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随着集体林权制度改革和现代林业建设的不断深入,林业的生产关系发生了重大变化,广大林农拥有了林地承包经营权和林木所有权,集体商品林木采伐管理过程中问题凸显,现行的林木采伐限额管理制度己不适应新形势。因此,解决"树怎么砍、采伐怎么管"的问题,就成为广大农民和社会关注的焦点,森林采伐管理改革势在必行。文章在认真调查研究的基础上,分析了大山村集体商品林采伐管理改革的主要内容、成效及存在的问题,并提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

张斌 《陕西林业》2008,(4):F0002-F0002
8月13日.袁纯清省长在商洛市委书记、市人大常委会主任魏增军和省林业厅厅长张社年的陪同下,深入到山阳县检查指导集体林权制度改革试点工作。袁纯清指出:“在林改工作中.不但要把公益林管好,对于商品林也要坚持森林资源管理政策,加强林木采伐管理,绝不能出现乱砍滥伐问题。”他特别强调:“尽快把集体林地承包到户,给农民把好事办好。”  相似文献   

森林采伐限额执行中存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
实行森林采伐限额制度是控制森林资源消耗的有效手段。依据近两年全国森林采伐限额执行情况检查结果材料,分析了林木采伐管理、伐区凭证采伐制度执行方面存在的问题,提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

本文阐述了林木采伐许可证的函义及法律地位,指出了改进与完善林木采伐许可证制度的必要性和迫切性,着重对我国南方集体林区实行林木采伐许可证制度的现状进行了分析,并提出了改进与完善的几点建议。  相似文献   

林木采伐权的法律问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木采伐权是权利主体根据依法取得的采伐许可的规定而享有的按照法定方式对林木进行采伐获得收益并排除他人干涉的权利,是林权处分权能的一个表现.我国有关林木采伐的制度中,还存在立法不完善、商品林的林木采伐权的限额制度过于严格以及管理机制不完善等不足.因此,只有明确林木采伐权的物权地位、完善林木采伐的法律制度并建立高效的林木采伐的管理机制才能保证林木采伐权真正实现.  相似文献   

对2000~2003年广东省森林采伐限额执行情况检查譬果进行了分析,认为存在伐区调查设计偏差较大;毁林垦耕现象屡禁不止;非商品材管理难度较大;林权不清,乱砍滥伐严重;木材走私偷税漏税现象较普遍;限额采伐指标偏高等问题。据此提出了对加强林木采伐管理及确定合理采伐限额指标的建议。  相似文献   

从严控制资源消耗,实现林业可持续发展,减少森林采伐是现阶段我国政府面临的头等大事之一。尽管近几年国务院、国家林业局制定了一些政策,颁布了一些法规、部门规章等,但森林采伐限额和林木采伐管理的配套政策法规还极不完善亟待解决。本文从我国森林限额采伐管理制度发展概况开始,分析国内采伐制度的存在的一些问题,并归纳出原因,提出应对措施,以期达到森林采伐的限额管理,切实保护好国家珍贵而有限的森林资源,达到科学经营的目的。  相似文献   

林木联合采伐机底盘的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木联合采伐机是一种多功能、高自动化、高效率的林木采伐机械,其底盘作为基本组成部分将直接影响林木联合采伐机在林地的作业范围和行驶性能.介绍了目前国外林木联合采伐机底盘的分类、发展现状和未来趋势,为我国开发适合国情的林木联合采伐机底盘提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

根据《内蒙古自治区林业厅、监察厅关于继续开展林业专项检查的通知》文件精神,杭锦旗林业局全面安排林业专项自查工作:(1)严格按照上级规定的检查内容、重点、方法、进度等开展工作,严肃查处未批先占林地、非法采伐林木等违法行为。加大案件查处力度,按照国家有关法律法规和政策,对全旗发生的未批先占林地、非法采伐林木等违法行为,采取有力措施,依法查处。  相似文献   

吴岁平 《中国林业》2008,(16):44-44
为有效保护安徽省巢湖市森林资源,打击乱砍滥伐、乱占林地、乱捕滥猎、乱采滥挖等各类林业违法违规案件,增强资源林政管理机构的自身功能,确保国土生态安全,激励各地加强森林资源保护管理力度,近日,巢湖市林业局出台了《巢湖市森林资源管理工作考评实施细则》,《细则》采取百分制,对涉及森林资源管理工作的林木采伐管理、林地管理、木竹经营加工管理、  相似文献   

云南松纵坑切梢小蠹的发生与气候因子关系密切。大气湿度低、气候干旱,入侵严重;温度越高,小蠹发育速度越快,侵入成功率越高;云南松林立地条件差、阳坡、山脊、林缘、郁闭度低、长势弱均易遭蠹害。森林火灾、乱砍滥伐造成小蠹虫的虫源地,上述因素是酿成云南省小蠹虫大面积危害的主要原因  相似文献   

The growing condition of afforestation trees and damage to lower-story trees caused by felling and hauling of upper-story trees in a multi-storied forest in Peninsular Malaysia was surveyed. Seventy months have passed since the planting ofAcacia mangium upperstory trees, which have grown 233 m3/ha in volume. The growth ofShorea leprosula thirty-five months after planting of lower-story trees have reached 5.54 m in height. However, as the ratio of height to basal diameter exceeds 100:1, trees are tapering to a considerable degree. A backhoe was installed in order to fell the upper-story trees. From the results of logging, the damage ratio estimation of the lower-story trees was simulated by using the Monte Carlo method. The damage ratio differed considerably depending on planting patterns, height of upper-story trees and felling skills. The results of this survey proved that the felling and hauling of upper-story trees would be technically feasible in the future, except when one row upper-story trees and one row lower-story trees method were employed.  相似文献   

In East Kalimantan (Indonesia), impacts of conventional (CNV) and reduced-impact logging (RIL) on forest ecosystems were compared on the basis of pre- and post-harvesting stand inventories. There was a positive and significant correlation between the proportion of trees damaged by felling and the density of trees felled. Logging intensity ranged from 1 to 17 trees ha−1(9–247 m3 ha−1) and averaged 9 trees ha−1 (86.9 m3 ha−1). The study has shown that with RIL techniques, logging damage on the original stand can be significantly reduced by 50% compared with conventional logging. However, this 50% reduction in logging damage, was dependent on the felling intensity. With a felling intensity of 8 stems ha−1 or less, RIL techniques only damaged 25% of the original tree population whereas 48% were damaged with conventional techniques. Above this felling intensity (i.e. 8 stems ha−1), the effectiveness of RIL in limiting forest damage was significantly reduced, mainly because of the increasing felling damage. Moreover, the removal of all harvestable timber trees, leaving only few potential crop trees, will result in a seriously depleted residual stand. Because of the high damage involved by high felling intensity, leaving few potential crop trees, and the yield capacity of the remaining stand, acceptable harvesting volume will not be reached within the felling rotation of 35 years. It is concluded that silvicultural system based on diameter limit alone, as is the Indonesian system (TPTI), cannot be compatible with sustainability and more sophisticated harvested-selection rules are needed.  相似文献   


Simulations of the continuous felling of trees in boom-corridors have suggested that it may be possible to increase harvester productivity by a factor of 2.4 when thinning young dense stands. A prototype boom-tip mounted felling head for harvesting in this fashion was therefore built and tested in the field. Using the new head, stands with a density of 10,000 trees ha?1 and a mean diameter at breast height (dbh) of 7 cm were felled at a speed of 0.4 m s?1, with an efficiency of 3.5 s tree?1. The felling speed was limited by the speed of movement of the harvester crane's boom. However, additional tests suggested that the new head could be operated at felling speeds of up to 1.3 m s?1 when cutting trees with dbh values of up to 8 cm. The simulation that prompted this study focused on multiple felling with the crane in continuous motion at speeds of 1 m s?1; the results obtained in this work suggest that the new felling head is capable of sustaining these speeds and so further technical development of the design (e.g. to incorporate accumulating functionality) is warranted.  相似文献   

伐木对保留木损伤的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过兴隆林业局的实测资料,确定出林分密度和采伐强度对保留木损伤的影响,找出其变化规律,认为:①随着林分密度的增加,保留木损伤率也增加。其中,林分密度在300株/hm~2以下时,损伤率增加较快,以上时较慢;②随着采伐强度与林分密度乘积的增加,保留木损伤率也增加;③阔叶树采伐时的保留木损伤率比针叶树的大。  相似文献   

盗伐、滥伐林木材积测定(之一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盗伐、滥伐林木材积涉及案件的性质和处罚。用1株伐倒木资料,分别立木状态、伐倒木状态计算其材积。为保证材积测定准确,当盗伐、滥伐林木呈伐倒木状态,且数量少时,宜采用中央断面区分求积式、牛顿区分求积式或二元材积表测定材积。  相似文献   

祁连山水源林调整林分结构的数学模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实际调查和分析看出,祁连山林区林分直径结构存在着不合理的分布状态,林木分化比较严重,小径木株数所占比例较大。因此,调整林分直径结构,应将小径木及劣质木做为抚育采伐对象,杜绝以往抚育采伐中的“拔大毛”现象,并且通过Weibull分布拟合,反映出弱度采伐中,只要尊重现实分布律,制定科学的抚育措施,就能使林分结构向合理方向发展。  相似文献   

对397株杉木人工林平均木立木蓄积的4种方法的计算结果分析表明,不同方法计算的蓄积均有显著差异。在采伐作业设计和伐后验收的蓄积计算上应采用相同的计算方法或编制区域性根径一元材积表,以减少误差。  相似文献   

顺昌县次生竹木混交林采用各地培育高产笋用毛竹林的经验,实行伐木留竹、深翻改土、适时施肥、留笋养竹、合理择伐、改善林分结构等技术措施提高笋、竹产量取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

目标经营——介绍一种森林经营方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了德国和奥地利提倡的一种现代森林经营方法——目标经营, 着重阐述了目标经营的特点、方法和判读疏伐的效果。作者认为, 我国应借鉴国外经验, 走集约经营森林的道路。  相似文献   

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