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对慈竹、西风竹、硬头黄竹三个竹种分别采用不同年龄的竹杆进行整秆带蔸埋秆育苗试验。结果表明:三个竹种都可萌发、生根、成苗、但硬头黄竹,西风竹成苗率低,育苗成本高,不可在生产上推广应用。慈竹成苗率高,育苗成本低,经济上可行,可在生产上推广应用,但以采用2、3年生竹秆为宜。  相似文献   

几种造纸用丛生竹秆节育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在福建省邵武市对椽竹、孝顺竹、坭竹等几种造纸用丛生竹进行秆节育苗试验表明,用平埋方法育苗显著优于斜埋和直插,竹蔸平埋效果更佳;不同竹种秆节育苗成活率存在明显差异;不同年龄的秆节育苗成活率在不同竹种间表现不同;不同育苗时间(3月或5月)的成活率差异不显著。竹秆不同粗细、不同部位、单节段或双节段育苗对比试验,结果以细秆(胸径2.5cm)、上部节段、双节段育苗成活率较粗秆(胸径4.6cm)、下部节段、单节段的为高。椽竹秆节径用不同激素处理后,处理间成苗率差异显著,以2,4-D20mg/kg处理5h和硼酸20mg/kg处理24h的效果最佳。几种造纸用丛生竹秆节育苗试验*张文燕周道三马乃训叶长青曹德友张华明  相似文献   

几种造纸用丛生竹秆育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在福建省邵武市对橼竹、孝顺竹、坭竹等几种造纸用丛生竹进行秆节育苗试验表明,用平埋方法育苗显著优于斜埋直插,竹蔸平埋效果便佳;不同秆有苗成活率存在明显差异;不同年龄的秆节育苗成活率在不同竹种同间表现没;不同育苗时间(3月或5月)的成活率差异不显著。竹秆不同粗细、不同部位、单节段或双节段育苗对比试验,结果以细秆、上部节段、双节段育苗居活率较粗秆,下部节段、单节段的为高。橼竹杆节径用不同激素处理后,处理  相似文献   

丛生竹带蔸埋秆育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对丛生竹采用带蔸埋秆育苗,进行以苗繁苗、以苗造林,既加快了繁苗速度,又大大提高了造林成活率。经过多年的实践,丛生竹带蔸埋秆育苗技术对丛生竹引种推广是可行的。  相似文献   

为给蓬勃发展的丛生竹生产提供理论参考,以川南地区人工栽培的3种丛生竹材用林为研究对象,研究其竹秆特性,测量胸径、全长、秆高、尖削度、竹壁厚、节间长等指标。对各指标间相关性进行了分析,并拟合回归模型。结果表明,胸径与竹秆高度、秆质量、总节数等因子相关性显著,拟合的模型经F检验均达到极显著水平。在相同胸径下,全长方面,硬头黄竹梁山慈竹撑绿竹;秆质量方面,硬头黄竹秆质量最大,梁山慈竹和撑绿竹相当,约70%的秆质量都集中在中下部。随着竹秆相对高度上升,相对壁厚的下降速度依次为硬头黄竹梁山慈竹撑绿竹,相对直径大小为梁山慈竹硬头黄竹撑绿竹,但在相同胸径下,硬头黄竹胸径处的竹壁最厚。  相似文献   

利用丛生竹地上部分的竹秆和枝条,通过人工整理和GGR处理,实行选竹枝、带竹秆、留竹节、竹筒灌水保温等一系列操作进行育苗。通过小型和中型育苗试验,得出坭竹、绿竹等多分枝、竹壁厚、体形较大的竹种采用此法育苗效果好,育苗成活率达85%以上,发笋成竹率达70%,每丛发笋成竹2株以上,造林成活率95%以上。  相似文献   

毛竹笋期切秆育苗与造林技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对毛竹笋期切秆育苗与造林技术的7 a研究.结论是;(1)采用笋期切秆培育的毛竹苗具有竹秆分枝高度降低,竹节密度增加、枝条生长旺盛的特点.竹苗矮化、健壮,尤以笋期抽枝展叶前切秆培育的竹苗,其造林成活率为95.91%,第1年发笋株率为79.1%,发笋株单株发笋数为1.66个,分别比普通毛竹苗增加了21.31%、27.26%、53.7%,造林效果明显优于未切秆培育的普通毛竹苗.(2)切秆时期和切秆高度不同,对毛竹苗质量有明显影响.其中,笋期展叶前切秆、切秆高度在1.0~1.3 m的苗木造林效果最佳.(3)笋期切秆育苗是毛竹苗培育的一项技术创新,能大幅度提高造林成活率、发笋率,加快成林,提早受益,生态效益、社会效益、经济效益明显.  相似文献   

对印度阿萨姆邦巴拉克河谷的龙头竹、巴苦竹和Bambusa cacharensis 3个竹种进行了研究,对传统采伐方式下的3个竹种的种群结构,以及不同采伐方式对新秆产量、秆的大小和秆高的影响进行了调查研究。在择伐方式下,当年到4年生的Bambusa cacharensis的秆级结构为3:3:2:1:1,而当年到4年生的龙头竹和巴苦竹的秆级结构均为4:2:2:1:1。在雨季和冬季的皆伐方式下,当年到4年生的Bambusa cacharensis的秆级结构为8:2和5:5,当年到4年生的龙头竹为8:2和7:3。巴苦竹的秆级结构仅表现在当年生的竹秆。如果采用择伐方式,新秆的产量、秆高和胸高直径均为最高值。用方差分析,在皆伐和择伐方式下,每个竹种的新秆产量、秆高和胸径的值差别较大(P>0.05)。这个结果说明,有必要发展管理措施,通过严格控制皆伐作业来提高竹子的生产力。  相似文献   

以赣南地区的硬头黄竹为研究对象,采取施用毛竹专用肥的营养管理手段,研究施肥和对照处理硬头黄竹秆形结构特性,探讨毛竹专用肥对硬头黄竹生长的调节作用。结果表明,硬头黄竹节间长随节位数变化规律呈现"短-长-短"的变异模式。施肥提高了竹最长节出现的节位数和最长节的长度。施肥对壁厚和壁厚随高度的变化无影响,但会降低竹尖削度,且施肥处理秆重随高度分布较均匀,因此施肥处理硬头黄竹秆形较好,利于加工利用。同时对各指标间进行了方程拟合。结果表明,秆重与胸径和壁厚显著相关,与秆高极显著相关;秆高与胸径和壁厚极显著相关。  相似文献   

黄秆乌哺鸡竹塑料大棚育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用塑料大棚鞭段育苗技术,试验材料选用黄秆乌哺鸡竹长25~30cm的健壮孕笋鞭段。塑料大棚地温控制在11~15℃,空气相对湿度控制在85%左右,白昼棚内空气温度保持在20~25℃。试验表明,塑料大棚鞭段育苗提前并缩短了笋期,且出笋集中,鞭段出笋成竹率达到92.4%;竹苗在霉雨天前半个月就达到了上盆所需的木质化要求,上盆竹成活率可达95.2%。  相似文献   

This study explores the sprouting characteristics of an evergreen broad-leaved forest after clear-cutting based on a survey of 1,893 stumps of 62 tree species in Okinawa, Japan. The sprouting capabilities of the stumps varied among tree species. The stumps of 60 species could produce sprouts, while those of the other two species could not. In 10 of the sprouting species, the mean sprout-stem number was higher than 4.0 stems per stump; nine sprouting species showed low sprouting capabilities. Additionally, Castanopsis sieboldii and Schima wallichii, the dominant species, exhibited high sprouting capabilities. Further, the sprouting capabilities varied with stump diameter at breast height (DBH). Stumps with a larger DBH tended to have a higher mean number of sprout stems per stump, higher DBH, and higher tree height than the smaller stumps. The forest stands regenerated by sprouting might recover into a tree community similar to that before clear-cutting.  相似文献   

In order to infer successional changes in structure, species composition and diversity of warm-temperate forest, we compared secondary stands regenerating after clear-felling (41–64-years old) with old-growth stands at altitudes between 300 and 800 m on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. Stem density and maximum stem diameter differed between secondary and old-growth stands, but basal area and aboveground biomass did not. At lower altitudes, the dominant species in old-growth stands with a strong sprouting capacity (Castanopsis cuspidata) also dominated secondary stands, and species composition of secondary and old-growth stands was similar. At higher altitudes, by contrast, the dominant species in old-growth stands (Distylium racemosum) had little sprouting capacity and was poorly represented in diverse secondary stands, which were dominated by Castanopsis or other less abundant species. Secondary stands had greater species diversity (Shannon–Wiener index) than old-growth stands, particularly at higher altitudes. This was due to greater species richness resulting from higher stem density per area, but not to greater evenness. We grouped the component species that share ecologically similar traits into four guilds (fagaceous, primary evergreen, secondary evergreen and deciduous species). Secondary stands were characterized by greater numbers of deciduous and secondary evergreen species. We concluded that different sprouting capacities of dominant species and different regeneration traits among guilds are responsible for the change in species composition and diversity during succession.  相似文献   

Sprout contribution to natural regeneration of Rhododendron arboreum following the tree felling for fuel wood and other purposes was studied in two disturbed sites (Paipraw and Falockchar) of Rhododendron forest in Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India. Cut stumps were categorized into seven girth and height classes to evaluate the effect of stump girth and height on production of sprouts. Effect of stump girth on survival of sprouts was also investigated. Results show that highest number of cut stumps is recorded in medium girth classes (50–80, 80–110, and 110–140 cm) in both Paipraw and Falockchar stands. However, density of cut stumps is higher in Paipraw (1 210 stumps·ha−1) than Falockchar (1 154 stumps·ha−1). Nevertheless, a little higher percentage of sprouting is recorded in Falockchar (18%) than that of Paipraw (15%). Similarly, maximum number of cut stumps is observed in the medium height classes (50–80, 80–110 and 110–140 cm) in both the sites. Cut stumps with lower girths show greater ability of sprouting than that of larger girth classes. Significant correlations are observed between stump girth and sprout number and between stump height and number of sprouts. Survival of sprouts also depends on stump girth. Survival of sprout shows significant variations between different sampling times in both the sites. Though overall sprout regeneration of R. arboreum is very poor, sprouts arising from lower girth classes survive well than those of higher girth classes. The findings of this investigation signify that stump sprouting is not playing much role in the natural regeneration of R. arboreum though it has the ability to sprout. Sprout survival is not adequate to restore a stand where indiscriminate tree felling is continued and the species may be considered as a poor coppicer. Therefore, regeneration through seeds and seedlings should be preferred over regeneration through sprouting.  相似文献   

Coppicing was widespread across Europe for many centuries, but during the last 150?years, it has been largely abandoned. Most of the former coppices have been converted to high forest, especially in Central and northwestern Europe. Recently, there has been renewed interest in restoring coppices in some regions, primarily for biomass production and nature conservation. However, there is limited information on the sprouting ability of European tree species, which is the key prerequisite for successful coppice restoration. To address this gap, we evaluated the post-harvest stump sprouting of the three main species of Central European coppices—sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.), European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.)—in relation to the stump diameter and density of residual trees. Lime and hornbeam resprouted from stumps of all diameters, but sprouting ability declined with increasing stump diameter in sessile oak. Lime produced greater numbers of sprouts with greater diameters and heights than either oak or hornbeam. The number of sprouts per stump increased with stump diameter in all three species as did the height of lime and hornbeam sprouts, whereas there was no such effect on the height of oak sprouts. The sprouting of hornbeam and oak increased and decreased, respectively, with an increasing density of residual trees. In conclusion, our study shows that all of the studied species are able to resprout even at an old age and after a long period of neglect; however, there were important differences among the species. The results also indicate that the age of the parent trees at the time of cutting may significantly affect the tree species composition of a newly restored coppice.  相似文献   

海南岛簕竹属5个竹种雨季光合特性与叶片形态结构性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过对簕竹属5个竹种雨季光合生理特性的研究,探究热带地区不同竹种雨季光合能力差异性,掌握不同竹种栽培特性,为竹种高效培育及园林应用提供理论依据。【方法】以海南岛簕竹属5个竹种作为研究材料,利用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定日变化、光响应曲线、CO2响应曲线,分析不同因子的影响及叶片形态结构性状与光合作用的相关性。【结果】1)不同竹种之间净光合速率存在较大差异,5个竹种净光合速率日变化规律呈现“双峰”曲线;2)各竹种光响应曲线在5—6月净光合速率较高,8—10月净光合速率较低,最大净光合速率(Pmax)、光饱和点(LSP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)之间存在差异;青秆竹、粉单竹Pmax、LSP值高、Rd值低,光合能力较强;3)5个竹种CO2响应曲线均在5—8月净光合速率较高,9—10月净光合速率较低;相较于潜在最大净光合速率(Amax)、CO2饱和点(CSP),CO2补偿点(CCP)、光呼吸速率(Rp)、羧化速率(CE)之间存在差异;4)雨季中5个竹种Pn主要受气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气温(Ta)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、大气CO2浓度(Ca)等因子制约;5个竹种叶片形态结构性状研究表明:佛肚竹、黄金间碧竹叶面积(LA)显著高于青秆竹、崖州竹、粉单竹(P<0.05),佛肚竹、青秆竹、黄金间碧竹叶厚度(LT)显著高于崖州竹、粉单竹(P<0.05),比叶面积(SLA)则相反;而5个竹种叶干物质含量(LDMC)差异不显著(F=0.691,P=0.615),不同竹种Pmax、Amax与LA、LT、LDMC、SLA相关性有所差异,与LA相关性较大。【结论】簕竹属5个竹种光合特征参数与叶片形态结构性状不同,竹种生理特性与叶片形态结构性状存在一定相关性。在竹类植物保存与利用中,叶面积可作为竹类植物筛选的主要性状指标。在园林配置中,青秆竹栽培区域较广、佛肚竹栽培区域较窄、崖州竹可在阴生条件下栽培、粉单竹适宜光照充足地区生长、黄金间碧竹介于青秆竹与崖州竹之间。  相似文献   

The physiognomy of Caribbean dry forest is shorter, denser and contains a greater proportion of multi-stemmed trees than other neotropical dry forests. Our previous research, conducted after Hurricane Georges in 1998, has shown that dry forest trees sprout near the base following hurricane disturbance, even if the trees have not incurred structural damage. However, for these hurricane-induced sprouts to contribute to the physiognomy of the forest, they must grow and survive. We followed sprout dynamics and stem mortality on 1,407 stems from 1998, after Hurricane Georges, until 2005. The number of surviving sprouts and the proportion of sprouting stems decreased during the 7-year period, but the sprouting rate was still 3-fold higher and the proportion of sprouting stems 5-fold higher than before the hurricane. Mortality of non-sprouting stems (15.4%) was about the same as for sprouting stems (13.9%) after 7 years. The mean length of the dominant sprout surpassed 1.6 m by 2005, with over 13% of the dominant sprouts reaching subcanopy height. Sprout growth and survival varied among species. These results demonstrate that, despite some thinning, hurricane-induced sprouts survive and grow and that the unique physiognomic characteristic of Caribbean dry forests is related to hurricane disturbance.  相似文献   

不同轮伐期和不同林分密度以及不同轮伐期组合和重复采收对大叶相思萌芽更新和林分产量影响的研究结果表明:①轮伐期对伐桩的萌芽力没有显著影响,但对萌芽林的生长有显著或极显著影响;林分密度对伐桩萌芽力和萌芽林生长均无显著影响。林分的材积和生物量总产量(种植后8a)随轮伐期的延长而减少。研究证明,大叶相思实生林萌芽更新的首采轮伐期以4a为最佳。②矮林作业能在一定程度上使大叶相思幼态化。在种植后5~6a内对这一树种进行第二次采伐的更新效果与第一次采伐的更新效果之间没有显著差异。对于以9a为一个经营期来说,以萌芽更新方式经营2代与3代其更新效果和林分总产量相当。为减少营林成本提高经济效益,建议经营两代即可,轮伐期组合以4+5为最佳。  相似文献   

滨海沙地簕竹属10个竹种叶绿素荧光特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过利用叶绿素荧光测定技术测定滨海沙地簕竹属10个竹种的叶绿素荧光参数试验研究,结果表明:(1)鼓节竹、观音竹、凤尾竹的初始荧光(Fo)、可变荧光(Fv)、最大荧光(Fm)值较高于其它竹种;(2)河边竹、观音竹、青皮竹、青竿竹的PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ的潜在活性(Fv/Fo)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(QY)、PSⅡ电子传递量子产率(ΦPSⅡ)等值均高于其它竹种;(3)河边竹、花孝顺竹、破蔑黄竹、青竿竹的光化学猝灭系数(Qp)相对较高;(4)河边竹、青皮竹、青竿竹、鼓节竹的非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)值相对较低。综上可以看出簕竹属中河边竹、观音竹、青皮竹、青竿竹具有较好的光合生理功能,可作为沿海沙地竹子引种的优选竹种。  相似文献   

北美红杉是重要的园林绿化和用材树种,种子繁殖发芽率低且采种困难,扦插繁殖成活率较高,林业生产上以扦插繁殖为主。通过不同种类采穗圃产生的穗条在不同的扦插基质中的扦插试验,研究不同穗条来源和不同扦插基质对北美红杉扦插生根率的影响,结果表明,珍珠岩、蛭石、河沙(1∶1∶1)生根率最高;第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ类插穗生根率最高,新梢抽生能力强,生长较快,无明显年龄效应和位置效应。  相似文献   

文章以结构调控初期的城镇景观林为对象,调查测定间伐第1年主要树种的伐桩萌芽情况、萌枝数量、高度以及群落垂直结构,分析树种的萌枝能力及其群落的结构变化。结果表明,各树种的萌枝能力均较强,不同树种间存在极显著差异(F=129.5,P < 0.001),呈现"常绿树种产生数量多、植株矮小的萌枝,落叶树种产生数量较少、植株高大的萌枝"的格局。砍伐降低了林分密度,为冠层受压树种释放空间;同时,伐桩萌枝以其生长优越性快速恢复,占据高度3 m以下的空间,丰富了群落的垂直结构。因此,城镇景观林结构调控时,可通过砍伐并适当保留伐桩萌枝达到既控制林分密度又促进群落分层、维持群落和景观稳定性的作用。    相似文献   

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