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传统手工技艺在乡村振兴、文化保护类村庄建设中占据重要地位,发展和传承传统手工技艺,有助于提升乡风文明建设,弘扬传统文化,增强文化自信,助力乡村振兴。但传统手工技艺在传承与发展的过程中面临诸多困境,以手工制茶技艺为例,传承断代、认同度降低、产品质量参差不齐、难以适应当下社会生产等问题频出。本文通过分析传统手工制茶的优劣,对手工制茶技艺的发展提出以下建议:明确定位,精准把握发展方向;重视人才,多渠道培养传承人;产业融合,茶旅康养融合发展;手机结合,共促茶产业发展。  相似文献   

王丽  赵云 《福建茶叶》2023,(2):162-164
新时代环境下,国家对高校素质教育工作开展越来越重视。高校应该积极改进人才培养观念,以促进学生全面发展作为育人工作导向,这对提高学生综合素养和办学质量有着重要意义。研究发现,在高校体育教学实践中融入茶文化内容,可有效改善当前体育教学中存在的问题。据此,高校应当主动研究两者有效结合的方式方法,让茶文化能够在体育教学实践中充分展现应用价值。  相似文献   

现阶段,伴随着信息技术突飞猛进的发展与进步,网络营销活动正在如火如荼地进行。本文结合茶叶产品网络营销中消费者权益法律保护具体情况,介绍了网络营销的概念,指出了茶叶产品网络营销中消费者权益保护方面所存在的问题,针对性的提出了茶叶产品网络营销中消费者权益法律保护策略,有助于消费者合法权益得到切实维护。  相似文献   

“营养健康倡导产品”,是公众营养与发展中心为进一步鼓励食品及相关企业参与公众营养改善工作的又一具体措施。其目的是倡导企业注重食物的营养品质,促使企业更多的选择、生产对公众营养健康有益的产品,推动我国公众营养改善事业的发展。  相似文献   

品种保护是维护育种者合法权益的必要途径。青海省育种家由于缺乏品种保护意识和必要的经费.现申请保护的品种数量极少,难以维护育种家的合法权益。本文旨在通过现状查找问题,积极探索青海省新品种保护工作的新思路,推进新品种保护工作健康发展。  相似文献   

农业科技人员是农业科普活动的主要参与者,其参与科普活动的积极性直接影响到新技术的推广使用。本研究通过问卷调查和访谈,研究了广东农业科技人员参与科普现状。研究发现:农业科技推广是广东农业科技人员参与农业科普活动的主要方式,3年内有94 %的科技人员至少参与过1项科普活动;高级职称、中级职称、中老年科技人员参与科普较多;参与农业科普活动的动机主要为经济补贴、职务职称晋升、公众的认可和尊重、为社会做贡献、提高知名度和社会地位、让别人了解自己的成果,但总体上他们对参与农业科普的奖励政策不满意。对此提出了建立差异化的科普激励机制、优化科普政策环境、开辟多元化筹资渠道保证科普经费投入等对策建议。  相似文献   

当前由于我国存在着对于茶叶分类以及评价体系的建设不明确、级别判定方法不合理、审评人员数量以及水平能力的问题、消费者参与程度不高并且一部分品质评语比较含糊这一系列的问题,就给我国的茶叶审评的实践工作带来了很大的挑战以及困难。本文就主要根据茶叶感官评审的方法进行了相关的分析以及探讨,详细阐述了对于茶叶感官审评方法中存在问题的具体情况。  相似文献   

野生稻是栽培稻的近缘野生种,可为栽培水稻育种提供重要的抗病、抗虫、耐旱、耐寒等抗逆基因,是水稻品种改良的宝贵基因库。随着工业化、城镇化进程加快及气候环境变化,野生稻居群数量和分布面积正急剧减少,野生稻种质资源的损失难以估量。虽然近年来我国野生稻种质资源利用与保护工作取得积极成效,但仍存在一系列问题。本文系统总结了野生稻种质的优异基因发掘、育种应用以及资源保护方面取得的重要进展,并综合分析目前保护管理中存在的问题,针对性的提出未来野生稻保护与利用的相关建议。  相似文献   

湖北黄冈棉花生产管理中存在的问题及相应措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抗虫杂交棉的大面积推广对提高棉花产量有较大的促进作用。但近几年来,公顷子棉产量始终在3750kg左右徘徊。虽然投入成本增加,品种更换加快,但产量还是难以提高。笔者有幸参加棉花产业体系鄂东试验站工作后,在棉花生产调研过程中发现棉花生产管理中存在着诸多问题,如管理滞后、关键技术不到位、良种良法不配套等,严重影响了棉花产量的提高。  相似文献   

公务卡制度改革是加强公共财政管理、进一步深化国库集中支付改革的需要,是推进政府管理科学化、精细化的必然要求。但由于本身的局限性,在推行过程中也暴露出用卡观念需要提高、用卡环境需要改善等问题。结合自身工作实践,剖析科学事业单位公务卡制度执行过程中存在的问题,并提出相应得改进建议。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, there is a growing concern over public participation in local environmental improvement efforts, known as Machizukuri. One progressive practice at the time was the introduction of due process, by which the Machizukuri plan was formulated based on public participation. In the arena of rural planning, some scholars expect that such an ordinance concerned with land use control and democratic decision making will become an effective planning institution for those who deal with rural planning. When we deal with participatory rural planning, we need to pay special attention to the role and the influence of neighborhood associations (NAs) such as chonaikai, jicikai, and burakukai because these organizations have played very important roles in the local administration as a vehicle of demands and concerns for residents. In this paper, authors, through a case study, clarified promises and limits of the NA-based participation in which an NA plays a central role in the planning process. While admitting that adaptation for local context and tradition is an essential part of designing an effective public participation program, the authors contend that there are many risks associated with NA-based participation, such as the lack of communication among residents and partial representation by elderly men. In order, for the NA-based participation, to be more successful, we need to adopt the following measures: (1) young people and women are appointed as representatives, (2) representatives are competent enough to handle planning issues and to represent their constituents, (3) if they are not competent, appropriate measures are adopted to build their capacity or substitutes are sought, and (4) we need to monitor the planning process to make sure that the representatives act as intermediaries between a planning body and its constituents.  相似文献   

对海南省近年来农业突发事件的公关管理情况进行调查与分析,结果显示,海南省农业科技人员对农业突发事件知晓程度较高,了解程度较低,满意度较低,对农业突发事件的管理仍缺乏公关理论与技巧,公关管理的水平仍待提高。  相似文献   

为缓解突出的“一品多牌”问题,江西省实行了茶叶品牌整合策略,以加快茶叶产业发展。本文基于江西省茶叶企业调研数据,运用结构方程模型,从茶叶企业视角实证分析了茶叶区域公用品牌整合绩效的影响因素。结果显示,政策扶持对茶企参与区域公用品牌整合绩效是通过作用于企业内部管理间接产生显著的正向影响,有助于促进企业内部管理水平提升;品牌监管、营销推广、产业发展条件对茶企参与区域公用品牌整合绩效均有显著的正向影响。因此,加强区域公用品牌监管、提高产品营销推广能力、优化产业发展环境有助于改善茶叶企业经营绩效。  相似文献   

Reducing the reliance on nitrogen fertilizer for wheat production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
All crops require nitrogen (N) for the production of a photosynthetically active canopy, whose functionality will strongly influence yield. Cereal crops also require N for storage proteins in the grain, an important quality attribute. Optimal efficiency is achieved by the controlled remobilization of canopy-N to the developing grain during crop maturation. Whilst N will always be required for crop production, targeting efficient capture and use will optimise consumption of this valuable macronutrient. Efficient management of N through agronomic practice and use of appropriate germplasm are essential for sustainability of agricultural production. Both the economic demands of agriculture and the need to avoid negative environmental impacts of N-pollutants, such as nitrate in water courses or release of N-containing greenhouse gases, are important drivers to seek the most efficient use of this critical agronomic input. New cultivars optimised for traits relating to N-use efficiency rather than yield alone will be required. Targets for genetic improvement involve maximising capture, partitioning and remobilization in the canopy and to the grain, and yield per se. Whilst there is existing genetic diversity amongst modern cultivars, substantial improvements may require exploitation of a wider germplasm pool, utilizing land races and ancestral germplasm.  相似文献   

In 2011, a Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) outbreak occurred in British Columbia (BC), Canada that was associated with cooked mussel consumption. This is the first reported DSP outbreak in BC. Investigation of ill individuals, traceback of product and laboratory testing for toxins were used in this investigation. Sixty-two illnesses were reported. Public health and food safety investigation identified a common food source and harvest area. Public health and regulatory agencies took actions to recall product and notify the public. Shellfish monitoring program changes were implemented after the outbreak. Improved response and understanding of toxin production will improve management of future DSP outbreaks.  相似文献   

中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所是从事热带农业环境与植物保护领域研究的国家级公益类非营利性研究所。海口环境与植物保护研究实验室项目工程即将竣工,该所科研主体由儋州向海口转移工作已列入所2011年计划的第一项重点工作。从工作方案入手,重点从领导管理、群众参与、宣传引导、督导落实等方面提出建议确保转移工作平稳有序。  相似文献   

Agricultural production in the coastal wetlands of Asia is often hindered by salinity intrusion caused by tidal fluctuation. This paper reports changes in environmental and socio-economic conditions that followed the phased construction and operation of sluices for controlling seawater intrusion from 1994 –2000 in a coastal area of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Canal water salinity decreased rapidly upstream of sluices, allowing rice cropping intensification and increased rice production in the eastern part of the study area. However, the livelihoods of farmers in the western part were adversely affected due to cessation of supply of brackish water that was needed for brackish-water shrimp farming, while the acid sulphate soils present there posed problems for rice cultivation. The poor farmers and landless people suffered more because the fishery resource that they depended on declined sharply due to reduced salinity and increased acidity in the canal water. The findings confirmed that the environment and resource use in the coastal lands are very sensitive to external intervention. A clear understanding of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of salinity control measures in coastal areas can help planning to enhance farmers' incomes while minimizing negative environmental impacts. Land-use policy formulation, planning and management should adopt a more holistic approach, taking into account the interests of all resource users, especially the poor, instead of focusing on any particular sector.  相似文献   

Farmers in the northern avocado cultivation areas of South Africa were interviewed concerning their experience and perceptions of biological control. Factors affecting their decision to use biological control programmes as a disease control strategy, were also investigated. Results indicate that educational level, age and land owner status reflect the farmer's decision making ability and the level of commitment to adopt the new technology. Generations of family farming and farm management systems that have adopted food safety management systems also had an influence on their willingness to explore biological control. Although most farmers were aware of biological control, most could not define it. Farmers did not blame biological control for the previous poor results, but rather on environmental factors and a lack of perseverance on their side with the use of the product. Land reform aims to redistribute 30 percent of the country's agricultural land from white commercial farmers to previously disadvantaged communities by 2014. Farmers on farms with completed or invalid land claims were more willing to utilise biological control than growers without claims or with land claims that are pending. Companies distributing and selling biocontrol products indicated that the lack of technical knowledge by sales personnel is one of the main problems experienced with marketing biocontrol products. Manufacturing companies also experienced difficulty with the registration of new products in South Africa.  相似文献   

Starchy legumes have been consumed by humans since the earliest practice of agriculture and have been ascribed medicinal and cultural as well as nutritional roles. They are an important component of the diet in the developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia where they are especially valuable as a source of dietary protein to complement cereals, starchy roots and tubers. Legumes contain 20–30% protein which is generally rich in lysine and limiting in sulfur amino acids. The nutritional quality of legume protein is limited by the presence of both heat labile and heat stable antinutrients as well as an inherent resistance to digestion of the major globulins. In addition to its nutritional impact, legume protein has been shown to reduce plasma low density lipoprotein when consumed. Legume starch is more slowly digested than starch from cereals and tubers and produces less abrupt changes in plasma glucose and insulin upon ingestion. Starchy legumes are also valuable sources of dietary fiber as well as thiamin and riboflavin. Starchy legumes are a valuable component of a prudent diet, but their consumption is constrained by low yields, the lack of convenient food applications, and flatulence.  相似文献   

For organic potato producers the two main challenges are disease and nutrient management. Both factors are limited by regulations that on the one hand prohibit the use of chemical fertilisers, especially nitrogen and, on the other hand, most synthetic pesticides. Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans is commonly thought to be the factor most limiting yield. However, because there is no really effective fungicide available to control late blight, there are virtually no yield loss data available for organic farming conditions. In this paper the state of the art of organic potato management with respect to disease and nutrient management is summarised. In a second part, the interactive effects of N-availability in the soil, climatic conditions and late blight were studied in the presence and absence of copper fungicides from 2002–2004 for the mid-early main-crop potato cv. Nicola. From the experimental work it became clear that copper fungicides in most cases do slow down epidemics adding an average of 3 days to the growth duration. However, only 30% of the variation in yield could be attributed to disease reduction. A model including disease reduction, growth duration and temperature sum from planting until 60% disease severity was reached, and soil mineral N contents at 10 days after emergence could explain 75% of the observed variation in yield. However, the model failed when N-supply was extremely high. The implications of the results on the management of organic potatoes with respect to cultivar choice, nutrient and disease management are discussed. In conclusion, several points emerge from the results: In organic farming, yields are foremost limited by nutrient availability in spring and early summer. The effects of late blight on yields may often be overestimated and cannot be deducted from results in conventional farming because of the strong interaction with nutrient status. Resistance clearly remains the most important strategy against late blight in organic potato production. However, as important or even more important than resistance is the early development and bulking behaviour and the ability of a cultivar to make use of organic nutrients efficiently. In the absence of efficient organic pesticides it is possible to reduce blight pressure to a certain extent by arranging the crop in small narrow fields perpendicular to the main wind direction neighboured either by non-hosts or completely resistant potatoes.  相似文献   

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