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深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用问卷方法调查了深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度和对入侵有害生物的关注程度及建议,评估了深圳市红火蚁公众教育的成效。结果表明,通过宣传培训,提升了深圳居民对红火蚁的认知程度,11.2%居民了解红火蚁相关知识,27.9%居民听说过红火蚁;电视、网络、报纸和宣传画/单等是居民获取红火蚁知识的主要途径;在知道或听说过红火蚁的民众中,26.9%人知道居住区有或曾经有红火蚁发生,50.9%居民采取消极或错误的红火蚁处理方法,居民中知道当地红火蚁发生的时间看,以一年以内的人数>1~2年的人数>3年以上的人数;56.9%居民不关心入侵生物,85.7%居民不了解红火蚁相关政策,约32%居民对红火蚁防治工作表示满意。居民的建议是重点做好宣传、防治工作,同时加强检疫、培训和应急预案制定等。  相似文献   

广西于2005年发现了红火蚁,对生态和生产生活造成了严重影响,全区各地开始加强对红火蚁的防控。本研究基于OvitalMap和ArcGIS对钦州部分地区的红火蚁发生情况进行了调查。调查结果表明:红火蚁蚁巢密度在工厂附近最大,农田、商铺、工地、人工林地次之,公园、生活区、自然林最小;在调查区域内红火蚁以轻度发生为主;红火蚁有由港口向市区传播的趋势。这说明红火蚁已适应了钦州的生态环境,应加大防控力度阻止其进一步扩散。  相似文献   

中国红火蚁研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋冬荣 《广西植保》2008,21(3):20-22
国内科技工作者对入侵红火蚁进行调查研究,对红火蚁的发生为害、物种鉴定、潜在公布区预测、生物学特性和防治方法等方面作了初步的探索研究,指出:红火蚁入侵为害严重,国内大部分地区都适宜红火蚁生存,其生态位优势明显,防治难度大等。文章概要介绍近年来国内对红火蚁的研究进展情况。  相似文献   

红火蚁分子生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董慧  杨定 《植物检疫》2005,19(6):351-354
红火蚁是我国新发现的重要检疫性有害生物.本文在概述红火蚁的危害和检疫现状基础上,对红火蚁的分子生物学研究进行了综述,并就我国红火蚁的分子鉴定和种群分化进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

红火蚁是我国农业植物检疫性有害生物,严重影响农作物的生长、发育,使作物减产,造成经济损失。红火蚁与热带火蚁形似,增加了对其鉴别的难度。综合分析相关研究报道,概述了对红火蚁的鉴别和防治方法,为植保植检部门的红火蚁普查、防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   

红火蚁自2004年入侵我国后,发生范围迅速扩大,已扩散到我国12个省份的579个县级行政区,对我国南方大部分地区的农业生产、居民生活、生物多样性和公共设施造成较大威胁。为有效控制红火蚁疫情,2022年广东省南雄市探索形成了“政府组织、群众参与、专业化公司协作”的“全民防控”新模式,依托红火蚁云采集系统采取“灭蚁巢、有补助”方式开展红火蚁防控,可调动群众积极性,有利于推进红火蚁群防群控工作,有效控制了红火蚁的发生与蔓延,为红火蚁疫情防控提供了新的借鉴。  相似文献   

2004年9月,我国广东省吴川市首次发现红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)疫情,后经过调查发现,在广东省深圳市、惠州市、广州市和湖南张家界等也出现了红火蚁疫情,经过风险分析发现,我国长江以南地区为红火蚁疫情发生的高风险地区。同时自2005年3月以来我国出入境检验检疫机构在广东增城、江苏张家港、江苏常熟等口岸从进境的废纸、原木、木质包装已多次截获红火蚁。我国已将红火蚁定为进境植物检疫性有害生物和国内植物检疫性有害生物,对红火蚁进行防控。1红火蚁在美国的发生危害情况及防控措施到1953年美国农业部第1次正式调查时,红火蚁已扩散到美国南部的广大地区,取代了本地火蚁和入侵黑火蚁。目前,红火蚁在美国南部13个州建立了种群,被其占领的土地超过1.3亿hm2,每百万hm2土地上分布的红火蚁重量为18~35万t。据统计,在美国历史上有80多人因红火蚁叮咬而死亡,仅得克萨斯州因红火蚁危害造成的损失每年高达10亿美元,不包括医疗和生态环境方面的损失,美国一些电话和电子公司每年要花费几百万美元来防治红火蚁和更换被其损坏的电器设备,每年红火蚁对美国南部受害地区造成的总损失达50亿美元。1.1防控策略20世纪50年代,美国...  相似文献   

近几年,在我国广东、福建、湖南等省发生了外来入侵的红火蚁,给社会生活和经济发展带来了严重影响。农业部非常重视红火蚁的防治,于2006年1月17日发布公告,将红火蚁定为中华人民共和国入境植物检疫性有害生物和全国植物检疫性有害生物,制定并启动了《红火蚁疫情防控应急预案》。由于红火蚁已经在美国定殖70多年,发生规律和防治技术已基本掌握,对经济社会的影响得到了控制。现将美国红火蚁的发生与防治情况做一介绍,希望能给我国红火蚁的控制提供一些参考。1发生历史[1,2]当前有4种火蚁被发现分布在美国东南边境。其中热带火蚁(Solenopsis g…  相似文献   

文章介绍了红火蚁的危害特征,分析了目前国内外红火蚁防治的主要方法,对利用化学信息素类物质防治红火蚁的研究方法及进展进行了综述;通过借鉴化学信息素在其他害虫防治中的应用,重点分析了化学信息素在红火蚁防治中的必要性和可能性,对红火蚁相关信息素的特点和化学结构进行了详细描述,并介绍了相关化学信息素的合成方法,揭示了信息素类物质在红火蚁综合防治中的重要性及优越性。  相似文献   

红火蚁是世界范围内重要入侵有害生物,预测和研究红火蚁在我国的适生区,可为红火蚁的监测和防控提供理论依据。本研究搜集并整理红火蚁在我国区县级的发生点数据,通过计算2000—2022年间月最高气温、月最低气温和月降水量等19个生物气候变量之间的相关性,使用VIF和Pearson检验筛选获得6个最主要的气候变量,基于Biomod2的组合模型对当前红火蚁适生区进行了预测。结果显示,影响红火蚁适生区分布最重要的环境因子为气温季节性变动系数与平均气温日较差,当前时期的红火蚁高度适生区集中在海南、广东、广西、福建、浙江、贵州、云南、江西和重庆等省市,研究结果为红火蚁的监测预警和科学防控提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi causes severe wilting in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) worldwide. The pathogen is present in the soil profile in which carnation roots are distributed and may infect the plants at any time during the growing season. To minimize the losses induced by Fusarium wilt, growers use carnation cuttings free ofFusarium spp. and fumigate the soil with methyl bromide prior to planting. The severity of epidemics and the resulting losses are governed by the main and interacting effects of the three components of the disease syndrome: the host, the pathogen and the environment. Host variables include the type and the degree of cultivar resistance (i.e., complete, partial or tolerance); pathogen variables include the race, its virulence and infectivity, and the amount of initial inoculum; environmental variables include solar radiation intensity, photoperiod, temperature and the growth substrate. In the present review the information available on the effect of the host, the pathogen and the environment, and their interactions, on Fusarium wilt in carnation is summarized.  相似文献   

The rust fungus Maravalia cryptostegiae , from south-west Madagascar, was introduced into Australia in 1995 as a classical biological control agent against the highly invasive rubber-vine weed Cryptostegia grandiflora , a woody climber endemic to Madagascar. The rust was released at 69 sites between 1995 and 1997 and is now established throughout the plant's exotic range in Queensland, estimated at over 40 000 km2. Dispersal was low in the first 3–4 months but was virtually linear thereafter, and the rust spread over 100 km within the first year; after 3 years it was recorded 550 km away from the nearest release site. Spraying both dry and aqueous inoculum of uredinioid teliospores from the ground using mist-blowers, as well as from the air by atomizing spore suspensions, resulted in rust-induced defoliation, producing an overall reduction in fecundity and biomass of the weed. In sites with low water tables, weed growth decreased markedly, with a reduction in plant volume from 9 m−3 to 1 m−3 over a 4-year period. Both rust- and drought-induced stress combined to cause up to 75% plant mortality at some sites, and at all monitored sites, seedling recruitment was virtually nil. Improved growth of indigenous grasses amongst rubber-vine thickets has increased fuel loads and created opportunities to use fire as a component of an integrated approach to the management of this economically and ecologically damaging weed.  相似文献   

A sublethal dose (0.1 pmol per honeybee, i.e., approx. 0.9 pmol/g body wt) of the synthetic pyrethroid, deltamethrin, was injected intrathoracically into the hemocoel of emerging bees and the biochemical effects were determined over a period of 3 hr. The variations in hemolymph concentrations of trehalose, glucose, phospholipid, steroid, and diacylglycerol were limited, but large variations were observed for other lipids. Mono- and triacylglycerols increased dramatically 1.5 hr after injections; then a peak of free fatty acid appeared at the same time (3 hr) as the monoacylglycerols reached their maximum and the triacylglycerols started to decrease. Atypical forms of triacylglycerols accumulated from 1.5 hr to a maximum level 2 hr after injection. Then, after 3 hr, the concentrations of regular fatty acids, monoacylglycerols, and atypical triacylglycerols returned to normal while longer-chain fatty acids and different forms of ceride simultaneously appeared. The gut alkaline phosphatase parameters (VM, K, and Hill coefficient) also showed large variations 1.5 and 2 hr after injection, indicating an initial inhibition phase followed by superimposed induction and inhibition mechanisms. These data are discussed according to the hemolymph-lipid transport scheme from the biosynthetic to the utilization sites. Hormone release associated to mitochondrial alteration could be responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

The phosphorothionate insecticide diazinon was incubated with liver microsomes from the sheep, cow, pig, guinea-pig, rat, turkey, chicken and duck. Metabolism by liver slices of most of these species was also examined. Hydroxydiazinon, isohydroxydiazinon, dehydrodiazinon, their oxons and diazoxon were identified and determined quantitatively or semi-quantitatively. An eighth metabolite was tentatively identified as the 6-aldehyde analogue of diazinon. Yields and rates of production of these metabolites varied greatly between species. Production of oxons was not generally correlated with susceptibility to diazinon poisoning, although it was lowest in the least susceptible animal, the sheep. The degradation of oxons by liver slices was too slow to explain the low toxicity of diazinon to the mammals. The relative importance of hepatic and extrahepatic metabolism in determining toxicity to vertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   


A method was devised for estimating large populations of cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on cowpea. The densities of the aphid on stem, leaves and pod were first estimated in the laboratory for use in the field later. The densities were estimated in three arbitrary classes of infestation, viz. heavy, medium and low, determined visually based on the intensity of colonization. The densities of the aphid per cm2 on stems were 108.50, 49.77 and 2503, while on pods they were 80.68, 44.46 and 23.20, in the three classes of infestation respectively. The aphid did not show any preference for the thickness of stems whereas young pods were preferred to old pods for colonization. The mean aphid densities on leaflets of topmost leaves were 62.10, 36–35 and 18–50, while on leaflets of top 2nd and 3rd leaves they were 124–60, 69–35 and 38.20, in the three infestation classes respectively. Comparisons made between the aphid densities on different parts of cowpea plant showed that the aphid colonized them in descending order of preference as stem > pod > top most leaf > top 2nd and 3rd leaves.  相似文献   

Lantana camara L. is an invasive alien shrub of worldwide significance due to its impacts on biodiversity. It can alter the soil properties of invaded ecosystems and, as a result, affect management outcomes. However, knowledge on the impacts of L. camara on soil properties is scanty, especially in South Africa, despite the pervasive presence of the plant in the country. In this comparative study, the soils underneath L. camara were assessed in order to determine if they had different properties (soil physico‐chemical properties, penetration resistance, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity and water repellency) in comparison to the soils in adjacent natural sites in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Soil samples were collected from the top soil beneath the canopy of both L. camara‐invaded and adjacent natural sites in five different locations over three summer months. The soils that were collected from underneath L. camara had a significantly higher total C, total P, gravimetric soil moisture (in November and December) and were repellent, compared to the soils in the adjacent natural sites. Soil penetration resistance was significantly higher in the natural sites than in the L. camara‐invaded sites. The soil hydraulic conductivity, soil infiltration rate, soil pH, exchangeable cations and total N showed no significant difference between the invaded and the natural sites. It appears that the soils underneath L. camara have a high total C and total P, soil moisture and are repellent, thus influencing nutrient cycling, potentially making the soil properties underneath it ideal for its own growth. This could contribute to the success of L. camara as an invasive species.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the flowering holoparasitic plant, Orobanche aegyptiaca , infects its host without evoking a defence mechanism is still poorly understood. In this work, we studied several mechanisms used by phytopathogenic fungi. We focussed on the possible role of peroxidases during O. aegyptiaca penetration into the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana . A convenient experimental system for studying the interaction under sterile conditions was developed. The formation of extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected at the interaction site before, during, and after the parasite penetrated into the host. These extracellular ROS probably originated from the parasite. However, no intracellular ROS could be detected at the site of the interaction. Peroxidase activity was observed mainly at the apex of the root of the parasite and in the adventitious roots of the tubercle. Benzhydroxamic acid, a peroxidase inhibitor, was used to probe the possible role of peroxidase in the infection process. Peroxidase activity was observed in the root apex and adventitious roots of O. aegyptiaca, but no evidence was found for its participation in the actual infection process. Peroxidase activity was also found in the later stages of the interaction between the host and the parasite. We propose that peroxidases could have a role in generating extracellular ROS for loosening the cell wall of the host in order to facilitate penetration. Alternatively, the ROS could act in facilitating the root elongation of the parasite.  相似文献   

潜在外来入侵甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生性风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用MAXENT与GARP两种生态位模型对甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生性进行了风险分析和预测。结果表明甜菜孢囊线虫可在中国17个省市生存,适生范围为26°N~48°N,77.6°E~136°E。甜菜孢囊线虫入侵的高风险区:内蒙古南部、新疆西部、河北中南部、山西东北部、宁夏、甘肃北部;中风险区:北京、天津、陕西、山西大部、内蒙古西部和东南部、吉林西部、新疆北部;低风险区:河南、陕西南部、山东、内蒙古中东部、新疆中部、辽宁、吉林大部、黑龙江南部、江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江北部;而青海、新疆南部、西藏、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、海南、内蒙古少数地区和黑龙江部分地区属于基本不发生区。我国内蒙古、新疆、辽宁等省市甜菜种植区均适合甜菜孢囊线虫发生,对上述地区的进出口岸应加强甜菜孢囊线虫的检疫工作。  相似文献   

Dianisylneopentane or 1,1-bis(p-methoxyphenyl)-2,2-dimethylpropane was metabolized largely by O-demethylation to form mono- and diphenol derivatives. Only a small percentage was degraded by α-hydroxylation and rearrangement. In the model ecosystem, dianisylneopentane reacted very similarly to methoxychlor, accumulating in fish to about the same extent and yielding a slightly higher ratio of polar to nonpolar metabolites. The neopentyl group proved to be approximately as stable in biological systems as the isosterically equivalent trichloromethyl group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Modeling techniques were developed to quantify the probability of Tilletia indica entering and establishing in Western Australia (WA), and to simulate spread, containment, and the economic impact of the pathogen. Entry of T. indica is most likely to occur through imports of bulk grain or fertilizer (0.023 +/- 0.017 entries per year and approximately 0.009 +/- 0.009 establishments per year). Entry may also occur through straw goods, new or second-hand agricultural machinery, and on personal effects of travelers who have visited regions with infected plants. The combined probability of entry and establishment of T. indica, for all pathways of entry, is about one entry every 25 years and one establishment every 67 years. Alternatively, sensitivity analysis does show that increases in quarantine funding can reduce the probability of entry to about one entry every 50 years and less than one establishment every 100 years. T. indica is spread efficiently through contaminated farm machinery, seed and soil, rain, air currents, and animals. Depending on the rate of spread of the pathogen and the amount of resources allocated for detection, the time until first detection could range from 4 to 11 years and the economic impact could range from 8 to 24% of the total value of wheat production in WA.  相似文献   

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