以多瑙河流域和里海地区居多,口部具六根须,又名多瑙河六须鲶。欧洲六须鲶肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,无肌间刺,蛋白质含量高,为欧洲主要淡水食用鱼类之一,1991年自德国引进我国饲养。  相似文献   

怀头鲶人工繁殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
怀头鲶(Silurus soldatovi Nikoisky et soin)隶属于鲶形目,鲶科,曾用名黑龙江六须鲶和东北大口鲶,地方名怀头和怀子,主要分布于黑龙江水系和辽河水系。该鱼是一种大型肉食性野生经济鱼类,营养丰富,肉味鲜美,无肌间刺,含肉率高,鱼鳔、鱼肚有滋补作用,是广大消费者极为推崇的名特优鱼之一。据初步统计,全国怀头鲶亲鱼不足200尾,近几年随着怀头鲶自然资源日益枯竭和杂交鲶研究的深入,怀头鲶的人工繁殖技术显得尤为重要,国内曾有这方面的报道,但出塘率依然很低,本研究是我所2000年怀头…  相似文献   

黑龙江六须鲶属鲶形目,鲶科,鲶属,俗称"怀头"、"怀子",为肉食性冷水鱼类,主要分布于黑龙江黑河下游至抚远江段。笔者利用玻璃钢盆进行了黑龙江六须鲶苗种培育试验,现将培育技术总结如下:  相似文献   

鲶属鲶泒鲶科。本科鱼为两属,即鲶属和六须鲶属.前者有灰色鲶鱼、交趾鲶鱼,稀匀鲶鱼、蒙图鲶鱼、格氏鲶鱼、普通鲶鱼、长鲶鱼等八种;而后者仅广西柳州所产的六须鲶一种。王以康先生认为鲶属为我国最常见的鱼类。数量虽多,但种类则甚少,  相似文献   

Phenylalanine is the precursor of tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of several molecules with key roles in the regulation of metabolism and growth, stress response and pigmentation. In this study, three experimental diets were tested: an amino acid (AA) balanced diet supplemented with phenylalanine, another supplemented with phenylalanine and tyrosine and a non‐supplemented AA balanced diet. Rotifers were enriched with liposomes encapsulating free AA in order to obtain a balanced AA profile. The experimental diets resulted in similar larval survival, growth, enzyme activities of AA catabolism and nitrogen excretion in all treatments. High levels of skeletal deformities were registered and significant differences were found between the control and the phenylalanine treatment for the percentage of vertebral compressions in the trunk region of the vertebral column (30% in the control and 5% in the phenylalanine group). A significantly higher survival to a temperature stress test was found for larvae fed the diet supplemented with phenylalanine and tyrosine. The results suggest that supplementation of phenylalanine/tyrosine in fish diets may be useful in order to reduce skeletal deformities and mortalities caused by stress. The present study confirms that AA requirements may be sufficient for covering growth and survival but insufficient to cover other metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Methyltestosterone-treated feed was fed at four different feeding frequencies to Oreochromis niloticus fry held in hapas in order to evaluate the effect on sex reversal and on growth. Sex reversal rates greater than 97% were obtained for feeding rates ranging from 2 times/day, 5 days/week, to 4 times/day, 7 days/week. Greatest growth and lowest feed conversion occured when the fry were fed 4 times/day vs. 2 times/day. Fish were graded to sizes &#le; 15 mm and > 15 mm at the end of the 30-day treatment period and later sexed. There was no difference in the percent males between small or large fish.  相似文献   

2001年3月由美国缅因州引进美国金鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)发眼卵10万粒。孵化水温为2~8℃,流水中进行,孵出仔鱼在3~17℃水温条件下进行人工养殖,培育出3龄鱼,对其生长发育、摄食、形态、生物学以及养殖环境等因素进行了初步的观察和研究。  相似文献   

水产科技文献网络搜索导引   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络信息资源包罗万象,其信息种类繁多、变化频繁、且浩如烟海,既有许多具有较高价值的信息,也有不少重复无用的、甚至是有害的信息.虽然网上信息蕴藏丰富,但用户想得到所需资料并非易事.多数用户都习惯使用搜索引擎查找资料,而获取的往往都不是自己想要的,徒然浪费了许多时间.  相似文献   

为解决淡水池塘集约化投饲养殖水体的营养物质富集问题,采用围隔试验方法,研究了蕹菜(Ipomoea aquatica)和水鳖(Hydrocharis dubia)两种植物对泥质和沙质两种底质养殖水体的净化效果。研究发现:泥质底水体的氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和总磷(TP)自净去除率显著低于沙质底,而泥质底水体的高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)自净去除率显著高于沙质底(P<0.05);不同底质水体中,两种植物对水体氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、总氮(TN)和CODMn的去除率显著高于相应对照组(P<0.05);12.5%与25.0%的水鳖处理对营养物质的去除率基本无显著差异(P>0.05),12.5%的蕹菜与水鳖处理组仅在泥质底水体中水鳖(MSBI)对氨氮的去除率显著小于蕹菜(MKC)以及MSBI对亚硝酸盐氮的去除率显著高于MKC(P<0.05);泥质底水体中植物处理对氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、TN、TP和CODMn的最大去除率分别为60.07%、54.78%、52.68%、23.96%和47.32%,沙质底分别为72.43%、83.54%、57.20%、37.07%和40.75%;此外,试验末植物处理组水体的所测营养物质均存在一定程度的上升。沙质底水体中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和TP等营养物质波动较大且自净去除率高于泥质底;在泥质和沙质底水体中蕹菜和水鳖浮床均具有显著净化作用,本地种水鳖可作为生态浮床的潜力净水植物;浮床应用过程中应加强收割与收获等管理,以避免水体二次污染。  相似文献   

This article focuses on understanding the role of vital wheat gluten on the structural parameters of extruded fish feed and its correlation to the physical and functional properties. Gluten–soy protein concentrate blends with five gluten concentrations (0–200 g kg−1) were produced. An abrupt reduction in oil uptake was observed with the 200 g gluten kg−1 blend. Inclusion of gluten from 100 to 200 g kg−1 resulted in unacceptable product properties. Sinking of feed pellets with 0 and 50 g gluten kg−1 was 100%, whereas only 36% of pellets with 200 g gluten kg−1 sank. We suspect that this is due to a relationship between morphological structure and oil impregnation during coating of feeds. The addition of gluten at 200 g kg−1 gave a smoother and non‐porous outer surface. Pellets without gluten had a larger number of cells that were smaller than 200 μm (< 0.05) compared with pellets with 100 and 200 g gluten kg−1. More spherical cell shapes (< 0.01) and a compact structure were favoured in the presence of gluten. The closed porosity increased (< 0.05), whereas interconnectivity between pores decreased (< 0.01), with increasing gluten content from 0 to 200 g kg−1. The effects of the addition of gluten are probably related to the film‐forming properties of gluten.  相似文献   

Growth, development, antioxidant enzymes, stress proteins (HSP70 and HSP60), lipid peroxidation (LP) and histology in Solea senegalensis larvae were followed from 8 to 30 days post hatching (dph). Larvae were fed on three different diets: (1) live Artemia nauplii, (2) microcapsules elaborated by internal gelation, (MA) and (3) these same microcapsules but 10-fold supplemented with vitamin A (MAV). The Artemia fed group showed higher growth and a faster metamorphosis than the ones fed with microencapsulated diets, although all had similarly high survival rates of 80%. Vitamin A (VA) supplementation improved growth and development from 15 dph in relation to the strictly inert diet (MA). Larvae fed with Artemia showed organs and tissues with a normal pattern of development, whereas histological alterations were seen in larvae fed with both inert diets. The antioxidant enzymes: catalase (KAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and total glutathione peroxidase (t-GPX) as well as LP levels and stress proteins (HSP70 but not HSP60), measured in whole larvae, showed diet and age dependence in their response. Larvae fed with both inert diets showed similar biomarker activities, but these activities were different (p < 0.05) from larvae fed with Artemia. That is, KAT and HSP70 were lower in larvae fed with live prey and t-GPX and LP levels were lower in larvae fed with the inert food. Among the factors responsible for increased antioxidant defenses were the initiation of metamorphosis and the use of inert food. This study suggests the usefulness of the biomarkers selected as tools to evaluate the effects of compound diets on larvae.  相似文献   

鲇适口食物和同类相残的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲇鱼(Silurusasotus)隶属鲇形目,鲇科,鲇属,为凶猛的肉食性鱼类。肉质细嫩,营养价值高,在北方地区常被作为产妇的补品。鲇鱼原被作为池塘养殖的敌害加以清除,但近年来随着名特优鱼类养殖的发展,鲇鱼已成为池塘养殖的配养鱼,有些地区甚至已成为池塘养殖的主养鱼。鲇鱼作为凶猛肉食性鱼类,其养殖方式与常规养殖鱼类的养殖方式有许多不同之处,有许多影响鲇鱼养殖的因素需要观察、发现、分析、研究,从而解决;这些因素如不能很好地解决,将会影响鲇鱼养殖的发展。笔者在进行鲇鱼养殖的同时,对影响鲇鱼养殖生产的两个主要因素——…  相似文献   

介绍了青海高原水库湿地的基本状况。针对水库湿地区域水土流失、水资源的不合理利用和调配、土著生物种群和生物多样性保护、水体污染、湿地管理缺失等问题,提出了构建五大体系(组织管理及保护监督体系、政策法规体系、工程体系、科技和监测评价体系和投资保障体系)以加强水库湿地保护,加强三大管理(水资源、水环境和生态保护管理)以改善和维护水生态环境的建议。  相似文献   

甲壳素/壳聚糖的研究进展及应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
壳聚糖具有良好的生物相容性、可生物降解性、无毒、无副作用,其大分妇中所含的氨基、羟基(尤其是C6-OH)反应性质活泼,能与多种有机物发生反应;介绍了其在多个领域中的应用情况。  相似文献   

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