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羊传染脓疱病俗称羊口疮病,是由羊传染脓疱病毒引起的一种高度接触性急性传染性疾病。该种疾病的典型特征是在羊口腔黏膜上形成丘疹、脓疱、溃疡面和厚痂,重症羊因为口腔黏膜溃疡面增大而进食困难,身体逐渐消瘦,如果羊群继发感染其它疾病会造成死亡案例,对羊养殖产业造成严重的危害。本文主要结合实际情况,就羊传染脓疱病的诊断和综合防治进行了分析,希望通过本次研究对同行有一定帮助。  相似文献   

<正>羊传染性脓疱病,又称羊口疮、传染性唇皮炎等,是肉羊场较为常见的疾病,是由传染性脓疱病毒所致的绵羊和山羊的一种畸形发疹性皮肤病,特征是口唇等处皮肤黏膜依次形成丘疹、水泡、脓疱、溃疡和厚痂。  相似文献   

正羊口疮又称羊传染性脓疱性口炎、羊传染性脓疱、羊传染性脓疱皮炎,是由口疮病毒引起的一种急性接触性的人畜共患传染病。其特征是为口唇等处皮肤、黏膜形成丘疹、脓疱、溃疡和疣状厚痂。发病动物以口唇、舌、鼻、乳房、蹄、外阴等部位与黏膜形成水疱、丘疹、脓包、溃疡形成疣状厚痂为特征,敏感羊群发病率到达90%,病死率1%-25%,给养羊业带来了巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

接触传染性脓疱皮炎(Contagious pustulardermatitis ,CPD)俗称羊口疮(Orf),是由接触传染性脓疱皮炎病毒(Contagiouspustulardermatitisvirus,CPDV)引起的绵羊、山羊的一种接触传染性、嗜上皮性、人兽共患的传染病。以在口、唇、舌、鼻、乳房等部位形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱和疣状痂皮为特征。羔羊最为敏感 ,常引起群体发病 ,尤其是密集的羊群[1,2]。早在1887年Steeb曾描述过此病。1890年首次由Walley将其描述为羊的接触性皮炎(Contagiousdermatitis)。1920年Zeller用病羊痂皮复制本病成功。1921年Aynaud确定本病病原为病毒。自此以后 ,各…  相似文献   

正羊口疮又称羊传染性脓疱、传染性脓疱皮炎。患病羊只在临床主要表现为口唇等部位皮肤出现丘疹、脓泡、溃疡、疣状厚痂等,该病对羔羊感染性很高。本文介绍了对该病的预防与治疗措施,旨在减少因患该病带来的经济损失。1传播途径和诱发因素1.1饲养管理不当饲养管理不当是造成该病流行的一个重要因素,如健康羊群与患病羊同时放牧、同圈管理、同在一个牧区混养放牧给该病的流行与传播创造了机会,增加了该病的患病率。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病又称传染性脓疱性皮炎,俗称"羊口疮"。该病是由传染性脓疱病毒引起的一种急性、接触性传染病,以患羊唇部皮肤黏膜形成丘疹、脓疱、溃疡和厚痂为主要发病特征。该病的发病率高、传播迅速,倘若继发其他疾病,将加大死亡率,给养殖户造成极大的经济损失。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病俗称口疮,是由传染性脓病毒引起羊的一种急性、接触性的传染病。病羊以口唇、鼻镜、眼圈、乳房、蹄部等处黏膜和皮肤上形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱,破溃后形成疣状厚痂为特征。现将1例绒山羊感染传染性脓疱病的诊治情况报告如下。1发病情况  相似文献   

正羊口疮又称羊传染性脓疱性口炎、羊传染性脓疱、羊传染性脓疱皮炎,是由羊口疮病毒引起山羊和绵羊的急性接触性常见传染病,患病羊和污染物是其主要传染源。该病经常发生在春秋季节,以口唇等处皮肤、黏膜形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱、溃疡和疣状结痂为特征,传染快,羊群中一旦有羊感染,可迅速波及整个羊群。羊感染后会造成采食困难,如不  相似文献   

正羊传染性脓疱俗称"羊口疮",是绵羊和山羊的一种由病毒所引起的急性传染病,常为群发性流行。主要症状是口唇等处皮肤和黏膜形成丘疹、脓疱、溃疡和结成疣状厚痂。羊传染性脓疱是一种常发疾病,1岁以内的羔羊易感,在羊群里极易由病羊传播,形成流行,因而对养殖业危害很大。圈舍潮湿和拥挤、饲喂带芒刺或尖硬的饲草、羔羊的出牙均可促使本病发生。  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病主要是由羊传染性脓疱病引起的一种传染病,除了羊群,其他的像鹿、牛等动物,也有可能会感染此疾病,另外,人类也极有可能会受到羊传染性脓疱病的危害,是一种人畜共患病,属于国家二类动物疫病。所以,当前很多的养殖户都十分的重视对该疾病的预防和诊治。  相似文献   

Attempted reactivation of contagious ecthyma in Dall sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dexamethasone was administered to 2 Dall ewes that had clinically recovered from contagious ecthyma in an attempt to reactivate contagious ecthyma in the sheep. Clinical signs of disease were not detected within 24 days after corticosteroid injection, and virus was not detected in tissues collected at necropsy.  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病是由羊传染性脓疱病毒(orf virus,ORFV)引起的传染性极强且流行广泛的人畜共患病。健康羊只感染ORFV后,会在唇、鼻和口腔等无毛部位依次形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱及溃疡,最后形成疣状结痂,产生增生性损伤。羔羊由于免疫系统发育不完全尤其易感,发病后会导致采食困难、营养物质摄入不足,进而影响生长发育,严重者会因继发性感染而死亡。结合近年来国内外研究报道,从病原学、流行病学、临床症状、诊断方法、预防和治疗措施等方面对羊传染性脓疱病进行综述,以期为兽医临床中该病的预防、诊断和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify a strain of contagious ecthyma virus from goats that possesses the appropriate characteristics for an effective vaccine for goats. ANIMALS: 25 goat kids used for vaccine development and 100 goat kids used for evaluation of vaccine efficacy. PROCEDURES: 5 strains of contagious ecthyma virus were tested in a vaccination-challenge study to identify the best strain to be the seed strain for a contagious ecthyma vaccine. The vaccine derived from the chosen viral stain was tested at 2 concentrations for efficacy in a vaccination-challenge study. RESULTS: 2 of 5 viral strains induced moderate to severe scabs following infection, and 3 viral strains protected the goats from wild-type virus challenge following vaccination. Viral strain 47CE was selected as the seed source for the production of a contagious ecthyma vaccine because of the larger vaccine-to-challenge scab formation ratio. Vaccine 47CE protected all goat kids (48/48) following challenge with the wild-type contagious ecthyma virus; all goat kids (32/32) in the control group had scab formation following challenge with the wild-type contagious ecthyma virus, which indicated no protection following administration of vaccine diluent. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A vaccine containing a caprine strain of contagious ecthyma virus used in goats appeared to provide the characteristics needed for an effective vaccine, including good scab production and protection from wild-type infection. This vaccine may potentially provide better protection for goats from contagious ecthyma than currently available vaccines labeled for sheep.  相似文献   

From February 1983 to June 1985, 188 desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni, = 161 and Oc cremnobates, = 27) from 18 herds in 17 mountain ranges and one captive herd were caught, marked, and had blood, fecal, and nasal mucus samples collected. Nasal swab specimens were cultured bacteriologically and virologically specifically for parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus. Bacterial flora differed from herd to herd. Pathogenic pneumophilic bacteria (eg, Pasteurella sp) seldom were found. Parainfluenza-3 virus was isolated from 6 bighorn sheep in 3 herds. Fecal specimens were examined for parasite ova and low numbers of lungworm (Protostrongylus sp) larvae were found in feces from 2 herds. Sera were evaluated for antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus, ovine progressive pneumonia, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, PI-3, bovine viral diarrhea, brucellosis, leptospirosis, contagious ecthyma, bluetongue, and epizootic hemorrhagic disease. Blood clots were cultured virologically for bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease. Serologic evidence of bluetongue and/or epizootic hemorrhagic disease was found in 9 herds, and bluetongue virus (serotypes 10,11,13 and 17) was isolated from 3 herds. Antibody titers against PI-3 and respiratory syncytial virus were found in 9 and 13 herds, respectively. Evidence of bovine viral diarrhea infection was found in 6 herds, whereas infectious bovine rhinotracheitis was found in only 1 herd. Antibody titers against contagious ecthyma were found in 9 of 18 herds in California, and active lesions were seen occasionally. Evidence of ovine progressive pneumonia, leptospirosis, or brucellosis was not found.  相似文献   

羊传染性脓疱病毒是羊传染性脓疱(羊口疮)的病原,能够感染山羊、绵羊和野生小反刍动物,也能够感染人,主要引起口腔黏膜、眼睛、外阴、蹄等部位形成丘疹、水疱、脓疱和疣状痂皮,病畜因衰竭和继发感染而死亡。论文对羊传染性脓疱病毒的特征、致病性、致病机理、免疫机理、免疫逃逸机制、检测方法和疫苗研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

羊口疮病又被称为羊传染性脓疱病,是由羊口疮病毒感染引发的一种高度接触性急性传染性疾病。该病具有传播速度、传播范围广、发病率高的特点,虽然造成的死亡率降低,但是会严重影响羊的正常产生、正常休息,使羊群生长发育不良,身体逐渐消瘦,如果继发感染多种细菌性疾病、病毒性疾病,会加重病情,表现出复杂的临床症状,给疾病的诊断工作带来很大难度。养殖户在发展羊养殖中如果没有做好科学管理,饲料中存在杂质或者饲料坚硬,造成羊口腔出现损伤,给传染性脓疱病的发生流行提供条件。发生流行后如果不能做好针对有效的诊断,易造成病原的扩散蔓延,带来严重损失。该文主要论述羊口疮病的预防和治疗。  相似文献   

The primary cause of contagious ecthyma is the orf virus, the parapoxvirus prototype. It is a viral problem observed in goat and sheep flocks in Iran, causing economic loss. Orf is a zoonosis with little epidemiological investigation present in Iran. The current research aims at determining the status of this virus, and a PCR was used as a confirmatory instrument. We sampled 668 goats and sheep and various breeding systems. Besides, the orf prevalence was studied, and vaccination efficacy was determined. Moreover, the potential risk factors surveyed for infection with ecthyma were identified. Samples were taken from goat and sheep flocks in the present cross-sectional research, and PCR was used for testing orf DNA. A checklist including animals’ general information was completed. Data were analyzed using univariate tests (chi-square and t-tests) and multivariable binary logistic regression analysis. Three hundred one (45%) goats and sheep detected orf DNA. The age of 70% of positive cases was below one month. Ecthyma infection was significantly higher in imported breeds (87.3%) than indigenous (39.3%). Ninety-six percent of infected goats and sheep in the present work were not vaccinated against ecthyma. The high prevalence of the orf virus was confirmed among goat and sheep flocks in Iran. It is necessary to train ranchers regarding sanitary actions, quarantine, and application of orf vaccination plans.  相似文献   

We herein describe the partial nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the B2L gene of seventeen Brazilian orf viruses (ORFV). Seventeen viruses were recovered from outbreaks of contagious ecthyma in sheep and goats in four states in Southern and Northeast country, and three from commercial vaccines. Most analyzed viruses were associated with outbreaks of classical contagious ecthyma, with lip, nostrils and labial commissure involvement, yet udder/teat, feet, vulvar and disseminated lesions were also reported in some cases. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a high degree of B2L similarity among sheep sequences (>99%) regardless the geographic origin, and a remarkable high identity for the two goat isolates (>99.8%), with similarity dropping to below 99% when comparing viruses from the two species. A phylogenetic tree grouped most sheep and goat viruses on different branches. In addition, sequence alignment allowed the identification of up to six scattered nucleotide changes that were predominant and more consistent in goat isolates, including a number of sequences from other continents. Thus, in spite of the high nucleotide similarity, different degrees of similarity and discrete nucleotide changes in the B2L gene may help in grouping ORFV viruses according to host species.  相似文献   

Viruses of the genus parapoxvirus from the family poxviridae cause widespread but localized diseases of small and large ruminants. The economically most important disease is contagious pustular dermatitis or contagious ecthyma among sheep and goats, often simply called orf. The parapoxviruses (PPV) can be transmitted to man leading to localized lesions that are named pseudocowpox or milkers' node as being mostly restricted to the hands and fingers. In cattle two forms of PPV manifestation are commonly observed, the bovine papular stomatitis in young calves and the occurrence of lesions at the udder of cows. We here report about the recent efforts in molecular characterization of orf viruses and the state of the art about the generation of orf virus recombinants. In addition the current knowledge on immune responses against orf viruses and some new data on the behaviour of orf virus recombinants under non-permissive conditions are reported.  相似文献   

An atypical case of contagious ecthyma in a wether, following severe thermal injury to the skin, is reported. Histologically, extensive verrucous growths at the edges of the burned skin were areas of severe epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis. Intracellular viral particles were present, and sections of skin were positive for ovine contagious ecthyma virus by a fluorescent antibody test.  相似文献   

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