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<正> 试验于1982~1987年在河南省西华县田口村进行。试材为盛果期灰枣树,行株距10m×3.3m。设修剪(冬剪和夏季枣头摘心),修剪+花期主干环切,修剪+(牙刂)枣和(牙刂)枣(对照)共4个处理。单株  相似文献   

不同修剪方法对鲁北冬枣盛果期树生长结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997~2003年,连续7年进行了不同修剪方法对鲁北冬枣盛果期树生长结果影响的比较试验。结果表明,修剪处理(合理冬剪加花期枣头摘心)树的根量、冠幅、干周、枣头特别是强壮枣头有效二次枝数量、枣股尤其是壮龄枣股数量等均明显大于主干环剥树,产量显著提高,果品质量(果重、全糖含量等)有所改善。对枣股枣吊叶片的测定表明,在6月30日以前及果实发育中后期,其全糖和全氮含量明显提高。树体营养水平的提高,促进了根、枝条和果实的生长发育。修剪加主干环割、修剪加主干环剥处理的效果较单纯主干环剥为好。为好.但也不及合理冬剪加花期枣头摘心处理。  相似文献   

樊素 《河北果树》2014,(2):54-54
<正>一般情况下,枣树每年都产生一定数量的新枣头。经过冬剪的枣树,新枣头发生的数量更多。如果对这些新枣头不加修剪,任其自然生长,不但会大量消耗树体营养,也会恶化树冠的光照情况,并影响坐果和产量。枣树夏季修剪的目的在于调节营养,避免无益的消耗,改善树冠通风透光条件,减少落花落果,增加坐果量,促进果实发育,提高果实产量和品质。夏剪  相似文献   

赵霞  汪有科 《北方园艺》2015,(13):10-12
以9年生梨枣树(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,在无灌溉条件下,通过2种旱作管理技术处理,研究节水型修剪技术和竹节式聚水沟技术对梨枣枣吊、坐果及产量的影响。结果表明:节水型修剪技术与竹节式聚水沟技术的单独及联合实施,均提高了结果枣吊数量及枣吊的坐果能力,提高梨枣的产量;与对照相比,节水型修剪技术(HL)可提高产量83.14%,竹节式聚水沟技术(CJ)可提高产量38.44%,节水型修剪技术+竹节式聚水沟技术(HJ)效果最好,产量可提高155.00%。研究认为,在旱地无灌溉条件下的陕北黄土丘陵区应该以节水型修剪为主,最好结合节水型修剪在林下采用聚水沟措施。  相似文献   

枣头摘心的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10多年来,我们一直把枣头摘心作为夏季修剪和保花保果的重要技术措施推广。为弄清摘心对枣头生长发育和结果的作用,连续8年对枣头摘心的反应进行了调查。1 材料和方法  试验地设在田口乡田口村第6组。土质为沙土,枣树为1962年定植的枣粮间作林,品种为灰枣和鸡心枣。从修剪试验园的196株树中,随机抽选灰枣、鸡心枣共20株进行摘心及不摘心处理。枣头摘心的方法是,当新生枣头出现4~5个二次枝时,强枣头留3~4个二次枝摘心,弱枣头留2~3个摘心。9月初从每株树的东西南北中5个方位,随机调查5个枣头。2 结…  相似文献   

2005—2009年,在甘肃省靖远县进行枣树窄纺锤形树形的整形修剪试验,结果表明,在当地枣树选用窄纺锤形早期产量高、树体小、生产的枣果实品质好等优点;窄纺锤形枣树栽植密度比自然圆头形树形枣树高50%,木质化枣吊的数量比自然圆头形树形树高15%~30%;定植后第1~5年单位面积累计产量比自然圆头形树形树高22.5%,产值比自然圆头形树形树提高27.7%。  相似文献   

为实现幼龄枣树早结果、早丰产的目标,进行枣头摘心技术试验。试验结果表明:枣树夏季摘心与不摘心在枣头质量和单位产量上差异显著;枣树摘心应与夏季修剪密切结合进行,利于提高产量和质量;枣头摘心时间以5月下旬~6月上旬最好;摘心强度以留2~4个二次枝为宜,一般不超过4个。  相似文献   

4个枣品种幼树冬季修剪试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007—2010年在山东东营进行了冬枣等4个枣品种幼树冬季修剪试验。结果表明,与重剪和不修剪处理相比,冬季采用轻剪或中剪修剪可显著提高枣幼树的早期产量,大白铃和金丝新4号修剪后产量较高,冬枣和圆铃2号修剪后产量较低;冬季修剪采用重剪,可显著促进幼树生长,增加发枝量、枝长、枝径、二次枝数和冬芽数;综合比较,大白铃品种对修剪反应最为敏感,其次是金丝新4号和冬枣,圆铃2号对修剪反应最不敏感;4个枣树品种不同生长势枣头的修剪反应有较大的差异。  相似文献   

枣树夏季修剪一般在萌芽展叶到盛花期(5-7月)进行.枣树进入盛果期后,主要以夏季修剪为主,一般在新枣头长到30 cm以上时分期进行.   1 摘心   一般摘掉枣头幼嫩部分10 cm左右,摘心部位以下保留4~6个二次枝.对幼树中心干和主、侧枝摘心,能促进萌发新枝;对弱枝、水平枝、二次枝上的枣头轻摘心,能促进生长充实;对强旺枝、延长枝、更新枝的枣头重摘心,能集中养分,促进二次枝发育,增加枣股数量,提高坐果率.具体操作起来有以下三种情况.……  相似文献   

盛果后期的枣树,生长势逐渐衰弱,二次枝和枣股大量死亡,枝干光秃,产量显著下降,可利用枣树隐芽容易萌发的特点更新树冠,复壮树势。对长势极度衰弱、骨干枝严重光秃、有效枣股(能结果的枣股)只有300~500个的树,应采取重更新,锯去骨干枝总长度的2/3或1/2;对长势衰弱、光秃现象明显、有效枣股500~1000个的树,宜采取中度更新,锯去骨干枝总长度的1/3或1/4;对长势轻度衰弱,出现光秃现象、有效枣股1000~1500个的树,  相似文献   

以7 a生的冬枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,采用不同时间覆网并辅之根剪措施,研究防护网对冬枣生长及果实品质的影响。结果表明:冬枣开花前搭覆防护网结合根剪显著抑制了冬枣的二次枝生长、枣吊数量、坐果率、花量及产量,并明显降低了果实中的维生素C和可溶性糖含量,但未造成果实农药残留。而坐果后覆网加根剪对二次枝、坐果率、产量的抑制效果较小,并对枣吊数量和花量无明显影响作用。虽然坐果后覆网果实中检测到了农药残留,但相比对照显著降低,未对果实品质带来不利影响。2种覆网方式均降低了冬枣的光合特性。综合分析认为,坐果后覆网与根剪相结合是提高果实品质的有效措施。  相似文献   

Five pruning treatments were compared on Cox’s Orange Pippin on M.II rootstock, viz.

1. Open-centre tree, established-spur pruned

2. Open-centre tree, renewal-pruned

3. Delayed open-centre tree, established-spur pruned

4. Delayed open-centre tree, renewal-pruned

5. Regulated-pruned tree.

At 15 years, secondary pruning treatments were begun and carried on for a further 7-year period, the trees being pruned by the same methods but either annually or in alternate years. Differences in growth and cropping between trees pruned to open-centre and delayed open-centre shapes were small, but open-centre trees cropped more heavily than did delayed open-centre trees when renewal-pruned, probably on account of their greater branch spread. The method used in pruning the laterals had an effect upon cropping during the first 10 years. At the end of the trial there was no effect of either primary or secondary treatments upon trunk girth, neither was there a significant difference in girth increment between the secondary treatments. Almost the same amount of wood was removed from trees pruned in alternate years as from those pruned annually, but a greater proportion of old to new wood was removed from trees pruned in alternate years. Pruning in alternate years increased the cropping of established-spur pruned trees but not with regulated or renewal-pruned trees. There was no consistently adverse effect upon fruit size but, when a year of heavy setting followed a winter when the trees were left unpruned, fruit size was reduced and early fruit thinning would have been necessary to lessen the proportion of fruit in the two smallest size grades. With this variety fruit colour was unaffected by pruning in alternate years.  相似文献   

为了探究双主干并棒(Bibaum?)树形‘富士’系苹果在中国渭北黄土高原地区的生长和结果表现,以 M9-T337 矮化自根砧长枝型‘富士’系‘富姬酷’(‘Fujiko’)为试材,调查了并棒形(1.2 m × 3.5 m)与高纺锤形(1.0 m × 3.5 m)幼树树体生长、枝(梢)类组成、成花率、果实品质和产量等指标。结果表明:并棒形树高、干径小于高纺锤形,砧木粗度大于高纺锤形,2016 年东西方向冠幅(行间冠幅)及平均冠幅小于高纺锤形;单株枝量及单位面积枝量 2016 年高纺锤形较高,2017 年无差异;并棒形2016—2017 年间树高、干径、砧木粗度以及单位面积枝量的年增长速率大于高纺锤形;并棒形 2016 年中枝(5 ~ 15 cm)比例、果台副梢长枝比例高于高纺锤形,2017 年营养长枝(> 30 cm)比例低于高纺锤形,同时并棒形 2018 年枝梢成花率高于高纺锤形;两种树形果实品质及单位面积产量无差异,并棒形单株果实数量、2017 年单株产量以及 2016—2017 年单位面积产量在增长速率大于高纺锤形。综合认为,矮化自根砧‘富士’系幼树采用并棒树形,可以显著削弱树体高度,减小行间冠幅,树体生长及枝量增长速度快,长枝比例低,易成花,果实产量上升潜力大。  相似文献   

Watersprout occurrence and growth were investigated over a two-year period in an early maturing peach cultivar (Alexandra) under different intensities of dormant pruning for fruited and defruited trees. A preliminary study focused on identifying the laws that determine the probability of presence and occurrence of watersprouts in relation to watersprout-bearing shoot (WBS) length. The increase in watersprout probability of presence and occurrence resulting from greater WBS length illustrated the high capacity of peach for sprouting. Watersprout lengths were measured, as well as the lengths of young shoots, one-year-old fruit-bearing shoots (FBSs) and older branches considered as WBS in order to evaluate total shoot growth within the tree. Watersprout number and total length tended to be higher under severe dormant pruning and in fruited trees than under light dormant pruning and in defruited trees. This stimulation of watersprout length appeared to compensate for the concomitant lower total length of young shoots, resulting in a constant overall vegetative growth rate for the whole tree. In the second year of the experiment, watersprouts were either removed by summer pruning or not in order to evaluate watersprout incidence on the rest of the tree. After light and severe watersprout removal (WSR), the annual diametrical growth of FBS tended to be higher and lower, respectively, compared to trees not submitted to summer pruning. Light WSR might favour light interception in the centre of the canopy, thus improving assimilate production and allocation to FBS, whereas severe WSR could prevent carbohydrate export from watersprouts to FBS. Under our conditions, the limit at which WSR intensity became detrimental for FBS diametrical growth appeared to be after approximately 75% of the watersprouts were removed. Severe WSR appeared likely to improve fruit diameter, whereas it had no significant impact on the percentage of soluble solids.  相似文献   

‘糯米糍’荔枝碳素营养储备动态与坐果的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 以10~12年生的‘糯米糍’荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) 为材料, 研究了高产树(60~65 kg·株- 1 ) 和低产树(5~10 kg·株- 1 ) 不同部位(叶片、各级枝条和主干) 碳素营养储备(淀粉) 的差异及季节动态; 分析了不同果实发育阶段树体碳素营养水平与坐果率的关系。结果表明, 果实成熟时高产树各部位的淀粉含量均低于低产树, 而可溶性糖含量高于低产树。果实采收后, 低产树早于高产树抽发新梢。入冬季前(11月底前) , 低产树和高产树分别抽发了3次和2次秋梢。7~11月秋梢生长发育期间, 高产树和低产树均无显著淀粉积累, 11月中旬以后枝梢生长停滞期间, 各部位, 尤其是4 cm直径以内的枝条大量积累淀粉, 在花穗发育前达到高峰。之后, 随花穗发育、开花及坐果而持续降低。高产树和低产树各部位淀粉高峰并无明显差异, 表明坐果量对树体碳素营养储备的累积并无明显的长期影响。叶片、主枝和主干积累的淀粉含量较低, 总体相对稳定; 而4 cm直径以下的枝梢淀粉含量变化剧烈, 说明这些枝梢是更为活跃的碳素储备库。本研究还表明, 坐果早期(花后3周内) 枝条(2 cm直径) 的淀粉含量与该枝条上最终坐果率呈显著正相关, 而果实发育中期(花后8周) 枝条淀粉含量与坐果率无关, 说明早期果实发 育一定程度依赖树体碳素营养储备, 而中后期果实发育几乎不依赖树体储备。  相似文献   

苹果苗木类型和栽植时间对幼树生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了研究不同栽植时间下不同苗木类型的生长特性,【方法】以3 a生‘长富2号’/‘M26’/八棱海棠为试材,测定3个栽植时间(2010年3月10日、4月10日和5月10日)下分枝苗、去分枝苗和单干苗生长特性相关指标。【结果】5月份栽植植株的生长势弱于3、4月栽植的植株;单干苗生长势弱于分枝苗和去分枝苗。栽植后第2年,3、4月栽植植株的株高、主干粗度显著大于5月栽植的植株。去分枝苗和单干苗株高显著大于分枝苗。3种苗木类型主干粗度依次为分枝苗>去分枝苗>单干苗,且相互差异显著。分枝苗和去分枝苗冠径显著大于单干苗。栽植后第3年,分枝苗的花芽数显著高于去分枝苗和单干苗。【结论】苹果苗木在冷藏条件下,4月栽植是可行的,本试验中3月份栽植较为适宜。分枝苗有利于促进幼树提早开花结果。  相似文献   

Three pruning treatments were compared on Worcester Pearmain on M.IV rootstock, viz.: open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; delayed open-centre tree, established-spur pruned; regulated pruned tree. In the fifteenth year secondary treatments were begun, the trees being pruned either annually or in alternate years, with and without fruit thinning by hand. The trees were grubbed after 21 years and scion weights were obtained.

There were no important differences in growth and cropping between open-centre and delayed open-centre trees. Regulated trees had an 11% smaller area of branch spread than established-spur pruned trees at 21 years. At 15 years there was no significant difference between treatments in total weight of prunings, but three times as much old wood as new had been removed from regulated trees compared with two and a half times as much new wood as old from established-spur pruned trees. During a 6-year period, the same weight of wood was removed from alternate-year pruned trees as from those pruned annually.

During the first 10 years regulated trees yielded twice as much fruit as did established-spur pruned ones, and 49% more during the second 10-year period. In many years, in the absence of fruit thinning, regulated trees bore smaller fruits than did established-spur pruned trees. Regulated trees had more red colour on the fruits than established-spur pruned trees, and alternate-year pruning, whether regulated or established-spur, gave more red colour on the fruits than did annual pruning, especially in seasons following no pruning. Alternate-year pruning had no harmful effect upon fruit size. Fruit thinning had no important effect upon red colour but it increased the percentage crop weight in the larger size grades, especially on established-spur pruned trees. The regulated method is well suited to the growth habit of Worcester provided that the fruit is thinned by hand or chemical spray in years of heavy setting.

The relative ratios between total crop : scion weight and crop 15–21 years : scion weight, were similar; scion weights were twice as heavy as weights of prunings.  相似文献   

Ground cover competition and tree training strongly affect development of newly planted peach trees and eventual productivity of peach orchards. This experiment characterized the long-term interactive effects of three levels of competition and two pruning criteria on yield, fruit size, and marketable yield efficiency. Trees of two cultivars (’Jersey Dawn’, JD, and ‘Redskin’, RS, on Lovell) of peach (Prunuspersica (L.) Batsch) were planted in an orchard in 1993 and grown for 14 years in a vegetation free area (VFA) width of 0.6 or 2.4 m. A separate group of trees that were in the 2.4 m VFA had grass seeded beneath them in 1998 to obtain 0 m VFA. All trees were pruned to maintain canopy size with wide-angled scaffold limbs and intense pruning (IP) or upright branch form with reduced pruning (RP). In general, RS had greater yield than JD and yield was greatest in the 2.4 m VFA with RP and least in the 0.6 m VFA with IP. Cumulative marketable (≥6.35 cm) and average annual total yield of both cultivars was similar for RP trees in 0 m VFA and IP trees in 2.4 m VFA's although more of the fruit were in the largest size class (>6.98 cm) in the IP trees. Reduced pruning increased crop load. Fruit weight decreased with increased crop load more in RS than JD and this response was similar for all VFA's within each cultivar. Grass competition tended to reduce both the number and weight of fruit per tree but the average weight of individual marketable fruit was reduced only in the 0.6 m VFA of RS. Tree size was reduced by grass competition and pruning times measured from 1995 to 2000 were less in RP than IP. Consequently, marketable yield efficiency of marketable fruit (grams fruit ≥6.35 cm/cm2 trunk cross-sectional area, TCSA) measured from 2004 to 2007 was generally greater in trees with RP than IP and in the 0.6 than the 0 and 2.4 m VFA. The results indicate that persistent competition will reduce total annual yield per tree but with reduced pruning the concomitant increased crop load can help maintain marketable yield.  相似文献   

Eight ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees on an experimental plot were systematically thinned to give different numbers of fruit per spur, per branch, and per tree. At harvest, fruits were weighed individually and their positions on spurs and branches noted. Trunk and branch girths were measured.Mean fruit weights were not significantly affected by the presence of several fruits on a spur, or by the degree of local crowding on branches, compared with the general mean for the whole tree. However, mean fruit weight varied between trees, depending on the number of fruits carried per unit of trunk girth of cross-sectional area.μ (mean fruit weight) = a — bN (number of fruit per unit trunk dimension)The distribution of fruit weights on each tree can be regarded as normal and on the 8 trees examined, standard deviations did not differ significantly. An equation was derived relating total crop per tree and fruit-size distribution to trunk dimensions and fruit number, both of which were variable from tree to tree, involving 2 coefficients of the mean size equation and the standard deviation of the weight distribution, which seem to be constant for the 8 trees under the prevailing conditions.Using the equations, it could be shown that although fruit thinning would increase the proportion of larger fruit in the crop, in only one case would careful thinning have increased the total weight of larger fruit.  相似文献   


The apple cultivar Queen Cox on M.9 rootstock cropped more precociously when planted as two year old trees than when planted as one year old trees, even though there were no significant differences in the sizes (leader height and branch length) of the trees at the time of planting. However, the two year old trees had larger root systems at planting. As the trees aged, those planted as one year olds grew more vigorously and bore higher cumulative yields than those planted as two year olds. Annual root pruning of the trees, commencing 15 months after planting, reduced extension shoot growth, crown volume and grubbing weights (final fresh weights of scions) severely. In some seasons root pruning increased the number of spur and terminal floral buds produced and also the final sets and yield efficiencies on the treated trees. Planting trees within semi-permeable fabric membranes also reduced extension shoot growth and tree size, but less severely than the root-pruning treatment. Root restriction increased the efficiency of fruit set and yields and also improved the grades of fruits produced. Trickle irrigation treatments increased shoot growth and tree fresh weight at the time of grubbing, but had inconsistent and small effects on fruit set and yields. Interactions between tree age at the time of planting and the root manipulative treatments were significant.  相似文献   

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