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 近两年来,对采自河北省的3个市6个县和北京地区的67份小麦多年生近缘植物种子(包括4个属,14个种),繁种后,温室育苗至1-2叶期接种小麦白粉病菌,结果有4个属11个种的54份材料发病,占参试份数的80.6%,用其中4个属10个种的43个已发病材料的白粉病菌,回接小麦感病品种京双16号后,隔离培养,全部发病回接成功。  相似文献   

北京地区昆虫病原线虫的自然发生情况初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用大蜡螟诱集法,对在北京地区采集的175个土样进行了线虫分离,得到斯氏属线虫5个,异小杆属线虫6个,小杆线虫2个。土样有线虫率为13.1%。土样有线虫率与植被、土壤质地有关。从4种植被下采集土样的有线虫率分别是:果园28.2%、菜地10.5%、大田作物7.7%、未耕地0。4种土壤质地中土样有线虫率为:松沙土20.8%、砂壤土15.1%、中壤土12.2%、轻壤土5.4%。本土线虫对桃小食心虫、韭菜蛆、小木蠹蛾、二化螟的侵染力均高于引进的线虫。  相似文献   

 收集新疆地区的7个属22个种的多年生小麦近绿植物,进行了小麦白粉病菌10个生理小种的混合菌种接种和回接小麦实验,获得了成功,摘要如下。  相似文献   

1990年3月下旬,我市周至、长安两县猕猴桃出现嫩叶卷曲、萎蔫、果枝腐烂枯死现象。经我站在周至县猕猴桃试验站调查,450亩猕猴桃中均有不同程度发生,病株率8.7%,枯死果枝最多每株5个,对产量影响很大。我们将病枝进行了分离培养和回接,鉴定结果,该病是由葡萄孢属 Botrytis cinerea Pers ex Fr 所引起的猕猴桃灰霉病。经观察,在果枝茎部(分叉处)产生淡褐色、水浸状不规则病斑,并向上、下或围绕  相似文献   

河北省昆虫病原线虫资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大腊螟诱捕法,对采自河北省的1975个土样进行昆虫病原线虫分离。共分离出斯氏属线虫17个种群,异小杆属线虫49个种群,土壤带线虫率为3.34%。在斯氏属线虫中,其中格氏线虫有2个种群,新种A有一个种群,新种B有14个种群;而49个异小杆线虫种群均为嗜菌异小杆线虫。在河北南部邯郸及邢台地区,以斯氏线虫为主,而在中北部地区则以异小杆线虫为主。同时明确土样中的带线虫率与土壤植被以及土壤质地密切相关。未耕地以及以果树、蔬菜和大田作物为植被的土壤带线虫率分别为6.59%、5.13%、3.15%和2.9%;沙土、沙壤土、壤土以及粘土的带线虫率分别为8.57%、3.17%、3.36%和0。  相似文献   

从海南岛10个县/市,9科31种蔬菜采集其根际土壤样本59份,用浅盘分离法分离线虫,并对其进行了系统形态学观测.结果表明,共分离得到19属寄生线虫.其中发生最普遍的线虫为肾状线虫属(Rotylenchulus),检出率为55.93%,寄主多达8科21种蔬菜;滑刃属(Aphelenchus)次之,检出率为47.46%,寄主多达9科24种;螺旋属(Helicotylenchus)、丝尾垫刃属(Filenchus)和根结属(Me loidogyne)分布相对较广,检出率分别为35.59%、33.90%和23.73%,寄主也比较多;拟滑刃属(phelenchoides)等其他14属较少或零星发生.在养心菜(Sedum aizoon)检出滑刃属线虫为国内首次报道.  相似文献   

我国水稻纹枯病拮抗细菌种类研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
1996~2002年间从浙江、江苏、福建和云南等稻区采集稻种和稻株样本921份,从中分离出11635个细菌菌株,用平板对峙培养法进行了对水稻纹枯病菌的拮抗测试。经致病性测定、菌落形态及部分细菌学特征测定后,选出代表菌株631个连同26个对照菌株用Biolog及脂肪酸分析法进行测试。鉴定出假单胞菌属11个种或型,其中8个种内测到拮抗菌株,平均抑菌率为24.3%;其他非致病细菌14属的25种中13个种内存在拮抗菌,平均抑菌率为14.3%,明显低于假单胞菌属。  相似文献   

枣缩果病病原诊断初报   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
1992~1994年将在河北、河南采集的枣缩果病病果,经柯赫法则程序诊断及对分离菌鉴定、明确导致枣缩果病的病原有盾壳霉属的一种真菌Coniothyriumsp.、细链隔孢菌AlternariatenuisNees.、半知菌亚门无孢目有隔有色丝状菌3种弱寄生真菌和1种细菌。以上4种菌年累计分离率依次为14.90%、12.69%、11.47%、10.66%;而这4种菌占已出现菌落比分别为30.28%、25.79%、23.30%以及20.63%。  相似文献   

盛宝钦 《植物保护》1992,18(1):34-34
小麦白粉病菌寄主范围的研究,我国尚未见报道。Nava Eshed等在以色列发现有18个属37个种的野生植物,是小麦白粉病菌的中间寄主。笔者收集了54份小麦近缘植物,进行小麦白粉病菌的接种和回接,均获得成功,现通报如下。  相似文献   

正‘翠香猕猴桃’属美味猕猴桃品系,具有早熟优质、味道香甜等优点,是陕西省周至县、鄠邑区、眉县等猕猴桃主产区特有的主栽品种[1]。2013年起,陕西周至‘翠香猕猴桃’果园连年发生黑斑病,平均病园率达85.8%,病果率达48.5%以上[2]。该病在果实生长后期呈现黑色病斑症状并在低温贮藏期引起果实腐烂,严重制约了猕猴桃产业的发展。‘翠香猕猴桃’黑斑病病原菌种类、形成机理尚不明确。本研究针对该病发生情况进行田间调查和病原菌分离,通过回接试验  相似文献   

我国西北部分地区豆科植物根瘤菌资源调查研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对青海、甘肃、宁夏和陕西部分地区豆科植物根瘤菌资源调查,共采集到根瘤样品1850份,包括野生和栽培豆科植物有20属41种,采集的根瘤86%着生在侧根或须根上,根瘤的形状主要有棒状、掌状、球状、珊瑚状,颜色多为黄色、粉色,少数呈白色或褐色.调查研究发现,六盘山棘豆为新发现的豆科结瘤植物;兴隆山棘豆为青海新记录植物.豆科植物与根瘤菌共生结瘤及根瘤特征,除了与寄主植物的遗传特性、发育时期有关外,还与其所处的生态环境(水分、温度、光照、土壤结构、土壤pH等)有密切的关系.  相似文献   

对祁连山部分地区豆科植物根瘤菌资源进行了调查,从9属32种野生豆科植物根部采集到根瘤样品427份。调查结果显示:调查区豆科植物资源种类丰富,所采集根瘤形状多为棒状、掌状及不规则状,颜色以粉色和黄色为主,着生部位主要为侧根;影响该区豆科植物结瘤的因素除与寄主植物生育阶段及遗传特性有关外,还与地形、土壤、气候、生物及人为因子等多种生态因素密切相关,其中地形及土壤是影响结瘤的关键因子。  相似文献   

宁夏豆科植物根瘤菌资源调查及其生态分布   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对宁夏野生及栽培豆科植物结瘤固氮资源的调查,从24属47种豆科植物根部采集到根瘤样品748份,通过调查显示:兴隆山棘豆和单叶黄芪为新发现的豆科结瘤植物;此地区根瘤主要为黄色或褐色,性状以球形和棒状为主,主要着生在侧根;影响宁夏豆科植物结瘤的因素有水分、土壤肥力和植物的生育阶段;根据生长习性、地理分布和利用状况,将宁夏豆科植物根瘤菌资源分为干旱区、山坡草地区和耕地区.  相似文献   

以从陕西商州铅锌尾矿区豆科植物中分离纯化的12株根瘤菌为对象,采用固体平板接种培养法研究了菌株耐铅、锌单盐与铅锌双盐胁迫的能力,同时用液体试管振荡培养法测定了菌株的生理生化特征。结果表明,该区域的豆科植物根瘤菌对铅、锌单盐胁迫具有良好的耐性,但对铅锌双盐胁迫的耐性明显低于单盐。耐性菌株在生理生化特性上存在广泛差异,对铅锌耐性越强的根瘤菌,其阳性生理生化特征也越多。实验初步筛选到了3株耐铅锌胁迫能力强的根瘤菌菌株CH3、MX7和HZ10,它们分别与豆科植物刺槐(Robinia pseucdoacacia)、天蓝苜蓿(Medicago lupulina)和多花胡枝子(Lespedeza floribunda Bunge)共生。研究可以得出耐性根瘤菌对铅锌胁迫的抵抗能力可能是建立在其具有多种生理代谢反应基础上的,即它们通过改变代谢途径以适应重金属的污染环境,对铅锌胁迫耐性强的根瘤菌菌株在重金属尾矿区的土壤和植被恢复中有潜在的开发应用价值。  相似文献   


Genista monspessulana and Genista linifolia are woody legumes with a high potential value for the rehabilitation of degraded soils , although field establishment of the plantlets in nonnative soils is very difficult because of the lack of specific rhizobial strains . In this work the rhizobia that nodulate the two species were tenta tively classified as a Bradyrhizobium sp . Only those soils with naturally occurring G. monspessulana or G. linifolia, now or in the past , had specific bradyrhizobia . Out of the six rhizobial strains analyzed , only Bradyrhizobium sp . ISLU21 , iso lated from Lupinus luteus, nodulated with the species studied . Out of the 11 legumes inoculated with the strains isolated from G. monspessulana and G. linifolia, only L. luteus produced infective nodules . In a field experiment , plants inocu lated with the specific bradyrhizobia isolates showed higher survival , growth rates , and N content than the noninoculated controls .  相似文献   

Possible side-effects of the acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on Bradyrhizobium japonicum (Kirchner & Jordan) in pure culture and on inoculated soybean plants growing under controlled conditions were investigated. Growth of B japonicum strain E109 was not affected by this herbicide even when exposed to concentrations 150 times higher than recommended field doses. However, nodulation of soybean plants treated 5 days after emergence with chlorimuron-ethyl at standard application rates was impaired: a 38% decrease in the number of nodules per plant was observed four weeks after treatment. Despite nodule number decrease, no changes in shoot nitrogen content could be detected. Total fresh biomass was diminished by 25% in herbicide-treated plants. Leghemoglobin content in nodules did not vary; nevertheless total nodule protein was diminished by 40% in the herbicide-treated group. ALS activity in different soybean tissues and their relative sensitivity to chlorimuron-ethyl were also investigated. Roots and bacteroids had the greatest specific ALS activities. On a fresh weight basis, the bacteroid fraction displayed the highest ALS activity and was also the most tolerant to in vitro chlorimuron addition: 72% of its activity was retained after including 10 microM chlorimuron-ethyl in the reaction mixture. These results indicate that standard application rates of chlorimuron-ethyl will have limited incidence on B japonicum survival, and effects on nodulation may have little long-term consequences on soybean nitrogen fixation potential. The differences found among soybean tissues not only in intrinsic ALS activity but also in their relative sensitivity to this herbicide suggests that, in leguminous plants living in symbiosis with rhizobia, nodules may contribute to an enhanced tolerance to ALS inhibitors.  相似文献   

The host range of Polymyxa betae on common arable weed species in Britain was determined by growing plants in naturally infested soil and examining their root systems for the presence of resting spores (cystosori). Of the 24 species tested, only Atriplex patula and Chenopodium album of the Chenopodiaceae, and Silene alba of the Caryophyllaceae, were found to be heavily infected. S. alba is a newly recorded host species for Polymyxa. The host specificity of isolates of P. betae from Beta vulgaris, C. album and A. patula was investigated by observing which of 11 test plants could be infected by the isolates obtained from this soil. Three main biotypes of P. betae appeared to be distinguishable: one which was able to infect all chenopodiaceous species; one which had a narrower host range; and one which was able to infect S. alba. The role of weed species in the epidemiology of rhizomania is discussed.  相似文献   

中国沙棘和俄罗斯沙棘根瘤的形态解剖特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步开发利用沙棘的生态效能,揭示其不同品种间的差异性与规律性,2003~2006年对沙棘的4个种类,不同立地条件的沙棘根瘤结构采用根瘤切片法,进行显微观察研究,结果表明:生长在同一生境下的中国沙棘、俄罗斯沙棘的根瘤形态解剖结构差异很大,中国沙棘的皮层厚度比俄罗斯沙棘相对要厚,维管束直径大,维管束内细胞、维管束外细胞均小,泡囊及泡囊密度均大,这与其原产地域密切相关;同一种类在立地条件不同的山地、滩地、人工林的中国沙棘根瘤组织结构各部分也有明显差异,人工林中国沙棘皮层厚度比滩地及山地的中国沙棘皮层厚度要厚、维管束直径也大,随着立地条件不同的人工林、滩地及山地的土壤水分逐渐减少、土壤肥力逐渐减弱,维管束内细胞、维管束外细胞明显变小,泡囊大小、泡囊密度则为山地最大、且数量最多。中国沙棘根瘤解剖结构与其生态适应性密切相关,长期的自然选择形成了中国沙棘根瘤结构适应其严酷的立地条件变化的特征。  相似文献   

甘肃中西部豆科植物根瘤菌多样性调查研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
通过对甘肃中西部地区豆科植物共生固氮资源多样性的调查,共获得豆科植物根瘤样品452份,涉及18个属,30个种,分离得到328株根瘤菌。调查结果显示:(1)本地区豆科植物资源贫乏,但适应性强,大多数都具有抗干旱、耐盐耐碱特性。(2)土壤干旱和土壤高盐浓度是影响根瘤形成的重要限制因子。(3)本地区豆科植物根瘤形状多为棒状、球状,部分为不规则状;颜色为红色、浅褐色、褐色、黄色,部分为白色、黑色。(4)许多豆科植物——根瘤菌共生固氮体系已被广泛应用于防风固沙、防治水土流失及改善生态环境等方面。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Anthracnose is one of the major fungal diseases of strawberry occurring worldwide. In Israel, the disease is caused primarily by the species Colletotrichum acutatum. The pathogen causes black spot on fruit, root necrosis, and crown rot resulting in mortality of transplants in the field. The host range and specificity of C. acutatum from strawberry was examined on pepper, eggplant, tomato, bean, and strawberry under greenhouse conditions. The fungus was recovered from all plant species over a 3-month period but caused disease symptoms only on strawberry. Epiphytic and endophytic (colonization) fungal growth in the different plant species was confirmed by reisolation from leaf tissues and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-specific primer amplification. C. acutatum was also isolated from healthy looking, asymptomatic plants of the weed genera Vicia and Conyza. Isolates that were recovered from the weeds caused disease symptoms on strawberry and were positively identified as C. acutatum by PCR. The habitation of a large number of plant species, including weeds, by C. acutatum suggests that, although it causes disease only on strawberry and anemone in Israel, this fungus can persist on many other plant species. Therefore, plants that are not considered hosts of C. acutatum may serve as a potential inoculum source for strawberry infection and permit survival of the pathogen between seasons.  相似文献   

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